I was 5.26 yesterday, right now I am 4.41. What's going on?

9 years ago

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Steamgifts.com converted to Metric today.

9 years ago

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ok this made my day !

9 years ago

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Probably items added to bundle list for high sale discount.


Double Fine Bundle - Nov 25, 2015
Sinister Stories Bundle 2 - Nov 25, 2015

9 years ago

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Looks like your last 2 giveaways were added to the bundle list today so you'll only get 15% value for them

9 years ago

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I thought these things aren't retroactive?

9 years ago

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Yes and no. Anything made before the "Bundled" date here counts as unbundled, but there is usually some delay in when it's updated.

Example: game A gets bundled on December 1st, but the list is updated on December 3rd. If you make a giveaway on 4th, it's bundled. If you make it in November, it's unbundled. If you make it on December 1st, it will be counted as bundled when the list is updated.

9 years ago

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Double Fine 2015 and Sinister Stories 2 bundle dates were set to Nov 25, 2015 and your GAs started after that date, so it is applied retroactively. It would only be exempt if your bundles were created prior to 25th November.

9 years ago

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it counts as bundled thought it was 85%+ so tempted to get that Double Fine 2015 collection will probably just regret not doing so now :(

9 years ago

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They are not on paper but very much so in practise. If you see something sold at a great price, you can be about 187.38% sure it'll end up on the bundle list with a retroactive date. :)

9 years ago

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I don't want to generalise and say "You might want to search the forum, because every day someone asks this question and it's the same answer every time." :)


You might want to search the forum, because every day someone asks this question and it's the same answer every time.


And yes, games can be added to the bundle list retroactively. So if you paid, say, $1 for $100 of CV, expect it to be fixed eventually... :)

But since you gave away those games for people to play, and not just to gain cheap CV, it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure the winners appreciate it!

9 years ago

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But since you gave away those games for people to play, and not just to gain cheap CV, it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure the winners appreciate it!

Nah just to gain cheap CV

9 years ago

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For real?

9 years ago

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why not? as you can see here, CV is a big motivation for many people to give games away. if you ask me, without CV (or a similar reward system) we would have significantly less giveaways.

9 years ago

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Although I suppose there is a line that could be crossed, there is no harm in people making gibs with CV raising in mind. That's what the CV system is for. It's stupid to shame people for not being a perfect embodiment of generousness.

But since you gave away those games for people to play, and not just to gain cheap CV, it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure the winners appreciate it!

^And this kind of sarcastic, passive-agressive BS gets obnoxious real fast.

9 years ago

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wrote some more about this, in case you want to read it: http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/t39cgnS :)

9 years ago

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hm, because its wrong :) I could buy 5 AAA games RU/vpn for 20 bucks. instead I just bought 1 row.
Everyone want a higher level sure, but not all will abuse it :)

9 years ago

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i was only discussing whether giving away games mainly for CV is a bad thing. abusing that system is a different thing (i see now that McNippleson seems to do this, lol). it's bad, and it would be great if we could find a way to prevent it. but that still doesn't change the fact that the CV system in general is very good for the site, in my opinion. :)

9 years ago

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I hate when people say, I cant giveaway because Im region locked. Well if you do want to giveaway you will trade/buy a row copy, it's clear as a day when someone is raping cv with region locked.
I mean example,
ARK: Survival Evolved 6$
CoD: Black Ops 5$
Banished 1,40$
and so on, so on, basicly with 100 bucks you can hit level 10 within a week

9 years ago

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well, again: i was not talking about abuse of the otherwise fine system (imho). but ok, let's discuss the abuse thing for a bit. ;)

let's talk about a real russian, who doesn't abuse the system, but buys games in this steam store for the price they are sold there. he has to invest less money than you or me. i am in germany, so russian prices are 1/2 - 1/3 of mine. this russian can achieve level 10 with significantly less money. but you also have to take into account that his salary is significantly lower. while people in germany have average wages of over 2000€, people in russia are at only 400€ (source). so while he has to spend only 1/2 - 1/3 of what i have to spend, his salary is 1/5 of the average german. so if we look at those numbers, it's only fair that he gets full CV for his reduced prices, right? hell, he should even get more.

now there are those people who abuse the fact that we can create region restricted giveaways. i honestly don't know how we should prevent that. we could just throw out regional giveaways completely. that would obviously prevent any abuse. but at the same time, the russian we were talking about loses - big time. he cannot buy anything in his steam store for giveaways anymore (since it's all restricted). and he has to buy ROW copies somewhere, which might be so expensive, he can't afford them. you recently gave away some nice games. would you have done that if those games would have costed 5 times than what you paid for them?

i really don't know what we should do about this. either way, someone loses. but i am sure, getting rid of the whole system is not the right way to deal with some abusers. :)

9 years ago

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+1 for that... why people just don't accept that some can/should be much more interested in cv than just give games away?

