i have also been kicked in borderlands 2 because i asked if someone had tried farming and was accused of cheating and kicked and i was doing no such thing ..after all once you pass all missions and beat UVM that is pretty much all that is left is to go back and farm
i do help people regardless of level or skill if i can it is not a matter of having time or dealing with it,it is a matter of playing for fun,helping others and being a good sport
i have concluded for every game you want to play online your going to need several people for each other wise joining randoms game is going to be more of a crap shoot then drinking out of toilet water when it comes to what you will get
gaming has come a long way but not in a good way
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Well, if you play campaign mode in left 4 dead 2, there are only a bit of hateful players I guess...
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Yeah, try dark souls! You can do gestures to the Dark Knights like wave him and try to signalize that you are new to the game! He will charge at you and finish you off quickly as welcome ^.^ But this madness is different from beeing harassed in multiplayer games.
PS: Did I mention that L4D ALWAYS had a fu cked up community with little faggets?
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Mostly, i played with my friends and guess what (saying this to OP)? Everything was OK!
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+1. L4D/2 are games where you need to rely on your team, otherwise good luck beating any mission. Most of the players I've randomly played with do not know how to play in a team. Your best shot is checking your friends list for people who own and feel like playing the game and are mature enough to not troll around. What I mean is, if you ever die, you have to rely on your team to come and resurrect you. If they don't, they'll most probably die too because they'll get overpowered with zombies. Which means mission re-roll, more dying, more trolling, etc.
Tl;dr: Find good friends to play with and be good.
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Did you play versus mode? If so then I guess they weren't wrong because versus mode is most likely a competitive mode in left 4 dead 2.
But if you really want to play as special infected, there is a tutorial about how to play as special infected against survivor bots. (you will play alone)
I don't play versus mode anymore because of the community. Most of the time, I will play campaign mode.
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With your shitty attitude in this forum, I'm not surprised.
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why do people insist on assuming that??
how do they know if i am good or not if i am kicked before the game really even starts
it boggles the mind that so many assume you are being kicked because you suck
and that is not the point in any case as gaming is meant to be fun if i was to kick everyone from games that suck i would hardly have a soul to play with as not everyone plays games to win the master race nor is everyone good at gaming
but if you must insist i suck ..then you must blow
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L4D2 is an interesting game in that it's just simple co-op fun and yet you have people that play it as if there's a competitive scene. It's actually pretty sad that there are people that take it that seriously. At least with other games such behavior is justified, but if they were really serious they'd have their own premade teams.
Learn as you go and have fun. And if saying you're new makes people kick you...and your goal is to not get kicked...then don't say you're new. Simple as that.
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I got kicked from L4D on 360 because a guy there kept asking me if I was a 12 year old boy and I was like, "no I'm a girl." He didn't believe me or want to "play with a kid" and the team voted to kick me. Really silly but it's whatever. You shouldn't let people like that get to you.
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I got kicked from L4D2 once because I got up in the middle of a match and went to the kitchen for a snack. I was gone for like 5 minutes. I came back and they were raging and I got kicked right after I told them I was hungry and that a snack was a more important goal at that particular stage in my life.
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Don't you know games are serious business? No time for snacks
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Reminds me of when I tried to go back to online in LBP, long after LBP2 had released. Not the getting kicked part, but being asked if I was underage in more than one or two occasions. Pretty creepy, really.
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I love that usage of the word "whatever". "Really silly but it's whatever. "
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Also - that's new. You say you're a girl, and get kicked instead of guys nervously vying for your attention as they sweat and quiver with pent-up frustration? Weird!
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yet you had the urge to reply
too bad Quemical ate the cookie which in turn was your prize a darn shame as it was chocolate chip with a hint of smart ass
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I remember that happening to me in a lot of multiplayer games. That's why I prefer Single player, to be honest.
I'm not saying everyone is an ass in MMOs or Co-Op modes. I've met some people who are actually willing to help new players out. And personally I don't mind playing with people who are new to a game, since we've all been newbies once, and we all make mistakes.
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Instead of proclaiming flat out that you're "new", I would have been more specific and asked how to do something you're not sure how to do. Those tend to get better results in my opinion. Most people don't like the idea of baby sitting in a game.
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I generally don't MP with people I don't know because of this reason.
All I can say is, if you had said you were new and you were in MY game, and it was obvious you weren't trolling, I'd have helped you out. At least you had the courtesy to tell me, so the least I can do is try to show you the ropes. It's just a game, after all.
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dont ever say "im new" in a team based game.like never ever ever.
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As a few have already said for themselves, this is why I do not do coop or mp (expect with my bf because we know each other, we know who does best at what and automatically fall into our routine.). I do not want to deal with this dumbassery for the reason you brought up about them hating on n00b players (and many other reasons). I might consider gaming with a friend if we shared the same game and knew each other okay enough, but to me, still runs the chance of just not working well together or gaming with someone that is more about themselves than each other and the team. The few times I have played with a good friend, I helped her out, told her about this and that, shared loot (since my lowest character was still a few ahead of her, so I had more gold and better equipment, so could share). Gaming solo and gaming with others are two different dynamics and sometimes, the game experience is completely different. While I have fun in TL2, BL2, and others when I solo, I have WAY more fun when partnering with my bf to slaughter and loot.
