WTii and Azothan for great warcraft related content! And Alchestbreach for fallouts, skyrim, mods for these games and many other, he's a funny fellow to watch. I also like to watch Mal (You've got to search for Mal Xcom in yt, he's hard to find just by name xD), he plays many strategic games, and something attracts me to watch his vids.
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I love watching prank channels, my favourite is LAHWF, it is not typical prank channel, he makes awkward situations with people, like awkward laughing, shaking hands..etc
Sometimes it becomes so awkward that it is hard to watch, but I love it
https://www.youtube.com/user/LAHWF/videos - if you gonna check his videos, make sure to check some of his first videos, they were amazing.
Edit: This one is very awkward, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkZav1m9oSI also handshake confusion is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V2uYORhQOk
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I don't watch many, but I do watch Good Mythical Morning a lot. haha. They're cool.
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You will never live out your dream. You're just simply not good enough.
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Good Mythical Morning is great, but if you just want a nice change of pace from the usual youtube shenanigans check out the earlier seasons. They would just sit and talk and sometimes tell stories from when they were kids and it's just good times for all. The new episodes are good too, I just have a bit of a nostalgia for the old ones. ^_^
Also I may or may not be in one of the season 3 intros...
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I like ShoddyCast but mainly because its Fallout stuff :v
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SuperBunnyHop reviews games from a great perspective, and it help me realize why is that i dont like skyrim
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My three favorites! In fact, I don't watch anything but them.
Rooster Teeth
Achievement Hunter
Lets Play
Well, yeah, one is a let's play channel (go figure which one) and it's not what you're looking for but I felt like sharing because of the question you asked in the thread title. I'm not helpful, I know. Sorry.
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Well, I wouldn't say "don't like", they're cool, and occasionally I watch Demo Disc or something but I just don't like the idea of just one playing, you know? Besides, I got enough to watch with the other three channels already.
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Gaming Related:
Cinemassacre - YT channel of AVGN - also contains some board games and old movies, but these I don't dig.
Games Done Quick - all videos from the best annual SpeedRunning marathon there is :>
Jim Sterling - Jim Fucking Sterling, Son! ;p I usually skip most of Let'sPlays, but neve miss a single JimQuisition episode :>
Kripparrian - best theorycrafting channel for Hearthstone players
Rushin - more Hearthstone content. Guy takes on challenges to win games in the most bizzarre ways :>
That One Video Gamer - The Completionist. Guys takes a game and plays it until he 100% it then make quite a good videos out of it :>
The Game Theorists - Conspiracy theories regarding video games with very good research and video editing :>
TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit - My favoritue YouTuber, video game critic / comentator and probably the only person I will watch whatever he puts on regardless of content being intresting to me or not :>
Movies Related:
Channel Awesome - YT Channel for http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/ (Nostalgia Critic)
Chris Stuckmann - my fav YT movies critic
The Film Theorists - pretty young channel. Sideproject of Game Theorist focused on movies and movie making.
Music Related:
ERB - EPIC RAP BATTLES - I don't even listen to rap, but love these videos!
David Pakman Show - my fav political comentator.
ExplosmEntertainment - Cyanide and Happiness animations.
Rob Dyke - hit and miss. Loves some shows hate others. Generally I really enjoy his short pseudodocumentaries Seriously Strange and Serial Killer Files
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yw ;) didn't just want to drop some nales without links or explanation so went through my Subscriptions and picked my favoritue english ones :> (I'm subbed to 93 channels atm, but some of them are polish, some are not updated too often or at alll nowadays, some are very niche, some are just bonuses for outside websites - like Angry Joe Channel - I mainly watch his reviews, and these don't come to YT and some - 2 total - are LP channels and you said you don't want LPs ;p)
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if you mean 10 most ironic deaths in history - then yes ;) I generally watch all twisted tens, serial killer files and seriously strange episodes - just jump in once every 2 weeks or so to watch what's new ;) I generally used to skip only WWYPTOTI series, as it never grew on me. But now with new Social Autopsy - I don't like it too much either, so that's why I said for me it's hit and miss ;) I love him when he talks about scary/creepy stuff, but not so much when he does comedy or social commentary ;)
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and found it :D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1lz-2zI_94
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The Creatures (and each of their separate channels), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6JmDMC2x3vafwH5QRB1khA
The Yogscast (and each of their separate channels), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH-_hzb2ILSCo9ftVSnrCIQ
SeaNanners, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq54nlcoX-0pLcN5RhxHyug
Rooster Teeth, https://www.youtube.com/user/RoosterTeeth
Achievement Hunter, https://www.youtube.com/user/AchievementHunter
LetsPlay (the Rooster Teeth crew Let's Plays,) https://www.youtube.com/user/LetsPlay
GameGrumps, https://www.youtube.com/user/GameGrumps
Funhaus (One of my favs, used to be Inside Gaming who you can also check out,) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCboMX_UNgaPBsUOIgasn3-Q
Inside Gaming (older content w/ funhaus guys is the best) https://www.youtube.com/user/InsideGaming
FRANKIEonPCin1080p, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxbivvwPkudpfWrLQHGHQyw
NODE, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4Wh0EQPjGx2jJLjmTsFBQ
