why would anyone wait to win magicka? its like a few bucks every single sale, and wasnt it on a bundle, and its on amazon right now for cheap? this game is 2.50 every other week. dont buy 2 vended bottles of soda, and there you go you have enough for magicka. its a great game. you shouldnt wait to win just buy it.
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True :) I would even say that Magicka is totally worth its full price. Great game.
OP's first sentence "I would put on my robe and wizard hat and play Magicka dressed like that." reminded me of:
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If i ever win Secret of the magic crystals, i'll brush my unicorn and fly on a pegasus!
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I'm sincerely sorry if my post sounds like begging, but it's not. It's not even stealth begging. I'm just saying I don't have Magicka, I'd love to win it, BUT I'm not asking anyone to donate one to me. I want to win it fair and square like everyone else, without begging for it :).
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The question is with a hat, or without one? Tis a subject of great debate.
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Nothing Co-Op about it :p it is in what way can you kill your friends in the most fun way :p
There is a guy who once said Magicka is a mage suicidie emulator :p
Man my spelling sucks :S should have put away the whiskey ealier xD
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Haha. I feel the same way about Reign. Unfortunately, I don't have a suit of armor handy to celebrate that future occasion with.
I'll wish you luck! If you do win it one day, I'll play it with you and we can merrily blow each other up with accidental spells.
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How great, another Magicka giveaway!! Thanks a lot for this, I'll start to save up my points so I can enter it!! You're such a generous contributor, you deserve a pile of cookies. Here you go :)
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Oh no, I just now realized that your giveaway has already ended and I didn't enter it :'(. I remember I was saving my points for some other giveaway that was ending sooner and I thought I would enter your giveaway later. Then I completely forgot about it. This makes me a really sad panda... :'(
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I'm so sorry to waste your efforts :(. I really wanted to enter that giveaway but I just completely forgot about it. I have such a bad memory. Still, thanks a lot for the kind thought. It was really generous of you to make a giveaway just for me :D
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Umm, what do you mean by that?? I know It'd be nice to think your chances get better by every lose, but that's not exactly how this system works. When picking a winner, it chooses them completely randomly, it doesn't take into account how many times you have already tried to win. People who have hundreds, even thousands of entries and loses, and people who are entering the giveaway for the first time have equally good chances of winning.
But you're right, because in reality, after a lost giveaway I usually try to comfort myself by convincing myself that there will always be new giveaways and I might get luckier the next time. It's just a little thought that keeps me trying here on SG :D
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True, the actual chance you win the gift still is about 1/500. But what if you enter 1000 gifts, how high is the chance you will not win a single of those gifts? Look at it like a die, if you roll it 10 times there's a high chance you rolled 1. But when you just roll the die once, there's only a 1/6 chance.
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There is a good chance you will have won something in a (large) number of giveaways... But all giveaways are independent, meaning you'll have no greater chance of winning your 1000th entry than your 1st assuming they have the same number of entrants at closing time.
But by the time you reach your 1000th entry, chances are, you'll have won.
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You clearly don't know how statistics work. Just look at Cha0sSt0rm's comment for a GREAT understanding of statistics.
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What he's saying is what I'm trying to explain. Let's say all giveaways you enter are 100 entries. In 1 entry you have a 1% chance of winning. In 50 entries 39.5%, 100 entries 63.4%, 200 entries 86.6%. Note that this is the chance you win 1 gift in all those entries, and 1 giveaway is still 1%, though the likeliness you haven't won anything with 200 entries is rather low. Go do some probability calculations and tell me what you find.
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if you're so excited about it you'll be disappointed by the INCREDIBLE amount of bugs it has
which you wouldn't expect because it has loads of DLC
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Don't worry - I finished the game without encountering any bugs.
By the way, instead of hoping to win it you might have better luck buying this huge Paradox bundle from Amazon for less than the price of Magicka alone.
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psssh every time i play magicka i dress up like a wizard, it makes me feel like gandalf bitch...
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You can make a clicky like this: use these symbols [ ] ( ) , and [put your text inside these](and the link inside these). There must be no space or any other characters between the symbols. I'm really bad at explaining things, if you didn't understand my description, you can read a more accurate explanation here, the part 'creating a link'.
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Thanks, reedited the previous comment so that it's fixed.
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I thought the game was kid of mediocre, but I got it for free (not off of SG, from going to PAX east) so it was K.
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I have been trying to win magicka collection for like ... forever
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I'm disappointed OP. I hid a giveaway in my post where I said "If you ever won Magicka, hm? ... " It's over now though
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Oh I'm so sorry, please don't be disappointed at me, it makes me sad :(. I really didn't notice your giveaway, in fact I have only recently started noticing that people create these hidden giveaways and hide the links in their posts... I seem to never notice these things...
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Bit of Both! It was actually made as a quick cosplay for the local LanParty/Comic and Manga Convention one or two years ago, it took me a bit less than a week to have it done, but it was done mainly for fun.
I have only coplayed twice, first one was a Ragnarok Online Novice, and maybe (Just maybe) next time I'll make a Tf2 Pyro suit.
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I would put on my robe and wizard hat and play Magicka dressed like that. Believe me, I already have the robe and the hat in my closet (I've made them myself and worn them in cosplay). This thought hit me as I was entering yet another Magicka giveaway (I've been trying to win that game for so long :<). I think it would really enhance the playing experience and get me in the mood for some spellcasting and wizardry. And besides, wizards are freaking AWESOME!! Who wouldn't want to go around dressed like one??
So I was wondering if there's anyone else who thinks it would be cool to play Magicka dressed as a wizard yourself?? Or better still, if there's anyone who has already done it?? There must be someone who has ideas as weird as the ones I have :D.
EDIT: I've finally gotten my own copy of Magicka!! Since this community has been so generous towards me, I will post a pic of my robe and wizard hat, as requested. I have also made a giveaway for the community (but it's over now). So here's the pic. It's a pic of my Apprentice cosplay from Dungeon Defenders. Please forgive me because the pic isn't all that good. I took it in my apartment and didn't have time to set up any better background, and I was alone at home so I had a really hard time trying to set the camera correctly :(. So from now on, I'll be playing Magicka dressed like that :D
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