9 years ago

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For real. Many, many people just farm CV here. This is why so many of us want it changed or gone.

9 years ago

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most of us want it to keep it, luckily, as the polls proved over and over again. as Jabbergeist said: there is no harm in giveaways created for the purpose of gaining CV. i just don't see how farming CV hurts you in any way (if you think otherwise, please explain).

and i am sure, quite a lot of people begin here with a pure CV rush, but then over time start to make giveaways for other reasons. i am my own best example. when i was new here, some years ago, CV was a really big motivator for me. it was like a game. i wanted to get 100$. then 500$, 1000$ and so on. like playing for achievements. i did a lot of 1-hour-giveaways in the beginning. just for the CV. this got me into this community. i got to know some of the people here. i started getting more active on the forum. and i started to enjoy giving away games purely for the sake of giving. during the last days i spent a lot of money for this site (check my last GA's, if you want to get an idea), despite the fact that i am level 10 for ages now. CV doesn't really matter anymore. i still like that number to get higher, but it's not the main reason for my giveaways anymore. far from it.

and well, if there was no CV system, it would have been very possible that i would have stopped after the first one or two giveaways, nearly 3 years ago. that is why i always vote for the CV system. because i strongly believe the site works better with it. and i believe there are always people who get "converted" over time, just like me. from a CV whore to someone who loves to give, and who loves this community. :)

9 years ago

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most of us want it to keep it, luckily, as the polls proved over and over again

You sure? The last poll I recall was super-fast taken down from the main site after the supporter rate dropped below 50%, starting from 53%, after a few hours. One wonders what would the actual result be if it stayed for more than half a day and let every user cast their vote. :)
Because, for me, that poll told that barely half of the forum users like this system, and these people cover a small fraction of the active SG users.

as Jabbergeist said: there is no harm in giveaways created for the purpose of gaining CV. i just don't see how farming CV hurts you in any way

Nothing is problematic with it, assuming it is not a problem that you are giving stuff not because you want to by your own accord but because somebody told you that in some form you get some benefits for it. Like when people donate to charity only, and only if it is tax-deductible, but never else.

9 years ago

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well, as i remember it "keep the CV system" was the option with the most votes, and the two other ones were "change the system" (it's not clear how people want it to change exactly) and "remove the system". so with those three options, while the vote count could have been below 50%, "keep it" still was the majority by quite a margin. also, "change it" could mean a number of things. i am sure some of those votes only wanted small changes, like eliminating the region restricted giveaways (abuse). so it's not like all the votes for "change it" would vote against "keep it", if there were only two options.

Nothing is problematic with it, assuming it is not a problem that you are giving stuff not because you want to by your own accord but because somebody told you that in some form you get some benefits for it. Like when people donate to charity only, and only if it is tax-deductible, but never else.

well, people donating to charity are still donating to charity, even if for the "wrong reason". they are still doing something to help others. it's better they donate for the wrong reason, than not at all. wouldn't you agree? :)

9 years ago

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True, in the end, the result is the same. Still, if you take away their somewhat selfish incentives, these people stop, and in this regards you are even more correct.
But in my eyes, it is also defeating a large part of the purpose of these sites, events, activities. If one has to be told or prodded toward doing something beneficial to others, that isn't really reassuring…

9 years ago

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But in my eyes, it is also defeating a large part of the purpose of these sites, events, activities. If one has to be told or prodded toward doing something beneficial to others, that isn't really reassuring…

but all you said is still happening. we have events and all that. people are active on the forum, who are in certain groups, who participate in all kinds of events, create and solve nice riddles. we have all that. and it doesn't change if you add people to the mix who don't do that, but contribute to the site for other reasons. i mean, do they bother you that much? you can still do all that stuff and leave them be, you know. and from time to time, one of them comes to the forum, starts talking to the active members and participating in events and so on. and suddenly, he is not "of of them" anymore, he is "one of us" now. and maybe CV suddenly is not his main reason to do giveaways anymore (as i tried to explain some posts above). and in my book that's a good thing. if we got rid of the CV system, all we would achieve is less giveaways. the activities you mentioned wouldn't really change, since the people who participate in them would stay anyway. but there would be less newcomers. and i don't see the benefit in that. :)

9 years ago

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Oh no, I'm not really bothered. After a few months I got jaded towards many of the things here. It's more like the basic principle behind it is what isn't sitting well with me, in general.

9 years ago

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sure, i totally get that. i'm just saying, it does enough good to keep it. i think getting rid of it would be a big mistake. i am open to changes, though.

9 years ago

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but at the same time you do realize how current CV system actually (passively) prevents giveaways games from bundled list, so to speak?

The thing is, theres same CV value for game that was bundled once, 3 years ago and something thats been 24 times in a bundle.

It also creates a huge problem how games (steamgifts wise) reach their peak during their first bundle time.

