I have over 1000 games and I would like to wishlist all the dlcs for each game so I could get better search results here, on steamgifts. So far I've been doing it manually but for some games have hundreds of those dlcs (Total War games, Ubisoft games or games like Warhammer Retribution). There must be an easy way to select all of them or find them on the steam store searcher. I did get some successes by simply putting "Downloadable content" for searching in steam store, but I can't filter the dlc's to only the games I own.

There is probably no solution to that problem, but I would like to be proven wrong :D Thanks in advance.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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yeah, basically what I have been doing. It just that method, I can miss that the game even has DLC. Sometimes the DLC site does appear on the game, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it has something there and sometimes it doesn't have anything.

9 years ago

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non that i know off.
the main problem is that if the dlc's are in a bundle, you won't see them at all even if you wish all of the dlc...
no bundles on steam

9 years ago

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or worse, there are bundles on steam but you can't wishlist them

9 years ago

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Write a program on your own (?

9 years ago

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Well, do you know there is a "find more dlc in store" button on your library game page or a "dlc" link on the right.

9 years ago*

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wait, where ?

9 years ago

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Clicking that'll show a list of all the DLC for that particular game.

9 years ago

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that is basically what I have been doing. Its incredibly tedious because the steam program runs very slowly for me and its faster on browser, but on the browser you can't access your library

9 years ago

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Well, I could do it for you seeing as it's summer and for the rest of July I have literally nothing else (of importance) to do. However, I doubt you'd trust a random internet person with your account, so... :(

9 years ago

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afaik... https://steamdb.info/sales/ can shows you only DLCs for owned games (on sales only)
its not perfect...but it does help...

9 years ago

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thanks, will use that :)

9 years ago

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I've been doing it manually but for some games have hundreds of those dlcs

bookmark, for example: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?q=Age+of+Empires+II
It's not that elegant but... should work

9 years ago

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its a method, I will give you that. Thanks

9 years ago

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Not sure if you're aware of the hide giveaways button, but there's a hide giveaways button. It's going to be faster to remove every giveaways for every game that you don't want than flag every dlc for every game you own. This way you'll always see only giveaways that are relevant to you. So far I've hidden 2661 games on Steamgifts and I see only 3 pages of giveaways at all times.

9 years ago

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I hid around 120 dlc's - already once won a dlc that I already owned and steamgift wasn't able to detect that and had to reroll.

9 years ago

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Don't hide just DLCs, hide games too. That way you'll have only what you need show up.

9 years ago

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I did the other way around. I have wishlisted over 700 products (30% are DLCs, actually - like for Tomb rider all those dlc's for multiplayer). Usually, once I go through the wishlist and group category, I don't have any more points. I want to continue that strategy, including all the DLCs I may have missed for the games I already have.

I rarely go now to "All" giveaways category, unless I have too much points and I want to locate them. Then, once I find a product I want but requires a lot of points (for example, Fallout 4 requires 60 points), I cancel the entry from the game I want less and reuse the points I regained from that giveaway.

Ultimately, the best strategy for steamgifts is to spend as much points as possible, as your yourself definetely know. Since I share my steam with 3 other people (which is legal, you can share up to 10), its hard for me to determine which games to find. I, for example, am completely disinterested with counter strike but that other guy really wants it and I know it ;p

9 years ago

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this ones easy as far as adding items to your wishlist. Go to your steam library and click on a game with dlc. To the right you will find links and one will say DLC on it. then just go through and add what you want.

9 years ago

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that is basically what I have been doing. Its incredibly tedious because the steam program runs very slowly for me and its faster on browser, but on the browser you can't access your library

9 years ago

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This is an interesting issue. DLCs are quite under-served here. Most people just don't think about getting them for giveaways, nor adding them to wishlists. That's why I did a few giveaways for DLCs during the Summer Sale.

9 years ago

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One of the DLCs I want but I refuse to buy, which are for Total War Rome II, sometimes appear on this site. I can understand why - the DLCs are of low value but they rarely are bundled, so they probably don't fall into category of bundled game as often and you get full value for them. Even something as silly as DLC soundtrack can give you an easy way to get to next level. Other DLC I am trying to get, Rochard : Hard times, also appears quite often. Can't seem to win it, but eventually ;p Tomb Rider DLCs also appear quite often on steamgifts - most I don't need because they are multiplayer only, but hey - maybe I will want to play the multi one day.

So DLCs do appear and I kinda don't want to miss them as they are very easy to miss ;p

9 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Kolox.