I guess you should contact Steam Support, if there's anything they can do. I mean, the purchase date should be there somewhere in their database. In the meantime you could give a negative review explaining the situation, and change it (or delete it) if they give you a proper solution.
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Even if they didn't bother researching, you'd think after the first purchase was made they would realize they couldn't fulfill their promise. Instead they wait until someone asks before removing it from the store page. Feels like it was always meant to be an empty promise, and they figured everyone would just shrug their shoulders and go 'oh well' when they were told they wouldn't get their second copy.
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I just sent off a Steam Support ticket. My only concern with that is they'll say "We don't see that on the store page anywhere!" Hopefully they can see changes made and will at the very least, check them.
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Let us know what Steam Support say when they get back to you in 3 weeks.
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And hopefully it isn't just an automated response.
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"To activate a steam key, open your steam client and go to "add a game" located in the lower left hand corner. Then click on "activate a product on steam" and an additional dialog box will appear. In this new dialog box, it will ask for a product code, please insert your product code into the provided box and click next."
"Thank you for contacting steam support, where we dont bother reading your messages and send you automated replies."
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Man all these ass hole greenlight/early access devs are getting annoying.
Feel like it's a new developer every week or so.
EDIT: Also how can they not track the people who bought it? Seems like a lot of BS to me. It isn't even July 8th. So not like the offer ever ended either.
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It was decently moderated back when it was first introduced, but people bitched and complained and started comparing Valve to nazis and so on. So Valve decided to just open the floodgates and let the community decide on their own through the current automated process. Of course this prompted devs to promote their shovel-ware and vapor-ware with keys for votes.
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Thanks, hopefully that will be the outcome. :) I made sure to include the screenshots, including the one of the forum in case they delete it. The promise may have been removed from the store page, but the Dev does state that it was made. Just a matter of waiting on steam support now.
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wish you had a pic of the promise, I dont know if steam has a log of the store descriptions if they get edited etc. In fact they should not allow any changes to the description upon release with out steam approval lmao
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Dev locked the thread as well, but didn't delete it at least. Super shady on the part of the dev.
And people wonder why more and more people just wait for bundles for their indie games...
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Use the report function on the store page.
Message steam demanding a refund.
Tell your story, with the evidence, wherever possible and encourage others to take action as well.
Hope that steam gets enough complaints to remove the game. This kind of behavior, however malevolent or well intentioned by the devs, need to be punished or it'll just keep happening.
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The whole point of Steam is that it's a DRM that tracks individual accounts who make purchases on things. It's the reason Stardock uses Steam - so they can see who activates it, when, and how many. So this dev is really just BSing, just like all of the other indie idiots who want people to vote and purchase under false pretenses.
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Your Edit already covers what I would suggest. If they made that promise on their Steam page, and you have screenshots, then Valve should hold them accountable, or give you a full refund. A company can't do a Buy One, Get One Free sale and then simply deny you the "free" one.
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Hi AlaskanSun, how are you?
As you already did, I sent a few hours ago my ticket to steam support describing these actions from “The Tower” Dev’s, attaching my proof of purchase, and also THIS PIC of a PDF I saved at the steam store on July 1st.
As soon as I saw my thread "The Tower" free Steam Key for Early Access purchasers until 8th of July." LOCKED, and their absurd response to my polite question, I realized there wasn’t any point arguing with this guys, as they evidently just placed “False Advertisement" to fill their pockets fast, and now they are trying to run away with it, with none intention to honor their offer.
It’s a pity that just by some few bad Dev’s, all new Early Access developers tend to be judged, but not all are the same, we just have to look at great Early Access games as Planet Explorers, Contraption Maker, Rust, DayZ Standalone, Starbound etc., just to mention a few, to recognize there are genuinely great Early Access developers, really focused in developing the best game they could, and with the help of the community.
For all bad greedy developers, our best choice is to place our support tickets, to let steam acknowledge whom these fake developers are, and also make our list of the bogus companies, TO DON’T BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM IN THE FUTURE, and if by luck at some point they do a game we actually like, WAIT FOR IT TO BE BUNDLED, as with this kind of actions they don’t deserve a single penny, and in any case, just a few cents if something not so bad get out of their greedy minds.
So let’s have fun playing the good games, and rewarding the real Dev’s with our hard earned money, and let steam support deal with these false money grabbers, as I believe it isn’t the same make these kind of scams at some average bundle page, than directly at steam store, where I expect some radical actions like this one: "CLICKY", to be taken. (Robosteam targeting bad Dev’s.)
Well may be not that kind of radical actions, but it could be close… lol (I’m a dreamer.)
Let’s wait to see what comes out of this, place our tickets at steam support to report these scammers, and in the meantime let’s keep playing!!! (I always try to keep any kind of bad feelings away from my gaming and steam time… Now I just need some GTA4 time to stress out waiting for the outcome of this sad episode.
