I don't think you will miss much from people like that ;)
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I only have 28, people don't hate me enough :meatytears:
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your most controversial topics were in times of SGv1 b4 implementation of on-site BL mechanics ;)
Try to make a topic "I'm celebrating my 1000th win, so here are some GAs for you guys" and you'll instantly get BLed by few dozens of people ;) (both huge BL spikes you can see on graph was due to topics where I was giving away games to celebrate 1000th and 1337th win ;p)
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A thousand wins is fine if the ratio is reasonable. 1000:25, not so much. People just didn't bother to look at your profile I guess.
I remember when toaster was "leading" the wins count with 400-odd. Wonder how many people have over 1000 wins nowadays. I'd be surprised if it's under 50.
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nope? there are almost 1 million SG users and at least 25k+ active ones ;P afaik current record is either almost 700 or over 700 WLs already done by our Princess Kenny, I'm not even close to it ;)
But as I said here: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/B21tvoq - it's mostly about activity. I am quite active on forums, on chat, in community at all. So even if I get some BLs every now and then - community appreciate positive activity. And it will earn you loads of WLs ;)
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Beat you with 110! Konrads6 is holding the current highscore tho.
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Here ya go. (month old, it probably grew since...)
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Wow, next time I will see him I will have to bow down to him. Lord of the Blacklists.
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I love that in Konrad's blacklist gif, he appears to be browsing your Steam profile page...
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Damn i thought when i got boosted to 65 i was doing good,you guys beat me,i even fail at being blacklisted!!
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just be more like this guy
read the beginning, then the post I responded to
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I'm only in 40 but I just started to be blacklisted =)
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I guess I will be blacklisted for this very comment.
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Um, no. I meant the AA part, i.e addiction. It's kind of an in-joke that he's not addicted to SG even though he spends so much time making gibs.
Edit: And he vehemently denies being addicted ;)
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Hello, my name is PrinceOfJerusalem and I have been blacklisted. I tried to cope with it on my own but then I found out it's easier to cope when around similar people.
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Not a native English speaker so I didn't noticed but now you mention it, yes you are right :)
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I don't mind, at least I've learned something today :)
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Worth noting that coop is also a [different] word, ala 'chicken coop', which would primarily mean 'enclose or confine', but could be interpreted in that context to mean 'nest'. So you could also envision him finding it easier to nest [ie, to physically fit closely together] with others who have been blacklisted.
And now, you may proceed to envision them all laying eggs.
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Don't worry, Tzaar, I'll listen to your dumb jokes!
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All of us are there bro, all of us... Take a breath and let it go. You can blacklist me for reassuring purposes (just to make things even) - if it will make you day a little less depressing :)
If serious - i believe there is no simple way for you to spot the blacklister. You can only manually try to enter in GAs created by someone in your suspect list to check it.
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blacklist for a blacklist who wants?? limited offer hurry up
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I'm in 48. You're far behind me and you can do nothing about it. -_-
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Unless there is an unblacklist all option that's not gonna happen for me, too much effort to do it all by hand.
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That requires effort as well, and even going outside.
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I only blacklist people that have already blacklisted me, so I can't do much if the others won't unblacklist me too. :P
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I bet there are thousands upon thousands of such people - for example everyone who registered but never were active ;) There are almost 800k lvl 0 users, but none GA, even lvl0 ever suprassed 25k entries ;) it let you imagine how many people never bothered to stick around thus never got BLed ;)
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The most obvious solution for the proliferation of blacklists would be if they worked 2-way (that is, you can't enter GAs of people you blacklisted as well), that way people would be more cautious with blacklisting and only do so for a serious reason, and not just for lulz.
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While in theory it sounds nice, in practice it does not.
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Well, point 1 is easily fixable (cg can adjust it so that anti-blacklist entries do not count towards the limit, so you still have your full 1000 slots). They can even be hidden, so it also voids the concerns of point 3. As for terminology, we could refer to them as "active" blacklisting (your list of up to 1000 entries) and "passive" blacklisting (hidden, unlimited).
Point 2 is weird. That should not be the intended use of blacklist, and if someone uses it to manipulate winning chances, I'd definitely want to BL him.
Point 4 is the only one that is not easily fixable. Perhaps lifting a blacklist entry should prompt the blacklisted person to "accept" the removal. If he accepts, the entry it disappears from both sides, if he refuses or ignores the request for X days, it switches to his own "active" list (if slots available). To prevent spamming, these actions should be time-gated (i.e. you can only do an action on the same person once per week). It should not be hard to implement, but I'm pretty sure that there is an even better solution though.
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I agree that the problems presented by zelg are relatively easily fixable, and I immediately thought of the solutions you posted for 1 and 3. Regarding 2, there could be a list where you put people that you don't want counter-BL-ed in case they BL you. Regarding 4, it's fixable by not allowing you to enter the GAs created by someone while they were BL-ed by you, even if they aren't anymore. And additionally, if you BL someone while having entries in their GAs, the entries become invalid.
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I'm on a few myself, I think, and as far as I can remember, I've always been polite and courteous to people SHRUG
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I think you might be on to something. They don't like the fact that I was ridiculously stupid enough to spend the better part of £85 on a mouse and mouse mat.......and I can't blame them and also completely understand lol
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The horror you could have gave a lot people Bad Rats with that money or better yet Digital Homicide games if you really want to torture your friends,at least Bad Rat's is some what decent.
Also you are not alone i have got on a few black list,i say if your not on a few black list you are kissing to much ass!!Also only a rare couple times have i ever found a GA that i was blacklisted from.I must conclude most who black list me are some high society or high level people as i rarely find any GA's with blacklist yet i enter a lot.
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We blacklisted ones, should be nice with each other :) So have fun :)
Gorky 17: MI9X4-CXCKM-KTHF8;
Pirates of Black Cove:69IFB-WDJWD-W3K86;
Enclave|0DD86-6MC4C-072F0; EN8HT-54ZBG-T0B2V; E9YVB-DD2T5-8YPGI
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project: W0QIM-JRHHA-6VLV2;
East India Company Gold Edition ZWILF-YWAYI-9V4KD; ZJQJE-GG8G3-88D50
Two Worlds Epic Edition VV2CJ-VXCXL-RNG2J;VLJ3K-RPV7N-HK8V8
Hostile Waters 9JQQR-IKTTE-2QKFY;
Vertical Drop Heroes
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Oh boy, it's so hard to find certain gifs in black & white. Seriously :P
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Well, it's easy to look for b&w gifs in general, thanks to google's filters, but if you're looking for a specific gif, it's kinda hard sometimes ^^'
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Well im in 16 if tomorrow I have 10 or less i will do a giveaway Fermi's Path Fenix Rage Angels of Fasaria: Version 2.0
What game?
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The graph doesn't go down, but it completely removes a trace and date of the blacklist.
For example - on 1st May i'm on 20 blacklists -> on 4th May i'm on 25 blacklists. The graph shows the 1st may and 4th may.
Then, at 6th may 5 people unblacklist you. The Graph will only show the 1st May.
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hello I 'm in a Blacklist . there any way to see who put me . I'm curious
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