I don't understand the.. 'Hatred' for this game smirk
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Then don't buy it. Problem solved.
Wow, that was easy!
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Hatred confuses me. I've seen the trailer and I think it's a game with good graphics/physics/gameplay wasted on a stupid premise simply for shock value. It could have been so much more, but they wanted the player to be shooting innocents instead of criminals or whatever. I don't care it's on steam, I care that it's stupid.
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The idea that a store can sell whatever products it wants to provided it's not illegal? What exactly is the problem with this idea?
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you just described most games that are released these days...
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Then just don't buy it. I don't like MMOs, sports games, most F2P games, Minecraft clones, Early Access crap/scams, the list goes on. Doesn't mean I want to deny the right to buy these games from the people who want them.
In fact, I likely would never buy Hatred unless it was in a bundle, but I won't try and censor/ban it either.
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I think it's a stupid idea. Violence for the sake of violence. And before you say "all games are violent!", those games put violence in proper context like war. This one doesn't, that's what makes it stupid. It's also going to be the new scapegoat for any shootings too. Downvoted, hope it fails.
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The character appears to be a disturbed psychopath, seems like a proper context to me... I really don't see any difference from this to games likes Postal, Carmageddon, GTA, where murdering bystanders in ridiculous ways is part of the appeal, it works as a simple stress relief for a lot of people.
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Then don't buy it. If you think it's stupid and immature then ignore it; problem solved.
Other people enjoying a game you dislike has no effect on your life whatsoever.
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Voted no.
I mean - it looks bad. Objects are moving towards guy's hands, proportions of main character are off (look at his fingers) and gameplay looks repetitive, and boring.
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I've seen a lot of them. Voted no in every case.
I just hate when people are releasing junk products and call it great for one reason or another. And this one just looks bad. You walk, you shoot and it is about the same as in Crusader: No remorse. Or even less interesting. (I haven't seen anything which resembles "find the red key" quest - not to mention anything more complex) The scenery looks repetitive. The objects fly to hand to cover poor animations, (at the beginning when this guy picks up items they start moving before he touches them, at 1:21 the police car moves for no reason at all, at 1:06 main character stabs himself before killing victim) and characters look terrible. (proportions are off, clothing is repetitive) I mean that if I see intro and my first thought is - I could do this better - than it is not the game I want to buy. And I am a programmer not animator.
Also here to cover poor quality of their product by shoving controversy. If the game got less complex game mechanics than Call Of Duty- and what's worse it looks like it has also a very simple gameplay (simple mechanics and complex gameplay is very good thing - I can't see this in here) - and the only thing worse than this is complex mechanics and simple gameplay. And to cover it up they are putting killing random people to attract 10-year old kids - because this is their target market. Teens and pre-teens. 80% of adults would be just bored by playing this game for more than 10 minutes.
Look for example at the backgrounds. One texture for grass billboards, one for asphalt, one for grass. Trees from SpeedTree, and buildings with the same repeating pattern on all walls. I could write a script to create a lot of buildings like this (and most likely I will in Febuary or March) in just few seconds.
Also I meet the Devs and read few articles about them. They never made a good impression on me, and I seriously doubt that they could make a good game - here they are not even trying. Mindless violence is the only thing in this game - and it is their only selling point.
And this is a promotion video. Still they managed to get so many thing wrong in just less than 2 minutes, while trying to make a game look as good as possible. And if they got not enough content for proper trailer than why we should believe that they will create a good game? I mean repetitive environments may look good in such sort bursts of gameplay (have you noticed that they never show more than 3 seconds of gameplay without switching to different scene?) but it is repetitive in a long run - and boring after a short time.
The only thing which looks good is Engine. And it is not hard when you license Unreal Engine 4. But I don't want to buy an engine. I want to buy a game.
And this is why I voted no. And I encourage everybody else to do so.
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I wonder if they've done this simply to go through with the Greenlight process so that later on they can say "We've assessed the game in a complete/near-complete state and will not be hosting it for sale [because reasons]", rather than pulling it based off a trailer or two.
Publishing the game on Steam and letting the relevant country's censors decide if it will or won't be available for sale in that particular country. As someone from the UK, I can fairly safely say that there's zero chance of the game in its present state being sold here.
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Yeah, they should ban this game and every other game that has any kind of violence should be banned too. While we're at it, why not ban every movie and TV-series with violence in them and every book too, just in case someone would imagine the violence depicted the books.
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I think Football Manager games are stupid and should be banned from everywhere. They simply shouldn't exist.
I know others like them (like, say... you with your 1000 hours), and I can simply not buy them, but let's just ban them because I said so. That works for you right?
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Very first comment I saw on the Greenlight page
I have too say, I completely agree. Still, I'm happy too see it back. But I hope people are still going to wait for reviews before buying it. I would hate to see one more bad game make money out of controversy.
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Regardless of what everyone else thinks, censorship is the last thing greenlight needs. It's different if a game is just plain bad but the amount of talk this game got just because of how 'edgy' and 'controversial' it was trying to be speaks for it self.
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277 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Carenard
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82 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by RePlayBe
340 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by RePlayBe
The game got yanked from Steam yesterday, it's back now
Quite interested on the game, despite the lack of story the game provides, just kill'em all coz you hate 'em humanity bam bam bam
UPDATE: It's Gabe himself who put the game back on Steam Greenlight, dunno it's legit or not, though
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