Happy gaming to all friends!!!
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Hello Shamat, I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. =D
I completely agree. I quite like Early Access. But there are the few bad Dev's who have given it it's bad reputation. All you can really do is remember the bad Devs and make sure not to support them in the future.
I've only seen one other user asking about the free copy, and they're currently going back and forth with the Dev in their stickied 'General Forum' topic.
And so true, no real need to stress over it, and I certainly don't intend to. Plenty of other games to play!
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they do it again... 3 games on greenlight and one of them already through. STOP THEM PLEASE. they try to sell the next scam. if they run out of money they stop developement and start the next game to fund the first one and that goes on and on... checkout this please and comment (read the other posts too, if you want the whole story. some are marked spam, but they were just the truth!):
http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/287457647/613937942903514108 -> a 10 minute alpha @ 8.99€ on desura!!
http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/287251956/41973820592082126 -> here they say they remaster the next game..
all those crap is from 2012/2013 and will never see a finished product ever. they all look promissing, but that´s it.
on the steam-page for "the tower" they announced at "release", that you get "the complete 2012 edition including all 4 episodes". that info was deleted and changed with this:
sounds exciting...but...
-forging - not implemented anyway
-combat - no enemy to see, no way to sneak past (stealth!?), only interactions are: turn off torch, listen to someone who explains a fight (seriously! like an audiobook), press 2 keys to kill the 2 guards, listen to what he will be eating... that´s it!? does this sound like that? -> Brutal, gritty combat: Ambush. Hunt. Survive. Extinguish torches and create diversions to overwhelm guards and create shadows
do is miss something there!?
the only thing that pushes someone on the edge, is the game itself.
i reported NarrowMonolith to valve/steam and desura, so they take a real close look at them. i remember that "the stomping land" was playble for some hours, but was not finished and optimized. it was early access afaik. yet it got kicked by steam and the tower still is buyable.
let´s help together and show everyone what they really do! there have been already too many people who lost money with them. post and comment and make yourself heard. steam wants our money, so they have to listen to us.
thanks for reading that far community!
have fun playing games that are worth it.
edit: how do i link pages? tried all i could remember...
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Use the 'report this product' button (the flag). Tag as legal violation, post any relevant evidence and say that they're falsely advertising. This is illegal in most countries including the U.S.A.
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Yeah, good luck with that. Steam isn't known as someone who actually respect their customers. You might be able to get a one-time refund, but after that, you're F'ed. And if you do a chargeback, they ban you and all your games and keep all your money.
Physical store owners can go to jail for that crap. Somehow Valve gets away with it.
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^ This right here!
On one hand you get laws clamping down on piracy, and file sharing websites going down constantly. Then you get Steam, with their incompetent support and disregard for paying customers, hiding behind EULAs because their are barely any laws to stop them from doing whatever they want. I like to buy games so I can support the devs, but when I'm being screwed over as a paying customer, I'd rather go to the pirates where I can get better support and a product that isn't going to be taken away.
I recall reading an article about Gabe Newell's views on piracy, and how piracy is a service issue - basically, if you provide a service customers are willing to pay for, they won't go to the pirates. I only wish Steam could live up to those words.
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Seems you are SOL. I'm always weary about "Deals" like that unless it says "a gif-table copy that goes into your inventory" Live and learn.
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Hey there guys, I was hoping I could get some help from all of you. It's hard to get Devs to deliver on their promises without a crowd to back you up.
I bought The Tower the other day, for myself and a friend. I only bought one copy, as the store page quite clearly stated: FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Purchase The Tower through Early Access today and you'll receive a FREE Steam Key for a friend! This offer terminates on the 8th of July, so climb on-board today and help us spread the word.
No second copy appeared in my library upon activating the game, so I went to the forums. I saw someone else had already asked about it, so simply waited for a reply. And this is what happened (Screenshot in case of deletion). The dev replied that it's impossible for them to provide a free copy to buyers because they simply have no idea who actually bought it. They then locked the thread to any further replies and removed their promise from their store page.
I'm pretty ticked off and I'm not sure what I can even do about it. I won't pretend to be an internet lawyer, but can you even legally make such promises and then redact on them? As far as I'm concerned, I bought 2 copies of the game upon purchasing, and was only given one of them. I don't buy the BS about how they can't give a second copy, games do that all the time, or give exclusive copies of another game for ordering at a certain time. Besides, all they have to do is look in my library, I bought it, it's right there. What more proof do they need? Besides, did it really take them this long to realize they couldn't give out the second copy? They left it up there until someone asked for it before removing it.
I know quite a fuss gets raised when a Dev fails to give keys for greenlight games when they promised them. This promise was right on their Steam page and they're going back on it. So any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
Edit: I sent off a ticket to Steam support and included the screenshots. I'm sure it will be a long wait though.
Edit 2: Dev is now trying to find a way to honor the promise made to all purchases made before July 8th. Clicky.
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