Long story short: you can create a new "family", add 5 people to it and all their libraries will be shared between each other and as long as number of people who want to play same game isn't bigger than number of copies bought, they can play it.

So, no need to go offline if you want to play your copy of Cyberpunk and someone else want to play your copy of Baldurs Gate 3. And now the 3rd person can play your copy of Life is Strange at same time as other person plays your BG3.

There's apparently some geolocking involved, but I had no problem adding family all over the city, I am guessing it might be country-limited?

11 months ago

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fake making it look better well actually making it worse, yet again.
we shall see. im currently sharing with 3 family members who live in different places.

11 months ago

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Not sure about the "fake" part, they are being clear about the intended use of the feature:

Who can be in a Steam Family?

While we know that families come in many shapes and sizes, Steam Families is intended for a household of up to 6 close family members.

To that end, as we monitor the usage of this feature, we may adjust the requirements for participating in a Steam Family or the number of members over time to keep usage in line with this intent.

11 months ago

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geolocked, yes.

Tried with some Chilean friend and says account must be on the same country

11 months ago

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^^ seen reports of people in the EU who live close but in different country's not being able to share anymore

11 months ago

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That's Valve for you. They have a definite American mentality. Geolocking to a country in Europe is like geolocking games within a State but they don't think like that, that would be nonsense.

11 months ago

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Damn. There goes my game sharing with my gf when she's away.
Another great "improvement", Steam.

11 months ago

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that sounds neat... but im wondering...
im currently using family sharing with my husband...
do i need to do something to go from the "old" family sharing to the "new" family sharing?
do you still need to log into steam on their pc so they can see your games?

11 months ago

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No, only opt into the new beta and invite.

11 months ago

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hmmm... none of us are using beta client... guess ill have to wait until it goes past beta ? or how does it work?

11 months ago

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Yes, just wait for live update.

11 months ago

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You can opt in by following the directions they mention on the steam news page. Just go to interface on the settings and choose family beta,

11 months ago

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yeah but both of us would need to do that... and thats not going to happen ^^;
but thanks anyway

11 months ago

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The option to play any of your games while your family member is playing one particular game that you're not playing is a good update, compared to what we had up to now, where starting any game would kick family member out of their game.

11 months ago

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its worse.

11 months ago

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I recently came across the 'borrowing-a+game' feature.

If you log onto a computer under one account and install a game from that account's library, and later log in on the same computer with another account, that second account can also play the installed game, 'borrowing' it.

As for the topic, completely sharing your whole library, that'd be tricky for me, having horror games and not wanting those to appear in my sons' account's library.

11 months ago

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i read through it a bit....
you can add your son as a "child" and apparently decide which games he can play

im still not sure about visability for both children and adults alike... especially about certain adult games i wouldnt want others to see
edit: maybe by using the private feature...?

11 months ago

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Thanks -- I'll look into that.

11 months ago

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Parental control features let adults:
Allow access to appropriate games
Restrict access to the Steam Store, Community or Friends Chat
Set playtime limits (hourly/daily)
View playtime reports
Approve or deny requests from child accounts for additional playtime or feature access (temporary or permanent)
Recover a child's account if they lost their password

As an extra, I'd like to point out this extra, in case you could be affected:

What happens if my brother gets banned for cheating while playing my game?
If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) will also be banned in that game. Other family members are not impacted.

11 months ago

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The Private feature does not hide games from Family Sharing. When using Family Sharing, your entire library is shared - including Private and Hidden games. You need to use Family View on the child account to hide adult/horror/shovelware stuff, which will become part of the Parental Control features in the Beta version.

11 months ago

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so essentially there is no way to hide "inappropriate" games from family members that arent "children"
too bad

11 months ago

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There is, in my second sentence.

You need to use Family View on the child account to hide adult/horror/shovelware stuff, which will become part of the Parental Control features in the Beta version.

Edit: Steam FAQ: Family View
Right now it needs to be setup on the account you want to restrict (child account), in the new version the settings will be on the adult account's side.

Oooh okay, just noticed the aren't. Yeah, you'll have to have them hide the games on their side, or have them set the account as a child account if they don't use Steam much. I guess the only situation where that would be a problem would be if an adult and a older teen want to share games, and one of them have inappropriate games they don't want the other one to see.

11 months ago*

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yeah, they only mention hiding stuff from children but not fellow adults

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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Heh, sounds like it works as intended. Quite good idea for actual 'families', but not if you just want to pool accounts to play more games.

11 months ago

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"Family" was really just a misnomer. The feature was already pretty limited as it was since you couldn't access your library while someone else was using it etc

11 months ago

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so you mean i can play for exemple cyberpunk on my pc and my brother play nfs from my steam acount at the same time ?!

