Oooh, fancy. :P
Juat traded with it. 2:2. All went well. :]
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Co prawda nie mam już za bardzo zduplikowanych kart ale mam za to z 60 kompletnych setów (po 1 komplecie na gre), które bym chętnie zamienił na komplety, które pozwoliły by mi wbić odznaki do poziomu 5. Nie lubię mieć za bardzo odznak tylko do 1 poziomu.
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That's really cool. Got my cards in a matter of 5 seconds :O Thanks for making this.
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the usersrip is pretty nice, press on the send trade with the middle button to open it in a new tab and just continue scrolling down the page to send more trade, then on your email, look your trade and accept them, i never see a mistake so far
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It accepts only same set trades for now, as other set trades could be potentially abused by filling bot with free games cards for all paid ones.
In fact, I don't even know how to handle it nicely. I don't want to base it on steam price because it's unreliable crap that is not saying anything. In perfect case bot should have at least 2 cards of every possible type, but that's impossible, so I'm trying to fill him with cards farmed from keys I give to him - this way he has 50% of all sets, and is able to help many people at once (which is nearly perfect).
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No worries. I'll find something to do with them soon enough.
Actually, has it been programmed to accept a one way trade that gives it stuff? I could just let others get use of them through your bot, I guess. :P
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Yes, ArchiBoT accepts 1:1 (X:X) trades, but also donations and overpaying. If you have no use of those cards, I'd be happy if you could donate them to bot so it can help other people - I'm not robbing my bot, it's supposed to help (I have enough of cards already), so those cards will stay there forever (probably traded several times per day).
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Well, since I don't sell mine any longer, only buy and craft, I guess I can be nice.
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And done.
Now let me know when you train your bot to trade my unwanted backgrounds and emotes for something new
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In fact, emoticons and backgrounds are one-line in the bot's code, but I don't want to do it for several reasons.
a) Backgrounds and emoticons prices vary - foils and cards are fine because they're supposed to have same value (even if it varies from time to time, eventually it should be the same)
b) I have several emoticons and backgrounds I want to keep in the bot, so I don't want to falsely show that stuff as available for trade in STM + built-in exclusion list is meh.
So I don't have a good solution for now that would extend ArchiBoT with extra trading capabilities while at the same time preventing people from abusing it's generosity - exactly the same reason why bot accepts items only from the same set.
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Yeah, figured that. But if it is going to take over the world like planned, you will have to figure out that stuff sooner or later. If it can't do most maths, it will probably only kill off 12 of us and decide it is done.
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Problem is not math though, problem is algorithm that would quite nicely determine whether something is worthy or not. Most simple algorithms are based on price on the market - that's easy to implement, but I don't want to do that as somebody could still send 3-4 free games cards for 1 paid one, and after several days entire bot's eq would be filled with trash nobody wants anymore.
Also I'm not a fool that would add himself more unnecessary work - maintaining "free games list" myself will not happen, if I'm not able to think about some clever algorithm, I'm definitely not able to spend time maintaining that list myself. It's either 100% automatic, or abandoned. Currently it's 100% automatic, I don't need to do anything, and it must stay like that if it's supposed to be no self-gain and fair for both parties.
(And I doubt I'll find out some clever way any time soon, I'd need to put serious effort into coding a smart module that would determine if user is trying to abuse our generosity or not, and all of that would be pretty much useless in long-run, not to mention that I prefer to code useful stuff and the one I'm paid for, instead of fixing logic flaws in things that are supposed to help people for no self-gain).
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For different set trades, you can try this group. The "Open Inventories" section has some nice people that make 1:1 trades based on the price, not the set.
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Steam Card Exchange will trade different sets and even allow you to keep up to 100 credit to wait for something you want.
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traded quite few cards and got several badges more complete now :D Thanks Archi <3
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That's impressive, JustArchi. I admire your brain >_< I traded 2:2, no issues and with only a moment's delay.
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Thanks!! I just added the bot also. Nice to have another option to trade :)
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991 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Venonat
Right now it's just a placeholder thread for ArchiBoT, pending with proper documentation (eventually). I keep it alive mainly for people that already know what it is for - you'll most likely be interested in AI, chat commands and 1:1 STM matching.
Is the project still supported?
As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels.
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Feel free to leave feedback in the thread if you'd like to. Bumping once per week or so is appreciated too! :3
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