hi my name is alex1998 and i entered 400 (oh my god) giveawyas but didn't win any i ws wonderin if anyone felt like this lol
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Jokes are suppose to be funny....at least make the joke make sense, everyone has a fair shot here.
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I have no idea what are you talking about, I get lots of free games. :>
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Reminds me of the message from Anonymous about S.O.P.A and P.IP.A.
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joke topic or not, i think it accurately mirrors the actual scumbag occupy movement. we want others to give us stuff and look after us, but we dont want to work for it!! also we want cake and icecream and toys!! AND WE WANT TO STAY UP PAST 10PM!!
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Scumbag occupy movement? Oh, I get it, you're just an idiot. You didn't know that 1% of Americans control 99% of the wealth and raise each other's salaries to over 300 times that of their employees. You didn't know about the government bailouts of companies whose corporate heads already make over $2 million in bonuses. You didn't realize that money equals power, and that government is largely influenced by international corporations. I imagine you thought Bernie Madoff was that purple dinosaur on your sister's underwear last night, too.
I don't blame you for thinking that people who vie for reform in a country this economically fucked are freeloaders and scumbags. After all, who cares about healthcare and social security when you can't get to White Castle at lunchtime to stuff your face with meat, which I assume you're plenty good at, because of all the protesters in the way?
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it wouldnt be bad if the only thing they wanted was that there were tighter reigns and more checks on what big companies can do - i would support that, but only like... a handful of people involved actually are standing for that. the overwhelming majority just want a better standard of living without having to work for it, and they want everyone who studied at school and got decent jobs, to pay for it. awesome message theyre sending their kids isnt it. work hard at school so that you can be ostracised by the masses and called a dirty scumbag because you dared to get a decent job that paid well. pathetic, the majority of the occupy movement are EVERY BIT as greedy and selfish than the "evil" corporations they're against.... and quite frankly, they all deserve each other.
this is the reality of the downward spiral of our society... more and more "entitled" youth growing up, getting this BS pumped into their brains that society OWES them a living... holding out their hands and expecting and feeling ENTITLED to things without having to work for it... and THIS is every... E-V-E-R-Y bit as evil and detrimental to the WORLD as these "evil" corporations... we have two EXTREME sides fighting each other, and since NEITHER side want balance or compromise, WHICHEVER SIDE WINS, we are all screwed.
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actually i have been listening to the occupiers rambling... theyre the ones that are whining about the wealthy hard workers being evil because they dared to have worked and studied hard for better paying jobs, and that they MUST be punished and MUST pay more tax so that the types of people in this occupy movement dont have to work as hard to have nice things.
seriously, perhaps YOU should listen to what the majority of the occupiers are actually demanding AND their mentality. If anything, its you are your ilk that are the misinformed - or more likely blinded, because you are the lazy generation who dont want to have to study hard or work hard but still believe you are F#%&ING ENTITLED to a life of luxury!
like i said, you lot are every bit as selfish and greedy as the corporations, and you wont be happy until you ruin the world - always expecting to never have to do anything, expecting the hard workers of the world to pick up the slack and pay your way through life.
what ever happened to a world where people strived to work hard so that they could have a better life? now you and your lot just want to sit on their asses with your fingers up your noses, waiting for the hard working "suckers" of the world to look after you. yeah way to go, cant see the world getting flushed down the toilet with THAT mentality.
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So when you say you've listened to them, you mean you've talked to them? Listened to a general assembly? Or do you mean you've watched cherry picked clips?
Also please stop calling me lazy and entitled. I'm not even a part of the movement, and even if I was, you don't know me. It just makes you seem even more ignorant (note I said seem, it's how you're coming off right now).
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i see the blind unbalanced passion you put into defending these people. i dont have to know you, i can clearly see your politics and mentality, which is all thats being discussed here. its clear that you support the movement to the most extreme end. anyway this is going nowhere. all the world can hope for is that this movement fades away before they run the world into the ground... because lets face it... we are talking about two VERY EQUAL evils here, between the lazy entitled masses and the greedy corporation... and given that im someone working my way through university HOPING to work hard and get a good job, im definately siding with the side that DOESNT want me to pay insanely high taxes so that they can sit their asses on the benefit and live in luxury thank you very much.
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The only unbalanced thing here is you. Not only did you completely disregard my question, you claim to know my politics and mentality based on a couple comments on an internet forum. The fact that you are summing me up as a person based on so little information is proof enough for me that you are completely ignorant about everything to do with the movement and choose to stay that way.
