What's your sexual orientation?
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Like the rest of all the topics are so serious or not even redundant (my level dropped, i got a trade ban, why cant i giveaway my free game).
I myself am bi, and i am actually curious how many people there are with certain orientations and i am actually surprised that there are so many bi people too.
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I really like zombies, does that count as necrophilia? O.o
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As long as I can touch it, the body will go inside of me. Just imagine an ancient fossil... oh yeah...
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transvestite and transsexual are not sexual orientations
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what if somebody is a transvestite, whos transvestite personality is gay, but in normal life the person is straight? would that count as orientation or as shizophrenia?
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they would be some sort of bisexual superhero
straight by day, gay by night
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yeah, because playing videogames with friends is so much better than sex.
I'm serious too.
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i take anything... ANYTHING! doesn't matter if alive or object
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Gay, and yeah, I know it is pretty damn weird when it comes to PC gamers...
[Sobs because he's single and has never used the microphone while playing.]
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Well, I do not play multiplayer that much because I am a bit too shy. I don't understand how people can just use the voice chat with any random person on Mass Effect 3 or Halo.
And I do have a big list of friends, but none is gay. The only boyfriend I have had that was into playing games only played Second Life so... yeah. lol
That, and that I do think there is this sector of gamers that are hypocritically homophobic, keeps me even farther away from playing with others. I mean, things like:
— in Mass Effect 3 if you are a girl newcomer, you can only have lesbian romances > nobody gives a crap. And you could have lesbian relationships from the first game.
— in Mass Effect 3 they introduce gay romances for guys > hell breaks loose on the fanbase.
Too much of a rant there, sorry lol You one of those bisexual people that have a clear preference for one genre?
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Well hello there ;D.
On a serious note, you should see if there any local gaymer groups around where you live. If not there is always a few steam groups you can join and other places in the web :D.
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"Hey, you come here often?" "How do you like your games?"
I will do that then, nothing to lose after all! Thankies x3
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I was going to recommend Steam groups as well. Just not linking them directly because I'd rather anyone who dislikes gays didn't get any ideas to go join and cause a shitstorm in otherwise safe and friendly places.
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Yeah, I just got an invitation to a group called "Say no to gays" with a swastica inside a gay flag.
Don't know if sarcastic or serious.
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Ick. Even if that's a "joke" it's incredibly poor taste. But the saddest part is, you really can't tell if they mean it. :/
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I know, right?! It's the internet, you can hear somebody say "KKK stands for Kewl Kewl Kewl" and they may be fucking serious...
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Yeah shy too, i didn't even wanted to talk when recording for that karaoke contest here (though singing was okay).
I play TF2 but not sure really what voice chat adds to the game, i dont miss it and i also mute everyone's else their voice.
I can't really thinkg of that many games that has a gay romance in it, though i thought Moebius had some bit of hinting to it.
Oh and this http://www.desura.com/games/my-ex-boyfriend-the-space-tyrant
Genre as in gaming? :p I can enjoy any kind of game, or sometimes i am trying to appreciate something new.
But ever since i was little i always enjoyed true point and click adventure games (not those hog games and such that are also classified as adventure). I see them as an interactive movie, crawl into the skin of the hero, use your brain to solve puzzles.
Actually Leisure Suit Larry was my first pc game when i was about 12 (back when we didnt have internet for the porn lol).
Also don't mind a good rpg once a while, but they often take so very long.
Too bad we arent in the same country, but if you ever want to play something multiplayer on steam, you can always add me.
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Woah, that alone makes Desura a better platform than uPlay hah
I like my guys like my games: Third-Person and FPS (horrible joke, I KNOW xD)
Way better if they mix up with RPG elements and a good story, that's probably why I fell in love with the first Deus Ex back in 2002 even if I was still a child and had no idea of triangles
And gladly! Gonna add ya, thanks for making me open up a little here ^w^
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Well they are worse for getting bankrupt though. :p But that's more because of bad management.
