Which do you like better for pizza?
Their ingredients suck as much as the other ones. It's all lies. Fortunately I can make a better pizza than them, but it's unfortunate that I can't buy any decent ones to save time/be lazy.
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Theres this pizzeria a few blocks down thats really good but I dont remember their name. One of their pizzas was greasy as hell but you can ask for them to tone it down a bit.
As for papa johns vs Dominos, well I had a bad experience with papa johns back in 2005 so I'll never go with them ever again.
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I don't remember eating at Domino's, and I don't think there are any Papa John's here.
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I wonder what everyone who writes "other" prefers? Sure, I like eating at locally-owned or at least non-chain pizzerias when I can, but due to budget considerations, it's a damn sight easier to pick up an $8 3-topping large Domino's pizza on my way home from work since it's a few blocks away. That said, I actually prefer Papa John's when I can justify spending the money.
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They're both terrible, but I like Domino's better. They also make a better garlic pizza bread.
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I don't believe Papa John's pizza is available in New Zealand, so I can't really vote that. We have Pizza Hutt, Domino's and Hell Pizza (the last one being a chain started here that has spread to several locations in the world). The one I have most is Domino's, but Hell was ****ing good when I tried it. And they deliver your pizza with a company Hearse.
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Well i will go to New Zealand just to order pizza from them, that's frickin cool
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They are available elsewhere, though don't know how many countries have Hearse delivery cars. Australia, Canada, India, UK and Ireland all have locations.
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That's what I call 'American'.
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Look, if you don't get it that's fine with me. Just accept my opinion on American 'pizza' and move on.
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Hey, since you are so keen on answering questions how about this one: Did you ever had a proper Neapolitan pizza? Just one. Doesn't even have to be from Neapel. I've had enough American 'pizza' to have an opinion about its quality and that it's vastly inferior to the original.
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See, I knew you wouldn't get it :) It's a not 'Margherita', it is the whole way the pizza is made and especially the dough. Do yourself a favour and one day go to a proper Italian restaurant (I hope you have those in the US) with a stone oven. Maybe you'll might understand my point then and I promise next time I won't condense it that much ;)
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'Margherita' is a combination of toppings. You don't want to acknowledge the difference between an 'American' and an 'Italian' pizza, so be it. Can't change that, but at least you could just stop trying to prove me wrong with your irrelevant posts. Thank you.
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Who jumped onto whose comment again? But I'm the one with an agenda? Right...
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Those american big pizzas just suck, especially the ones from chains like pizza hutt and the like.
A locally owned pizzeria run by italian people with a stone oven is the way to go.
Damn have we good pizza here, self made without half finished frozen ingredients.
Nothing can beat every day selfmade pizza out of a stone oven with real fire.
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I have a real good Ceasers a block away with excellent staffing and they make me really good cheap pizza, the kids always seem happy, good mood (maybe high?) but they make to order really good. If I want a gourmet pizza or Sub, have time to dine in, I'll go to Dions which have an equally good crew. PJ, Doms and PH taste awful imo, not like they did in the 80's, even 90's, I'd rather go to Foxs, or P9, try a mom/n/pop local operation, even Sbarro which I haven't gone in awhile since its always in a mall somewhere, but not much interest since the ones I've visited for a long time stopped serving really good pizza pie and mall workers seem so creepy around here, it's all teen stores and shoe stores with maybe 2 or 3 big anchors with horrible overpriced stuff, and the dozens on dozens of kiosks... ugh shiver I want to punch those creeps.
but you know, I'm down with personal appreciation on Doms, PH or PJ. Toppings, sauce, dough, appearance all factor in to personal likes. I usually don't mind skimpy toppings as long as it isn't over sauced, too too bready, ect. I also like Sams club or Costco pizza, but again that can be hit or miss for me on who is making them. So basically I just tend to stay away from PH, PJ, and Doms because I feel they basically don't make a decent pizza, or try to over complicate pizza into something trendy that has to be reimagined every year which to me just keeps losing that old style more and more that they had when they just started out or were in the middle of their growth.
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I have a real good Ceasers
While I like Ceasers, and they have one down the street from me, the last time the SO and I went, we ordered 2 ready made pizzas (cheese/pepproni) and didnt get our food for an hour. They gave our pizzas to another customer, who was behind us, and laughed at the mistake so we had to wait for them to remake pizza. SO refused to buy from Ceasers again because of it.
Sbarro is disgusting. Pasta is worse than just using rago. How do you mess up sauce that bad?
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When I first came to America, my parents knew a Russian guy who worked at a Papa John's and he'd always hook us up with amazing deals. So, I grew up eating Papa John's most of my life. I did try Domino's but at the time, their crust and dough just tasted raw or too cheesy.
When I moved down south a year ago, my sister's then-boyfriend would bring us Domino's and it tasted sooooo good. I don't know if it was because of new management or better standards in preparation, but their pizza tastes pretty good now. I love how they have that flavored crust.
I still eat Papa John's more though, simply because I have the Rewards program where I get free pizza (I have like 3 pizzas to redeem now) and it's the nearest place to my residence. If I'm ever in the area of a Domino's though, I do get them instead because of their crust. By the way, deals are location dependent. In the next county over, they ALWAYS have a 3-topping large for $7, while here it's $10. :/ I always use Jewpons though.
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I had Domino's around 2005-08 and they tasted horrible. Then I ate Domino's again last year and it was much better. It started getting better right around the time that their commercials started talking about their new crust and stuff. Probably had new management or customers were just unsatisfied.
By the way, I got the reference. Chuck E. Cheese was only good for cheating that pirate game and getting hundreds of tickets at a time. :D The food there sucked, if you can even call it a pizza.
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Sounds about right. Usually, if Domino's was the pizza option, I'd just go somewhere else and get something other than pizza. It used to be a lot easier for chain restaurants to get away with terrible pizza. I have no idea how Little Caesar's still exists.
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Papa John's is better, but most people have much better local options. I don't remember the last time I had a great pizza, but there are some places that make a really good pizza. Of course, the best pizza I've ever had was made by an Italian couple in Germany.
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Never heard of papa john's (maybe because i live in france, and even more in a poor lost part of the country side.) though we have domino's pizza, and each time i used their service i was pleased.
They prepared everything in front of you with fresh ingredient and it was awesome :D
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Papa John's does that too, but it varies on location. Some locations even have a dine-in area where you can have your pizza delivered to your table and just eat it there. If you ever travel to the US, definitely find a Papa John's and have a small pizza and a 20oz. drink for $5! :D
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That dine-in service is what it lacked for me, since there is quite a road to go back home, sometimes we had to re-heat them and it was a bit less good :/
If i ever have the chance to go to america, ill remember that ! especially for that price :D (its more around 12€ in france just for the pizza >.>)
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Re-heating a pizza always makes it taste and smell funny. :/ I'd rather eat it fresh or cold. Yeah, most places have awesome deals around here like $5 for a small 2-topping and drink or $7 for a 3-topping medium. I always use my coupons and get 2 larges for $6 each. :D
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I like the oven better even though it takes a while for it to preheat. Microwaved pizza just tastes real...soggy? It's not crispy or anything, just a wobbly piece of smelly cheese. :/
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No giveaways here. Just a random poll.
I know Domino's offers pasta, chicken, and sandwiches, but this is for their pizza offerings only.
Thanks for reading and voting.
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