I feel like this is more of a language barrier issue here. I think what he means to say is "It is great that you are apologizing and are going to do what you feel is right" or something else along those lines. Who knows though, maybe he is just a jerk who feels entitled to the games he wins by clicking a button and blames everyone who doesn't deliver.
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Given the fact that I'm myself having language barrier issues, you bet that I can understand what he meant.
However, I just pointed the fact that using that expression given the context isn't really cool. I should have perhaps added that how he worded that would cause a misunderstanding.
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If your mission was to confuse me, congrats, you managed to do it!
So, in order to preserve my sanity, I'm gonna not try to find the hidden meaning behind the sentence.
is shutting her brain and going to watch Cauchemar en Cuisine in her native language
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I'm pretty sure he was talking about trying to make it up for the unsent gifts.
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I'm pretty sure that he meant that too. Still bad wording and not cool to welcome him back by saying that, given the context.
says the one that have an hard time to comunicate with the others and that has also a past of misused english expressions.
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Well yeah, we have to understand that language barriers might cause this. It's not necessarily "not cool" from a person to say something bad if they didn't do it on purpose, in my opinion. ^^
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Hooray, Steamgifts' favorite llama is back!
Also, by major changes, does that mean we'll see less of you around here, or are you really back from... Wherever you disappeared to?
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Sounds like you're ready to tackle your way to level 10. :P
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These lucky 2 GTA V winners... they might be the first ones to really receive a copy of the game after winning a giveaway. :P
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Well, they won't be first, but they still just joined a very small group of people really lucky.
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Shit happens. Hopefully you're able to get with the winners easily enough, and you all end up happy. That's the important thing.
What type of life changes are we talking about? If you don't mind me asking, of course.
I've went through a few of 'em myself, and they were never fun. Especially not the big ones.
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I wish you all the best with that, then. I know how hard making a fresh start for yourself can be.
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I was just starting on SG before you took a break, wondered what had happened to you since you had always seemed to be active in the forums to then. Just good to know that you are alive and it sounds well.
When it all comes down to it a forum/community on the internet will always lose out to certain things in life, anyone who can get mad at you for that has probably never experienced any true life changing paths to walk down or decisions to make.
I raise a glass, tonight it's PseudoSue
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How is that stuff? It has never been out here anywhere that I have seen but it intrigues me. There's a cider aged in tequila barrels that I am absolutely in love with, and I really don't like ciders lol.
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So kinda similar to like Snapshot from New Belgium or the Lemon Ginger Radler from Boulevard?
It sounded worth trying when I read about it, also made me get a few ideas for sauces and reductions if it cooked down well at all.
Will do.
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good god man, it's like you are trying to make me love you.
This would not make a good reduction at all. Not like Guinness, or other stouts. I could see it in a crock pot with some baby backs, though. I would compare it with Blue Moon's White, not so much a Fat Tire. Or maybe in a fried chicken. Yea. This would be great in a chicken batter.
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No, not Fat Tire from New Belgium, Snapshot their American Pale Wheat Ale, which really was a let down to me based on what the brewery rep was describing when we had their event going on.
I'm a classically trained chef (French style, American/Midwest background) who is also Cicerone certified. Not the big one, just the small one for $60 and a test lol. Wanna go make out or what?
So more of a marinade than a sauce gotcha. There are many liquors and beers that find themselves on that list sadly.
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Please! My work schedule has pretty much made it so just me and maybe my cousin or my friend/co-worker drink beer anymore. I have an entire cellar I need to empty to make room to buy this year's releases. Already missed out on a few because I don't have the space lol.
I'm a reverse alcoholic. I buy beer, sit it in my temp controlled beer fridge that has no light in it (full size fridge) and let it age. Most of my stuff is 2013 or 2014 bottles, except for the IPA's those are always fresh. :D
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I am far too stoned and drunk atm to look at that picture. It's like Hypnotoad strong.
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I sense a drunken LAN Party forming sometime in the future, once mine or perrolijo's race develops a machine for instant travel that we can easily distribute to everyone on SG Forums.
Except Downward, he wins everything.
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He's the best Llama, and he always will be (to me, at least)
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Hey Llama! Glad to see you're alive and well. I hope you're okay. Hope to see you around these parts more often now.
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259 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by pingu23
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243 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by scap
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3 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by PossiblePsycho
189 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Wintermute75
I have been gone a bit, as some of you have noticed, especially those that won my giveaways and did not receive the game.
I have had some major changes in my life over the last few months and it has forced me to re-prioritize everything. I feel awful that I made those giveaways and did not come through, but I promise that I will be making it up to each of the winners. if you already have the game you won, I will get with you to make sure you get something you want. I don't really care about my rep or anything, you guys know my giveaways were always about you, not me. Well, you, and the attention I so crave.
I apologize to all of you and you've got my word that I will make it right.
I'll be around.
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