There are around 350 pages of open discussions and an extra 1000 of closed ones. While it's nice to be able to check past discussions, I'm sure a lot of these will never be looked at again. I had a quick search in the FAQ and discussions themselves, but couldn't find any information about when the closed discussions are archived, and I guess that at the moment they are never permanently deleted.

As well as a 'closed' option, perhaps there could be a 'flagged for deletion' choice. Then after a set amount of time in which you could change your mind and change it to 'closed' or 'open', the discussion would be permanently deleted. If this was around 6 months, there would be plenty of time for the OP to change the status, and for support to access the discussion if there were any comments that warranted suspension.

Of course, not everyone would bother with this, but it would clear out some of the older unnecessary posts/discussions and free up a little space.

8 years ago

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Option to delete?

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Yes please
Unnecessary function
Why are you even thinking about this?!

I dont see a Potato option D:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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If the post isn't active, it'll sink to the bottom of the list anyway, so it's not getting in the way.

8 years ago

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i think only the thread creator or support should have a say in what can be deleted, not users.

8 years ago

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Uh no, and unlike Mully, I don't even believe the thread creator should be able to delete anything, only close it.
You'd get idiots causing problems, then deleting their threads to avoid suspension.

8 years ago

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Well, if you plan to free up space - it would not help. Removing from database is not the same as freeing space in database, and the latter is very resource-consuming operation, and should not be made very often. So, there is no profit from removing old posts every now and then. I think we should leave database management to cg, he knows better what to do. If he decides that he need more space - he can always stop the site for a maintenance, remove all closed topics that older then some date, and start a database compression, all in one strike - it would be much more productive. Or, he may do it in any other way - one more time - he knows better)

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by smythe.