i mean i saw this site and thought if i could win only one giveaway i would contribute
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Why not jump the gun and give something anyway?
Karma loves a giver, and maybe you'll make someone else's day :)
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My first win was somewhere about 7-800 giveaways. With almost 25 CV, some group only private giveaways, and solving quite a few puzzles for giveaways. There are lots of people on the site, no wonder it's actually quite hard to win something. The best you can do to yourself to take part in lots of giveaways you'd actually happy to win. Winning a game you don't want is a little awkward. For example I've won a F.E.A.R. 3. - I think I just entered because it seemed quite good, and I needed to blow away the points before maxing. Then I won it. I'm not that into horror - luckily they said it's quite a shooter-ish game of the franchise, not the horror the 1st and 2nd game was. So, it will be a hell of a ride, but I'll play it through :D Nothing give you more creeps about a horror game than not really liking horror games because you are frigtened sooo easily x)
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My first win was somewhere about 7-800 giveaways. With almost 25 CV, some group only private giveaways, and solving quite a few puzzles for giveaways. There are lots of people on the site, no wonder it's actually quite hard to win something. The best you can do to yourself to take part in lots of giveaways you'd actually happy to win. Winning a game you don't want is a little awkward. For example I've won a F.E.A.R. 3. - I think I just entered because it seemed quite good, and I needed to blow away the points before maxing. Then I won it. I'm not that into horror - luckily they said it's quite a shooter-ish game of the franchise, not the horror the 1st and 2nd game was. So, it will be a hell of a ride, but I'll play it through :D Nothing give you more creeps about a horror game than not really liking horror games because you are frightened sooo easily x)
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hmm interesting so the chances of winning are 23/1000 okay thanks for letting me know that
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3,052 entries and only 7 wins. Just do what I do. Go in with ZERO expectations of EVER winning anything. That way you aren't disappointed when you don't. Remember- Confucious says- No expectations, no disappointment.
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Although 7 of 3052 actually seems like a lot. I'm at 5 of 5465 right now.
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Get on my level.
But that's because the games I want tend to have <500 entrants, because I prefer good games, not pieces of shit that people only buy for the graphics. Amazing game that you will play for hundreds of hours, with outdated graphics and an affordable price? 1/10. Complete shit you will play for 5 minutes before uninstalling it in disgust, with state of the art graphics and a price higher than any good console? 10/10. Gamer logic.
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Khalaq just before his first win.
My own first was after about 1200 entries.
If you want slightly better chances, read this.
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Entering giveaways with multiple copies increases your chance of winning. My only win was Growing Pains, which was giving away 50 copies.
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Not a native English speaker in some cases. But this guy is from the United States, so not sure.
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You can't EXPECT to win. Its all luck of the draw.
Here's some tips:
ENTER MORE. The more you enter, the better chance you have of winning something. If you're only entering GAs for the big AAA titles, they have 1000s of entries most of the time. Its no surprise you've not won anything in 54 entries. Keep entering and you will eventually win. It could happen tomorrow, it could happen in a year.
Give away some games. This isn't required, but it gets your CV up which allows you to join giveaways that are limited to people who have given away a certain amount of value. This also will give you a better chance of joining groups, which significantly increase your chance of winning.
I've been here a year and I've got 31 wins, 5 of which are non-group/contributor and most of my group wins had very low entry counts. I didn't record my first public GA win until about 1200 entries.
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57 entries??? Damn... You gotta learn patience, young one. Let me tell you a story of the Great Elders...
A long time ago, many users didn't win anything, even those with amazing odds and many contributions, like Khalaq, for one. But regardless, they kept going. They never gave up, for their courage was boundless...
Every effort was not in vain, though. For one day, the Gods of Steamgifts came down from the skies, and gave them a gift.
On the Great Kingdom of Steamgifts, it is an honor and a privilege not to win anything before 1000 entries. It is a proof of loyalty, courage, and might.
The people praise these great heroes, and they... We, still do.
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But probability doesn't exist if you don't enter a giveaway. Let's say a user is too lazy to create a SG account, he'll never win anything since he isn't registered on the website... But with patience, he can create an account and enter giveaways. :D
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We need more people like you, i've won 1 game and i want to win more, keep losing that hope lol
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Don't worry about your hope getting loose! just try some duct tape or maybe super-glue. I'm sure you'll figure out something.
And keep entering, as an added bonus that guy two posts above being a dick, will delude himself into having a lot more wins. That is a reward in itself.
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You've entered less than 70 giveaways and you're losing hope? Do they not teach basic statistics in school anymore or is this a joke?
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1 win out of 1.6k~
Stop complaining, a slim chance to win something free is better than no chance, fuckin' weak willed jackoff.
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anyone else loosing hope that they are gonna win anything at all
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