Mix with the consoles or go for level 6?
play on whatever you like and can, exclusives are a good reason to play on consoles, the main reason why i play on PC is because i cant play action or shooter games with a controller.
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Yeah, exclusives are there to try and make you buy some system, sometimes if you wait a couple years they appear on some other platform or someone makes an emulator for PC :)
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Silly topic for a Silly Scream :), i just had to :)
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Buying a console to play only a couple games is a thing I would never do. Because a console costs more than my pc, games cost much more than pc games, and you can basically only play games and watch movies with it.
Maybe you can borrow it from one of your friends who has it?
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Well, that is true. But is it easy to find old console games? Are they affordable? I'm not an expert of consoles at all.
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well usually last gens are cheap and easy to find, trouble is with older systems
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I got a GC didn't play that much. I got a PS2... didn't play it much. Got a PS3... yea you see where this is going.
Never again.
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I will say get PS3, cos MGS4 worth playing it and it was also best game that came out on PS3 along with other games too. Beside PS3 is cheap now so i don't think that should be problem cos you can find cheaper used one on ebay or in pawn shops.
I still play my PS3 and PS4 from time to time.
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If you want to play MGS4 and the game + a PS3 won't set you back more than you're willing then why not?
Thanks for the factory :)
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There's a difference between a console peasant and a console gamer. Regular console gamers just play console games. Console peasants are ignorant idiots who don't understand technology at all but also can't keep their mouths shut. These idiots can't differentiate between RAM and storage, and are unable to admit that their hardware is inferior to a gaming PC.
If you are interested in the PS3 exclusives, then yes it is definitely worth looking into. You'll find the console fairly cheap if you buy second hand. My local classifieds usually has them for less than $100-$150 CAD (roughly $80-$130 USD) bundled with a few crap to decent games. I bought a PS3 new around 5 years ago, but wasn't very interested in it because my heart lies with Nintendo. Even at the $300 CAD price I paid for it, I do not regret my purchase even though I haven't spent more than 100 hours on it.
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Go for the exclusives. If I would be in such a financial state I would upgrade my PC to play recent games as well, but I would get a PS4 for the exclusives as well. As InuKaT said, not the choice makes you a peasant, but ignorance and stupidity. Buy / build the gaming system you can afford, you will use (Old meme, but don't get top-tier gaming PC for playing vanilla Minecraft) and you enjoy. Variety for the win!
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I've never really had much of an interest in consoles, not because I'm some sort of PC master race kind of guy, but just that I was never really much into any of their exclusives. However, in my humble opinion, this E3 made a very strong case for the PS4 and I'm considering eventually getting one for the first time in my life.
I'm godawful at playing with a controller, though, so I'd have to practice a lot I suppose ^^
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Haven't you heard? Consoles have started superior species breeding programs!
Early MGS games have really clunky controls, which (for me at least) is where the difficulty comes from.. I'd suggest trying out MGS1 and MGS3 before committing to a PS3 (not the whole game, but enough to give you an idea of what you're getting into), as by 3 the controls are actually usable. If you like it, get a PS3 and play 4. It's a mechanical improvement over the first 3 games in every way.
There's plenty of other exclusives to make it worth it if you do decide to pick up a PS3. Some of them are unique, some of them are just examples of the best of a genre, some of them aren't in English, but there's a good selection that has aged well.
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i never finished them but i played them and the controls were ok, i even liked them more in first MGS on psx then on GC. MGS is actualy third game, there were 2 MG games before MGS and those were great
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yea, i know but finding them and making them run is pain in the you know what. especially second one.
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When a console is better than a PC i'll maybe buy another one. The last console I had (still have) was the original Playstation. Might as well spend the money wasted on a console on making ya PC better and future proof rather than buying a console for a few games. Trust me if you can't get them, you won't miss em. :D
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Only get a PS3 if you really want to play a large library on it. Also, I hope you are good with a controller, because aiming is nowhere near as with a mouse…
Sadly you cannot just buy a PS4 and play PS3 games on it, because Sony, in their infinite fucking stupiditywisdom decided to make backward compatibility a paying service. And these dumbasses somehow managed to outsell Xbox One. (Which, then again, is not that great in the first place… plus had its own fuck-ups.)
If you only wanted Bayonetta, I would have said to just get a WiiU.
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Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Microsoft tried to kill the used game market and the biggest selling point of the XBox One was seamless transition between gaming and TV and a cooperation with Nexflix (which didn't even exist outside the US at that point) and the NFL...
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sigh If only it was just MS that tries that, but publishers have been on that train for a long time now.
Then again, this aspect of the video game industry is a giant clusterfuck with 3 to 5 levels of players, each trying to get 30-40% cut of the total retail price, with games where the development costs are through the roof, yet all the money going into visuals and little to anything else. And this is not even something that is contained on the console peasantry scene, now with Valve being as much greedy or even greedier with its cuts as the console manufacturers.
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I personally could pretty much accept the publishers way of doing it (with game passes that grant small boni to the first owner - although it was annoying that access to multiplayer usually required owning the game pass) but Microsofts proposal (even if they didn't went through with it after a giant shitstorm) was a dealbreaker for me. In the last 2 generations I had an XBOX and an XBox 360 but in my opinion Microsoft left me no choice but to change company which was a little sad because I lost contact with most of my gaming buddies from Mass Effect 3.
And if I assume that one copy sold at full price gets played by 4 people (which actually seems a bit high on average since many people like to keep their finished games) it comes down to the same as 4 sales at 75% off (piracy not included) but I see your point.
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Valve being as much greedy or even greedier with its cuts as the console manufacturers.