11 months ago

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Yep. Each account has its own saves, achievements and whatnot

11 months ago

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thats nice :o

11 months ago

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by the way i also noticed not all game are shared , games that require a second client like ea and ubisoft games

11 months ago

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Yeah, they wouldn't just hand over authorization to another corporation, so it's logical that they can't do that, as even if they would be willing to do that, you'd have to manually opt-into the service through a changed EULA of theirs. It worked like that with the Family Share as well, like Rayman Legends wasn't shareable (EA game)

The post has an FAQ part regarding the game selection, in a nutshell it is as it was, but the devs can opt-out later.

Which games are currently eligible for Family Sharing?
A game's developer controls whether a game is eligible for sharing with Steam Families. All developer settings for the previous Steam Family Sharing feature are being brought forward to Steam Families. So, if a game is currently eligible for Family Sharing, it will remain so in the new system unless the developer chooses to opt-out later.
In addition, not all games can be shared due to technical limitations. For example, titles that require an additional third-party key, account, or subscription in order to play cannot be shared between accounts.
We want as many games as possible to be accessible via Family Sharing, but we realize some games might have special cases where this feature isn’t feasible or doesn’t give users a good experience. Developers who have these concerns can reach out to us via the partner support page to get help with options and solutions.

11 months ago

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yeah make sense

11 months ago

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Not really specified in the FAQ, games that you got in -100% promotions are restricted, too. They state that the game will have "some restrictions" when you add it to your account, and they say you won't be getting trading cards, but they don't tell you that you also won't be able to share it.

11 months ago

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We haven't really had "collision of interests" too often, but this really opens up the possibilities

11 months ago

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Sounds like, now several people can use games from one library if it not same game, it will be awesome if its.

11 months ago

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That's what it sounds to me too (which wasn't the case before). That would be nice indeed.

11 months ago

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Does family sharing work with DLCs? I didnt get Hitman 2 Legacy pack before it got delisted. If any of my friends who have that dlc share the game with me, will I be able to complete it within my own game?

11 months ago

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yep my dlcs showed up im my brother acount

11 months ago

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If both you and friend have the game but different DLCs, you will be able to complete the game on your account, but you'll have to use friend's copy, their DLCs won't appear on your account.

Which means if you have Game + DLC1 and friend have Game + DLC2, then officially you can't merge them into Game + DLC1 + DLC2 (unofficially, depends how game check DLC ownership - some check if DLC is on account, others just check if you have files).

11 months ago

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Very interesting. That wasn't possible before, with the original Family Sharing - you couldn't borrow DLCs for a base game you own.
That is very nice, I also really want to play Hitman 2...

11 months ago

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As someone who used family sharing to share with family, I'm happy it will no longer lock my library or kick my kid when I start a game without checking first. Sucks for the older kids who moved abroad, though...

11 months ago

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Sounds really nice for those who want to share games with their families, specially those who want to share their libraries with their kids but limit which games they have access to. I have no use for this currently tho.

11 months ago

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Hmmm, if this only requires giving permission to an account rather than to a PC in particular (like the old Family Sharing did) then I'd be able to give access to my cousin again without having to go to his city and physically access his "new" computer (his computer short-circuited and had to be reset... or something... whatever it was, it removed the authorization I gave it). Not having to worry about kicking him or my nephew out of a game when I wanna play something is a huge improvement too. So... if it works as intended, it'd be an upgrade for me... for now.

11 months ago

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You could also always use something like Teamviewer to remotely access his PC and give authorization.

11 months ago

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I know... but for security reasons I'd prefer that if I have to login somewhere, it'd be in-person.

11 months ago

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Understandable. I've only done it with people I completely trust.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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If someone cheats on a game you've shared with them, everyone else it's shared with gets banned from that game too.

Careful with who you share with!

11 months ago

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Only the owner, and whoever gets the actual ban, there's an FAQ point regarding to this exact situation.

If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) will also be banned in that game. Other family members are not impacted

11 months ago*

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Thanks for clarifying - still, watch who gets to play your games people!

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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this is/was the case with the original family sharing as well. no change here

11 months ago

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At first this change sounded exciting. But the more I read it, the less I think I like it. It feels like a half-step backwards and could even hint steam is considering a heavy Netflix-style account sharing crackdown. In the current system, I can share my library with my sibling and my child, but without expecting them to share with each other. And if my sibling wants to share with their child, they can do so completely independently of me. In the new system, if I want to continue sharing with my sibling, it also means our children (aka cousins) have to share game libraries with each other too.

11 months ago

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Yes but before only one person could play at a time. Now at least two people can use the same account.

11 months ago

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The nice part about this system is that if you all have copies of the same game, there wont be conflicting problems playing at the same time. Before, you couldn't use your acc when someone played a game from your library. So now, you could have a family member try out a game, and if they really like it and you want to play it, then they can either way till you're playing something else, or buy the extra copy.

