Tremendous replay value, just like any other elder scrolls game =D
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Also it's hugely overrated. It's not that good. I liked Oblivion more, also I wished it didn't have the enemy leveling thing, Oblivion that is.
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those are all graphical, I think he means without mods(and bethesda shouldn't get credit for mods other people made) there doesn't feel much depth past that sort of thing.
(quests are all basically the same, world feels a little shallow and nothing you do impacts it unless in a rails scripted feeling way(your subordinates ask you to kill dragon friend. no. but thou must. tons of immortal npc, can't clean up riftin ect), npcs are soulless interchangeable cardboard cutouts, dungeons are single path tunnels all with the exact same "puzzle" everythings so ridiculously easy on the hardest settings ect. and while you can't technically become a master of absolutely everything because of the perks most are so pointless that really you can anyway.
my feeling on graphics based love is the ants and mist are nice sprinkles, but the cake is boxed mix and the frosting(dragons for instance) starts tasting like straight crisco halfway through the first slice.(except I like/prefer box mix cakes and sugar+crisco so that doesn't mean its bad. although jimmies are better than sprinkles and those rainbow brittle waxy round disk things beat both)
head bob, blur, hud, are also just prettyness reasons.
and some of those aesthetic sorts of things are in the opposite direction too, like you've got the shopkeepers with that standard fo3 junk merchant line "some call it junk I think its treasures"(he smithed/enchanted those with his own hands and the rest had imported by caravan from cyrodiil or something, he isn't scrounging in a century old ruined city for an unbent tin can) every other time, dragons swallowed a radio so you hear them a mile away ect)
But I definitely agree for the game with mods though. and since hes talking about steam he means th computer version so yeah. Just the popularity of say the xbox version confuses me somewhat.
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Only the hiking system? Dude this is a expirence game no a hiking game...
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Finally, someone who prefers Oblivion over Skyrim...
I found Skyrim boring after sometime :( Should get back on it...
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Another Oblivion > Skyrim guy here. Skyrim is good, but I remember Oblivion as a better game but that might just be rose tinted glasses...
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Sorry, but oblivion was so bland, even the most amazing mods failed at spicing it up..
The only thing it had going for it at the time was the graphics. And even then, most of the inhabitants of the world looked like they had one chromosome too many..
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Yea, but according to the standards at 'that time' it was brilliant...
TESNexus and the Unofficial Oblivion Pack made it look pretty awesome...
Also when you talk about the inhabitants, the people of Skyrim are not very 'pretty' either, if not for the mods
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No it wasn't. Morrowind exeeded oblivion in just about every aspect except for graphics and possibly combat.
The people of skyrim look far more realistic than anyone in oblivion :P
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It's fantastic! Like many other Bethesda games, it has super gameplay value (like in term of entertainment hours per dollar), you'll spend hundreds of hours on it and may still be on side quests like many people. But do wait for the Legendary Edition on Summer Sale
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Wait till the Legendary Edition.
Also, the Workshop adds a LOT of content and replay value to the game.
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Like everyone else said, wait for the Legendary Edition... I payed full price, plus Hearthfire and Dawnguard (for the Xbox) and I regretted it... The game is great, I would definitely get it, but paying $85 in total for the game (plus DLC) isn't worth it... But I did buy it on sale for the PC, payed $53 bucks and got Skyrim, Hearthfire, Dawnguard, Morrowind, and Oblivion GotY Deluxe... Greatest purchase ever...
And you asked if it's better than Oblivion. Yes, and no... Yes, because the graphics are better (if you're that kind of gamer), the combat is better (it's slower baking up so you can't hit and back up over and over), and you can duel wield spells (which is awesome). But, it's worse because the story seemed shorter (still haven't finished Oblivion), there are less weapons (which can be fixed with Immersive Weapons), it seems easier than Oblivion, and a couple of other things I can't really think of right now...