I'm guessing you watch Fox news and listen to them slander the movement, everything you post does sound like one of their talking points.
Also you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of... well... just about everything. Even if the top 1% is forced to pay their fair share in taxes, it's not like that means the 99% will be living in luxury, or even seeing any extra money at all. But perhaps the government will be able to reduce the deficit, instead of cutting programs which benefit all people.
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This is a little silly of a topic, to compare a website where everyone has at least some chance at free games which no one is really entitled to, and a genuinely corrupt system being protested by OWS.
I mean corporations are considered people, which means they have the right to free speech. That right to free speech allows those corporations to donate money to politicians. This is basically legalised bribery, as corporations will give $50,000 in donations to a politician, and then that same politician will turn around and reduce regulations that affect that corporation, or make some other change in the system which benefits their benefactors INSTEAD of the people that they were elected to represent (and sometimes to their detriment as well).
BUT! If you dare to use your first amendment rights as an ACTUAL person, it gets declared as an 'unlawful assembly' and people are arrested and in some cases have violence used against them. So really we're at a point where corporations' rights as people are being treated more fairly than actual people's rights. You don't have to be a genius to see how messed up that is.
Not to mention the fact that corporations received bailouts (TAXPAYER MONEY), and have not in turn been regulated or otherwise held responsible for their part in the whole economic collapse. Normally when a company is going under and someone swoops in and pays millions of dollars to keep it afloat, THEY THEN OWN THAT COMPANY. Instead corporations received these bailouts and loans with virtually no interest, and actually made billions of dollars in interest off that money which they haven't even fully paid back yet, which they completely get to keep ($13 billion free from what I've read).
I know a lot of people on the internet are kind of ignorant. They can't be bothered to spend even like an hour to educate themselves on why OWS makes sense, and instead turn to corporate news outlets for their 10 min spin piece. But seriously, this is your money that wall street has essentially stolen from you. They are bribing your politicians, and the system no longer works. OWS shouldn't be a joke made on the internet, it should be a cause every last person in the US that belongs to the 99% supports.
I'll stop typing for now!
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OWS isnt a joke. its seriously dangerous. if anything, you are the ignorant one because you fail to see the damage these kinds of extremists groups can do. perhaps you should get an education on the kinds of nonsense this group demands and the kind of things they expect they are entitled to.
i would support any movement that has a balanced view, but these occupy NUTTERS are anything but balanced in their viewpoint.
here is a question for you - answer it:
if these corporations with their extreme view on what they 'should' be entitled to get away with is EVIL, why on earth do you think a movement with the exact opposite, BUT ALSO EXTREME VIEWPOINT, would be any better? how is a world where the hard workers are punished with high taxes and ostracised from society, while the masses can be lazy and get a high standard of living, could EVER be a positive thing for the world?
and if you DARE say that the occupy movement does not stand for that, then i will call you an ignorant liar, because its this kind of crap that IS coming from the mouths of those involved in the movement.
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Post any source at all to back up your claims please.
Also just because there are a handful of people who want 'dangerous things' and who are 'nutters' (if that even can be shown to be true) it doesn't say anything about the movement as a whole. Every group has those people in it. As a whole OWS seems like a positive movement fighting for the rights of the people against a system that has become corrupted by the legalised bribery of politicians perpetrated by corporations.
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Haha, it's funny because I related steamgifts to a controversial political issue! Hahaha, get it?
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perhaps because it is a "joke" topic on something that is political and quite possibly serious (reading the comments and posts, it could go either ways on the whole seriousness part depending on the accuracy of the statements made). :)
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It's getting to the point where there are more threads complaining about people complaining than there are threads with just people complaining.
How obnoxious.
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3 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Rayzen48
11 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by adam1224
8 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by DarkDreams1
29 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by DrR0Ck
282 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by osztihun
48 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by macgamer
120 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ewoda
30 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Aldcoran
80 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by CultofPersonalitea
857 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by NimiK
21 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by jinjiin
278 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by kikuchiro
6,538 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Oppenh4imer
10 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by OsManiaC
We are the 99 percent. We are not getting free games. We are forced to choose between whining about losing and begging for private group invites. We are denied quality free games. We are suffering from forum pollution. We are complaining about how many entries we have compared to the wins we have. We are getting nothing while the other 1 percent is getting everything. We are the 99 percent.
Brought to you by the people who complain everyday about not getting free games. Why will YOU occupy?
(This is a joke topic by the way)
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