11 months ago

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Can you be part of multiple families?

11 months ago

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Pretty sure this implies you can't:

[...] Adults can leave a family at any time, however, they will need to wait 1 year from when they joined the previous family to create or join a new family.

11 months ago

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Nope. The accounts part of a same family get grouped together.

11 months ago

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If you could there'd be no point to buy games anymore, it would be one master acc store set up by a capitalist business where they invite people to different families, buy a few copies of each game, and then after they finish the playthrough kick them out, and they'll charge a sub fee like a game pass fee to join the family. Highly doubt steam will ever go in this direction, as it's basically shutting down their own business, and allowing "entrepreneurs" to exploit steam instead. Doubt it's in steams interest to go this route.

11 months ago

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What I find funny about this thread is to see how many people never heard of Family Sharing before this, lol.

My take on this Beta is that it's making it better, but the way it's intended: sharing games with your household so you don't need to buy them multiple times. This will make it harder for people to share games with friends across the globe (so split families will be collateral damage, but they weren't part of the intended audience anyway), and will restrict who they can share to (since the Steam Family is a locked group with a 1 year cooldown, not just 1 account sharing to other accounts with a 90 day period).

Steam FAQ about the original/current Family Library Sharing feature:

11 months ago

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That would be me, I know it existed? I guess? But I had no idea it was out already, I thought it was a Steam beta thing just like the new client was a few months back. It's going to be so cool for my brother even my mom to play some of my games I have grow to love. Such a cool feature if it is implemented correctly.

11 months ago

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I had no idea it was out already, I thought it was a Steam beta thing

Makes sense. 😅

It's going to be so cool for my brother even my mom to play some of my games

My mom played a bit of Garfield Kart through Family Sharing. 😆

When you use that feature though, remember they will have access to your entire library (well, eligible titles, but still)... I don't know how old your brother is, but maybe considering setting your mother's account as a child account so you can curate her library (that's what I did, I put Family View on her account so she only see a dozen of games she is or might be interested in instead of being swarmed by the 300+ games I have including shovelware and AAA titles her laptop most definitely can't handle).
And also keep in mind privating/hiding games on your account doesn't affect shared libraries... Well, in the current system, that is. I don't know how it is in the beta.

11 months ago

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you still do have to buy games multiple times if you want to play them together and they aren't split / shared screen and you have controllers. would love to share more of my multiplayer games i got cheap in bundles with my kids but don't want to buy extra copies if the multiplayer isn't actually good.

still, being able to play something out of my library while my son is playing my copy of plants vs zombies is an improvement! i wonder if this will also allow me to leave an idler game running on my main computer and then start up a controller game on my htpc, which are both signed into my steam account. right now it won't let me do that even though i can totally leave the idler running as long as i launch my second game on the same computer.

11 months ago

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I mean yeah, makes sense to me. While it would have been nice, there are way too many ways for it to be abused, so I doubt it'd ever be a thing. There are probably mods lying around that can help with that, though.
And, yes, a huge improvement! I read that multiple times to be sure I didn't misunderstand since it is specifically not the case in the current version of Family Sharing, but other people mentioned this so I was like okay, they do that now. 😆
But yeah, being able to have an idler on one computer and play on a different one would be nice, or even just have ASF in background while playing on the same device for example. Doubt it'll happen, but well.

11 months ago

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neat idea tbh

11 months ago

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I wonder if this solves the issue that you cannot play games on two different devices at same time from same account. Even if those games are free... Probably not, that would be too much to ask. Me playing idle game on main PC and then something else on Deck.

11 months ago

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It makes no sense as to why they'd ever allow this intentionally, unless you got two heads and 4 arms. I get you wanting to afk hours in an idle game, but do that when you sleep maybe. It would be like asking them to willingly provide another exploit for afking hours and faking acc data.

They provided you a secondary option, make a separate acc and make a family for yourself and now you can play the games from the main on two accts effectively being able to idle on your pc and steam deck on an alt.

11 months ago

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I don't get the problem. If they're free games, you can just add the game to all the accounts. If they're not free, then yeah, they'll never allow being able to simultaneously play more copies than are owned in the group.

11 months ago

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i've run into a similar issue. idler on my main pc means i can't launch lego batman from my same account on the htpc in my living room to play with my son. i can of course run the idler on my main pc while also launching lego batman (or whatever else i want to actively play) on that same pc, so weird it makes a distinction.

guess when it's different devices it could be different people? like i could have a huge library and give the login information to everyone i know and then we could all play different single player games at the same time. maybe they could let it count against the family and allow same account different devices to run different games at the same item up to the family account limit.

i could try setting up the htpc with its own steam account and add that to my family (i have 4 people in my family now) but i'd rather have the achievements on games i only really play in the living room still be on my main account.

11 months ago

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guess when it's different devices it could be different people?

