We all love steamgifts.com, that's a fact. I've been rather Sunday giver / winner with my level 4. Yet I was thinking recently of something that (at least in my opinion) may improve system a bit.

At the moment we have 300p to spend at one go, at least twice as much during the day, when (P) rise slowly after use. So basically it's like 600-700 points to spend daily (YES, I'm not sure, so I may be wrong). Now..this makes a lot of points to spend daily with so many users. If we could slower the time of replenishing points for new and low level users, what will happen?

  • entries (spending points) will be chosen more carefully (higher chance to win)
  • users may be encouraged to create some giveaways to level up (more games for everybody)

Yes, you may say that some users will leave, but I don't think so, as they will still have a chance to win something if they are here just to take not to give. Will that cause multi accounts? Maybe. But we know it's not allowed anyway. And yes you may think that higher level users have giveaways just for themselves with higher chance to win, but why stop there?

My idea is to extend the time to replenish points. So for level 1 it should take 3 days (72h) to replenish full 300 points (I think more than 3 days is too much), for level 2 that would be 60h, level 3 48, 4 - 36, 5 - 24, 6-12, 7: 1 day, 8-10: twice a day. Of course it's just a draft...

Go and enjoy the sun.


Ah well.. thanks for all comments. I still think there's too many points around to spend, so if they cannot be lower by the way I proposed, there should be other way. Or not.

8 years ago*

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Should time of replenishing points (P) depend on user level?

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Don't know
Summer is coming

While I'm advocating for reducing the rate at which points are replenished, I'm firmly agains it to be tied to the level.

8 years ago

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It's not currently time-based, it's based on value of giveaways. On a slow day with few giveaways, you might only get 400 points. On the day a new bundle of high point games hits, you might gain over 1000.

Doing the math to include user level would just slow down the point calculation by adding another database lookup on every user, which is bad when the point generation is already something that slows down the site every 15 minutes when it happens.

8 years ago

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Point replenish based on the "value" of GAs created, it is not time based. Except that the server only checks every 15 minutes how many points to add to each user's balance.

I am against your proposal, because it only will create more drama:

  • users who really can only spend a very limited amount of money, will take long to reach level 4+,
  • users will complain about certain regions being much cheaper than ROW, so users from there may level faster, so would have more points,
  • server load. Right now the server just adds the same amount of points to all users. With your proposal, the server would have to check for each users level first.
8 years ago

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+1 last point

8 years ago

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Ok. As I said, I wasn't sure how it works altogether. 3rd comment is well pointed

8 years ago

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No, points should be equal for all users.
If you don't want people taking and not giving, set level requirements for your giveaways.

8 years ago

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if we based suggestions on our behavior, i would need to suggest a point regeneration of 10 or less per day.

points are fine, no need to tweak them to the end of times.

sorry for the blunt reply, but this has been suggested many times before

8 years ago

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none taken. I was looking for similar thread but couldn't find it

8 years ago

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High level users tend to use less points anyway, why gives us more?

The only advantage we get from level is leveled giveaways. Nothing more.

8 years ago

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+1 and high level users often have a large game collection. After the last HB I had 2 days over a few hours the 300p full, even when going to work or sport

8 years ago

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Yes, but at the moment even on some low level P required games, there's like 2k entries sometimes. With less points to spend, games which user want will be choose more carefully IMHO

8 years ago

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I once suggested that rule breakers should receive reduced replenishment rates (before they get permanently suspended). That's all I'd change about it, otherwise the current settings are pretty much perfect.

8 years ago

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Not a good idea for all and more reasons that have already been said by other members.

However, I think it would be good to tie point generation to parameters like activated all wins and sent all gifts.

8 years ago

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Maybe points generation is bit too high, esp after taking into consideration all these IG HH bundles where you get GAs for 4x100 points for $4-5, so people spam them and you can easily gain 300 points in 30 - 45 min?

But basing points generation speed on user level is a bad idea. That'd just create less friendly environment, just as Oppenh4imer said.

8 years ago

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I still think there's too many points around to spend,

Most days I agree with you, others I'm too busy micromanaging dem damn points.

8 years ago

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I definitely don't think you should get points based on level, but I do think we get too many points which encourages people to enter for games they don't want just because they can.

My previous comment on the subject is linked here

8 years ago

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There's absolutely no reason to change the way points are given to everyone.. we're all on even terms for that and why shouldn't we be. Higher level users already have access to higher level giveaways, why should they have more points to spend too. Also you should already have understood that time has nothing to do with the points being replenished.

8 years ago

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