Valve takes the usual store cut only and only for their store. Considering they also allow free key generation without any cut, I'd clearly not classify them on even the same level of greed .
Console manufacturers (afaik) take around an additional $10 license fee on each unit sold, no matter where or when.
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10 buncks for just releasing the game on the console. Then there is the digital distribution fee, the patching fee, the whatever they came up this week fee.
On the other hand, console hardware itself is not profitable. Valve 700+ million net profit is… well, it is. A lot. And not all of it comes from CS:GO (especially since I swear CS:GO is actually the fourth largest contributor of the Russian GDP, circumventing Valve entirely).
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Same with Xbone in that sense, but MS opted to just include the emulator in the firmware/OS instead of making a live streaming service and make people pay for it. Yes, they made a service to play old games, but when the competition does it without the need for internet connection and for free… can't really get out of it with saving face.
On the other hand it shows your point, that they practically need server farms to emulate the Cell chips. A seemingly good decision coming back to bite them in the ass hard a decade and a half later.
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It bit them even back then already, high cost and awful programmability made them lose the last gen.
And now that overcomplex Cell just isn't emulatable with the lower end CPUs used this gen. There was not even a choice, streaming is the last resort to get it done at all.
practically need server farms to emulate the Cell
Not quite that much in regards to raw processing power. Looking at current emu progress, current CPUs seem good enough by now. In those servers for streaming I'd rather assume they use actual Cell units too.
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Xeons and Opterons? Yeah, I know. They are also slower in usual everyday work applications and gaming with their focus on more threads over single-thread performance.
I thought ESX was the official one, the one that continued PCSX2. Strange. Guess I should pay more attention to the emulator scene once every so often. ^-^'
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Without people actually buying games (!) on console, even without 95% off there wouldn't be many AAA titles just Indie games.
Also aren't video gamers frowned upon enough by the rest of society that we have to devide among ourselfs ?
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Oh, soon I'm getting a GEAMS Vanguard or a Sentry and a PS4, because I'm sick of my PC not being up to PC master race standards. It seems that only the rich can afford PC gaming and Windows 10 only seems to NOT crash/freeze games if the computer is expensive. ($2000-$3000 from what I've seen). Seriously... the lower-middle class can not afford playing AAA games on computer. And those PC master race jerks are always on forums with their snide comments to people with crashing/freezeing issues. Yuck. All I want to do is play my games and not have to worry.
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i hear you mate, on console you can take a game and play it
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PC is cheaper than console (unless you live in some weird place); the reason being that while PC costs around 400-500 euro the games are much cheaper (even if you buy every game at release the game will be cheaper then it's console counetrpart). The only thing consoles are better is "online play" for modern AAA games which normally have a higher player count on consoles then in the PC.
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Where I'm from, you can build a decent PC for around 600$, while a PS4 costs around 400$. The PC is seemingly more expensive, sure, but consider that you can reuse components (upgrading will be cheaper), and that games on PC are often cheaper as well.
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well, I have all PS till the third, because there are some games I just like to play with a console like beat 'em ups and racing games which I enjoy playing on local co-op/pvp. But I can only enjoy shooter on pc.
I think you just should do what you think is right for your taste :)
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long gone are the days of our youth, wen consoles didnt have internet acces and games coudnt be patched :)
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i have no problem with patches but the PS3 handles them very poorly when compared to PS4 and xbox 360. On xbox/PS4 most patches are XX-XXXMB and for the most part the console is usable when the patch is downloading, on the PS3 most patches i did are around 1-2GB and the console "doesn't allow" background download.
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The PC master race thing is only about recognizing the superiority of PC as a gaming platform, not playing only on PC.
That said, consoles aren't bad per say, it's just that greedy companies want you to pay more for the console versions of their games, and they very rarely go on sale, and even then, the prices are still too high, especially for new AAA games.
When we talk about older consoles, however, things start to get interesting: pre-owned console themselves are very cheap (compared to when they first came out), and games can usually be found at low prices in bargain bins.
In the end, it's your choice, and yours only, what systems you want to use to play.
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You have obviously not tired buying used Nintendo games D:.
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You got a Pokemon game for €7? I'm calling bullshit on that. Shovelware games like The Godfather I can believe but Pokemon rarely does down in price. You either got very lucky or you are a dirty liar! :O
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Well you sister was extremely lucky then. At best, I have seen Pokemon games get 25% off retail in the used market. This is regardless of age if they are cart only.
I hope you enjoyed your gift :D.
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Yep. I didn't believe it myself at first, as the best I've seen was €15-20, but for new copies of old games on Amazon.
And truth be told, I'm not too far in it, as I had just finished Black 2, and I was playing X and Alpha Sapphire at the time.
Now I'm into my "PC period", or rather, "Steam Gifts lurking mode".
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Basically what Silly said. This whole concept of 'PC Master Race' started as a joke in a ZP episode that poked fun at those who think like that :P. Good vidya exist both on pc and on consoles and to purposely avoid playing certain games because they happen to be on console is foolish. That being said, the PS3 has one of the best libraries out there so if you do get one, you will open yourself to loads of wonderful games that you wouldn't be able to play otherwise.
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Im mostly member of the PC race (i had NES when i was a kid so im not really complete member of the glorious PC master race that was never touched by the corruption) but as exclusives go there are some things that i just cant play on PC(blasphemy), mostly MGS series, now when its complete but only on PS3 you can play all the games because MGS4 is an PS3 exclusive and if i want to play that id have to take PS3, well its not that bad (or is it?) and there are other thing on it that could be fun (Bayonetta, Last of Us, Heavy Rain, God of War... ). on the other hand i could ignore this for some time and hope that one day ill play it on PC and create some GAs till i hit the next level ?
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