There is also a genre called Ball and Paddle, maybe something for you too. :p
Even if you just want to talk you can also feel free to do so. I actually knew a guy from spain who i talked pretty much every day with but he suddenly disappeared (didnt even visit the sites he normally did), been a year now.
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Hate it when that happens,
And yeah, keeping up with the gay puns hah xD
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Well you can have as well bipolar disorder... but it's not nice and funny thing xD
And in asexual spectrum there are demisexual persons and so on. It's far more "complicated" than staight / gay / bi :D
(And noone loves you when you live in traditional / homophobic country xD)
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Does that mean that Gay people have more sex and that's why they don't have time to play video games?
Btw you can use that microphone, no one will be there to judge you
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I like the concept of "pansexuality". This is quite different from the concept of "bi" and simply means that for you, no matter the orientation of the person that you love (of course, provided that it's an adult and mature person).
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I think pansexual essentially ignores gender as a social construct. We are born with a specific sex but gender isn't necessarily binary and some people choose for fluidity in their gender. Basically Pansexual individuals just ignore that and focus on people as a whole.
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Correct, Gender Fluid is also down that road. A great article by HuffPo with Ruby Rose is a nicely done article about orientation, and includes a link to her Break Free video as well which is a nice watch if nobody has seen it before imo.
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I'm pretty sure someone whos bisexual would also be alright with transgenders.
Also transgenders are just men and women anyways, no matter how you twist it. You either take their actual gender or the gender they want to be and love that.
But guess we need more words which essentialy just mean something that already exists...
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Thank you for sharing your perspective on this. I don't think it's necessary to assume that someone else is wrong. Moreover, I believe that each person understands it differently. This term and any other(!), don't have reasons for pride or to boast (becouse in the end, personal preference only dealt with two people that having a close relationship, not more or less).
As for me and my understanding of this concept. I understand it as something that should not put yourself in any frame with stating something like: "no, I'll never find an attractive person of the same sex with me, or someone who have more specific preferences and appearance". In fact, in real life, we do not communicate with people, what in some sence we don't find attractive to us (of course, exclude purely mutually beneficial relationship, like the work, study and else). It's worth noting that we're talking about something that involves the mutual consent of both parties and giving a full and Mature understanding of the issue.
Also it does not imply something like: "Hey, I want everything that is alive .. or not really, people .. and hm, not quite" (I'm joking). This differs from the concept of "bi", because it says that you will continue lovely and desirable personality, regardless of the fact that sometimes you dress up in a dress and .. oh, here may be children (right?). You mentioned the alleged difficulties associated with it, but healthy and full of attitude, also have some problems or specific situations, even if you are a normal heterosexual orientation.
Hope I was able quite clearly to explain my vision of this concept on respond to your comment and it will not make huge discomfort when you reading it.
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In fact, in real life, we do not communicate with people, what in some sence we don't find attractive to us
Wow. I agree with this 100% It's a concept that we all follow and understand, yet no one thinks about it or talks about it, and you just expressed it so clearly and perfectly. We choose our friends, our lovers and our partners because we're drawn to them, and that attraction may be physical, emotional, intellectual, or (most likely and hopefully!) a combination of the three. We choose to spend time with people who stimulate us... they make us laugh, or feel, or think, or inspire us. Somewhere, there's a connection, an attraction that makes us "like" another person, and there's a reason why we enjoy their conversations and their company. :)
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I'm kinda glad this is only semi serious because I really don't see this going well otherwise.
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I know but i could have added 100 entries to the poll otherwise, but there is always the other option thus comment, if someone wants to make a comment in a serious manner then they should (and some assumingly did).
It should be taken with a little grain of salt though, it's more a quick demograph, and for some a bit of fun. Not whole discussions about sexual orientations otherwise yeah then it probably won't go well.
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I see, I see, I totally understand. Still, I'm very serious when that comes to that matter and I think I would post serious comment about it, but (don't be mad) when I saw that poll options I knew that this time it won't a place to hold this kind of disscussion. I just don't feel like it's a joke material.
EDIT: But yeah, it probably would go bad.
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Since we have so many polls, thought it was interesting to know the demograph. Keep it light, also we are here not to judge. :p
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