Cinemassacre, Angry Video Game Nerd, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0M0rxSz3IF0CsSour1iWmw
Continue?, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWN49rf6HI1Zb5T-Mism74g
TheGameTheorists, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo_IB5145EVNcf8hw1Kku7w
IndeiMaus (great content), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDXOwJQgD65oJOM1IHmtskw
OfficialNerdCubed, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKab3hYnOoTZZbEUQBMx-ww
Robbaz (another favorite, love his from the depths series), https://www.youtube.com/user/Robbaz
Criken2, https://www.youtube.com/user/Criken2
AllShamNoWow, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHQESNIbXuQM-QUeMf7CFjQ
PeanutButterGamer, https://www.youtube.com/user/PeanutButterGamer
ProJared, https://www.youtube.com/user/DMJared
Jontron, https://www.youtube.com/user/JonTronShow
Jim Sterling, https://www.youtube.com/user/JimSterling
AngryJoeShow, https://www.youtube.com/user/AngryJoeShow
ScrewAttack, https://www.youtube.com/user/screwattack
BYZE, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtBFqR-itrGB4C566GkfrTA
Escapist, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqg5FCR7NrpvlBWMXdt-5Vg
Beta64, https://www.youtube.com/user/Beta64Channel
SpaceHamster, https://www.youtube.com/user/SpaceHamsterGames
penguinz0 (AKA Cr1t1kal,) https://www.youtube.com/user/penguinz0
Super Bunnyhop, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWqr2tH3dPshNhPjV5h1xRw
VINESAUCE, Vinny and Joel are my favorites. (A real big one in my book, also streams fantastic content on twitch.tv,) https://www.youtube.com/user/vinesauce
TotalBiscuit, https://www.youtube.com/user/TotalHalibut
PopularMMOs, https://www.youtube.com/user/PopularMMOs
McJuggerNuggets, https://www.youtube.com/user/McJuggerNuggets
AngryGrandpaShow, https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAngryGrandpaShow
BuzzFeed (last 2 not really gaming related.) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpko_-a4wgz2u_DgDgd9fqA
And of course Good Mythical Morning. https://www.youtube.com/user/rhettandlink2
along with some obvious channels like Machinima, GameTrailers and IGN and such.
Why, yes. I spend most of my life on Youtube and each one of these uploaders makes my life that much better. :)
Of course I have a ton of other non-gaming related channels I watch.
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Lazy Game Reviews and Ashens are my favourite channels!
The first is a must watch if you're a fan of old and odd hardware and old games in general, the second one is a "I'll review almost anything odd and strange from around the world" channel: games, food, toys, hardware, crapware etc. You should check them out :)
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The only non gaming channel I like to watch is Jay Leno's Garage. I love cars, he loves cars and he can afford to have all kinds of amazing machines on his videos. A channel for the petrol head. Just an example: La Bestioni. Thats a 240 inch (20 foot) car built on an old fire truck chassis.
Gaming related: Vanoss, H2O Delirious, Mini Ladd, Moo Snuckel, Daithi De Nogla, jacksepticeye, SunlightBlade, RubberFruit & theRadBrad.
I have many others in my subscriptions but those listed are the main ones.
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splattercatgaming is a very good youtuber that covers let's plays. Radio voice. smart funny.
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Can't +1 this enough. but I gotta ask you the big question... Favorite streamer?
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<- watching Joel as I type this
Joel still has a lot to do from the charity that they did, so it'll be interesting. Don't worry, I can't choose between the two either XD
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Yrimir - best Terraria player EVAR
Accursed Farms - Ross's Scott channel, "Freeman's Mind" series, but I like "Game Dungeon" let's plays of old games more
Extra Credit - show about game mechanics and stuff.
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other than my channel >.> JK, XP I never watch my own content, I get enough of my voice while editing.
My personal favourites are:
and Linus Tech Tips
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Linus is ok, but Tek Syndicate tends to be a bit better
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Vsauce is my fav by far, a lot of stuff to learn from Michael
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331Erock -- Basicly playing rock covers of familiar songs,he is good :)
Animenz Piano Sheets -- Anime piano covers
SupraDarky-- He/she puts the video game musics that he/she loves in there
AsapSCIENCE -- Good explanation to daily questions like Smoking vs Vaping
AWE me -- They are blacksmiths,they forge pop culture stuff
BLR -- They lip read turn movies etc to funny videos
Dorkly -- mostly (funny) game/movie related stuff
How It Should Have Ended -- How do movies should have ended
ScreenJunkies--Honest movie trailers and movie figths are awesome
Smosh Games -- only good part is honest game trailers :)
videogamedunkey--Weird guy plays games(not exactly gameplay) check it yourself
Wronchi Animation--He is currently animates dota 2 videos.one season consist of one match.
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Cinemasins - pointing flaws of high grossing movies
Rooster teeth -came to the channel because of Inside gaming
Funhaus - More of a comedy channel, Adam is actually really bad at gaming
Rob Dyke - or Santoro, is not half bad either
BirgirPall - Mostly for We Broke videos
Super Best Friends - Rage
Game Grumps - as long as it's Dan and Arin
LGR - Mostly retro games and oddware but tech tales are the ones i really like to watch
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Honestly, I have no favorites, but I usually watch: TotalBiscuit, Northernlion's Binding of Isaac Rebirth Let's Play, CinemaSins, Music Video Sins.
I've heard Rosanna Pansino's channel is quite interesting.
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I'm looking for some new channels to watch, it doesn't have to be gaming related, but if it is, I'll prefer if it's not a Let's Play channel (I have enough of those). I want to hear about anything just so I can see what YouTube has to offer!
Yeah no giveaways, not even a poll, this thread sucks.
EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions, guys. You are cool.
BTW sorry if I don't answer your replies, but I do read them all!
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