I personally would have been VERY grateful for you speaking up and saying you were new, and yes, would have tried to help as much as I could. The best way to learn in group games is with someone helping you. A game is never more important, esp when it is a casual game. It isn't like it is the multi-million prize DOTA2 tournament and no one is going to die FOR REAL if things go south. Help a mate out and if will pay off, because then you can have each others backs and keep an eye on things if you need something in the game.
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Its not just L4D2 its also garry's mod...
I was a deathrun newbie and it was my first time and I won, I choosed this robot thing that is supposed to shoot saws, I didnt know how to use it and every started provoking me and insulting me...
I dont like any multiplayer communities its impossible to find a server/community with no insulters.
One time I joined a server I found 2 people insulting islam for no f***ing reason.
I even joined a server one time and a administer called me a noob and insulted me when I lost.
Is it a crime being a newbie?
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You shouldn't say have said are new. If anything, online gaming taught me that you need to act confident and assert your dominance by suggesting that you are well familiar with other players' mothers. Oh, and if you fail miserably - blame it on the lag.
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Welcome to the L4D2 community, where if you're not a pro you can't play at all.
Buy Killing Floor instead, way less assholes around and a much friendly community.
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Well, I'm glad to hear that as I just shelled out for the Killing Floor Bundle and have never played the thing before...Gameplay-wise, how different can it be to L4D2? Looks to be pretty much the same control scheme and concept...?
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now i was venting my frustration with trying to play Left 4 dead 2 i joined a game and after being a little confused and making a mistake i announced i was new and i may be bad thinking someone would help with the basics and for that i got kicked this is not the first time this has happened to me
this is what i posted in steam just to vent a bit nothing to over the top i do not think anyhow i thought i would get some opinions on my replies
i get kicked for being new well why the hell did i bother buying the game
good thing i bought it mostly as a time killer as most of the players seems to be ♥♥♥♥♥ because i announce i am new and get kicked from games because i am new
are you really that anal about losing or playing with someone that is new to online play
i am new to online not the freaking game but some of it is new due to the fact offline you can not play as the infected so those parts are new
but i guess it will stay like that as i play games for fun i do not kick people based on skill that is not what gaming is about
so ♥♥♥♥ it i will just play solo with mods
Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
has Left 4 Dead 2 38 minutes ago
some people dont like you just stating what you are.
its fine to ask how to do something but telling everyone what you are kind of bothers them.
has Left 4 Dead 2 32 minutes ago
Originally posted by EViLiSLuRKiNG:
good thing i bought it mostly as a time killer.
Thanks in advance for the warning. I will watch out for you in public games. Especially if you are going to shoot teammates because you can't control yourself.
has Left 4 Dead 2 29 minutes ago
I think you're making a mistake, but do as you wish. Enjoy it alone, then.
has Left 4 Dead 2 15 minutes ago
Originally posted by EViLiSLuRKiNG:
so ♥♥♥♥ it i will just play solo with mods
Thank you very much.
EViLiSLuRKiNG has Left 4 Dead 2 3 minutes ago
Originally posted by Good Bye if U R A bad guy:
Originally posted by EViLiSLuRKiNG:
good thing i bought it mostly as a time killer.
Thanks in advance for the warning. I will watch out for you in public games. Especially if you are going to shoot teammates because you can't control yourself.
and you came to this conclusion that i shoot my own players? because i was kicked? i was kicked the moment i announced i was new so i am glad you will avoid me because i could see you kicking somene for looking at you with the wrong eye because you assume what you do not know
EViLiSLuRKiNG has Left 4 Dead 2 Just now
Originally posted by adventure the rulucky:
some people dont like you just stating what you are.
its fine to ask how to do something but telling everyone what you are kind of bothers them.
and it bothers you because i told people i was new and might make mistakes?
so you rather not have them say anything and assume they are just total idiots for not doing things the way you think they should or at least helping them out on the basic of playing
then i guess a lot people i talked to are right since this game was free it has gone to ♥♥♥♥
this is the part that boggles me the most or maybe i am just crazy
EViLiSLuRKiNG has Left 4 Dead 2 Just now
Originally posted by :
some people dont like you just stating what you are.
its fine to ask how to do something but telling everyone what you are kind of bothers them.
i thought by stating from the go that i was new would be better then asking questions as i would have thought at least someone would be kind to help this has happened also in Payday 2 i have told them i am new and might not know the maps and might screw up and bam kicked
how is someone suppose to learn how to play online if nobody wants to play with someone who is new? sorry for the wall of text i removed user names as i did not want to be accused of calling out i just wanted to know if i was the only one finding this issue of being new and getting kicked a lot
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