But short after that bundle is over nobody is going to buy any of those games to give them away and you are only going to see GAs for abovementioned games on steamgifts, if they end up in another bundle or someone new...ish with bundle leftovers shows up.

9 years ago

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i didn't say the system is perfect. ;)

well, what would you suggest? lower CV gain based on how often a game was bundled? an interesting idea, actually. but of course way more work for Shobo. ^^

i am not sure how much of a problem this really is. i mean, it's the same with non-bundled games. you always see giveaways for games currently on sale. and i think that wouldn't even change, if we dropped the CV system completely. people would still give away current bundle games and currently reduced games. i don't know, is that even a bad thing? do we really need to have all games given away at all times? ;)

9 years ago

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yeah but thats exactly the thing i was talking about here. you said "you always see giveaways for games currently on sale". Yeah thats how it used to be, but not so much this time around because most of sale games are already in the bundled list or were added during the sale so naturally there were only a few giveaways for those games.

what am i trying to say here, is not how cv should be adjusted for rarely/old bundled games (even if that would be a step in the right direction) but how instead, if you look at the pigger picture, cv system is slowly going to choke on its own.

The thing is, there have been so many bundled games now, not sure about exact number but im sure its significantly higher than when the system we have now was made and it failed to adjust to those changes.

So right now we have a huge list of bundled games that nobody is going to make giveaways for anymore and that list is growing fast. Only way to see those games show up here again is if they get bundled again.

Not many people are going to buy Revelations today for $9, just to get like $4,5 CV in return and thats the reality of this system. Just like people wont buy $3 games that are usually $15 because they are on bundled list.

You cant really put a blame on people for this one either, because they created a system with rewards of sorts, and its only natural people are chasing those rewards :)

9 years ago

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Not only not perfect but utterly broken. It gives biggest reward to those "gather 20 ppl and start swapping games on the $ for $ ratio and take whatever you can from public/forum". This is not a negligible minority any longer. Add to that all crying about regional pricing differences, retroactive bundling and I'm more and more leaning towards "drop it" instead of "keep it unchanged"

9 years ago

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If I'm thinking of the same poll you are, then it's important to note that the choices weren't just "keep" and "get rid of", and that leads to a lot of nuance. For example, there was a "change/fix" option, which a great many people chose, but it could mean anything from completely overhauling the system to changing one little aspect that the voter doesn't like(which may as well mean "keep"). Of course I have no proof, but based on the comments I saw in the corresponding thread, I expect most people meant something closer to the latter.

9 years ago

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Yes, but the question was also interpreted as "is this system good", and IMO the majority was saying "no, it is not".
Better than that horrible popularity contest alternative that was posted there though, I admit that. :D

9 years ago

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Well, you still got cheap CV, because the decreases happen at 95%, and only reduce the value by 85%. That's a whole 10% extra.

9 years ago

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Compared to paying up to 90% less for 100% CV, paying 95% less for 15% CV is not cheap at all. From a pure 'cheap CV' point of view, of course.

9 years ago

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Well, that is 3 CV for 1 dollar. Hardly worth at all, if you just want CV. There are many sources with over 4.75 multiplier, up to 6-8 CV/USD, which are not region-specific. (And the Russians… for them it's hardly worth under 8, but can get 10-12 CV per dollar.)

9 years ago

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Last time I got caught in the retroactive bundling trap I had paid 1 euro for 0.8 cv or so (both on 80% off) which was kinda annoying. Usually I would not mind, but that was supposed to be my push through the gates of leve7 so I got kinda mad but one has to learn to accept these things. Peace.

9 years ago

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We all were there. I lost over 700 dollars in CV for one retroactive bundle, and another 120 or so on others. I could be level 8 for a long time, but now I'll be stuck here for another 5-6 months or so.
But it was a good wake-up call to completely start not caring about my level. Heck, I don't even enter many GAs and only a fraction of level 1+ ones anyway. So why bother? ^^

9 years ago

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kill cv with fire. no really just get rid of it or come up with another way to "motivate" people because this one has a tiny shortcoming that many people like to overlook - it stops people from actually giving away games they want to give away. I know thats not such a big thing for a site dedicated to giving away games but still... >.<

to make things a bit more clear : it wasnt such a problem when there were like 200 bundled games. But today, like half of steam is on bundled list and its growing. fast. So a list of no-giveaway games is getting bigger each day and while, in theory, people should give away games out of their heart and not for CV, ive seen quite a few giveaways with level restrictions and they are real (!) so you cant really put a blame on people who want to be able to get into those giveaways, imo.

During past few sales, there were quite a few giveaways for games that were 75% or higher on steam, with $10 - $20 base value but this time around, not so much simply because most of those games ended up on bundled list and the (harsh?) reality is how most people dont want to pay $4 to get $3 CV.

9 years ago*

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i gained 0.03 Value o.o i guess the new system is for some a lose and for some a win

9 years ago

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I lost over 0.2 and am back down to level 4 again. shrugs.

9 years ago

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