To my knowledge, only a trailer without gameplay has been shown, but that is most likely. This is going to likely be story focused. There are a couple of characters shown, but they are told they aren't vault hunters and this would only result in their deaths, or worse. Doubt we will see them fighting off hundreds of bundits, skrags and loaders.
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I can't believe there are people who think Borderlands is bad. But it still happens. Opinions are like that.
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Eh, I felt that was decent. And the same with Duke Nukem Forever.
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Duke Nukem was handed down to them by 3D realms or whatever, thats why it wasnt horrible. Aliens was SUPPOSED TO BE made by gearbox, but they blew it off, sent it to some crappy outsourced companies and wrecked it by giving them no time to work on it. Its a disaster man, you cant even say it wasnt. Sure they may have tried to touch stuff up (by touch up, i mean the frickin like 5gb patch to add FILM GRAIN TO COVER UP MISTAKES) after the fact, but they still lied with the demo that looks better (pre-rendered) than the actual game, not to mention a lot of stuff that was "cut" (obviously never present, pre-rendered, again) from the demo to the full game.
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Actually, I can't say it was. I played it months later, and while people don't want to admit to it, stuff has been fixed in that time. My experience with it was a playable game that just didn't have anything great. It wasn't bad, it just won't impress people.
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Borderlands isn't bad by any means, it's enjoyable, but Gearbox isn't that great of a company.
For example Aliens:Colonial Marines was supposed to come out years ago but Gearbox kept telling Sega that they needed more time and money and for years Sega did just that. Problem was that Gearbox used this money to create the Borderlands IP and neglected Colonial Marines. They probably used the money for Borderlands 2 as well but I can't be too sure with that. Then Sega denied their last plea since they wanted Aliens: Colonial Marines to come out near the release of of Prometheus and this is when Gearbox knew they were screwed since they were almost done with Borderlands 2 and didn't even start with Colonial Marines. So what Gearbox did was hire another developer to work on Colonial Marines while they were working on Borderlands 2. Randy was pissed off how little the other developer did with the game with be little time they had (as opposed to Gearbox having years to work on it). So hen the two developers rushed the game before the release date and you know the rest.
also Duke Nukem Forever is as great as Half-Life 2 according to pitchford
And then there's the incident where Borderlands copied the artstyle from a short film but not before contacting them telling the person "we'd like to hire you for a special project!" only to later say "we're no longer working on the said projec your services won't be needed"
So it's not that Gearbox isn't capable of making fun games it's that they're just a scummy developer who are clearly in it for the money yet people like them, yet hate Phil Fish for expressing his views.
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While I didn't play it at release, when I played it in July, I had no major problems, just the occasional lost team mate AI. Its not great, but it was decent enough that I finished the game and even purchased the single player DLC.
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You click furiously on an over-sized "Help" button and hammer 'F1' for good measure. After an inconceivable period of apparent inactivity, a completely unrelated message will pop up on your screen, and the whole process begins again.
Achievements will be present, in particular the indescribably rare "Resolved" accolade.
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To be honest, I don't like their serious stuff. I loved Hector, still can't seem to make myself play Walking Dead.
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Just like any medium, a game doesn't have to be one or the other. Plenty of superficially funny stuff has deeply thought provoking stuff bubbling just beneath the surface :)
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Not sure I care enough about any of the Borderlands characters. Aren't they just there to facilitate more shooting and quests?
What next? A Pacman point and click, exploring the ghosts' back-stories, and the little yellow guy's eating disorder?
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The funny thing is that Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures for SNES/Genesis is basically this. He can eat things from the garbage, gets high off of wasp honey and breaks down in paralysis if you can convince him to eat caterpillars while high. The ghosts are also shown to be collaborating with a witch. (Pacman can also fly around with a cape to beat the crap out of ghosts)
It is also a first-person cat, dog and hotdog salesman shooter
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This sounds so bad its almost like its suited for Greenlight
I guess target audience is aimed at BadMemelands sheeple who have no problems getting milked every few weeks for some half assed dlc
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Yes, because everyone knows Borderlands for its ... ahem ... amaaaaaaazing ... story. Good job Tell Tell.
In all honesty, I bet they can pull it off.
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Well, I definitely can't see this working out.
Gearbox making a Borderlands game by themselves- good (even great if they remember to fix more bugs this time around).
Gearbox making any game together with any other developer, ever- going by their track record, very bad.
Since it's Telltale, that pretty much guarantees an adventure game. Add to that that Telltale's usual approach to "serious" stories has comic relief characters exist only to die in an extra horrible and tragic way, so the comedy gets undercut hard. With other words this will probably end up being a "Borderlands" game that's missing everything that makes Borderlands what it is...
If they miraculously manage to pull off a funny game which somehow uses the point-and-click model in the Borderlands universe without being absolute shit, then great. But I definitely don't see that happening. :/
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So, you never actually played any of their games before The Walking Dead, did you? They cut their teeth on comedies - three seasons of Sam & Max, Bone, Wallace & Gromit, Tales of Monkey Island, Strong Bad, two hilarious Poker Night games... they are more than capable of doing a Borderlands adventure game.
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Yep, I haven't. But from what I know about those games, they are all silly- as in, they are made to be comedies. However, the closer you look at Borderland's story, the darker it gets. Most of the comedy comes from references, everything being over the top, the stupidly of a lot of expendable background characters and the occasional really bad jokes. I don't think those would translate very well if Telltale takes The-Walking-Dead-story-focused approach to it. But like I said- it remains to be seen. I'm just not getting my hopes up. ^_^
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Interesting enough. Hope they amp up the comedy instead of the dark&edgy though, Borderlands franchise is much closer in tone to Sam&Max than Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us etc.
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This is my hope as well. A humorous Telltale game set in that whacked out universe could be a tremendous amount of fun.
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Telltale is really piling it on lately, huh?
The Walking Dead Season 2
The Wolf Among Us
Game of Thrones
All at once? And knowing they have serious trouble keeping to their deadlines with just one game...
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em, im not sure how to feel about this, knowing telltale this is gonna be a point and click game, and well that just doesnt feel very borderlandish. but lets see how it turns out.
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TWD was one of the best games I ever played, story wise. The Wolf Among Us is great as well. I'm a fan of the GoT books and series and I really enjoyed Borderlands 2.
Telltale should be cautious for overkill. But I'm happy with every announcement they made until now.
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