Some people do jump to conclusions a little too fast, but some people just know what to look for and usually come out right.
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Why should we say thank you? You still aren't answering my question. If there is enough evidence against them that it is fake, that's usually when users leave a "fake giveaway" text. It's not just thrown around randomly. This is a pointless thread and all you are trying to do is justify the scum of the community that troll by making a fake giveaway to get peoples hopes up to win a game they want.
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Please refer to my post further down this page. Then, thank them for giving you free points as they won't be on this site for very long afterwards. ^_^
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Please refer to my post further down this page. Those points probably don't stick around and defeat the purpose of points if they do.
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Obviously, there is no justification for making fake giveaways, but I don't think there's justification for acting self-entitled with comments either. The only reason I see to be legitimately angry about these is that the mods have to waste their time and clean them up. You may not want to give people the benefit of the doubt like I do, but why not just ignore them rather than write a nasty comment? On the off chance that it turns out to be real, you've bashed the person giving you something nice.
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If that's the only reason you can think of, you have not been reading these comments. Try reading your own damn thread and actually read the answers we give you.
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I read, I just don't agree with you. Even if you lose all points from fake boosting giveaways, they're still free points that have no real value. Obviously fake giveaways are bad, but this thread was really about the negativity of the community that I see from these giveaways. It's kind of depressing that the thread really confirmed how nasty steamgifts users can be.
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Ignore the points, they don't bring anything to this site, and let's flip the question around. Why should we be anything but pissed off about fake giveaways, which we are getting very accustomed to spotting? Why should we let them be? Yes, we will once in a blue moon make mistakes. I've seen that happen a couple of times. But why should we not be angry? Give us reasons.
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You can be angry all you want for the reasons you stated, and be justified. I just personally don't understand how people can get irritated by something so small that has no real impact on their life at all. That's why I posed the question in the first place, out of pure curiosity. I don't agree with anything that goes against the rules and faq either, but I just don't feel the need to deride them for doing it. Ignore them, report them, move on. For some reason, anonymity on the Internet makes people say things they would never say in person, even if there were an actual crime involved.
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"I just personally don't understand how people can get irritated by something so small that has no real impact on their life at all."
headdesk... desk... desk... desk
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exactly, All the fake giveaways are doing is spamming the site and making it more work for the admins. It also discourages people from gifting. It's hard enough that everyone thinks this is a fake site, the more fake giveaways that go through, the more people will think this is a scam site.
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Because people are angry, jealous and even when things are free they tend to react like they paid real money for it. I work in retail and I get people getting angry and offended over stupid stuff that makes no sense. People are dumb.
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"Even with the odds stacked in favor of a fake giveaway, how would the gifter feel if it were real, and 90% of the comments are rude "fake" remarks rather than appreciative?"
I completely agree. It would be terrible if we as a community discouraged anyone from gifting games just because people don't like fakers.
Until it's proven people probably shouldn't be harassing them.
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I can agree with reservations. Some of the older members of the community have seen so many fakes during certain times (such as when invitations were removed) that I understand why someone might feel so strongly against a fake giveaway that they would write obscene and hurtful things in the comments... however, many of those comments come from newer members (as far as I have seen so far).
Note however, that I am talking about obscene and hurtful comments, not the "fake, stay away" or "fake" comments. If added with a description why they think it is a fake, then I see no harm in these...
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If the creator is going to take the time to make a fake giveaway to troll us (or just to be stupid),then I can take the time to leave a nasty remark.
Pointless thread is pointless.
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I don't think a lot of people realize. Even when a "fake" giveaway is made you get a % of points from that. If anyone else took the time to read you would know that your points come from other people making giveaways. So even if the giveaway IS fake you just got free points to spend on something else... (Don't confuse what I am saying, as I am not for fake giveaways. Everyone should just relax and hope that the person creating it will come through in the end.)
EDIT - Taken from the FAQ
"Every time anyone submits a game, every member of the site, excluding the giveaway creator, receives 5 percent of that gifts value (in USD) in points."
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I'm 99% certain the points get taken off after it's deleted. On top of that, there's a reason we have the points in the first place. Boosting them with fake giveaways not only damages that concept, but also lowers the legitimacy of this site in every possible way, making us look like a bunch of trolls or scammers. We can hope we make a wrong call, sure, but most fake giveaways that get called out as such are fake giveaways, and letting them just sit there instead of warning people away from them until the mods come along is stupid. Yes, don't go overboard if you're not sure, but at least voice your concerns.
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It may be possible to remove those points. But the real question is can they? If someone created a fake giveaway and it gave me just enough points to enter into another giveaway how do the admins remove those points? Then do I also get penalized and my most recent entry removed? I know this may sound a little far fetched but it is definitely possible. Although I believe only an admin would be able to answer this one.
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If you can go above the point cap when entries into a fake giveaway get refunded, I'm sure you can also go into negative points temporarily.
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You're being overly optimistic. Lets test your logic - "Thank you for deceiving me. I appreciate it. You're still a cool person in my book. I'd enter your giveaways again, knowing you're a dishonest person that won't come through!" - Do you see why you're wrong now? You might wish to have a positive outlook on things, but negative behavior doesn't change to positive by encouraging it. Praising an individual that's posting a fake giveaway rather than scolding them only supports breaking the rules here and makes you appear very silly. If you want to 'appreciate' negative behavior, then that's your own flawed judgement. Common sense dictates that you should not be surprised that most people do not though.
