So I've never played a Might and Magic game, but I like rpg and strategy games and I've played a bit of and enjoyed King's Bounty which is supposed to be a reboot of the original inspiration for Might and Magic.

Which games should I get? Seems like VI has uplay and mostly negative reviews. X is new and too expensive for me. The rest seem to have good reviews, and the 2.50 price point is just right. However, V has two expansions, so it'd be a total of 7.50. Then there's Dark Messiah and Clash of Heroes which look fun too.

I've already spent a bit of money lately with so many bundles. Plus I'm hoping Beyond Good and Evil also goes for a higher sale this weekend. And a few other games might be tempting if they hit 75% too (and don't require uplay)

Please, help me decide.

11 years ago*

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Anno and Trials is also on sale.

Trials is a very awesome game, but is dragged down ALOT by a very poor console port and uplay bugs.

Onto you question: Get V. I played it and have had some fun with it. No experience with the others though.

11 years ago

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It's a shame that Anno 1404 is not on Steam. For me, it was superior to 2070 ;/

11 years ago

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Its coming i hear. Keep your eye out for it.

11 years ago

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Yeah, Anno is really tempting too. But having uplay on top of steam is a real turnoff. If it was cheaper I might consider it. But for now I think I'll pass on it.

11 years ago

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Definitely HoMM V with the expansions.

11 years ago

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There is no H3 on Steam, so you should get Heroes V with expansions. Or, if you don't care about campaign, just Tribes of the East.

11 years ago

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If you plan on buying Heroes 5 then get the expansions too. They add a lot of gameplay stuff.

Don't buy Heroes 6, if you want a bug-free experience(there's a lot of game breaking bugs).

11 years ago

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You can picked up HoMM I-V and Heroes Chronicles from GOG for cheap when they do sales. Think it cost me 5-10$ for all of them.

11 years ago

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I think you are mixing the different sagas of the game.
If you want a classic first person rpg, then play Might & Magic from I to X. (I dont like too much this rpg type)

If you want a turn based estrategy game, with some rpg things and city management, then play Heroes of Might & Magic I to VI. (I have all the collection, I recommend Heroes V with the two expansions, and you can buy Heroes III and his expansions in GOG. They´re the best)

If you want a Fantasy FPS, play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

If you want a Puzzle game, play Clash of Heroes

And finally, the King´s Bounty saga is like Heroes, but without city management, only one hero, and with more rpg things. (Heroes saga is best in my opinion)

If you want to know the complete story of might and magic, you need to jump from saga to saga.

11 years ago

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Since you like RPG and strategy games, I'd say you're talking about "Heroes of Might and Magic" saga. If that's the case, and you like playing older games, then I definitely recomment HoMM III and IV. I've played quite a bit of them back when they were popular and in my opinion, those two are what made the series. V and VI are okay, but they dont have that HoMM feel that parts I-IV have. I actually started playing both, but wasnt interested enough to finish them (especially V).

11 years ago

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Praise HoMM III for it is one of the best strategy game I have ever played!

11 years ago

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Took a look at a couple since I want Dark Messiah and Clash of Heroes, but both are more expensive here, so no getting them for $2.50 Steam wallet. Bah, humbug.

11 years ago

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Only Legacy is interesting to me (I wouldn't touch the others with a 10 foot pole), but it happens to be the one with the worst deal :-(

11 years ago

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Thanks everyone for the help. I've also done a little bit of research and found out that I only need Tribes of the East since there's a fan content pack that adds the campaigns to it.

11 years ago

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Gonna try and get Dark Messiah but i think the sale will end before i can get my hands on it.

11 years ago

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Clash of Heroes is really fun, I'm really resisitng the urge to buy it...despite that I've already finished it on my handheld system ;)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by victorey84.