Yes. In a parallel Universe where the cat is dead.
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It's been like this for a few weeks.
Origin sent out this tweet today. (Not an on the house game either)
What could it mean? :o
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Then the house will be full of mold. Those fuckers did their fuckup again. GGWP
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I hope its a video with them putting explosive in their buildings and then kapoof. Btw I dont know why i hate origin ea etc. They never did anything bad to me. I think Im driven by the mass. Its late. Got to go sleep. Early class. CSGO it is then. pew pew
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Something explosive is coming? Color me intrigued, Origin.
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Maybe EA is finally coming to their senses.
Tomorrow we shall see.
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Valve started it by removing several EA games without warning. EA isn't the one to blame, they were happy to release on both clients until that happened.
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The DLCs in question were bound to the Bioware account. Not even bound to Origin. But at the time they were releasing the games, that wasn't a problem. Hell, Ubisoft continue to do it, and yet we still have their games there. Other games as well, like The Secret World, we can only get all the content buy buying currency on their site to purchase some of the chapters. 5 - 7 if you don't buy the Massive Edition, and 8 isn't on Steam at all.
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No, not bull****. That is what happened, Steam removed the games and wouldn't put them back unless they got a cut of all the profits. The DLCs in question for Dragon Age 2 were all on the Bioware registered email, not even locked to an Origin account or the like (which we weren't forced to use like UPlay DRM games).
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Don't act like Valve is perfect and EA is evil.
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They weren't a requirement when the games were released, it was added at the time, and they just straight removed EA games because of it. Yet they still accepted other publishers who did it. So that was a bull**** excuse IMO.
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I cant blame them, thats like a consumer buying Unreal Tournament 3, playing it will all its content and all of a sudden micro transactions get introduced(Guns, persk, etc...).
Its lame and not what you signed up for...
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It happened because Dragon Age II's DLC's was purchased in-game with microtransactions, not from Steam Store.EA did this to maximize profit WITHOUT giving service money to Valve.
Valve specifically stated in agreement that DLC's have to be purchased from Steam Store any if any game contains micro-transactions, they have to state that before release.
So in the end, EA is to blame IMO.They used in-game store to avoid giving service money to Valve-Steam,but they DID used their services to download/update their DLC's.Valve pulled Dragon Age II out of Steam, they had every right to do that.
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The Dragon Age II DLCs aren't locked to Origin either, but to the users email account registed on the Bioware site. It also uses this for DLCs on the first game (and I imagine the new one), and any free stuff and carry over content is also linked to that email.
The terms that resulted in the removal has two reasons I consider Valve to be bull about this. They had only just been introduced, it wasn't something that EA had been ignoring. Secondly, I don't see anything else removed because of it, and since I got DLC for The Secret World through their site with their currency, rather than on Steam (since certain chapters isn't available there), I will consider it bull. EA was the only company punished about this.
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Really I do not think any one can say that one company or the other started it. I say that because very few people know the intimate facts of the debacle, myself included. What most of us know is that the games fell off of Steam. Many may remember the brief period that DA II was even advertised on Steam... and then vanished. You may also recall that EA swiftly stated that this was a money grab by Valve and that they were essentially attempting to lop off their sales unless EA bowed to Valve's demands. Valve really pretty much just screamed the reverse and claimed that EA was not willing to pay their fair share and were holding their games back as leverage to make Valve buckle. When you really look at the conflict (or any conflict for that matter) no one side is to blame; they both are to blame. These two companies chose to draw lines in the sand and stand-off until the other blinked with zero thought of how it would affect the customer base. Chances are that the behind closed door interactions were broiled with both sides vying at a power/money grab.
Ultimately, I also think they both came out of the situation worse off.
In the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can we all get along?"
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Well this has at least got me looking at Origin again... Haven't accessed/logged into Origin since I completed ME 3.
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Yeah, nah. It's an artifact of the Akamai service that both Origin and Steam utilize. It's happened before.
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is that first link supposed to work? i get nothing
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It used to be a company releasing great games, until EA bought them and destroyed it.
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Not gonna happen, especially not this fast. We are talking about gigantic corporations with stocks and shit (I mean EA has stocks that I know). They'd have to discuss this with the investors, media coverage and whatnot. Just be realistic.
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Valve is a private company, so no stocks for them! Tragic.
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Yep I know that, it's a pity, it would be a great way to invest. I imagine Valve stocks would skyrocket from the day being introduced to the market.
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More likely Titanfall on the house, because it's severely lacking in players and they could get money from dlc sales.
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Go to any user's inventory who got gifts, click on "View in store", shit bricks.
Also this:
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