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lol in case you needed that
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some games might also benefit from remote play together
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Your best option is to buy the game and add it to your account, so you dont get banned.
Also your friend doesnt need to spend $100 on games for a steam account. Just got to make a $5-10 purchase, and link their account to SteamGifts. Then they too can join giveaways here.
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you would get a ban maybe for 2 weeks but i do believe - that many people would black list you and your account on here would become bad standing - might i asks who your friend is?
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You are really a special one, aren't you?
As you have not won, yet, at least on this account, any game, that it would make any sense to give to "her" (c'mon, don't tell me, that she longs to play "Gachi Heroes"), either you use this account to ask about a game won on a different SG account (which is a banable offense, IFAIK), or you are asking how to do it in the future, with games not yet won, so unknown, which would suggest, that you intend to just use them to raise another account of yours enough to be able to join SG with it.
But a very easy investigation into your accounts shows, that you are even more special, aren't you?
Checking your Steam account it's quite easy to find, that you enjoy using an alternative nick: cнιld predaтor.
Then checking friends of your 2 alt accounts listed there (1 and 2) it's easy to find 2 (3?) more of your army of alts (1, 2 and very likely 3), first of them with a wonderful current nick ѕeхoғғender and second with even more special, though hidden as alternative, nick cнιldмoeleѕтer.
I guess, I have to congratulate you on making a really big entrance into the SG community... and I certainly hope, that mods will join in this celebration by checking, if any of those alt accounts are already registered at SG, which I find extremely likely.
Have a nice day cнιld predaтor vel ѕeхoғғender vel cнιldмoeleѕтer.
EDIT: You are really вreaтнтaĸιng georgie. To make sure, that your fame will not fade, if out of modesty you decide to edit your Steam profiles, I have even documented your glory.
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You can do it via website (not client) by installing Augmented Steam. You'll find the link to SteamGifts, SteamTrades, Barter etc. There are also other useful options and everything is fully customizable so you can choose what you actually need :)
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You don't need Augmented Steam, just use this:[SteamID]
SteamID must be in numeric format, go here if the profile has a custom name:
And enter the profile URL. The number you need is at the end of steamID64 (fourth line)
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You can see it withouth Augmented steam too.
Only open a sg profil and exchange that name with the steam ID64 number (76435354 something like that), that redirect then to the connected account and show then the sg name (as example yours or mine)
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You didnt "touch" on the Steam Groups he's in. Some of those are special too.
Loli eSports
Loli's Safe Haven
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Oh. And here I thought the OP was just another SG newbie who hadn't bothered to read the rules. That's just disgusting.
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Dude you don't know anything XD
Me with my friends made funny names and we tried to play csgo like in a cod warzone meme, when whey won there was (IAmA) <- It's a team And names like cнιldмoeleѕтer, ѕeхoғғender, cнιld predaтor and little kid toucher.
Now we don't play csgo like 2 months ago and now we are trolling in scp:sl
I am a George Hardcok and he plays my cousin Breathtaking Georgie
If you guys don't belive me wo how i played with them at once?
EDIT: Yep i have alts, MTF commander and second "Kasa pod wycieraczką" but they aren't linked on SG ;)
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It is not funny but a glorification of horrible crimes.
If you think this is funny, I hope that you a quite young and still have time to develope a taste of what is not-funny.
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Jeśli mnie zgłoszą czy coś, za nawet głupie nie porozumienie z powodu że ktoś nie ma co robić z życiem i wymyśla jakieś konspiracje
to jednak chciałbym by usuneli zgłoszenie ponieważ to nie są ani moje multi konta ani nic
Czemu miał bym lub oni by mieli dostać bana, za to że ktoś powiedział coś głupiego?
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Support sprawdzi czy to Twoje konta i jeśli nie są Twoje, to ani Tobie, ani Twoim znajomym nic nie grozi. Widziałem, że oddałeś/aś grę przyjaciółce i za to na bank dostaniesz bana jakiegoś, ale nie wiem na ile dni.
Dodatkowo: jak zamkniesz dyskusję szybko, to mniej blacklist zbierzesz, które wykluczają Cię z giveaway'ów, ale przede wszystkim zostawiają smród za Tobą. Pewnie i tak długo za Tobą będą chodziły te nicki nieszczęsne.
PS Jak będziesz miał jakieś pytania po zamknięciu dyskusji, to możesz napisać do mnie w jakimś moim starym giveaway'u, bo nie ma tutaj żadnego czata i to jedyna opcja do porozmawiania prywatnie.
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As you have not won, yet, at least on this account, any game, that it would make any sense to give to "her" (c'mon, don't tell me, that she longs to play "Gachi Heroes"), either you use this account to ask about a game won on a different SG account (which is a banable offense, IFAIK), or you are asking how to do it in the future, with games not yet won, so unknown, which would suggest, that you intend to just use them to raise another account of yours enough to be able to join SG with it.
As you can see on my account (or not idk i have private i think) i have gachi heroes what i won I telled her i won this miss furry or whatever it is and she wanted it, so i gave it
Nothing more
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I telled her i won this miss furry or whatever it is and she wanted it, so i gave it
Nothing more
Well, you should have read the FAQ and the guidelines when you first joined SteamGifts... You must activate any games you win here on your own account.
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That's so disgusting and vile. Thank you for pointing it out, they're going directly into my blacklist
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If the user has multiple accounts on Steamgifts, the suspension will be permanent.
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I don't think Steam cares, else there would be some kind of automatic detection and review by competent support.
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I think they kinda do and that there is indeed some kind of automatic detection.
If you look closer, you can see that the names use letters/symbols which look like the wanted letter, but in fact are different ones.
ғ - Cyrillic Ayn, but it looks like "f"
ι - Greek Iota, but looks like "i"
and so on...
It's kinda impossible to detect those.
Also, I'm pretty sure that Valve (sometimes) does ban/punish rule breakers. (source: A friend of mine posted a referral link in a steam discussion and got banned for 2 weeks(?) from posting any community content)
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Let's hope they take action.
My general impression is, that Valve and many other big internet player, will not take action against abusive nicknames and so on, based on freedom of speech.
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well i did that with friends in the past too, we all had similar names, similar avatars etc.... thats nothing special and doesnt proof that they are all accounts from one person
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Normal people don't re-gift what they received, it's considered impolite. What if you gifted something to your friend, something that they said they wanted on top of it, and next day you find out that this present is re-gifted to somebody you don't even know? Will you be happy about it?
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Obviously we talking OP being an arrogant, bratty 14yr ish kid, who thinks he and his friends are funny with the names, and thinks he can do whatever he wants by giving games to his friends, not caring about it, let staff deal with it, now it's just feeding a troll.
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I have question, what If I won game and I gave it to my friend ?
Possible ban for 2 weeks ?
She just don't spendet 100$ on a steam and she can't make account...
Guys there is some shit that spilled somebody
My ONLY ALTS are linked to MY Steam Profile
The others with funny letters are my friends, thank you goodbye :0
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