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Or perhaps instead of "FAKE!" or "DIS IS FAKE U SHULD DIE IN FIRE!" People should look at the comments see it's fake and use those points on another give away, i honestly don't care if people get butthurt that they lose X amount of points, it's their own damn fault for entering their points into a give away, All there needs to be is 1 Comment that says; "This is a fake giveaway, please move on and contact an admin if you wish, DO NOT USE YOUR POINTS HERE".
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jeez op you don't know what it is to win a giveaway here and find out its fake , so people are doing a favor to all the rest by , finding out the fake ones, you should be thankful , you don't like the negative comments then don't read it , as soon as you see fake close the browser
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You'll understand the day you win a fake giveaway then.
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I like how you phrase it out. Exactly this reason when people win a fake giveaway, and starts QQing about winning a fake giveaway, making a thread asking how does he get the game since the one who made the giveaway isn't going to give him and how he demands to have the game because he finally won after X entries only to be told to suck it up and having no new game to win.
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Indeed, this is what I understood from the OP, though I must admit, he might have made it shorter and clearer as to what his real reservations were about, rather than hide the true meaning of his post in paragraphs of text...
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Mostly because people who make fake giveaways can get undeserved feedback, when they really didn't spend anything on their part and completely mislead tons of people.
Imagine waiting for a game you can't afford and is rarely ever on here suddenly made into a giveaway and you actually win it.
Then having high hopes you realize you didn't win anything.
And you almost sound like fake giveaways are a good thing.
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If the draw is false and the winner don´t receive his prize I'm sure that u lose the points
"ill give anyone of u 10$ randomly...
na im just trolling u couse im an idiot without others things to do"
The reason why the hate is:
Imagine winning a giveaway that results fake
Being the chances of winning extremely low must be the most frustrating thing I could imagine
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I think the point everyone is missing is the case where people come onto a giveaway and call it fake when it isn't. While it sucks to win a giveaway and not get the game, how would you feel if you went to a site for charity because you're generous, you set up a giveaway, and then people start going bat-shit insane on the page calling you the scum of the earth
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I don't agree with the animosity that is portrayed in the comments, but I do agree with the disdain of the comments. I mean yeah, sure it's nice to get points, but at the same time no one should have gotten those points if the giveaway is false. Further the issue becomes that a giveaway shouldn't have been created in the first place if you don't understand how the system works.
I'll quote 4chan on this one, but "lurk moar." If you don't know that you can't give away games in your library, but you rushed to do so as soon as you joined you clearly need to lurk more and find out how it does work. I don't know how many scurrilous posts go on, or how many false giveaways are done... But some people don't like opening a giveaway only to find out that the game they're about to enter for is not going to be forthcoming.
I'd suggest an idea for a system where reporting a suspicious giveaway halts it until it can be checked by a moderator (can only be done once per giveaway and doing so halts all comments to prevent stupidity), but it's also exploitable and I could see people doing it for every giveaway. Then the majority of giveaways are held up by people being douchebags and reporting just because they think it's funny.
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Actually, that's a reasonable idea... like Wikipedia gives non-admins some powerful abilities if they're trusted, maybe we could give the more trusted and experienced users (Yatterman or Raiden, for example) the ability to do this, and expand it whenever someone else becomes eligible. Then we'd have people in every timezone being able to patrol the giveaways and pause apparent fakes in their tracks. If they abuse it, then remove their ability and never give it back. Just a thought, since this would likely be far too much work to implement, but as an idea, that's actually a very good one.
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I'm not sure how this could be investigated. The problem is, they don't want to make it so you have to have your inventory public. And seeing the games in inventory is off by default, if I bought a game I wouldn't remember to enable it or even know where to turn it on. And what if I decide to buy the game after the winner is picked?
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Because its EXMTREMLY annoying if u win a giveaway and its FAKE! My friend won dead island, the giveaway had 1877 entries and there were 2 copies been given away and He Won! And it was FAKE! - do u know how people feel after that??? Obviously not.
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The OP is not talking about why people hate fake giveaways though. He is asking about why people leave hateful messages on giveaways they think are fake (or thought to be so) for one reason or another (before the giveaway is over- i.e. there is a (however slim) possibility the giveaway might actually be valid).
What you are saying is a certainty; the giveaway was a fake and you never got your gift, hence is a different aspect and not directly related to what the OP is talking about.
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Look, everyone hate's fake giveaways. He is asking why people enter comments such as "I hope you die in a fire" or other obscene and hurtful comments to such giveaways. I think basically, what he is trying to say is, if a giveaway is fake, why do people NOT comment saying why they think it is a fake and advise people not to enter but rather say obscene and hurtful things that lower the civility of the site... At least I think that is what he is trying to say ^^
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Maybe because:
1 - On the giveaway issue: Don't like applying to win something someone is not delivering
2 - Points generated: It's like injecting fake money on the market, increasing demand over an offer wich is in fact lower than it seems
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I notice a few people politely noting to new giveaway creators that they can not gift items in their library. For the most part though, it doesn't take much for the angry 'fake' comments to start flowing.
I'm wondering why people care. You don't lose points if a gift is fake, and even if you did... they were free? The only thing you lose is the 5 seconds of your life it takes to click the button and leave a comment. If you don't want your points to be tied up on a potentially fake giveaway, move onto something else. You can't lose something you never actually had.
So why not just say thank you regardless? Even with the odds stacked in favor of a fake giveaway, how would the gifter feel if it were real, and 90% of the comments are rude "fake" remarks rather than appreciative?
I'm honestly curious as to why people take these gift listings almost like a personal insult.
That said, happy Karlowitz Treaty day everyone!
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