Yes, exactly. And the next sentence, too.
The sentence afterwards is interesting, though. I'd like to see that happen.

11 months ago

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I wonder how it will go with family sharing with my husband who works abroad but still comes home. Steam country is still same as mine. Will he no longer be able to play games I own while he is out of country? Well guess I'll find out soon enough. Sucks if it is no longer possible though.

11 months ago

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I guess that's what it means. I'm in the same boat with my gf who goes back and forth between France and Portugal.

11 months ago

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Sounds like a nice update in my case!
It would be nice to be able to chose which games not to share. Not that I'm in need of that now. But if it was possible I would make an account for my nieces who would only get appropriate games shared.

11 months ago

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Parental control features let adults:
Allow access to appropriate games

So seems there is some options.

11 months ago

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Thank you! I'll take a look at it!

11 months ago

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Steam trying to make steam better and allow the library to be played at the same time on multiple accounts by family members, while steam users are constantly looking for any way to replicate the "netflix scenario" where you'd have hundreds of users sharing the same account.

Like come on, just use the feature for it's intended purpose for once.

11 months ago

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Like come on, just use the feature for it's intended purpose for once.

That's a limited perspective. My gf is from Portugal. She now shares her life between France, where we live, and Portugal, where she visits her family, and works part time with her law practice for several months at a time.
We never used the feature to abuse the system. We shared games to have fun together when we're apart.
The only other persons I have shared games with are my nephews on a temporary basis (who share their lives between Canada, where their dad is, and France where their Mom is) so the feature is now useless for me.

It's not an unusual situation. I have colleagues whose families live all over Europe. I have a friend whose husband lives in Sweden while he himself lives in Norway.

It would have been way more useful to just lock the feature to a couple accounts rather than geolocking it, if the goal was to crack down on abusers but as always Steam just made an arbitrary decision that affects more than the abusers.

11 months ago

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My comment was more regarding the people looking to see if they can exploit it in any way like join multiple families and quick swap, etc. and I believe there are solutions for yours that I don't know if you've tried yet, so I don't think it's limited. I think the more open we want the feature to be, the more it's available to be exploited, so they have to put some restraints somewhere.

However there are some things regarding your concern as well that I am interested in if you've already tested. Regarding your situation with your gf, it seems to me like she should be able to set her steam to France, and then you two should be able to use the feature, and when she goes to portugal, she should still be able to use her acc. Does this not work or?

As for the nephews, steam intended this feature for "immediate" family. While I understand you wanting to share with them they don't exactly qualify for that imo. Still, if they set their accts to France, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do this as it would be to them, or their parents to explain to support they live half and half in different countries.

I mean whether they set to Canada or Portugal and then region hop back to France every 6 months or so I'm sure steam has a flag system for that but nothing happened so far to them, so setting it to France and then to Canada or Portugal should still set the flag, but wouldn't do any harm from what I see. Isn't that a solution to your problems?

You could also message steam support to explain your situation, and I'm pretty sure they can make individual adjustments. I wouldn't know about the nephews but I imagine once they leave add them to the family if they'd decide to leave and move to another family, they have to wait a 1 year period, which makes sense. So I assume they might be somewhat lenient on people asking to add family from overseas to their family group, but that's for support to answer.

11 months ago

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Regarding your situation with your gf, it seems to me like she should be able to set her steam to France, and then you two should be able to use the feature, and when she goes to portugal, she should still be able to use her acc.

We mostly use the feature when she's away to do something fun together without being together. When she's here she can just use my laptop to play.

Still, if they set their accts to France, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do this as it would be to them, or their parents to explain to support they live half and half in different countries.

They live half the time in Canada so I don't know if they'd be able to buy games there anymore. I guess I could make alt accounts for them when they're here though.

Isn't that a solution to your problems?

I haven't tried but I would imagine accounts are locked out of the feature based on their IP and not their region since France and Portugal are in the same Steam region.

I don't know if Steam will make exceptions but I'll definitely send them a message to explain how the feature might be inconvenient to people like me. They could have just limited the feature to a few accounts to avoid abuse and left out the geolock entirely.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into it.

11 months ago

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Looks awesome. That family members can play uninterrupted is a blessing and so are the parental controls.

11 months ago

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Can you do this as right now? What a great idea☺️ Reading through this treat gives me hope about sharing is caring, amazing if steam has this function!

11 months ago

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Currently it's in beta, so you and rest of "family" have to manually sign in - best check link for instructions.

11 months ago

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Yeah did read through this link,
With manueally you mean i have to give access to them through a code i think it called Steam Guard every time they want to access my games?
Cheers ☺️

11 months ago

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I meant the link in the main post,

By "manually" I mean you have to go to settings and change Client Beta Participation, as they show in "Join the Steam Family Beta".

11 months ago

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A yes i see :)

11 months ago

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