Skyrim is definitely worth it, but I would wait for the Legendary Edition, or wait for a sale (that's what you do anyways).
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You need to think about what you like. Skyrim is better while easier Oblivion. If you like wandering around doing nothing, just sightseeing - it's better. If you're into games for story, characters etc. - you're gonna have hard time.
As for waiting - if you'll see some ridiculously good deal (like those $5 from nordic site), get it, otherwise wait.
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Overhyped as fuck. If you enjoyed Oblivion, this is Oblivion with better graphics.
The side-quests lack any kind of detail, and are monotonous as fuck, consisting of 98% go to place x find item y located at the end of dungeon z which looks strangely like every other dungeon in the game; meanwhile the main-quest is as detailed as is to be expected -- nothing particularly special, nor disappointing.
In terms of graphics, it's better than Oblivion. In no other way is it better than Oblivion.
Stats have been replaced with a dumbed-down "give me 10 more Magicka/Health/Stamina"; skill progression has been replaced with an awfully balanced and poorly thought out "perk" system, with many perks being absolutely fucking useless, some being game-breakingly overpowered, and the others being generally mediocre.
Most of the "additions" are equally poorly implemented, with dual-wielding lacking proper animations.
A better choice would be to get all of the DLC for Oblivion (if you haven't already) and stick with that.
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Depends if you have Arachnophobia. Believe me, there are a lot of giant spiders in skyrim ':P
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Get the spider to bear mod.
Removes all cobwebs and replaces all spiders with bears, which apparently is hilarious as they arent animated properly and attack you by just headbutting you. (At least that was how it was on initial release of the mod)
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i can see why others had a good time with it but for me, i don't recommend getting it unless its about $30 for base game + at least some of its DLC... i found it dull after about 20 hours and i never picked it up again
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Wait for the Legendary edition, it can be already preordered (or already bought? I didn't pay attention much D: )
edit: hmm, looks pretty cheap already (link) I would buy it for that price, it's really fun imo :) and very well optimized (my PC can't run TF2 and it can play Skyrim in 1080p on medium/high settings)
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Exactly this ^^^
Also there's a shitton of mods and everything, so if you don't like something, CHANGE IT.
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Wait till the elder scrolls online xD it has the entire tramiel as map that means masive because it includes all the continents oblivion , skyrim etc. it will be the same gameplay like skyrim. but there will be 3 factions of players wich fight for forts.or you can not take part of the war and you simply explore the map(if i sayed the gameplay like skyrim it is the gameplay like skyrim)that means that ou can go in every house of cave or dungeon and you can find random items and stuff like that.
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Ahahahahahaahaha. Nope, just nope. Its not the same gameplay, and it will be awful as hell.
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Just curious, but why do people assert it will be awful when they haven't played it?
Like with Aliens: Colonial Marines. People thought it would be good, and it turned out to be pretty bad.
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most go with trends but based on gameplay mechanics which ive seen... i would agree that it will be bad
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The Elder Scrolls Online really won't end up being anything like a real Elder Scrolls game. The combat system is going to be completely different, and the game as a whole will still be done, and even feel, like any other typical MMO.
It's an MMO, and nothing else. You shouldn't let the publishers and developers fool you into thinking otherwise.
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Ahahaha if you don't buy skyrim go die... And yes it's a expirence of your life ITS AWESOME!
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i couldnt understand a shit u just said... for me personally, i played oblivion and skyrim, skyrim sucks
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It will be one of the coolest games you'll ever play for like 30 hours and then it all comes crashing down when the game starts breaking at the seams with shitty combat and some odd design things. I'd wait for a sale and in the meantime you can look up some mods to use or something.
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Should I buy Skyrim or wait until it's on sale? Or is it not worth it?
I've played Oblivion and got far, but never beat the game. I stuck to side quests more than the main quest.
What did you guys think of it? Better than Oblivion? (I don't care for the graphics, I care for gameplay)
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