That shows the love EA has for it's customers... Wich means, get us more money and we let you play with us, if not gtfo.
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I dislike EA as much as everyone else, but this is clearly a case of a singular person being a dickhead, maybe just having a bad day. Can't even hate on EA for this.
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As someone who works in social media management, there is zero excuse for "one person" being a dickhead when they are posting through an official account - whoever is posting the content is representing the company (or companies) behind the account, and ultimately it is the brand's responsibility to allow such a person to be in charge. So yes, I'd say you can definitely hate on EA for this. Heck, they might even be encouraging it because "hahah big corporation being edgy and savage is so funny". :P
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whoever is posting the content is representing the company (or companies) behind the account,
Very true. And hiring the same kind of dickhead who complains about 3 day early access to man your social media account is no excuse. They should just make sure that the youtubers they hire understand that you can't just PewDiePie as you like when you are posting under a company logo.
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You're right in the sense that no one can predict what one employee would do in a position of power, which is why canceling people is alright. But what was eas reaction?
I mean if they disagreed with his views and wanted to take a stance for their customers, they could've said "yes the guy is fired he doesn't represent us anymore we apologize for his disrespect for the fans he was a new hire, as an apology and after listening to our fans we'll be considering to lower the price for our fans and have them all play at the same time."
They didn't though, you know what I'm saying?
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You're absolutely right. They can't predict this sort of thing, but once it happens, the ball is in their court to make amends. And they dropped the ball in this one. lmao
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Lol, cancelling people is alright? What a time to be alive. This world is truly going to collapse on itself one day.
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A collapse is needed if you ask me.
I struggle to understand why you'd disagree, since if someone was naturally against you, you'd want to defend yourself, so if canceling is what it takes, it should be the best acceptable defense you have(I definitely believe people should avoid physical violence but would you prefer physical violence more?), but of course it makes sense that in every group of people on either side of the spectrum you will have those that would not defend themselves and tell themselves tomorrow is going to be a sunny day. I mean, take hitler for instance, if people would've canceled him in time, 60 million lives wouldn't have been lost. This is an extreme example, but hopefully you can see the bigger picture in the end. I don't expect you to go out there and cancel people, but I don't really understand being against it.
You don't want people saying stupid shit representing big powerful companies to be canceled because damn it's just a Wednesday and that's just how people be acting on a Wednesdays.
To relate better to this example, maybe when you take a job, have the mental aptitude to also understand you represent that company going forward, especially even more so in a public relations position, and what you say reflects not just on you but on everyone that works there, because you're using the name of the company to project your own ideals onto others which is probably not what all the individuals in that company want you to say, and they'd all rather not associate with you. In the case that you don't care, and it's just a job and whatever it's not that big of a deal, doesn't it make more sense if you can't adhere to respecting the company you work for and having certain standards when addressing the people who keep your paycheck alive, that you should get fired?
I know I used "you" in the example above but it doesn't refer to you specifically, it's just an example to maybe put yourself in these shoes and see how you'd react or what expectations you'd have of the situation. What if you went to your job today and the first 5 customers you saw but never interacted with in any way you'd call your manager and just refer to the customers as trash and other names in front of your manager, would he approve of you? What if you pulled the customer aside and did it in a group of 3, you, the customer and your boss. Would the manager still approve of you, do you think the customer would have a right to be upset for being called those things from someone they never interacted with before, or they should just let them go because cancel culture is bad?
I'm just saying, this makes no sense? People should just be free to be idiots and we should revert back to the monkey age? Like what is your suggestion? I want to hear it.
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Well, since you seem to think cancelling someone is the best self-defence in today's world, please tell me, what defence do these employees have, Mr Pro-Cancel? I would love to know. Do they just accept that when they get a job they will be harassed and abused by random customers who feel like it? Do you want customers saying abusive shit to employees to not be cancelled because damn it's just a Wednesday and that's just how customers be acting on a Wednesday? Do they not deserve to be talked to like normal people and be respected? Are you pro worker abuse? You are so quick to defend the customer (and in this case the Twitter idiot who got "offended" wanted to shit on EA and NfS but didn't like getting some shit thrown at him) but don't give two shits about the worker. Just go and look through Twitter and see what kind of messages some admins have to deal with. And why are they getting such messages daily? Well, they work for X company I don't like thus they are scum and deserve shit thrown at them. Like, how can't you see that this cancel culture is cancer?
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Very mean. You deserve to be cancelled non-milkshake brain.
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They should defend themselves by apologizing and reflecting on the things they said maybe? I'd say it would defend them in that it wouldn't ruin their reputation even more. I mean the reason they get canceled is because a large group had to point out that it isn't right to treat a customer that way. That customer also never referred to the PR guy at all, and the PR guy could've ignored(it wouldn't be right) the customer completely from the start if he didn't like what he said, so he had an advantage but he chose confrontation with the customer from the first reply. I'm also not so pro-cancel as you might assume me, but I can see why it's a needed thing to have available if need be.
Working in customer support basically anywhere means you will always to some degree hear the dumbest shit you can ever hear. I work a variation of customer support, but that doesn't mean I ever turn to my customers and call them out to their face because I'm upset they don't understand something to the same degree I do or from the same point I do. I would rather try and view it from their point and understand that this customer has probably some sort of valid reason to be pissed, because if everything was going well, then they wouldn't be acting so upset, however in very, very small amount of cases, you will have someone that will be unhappy whatever you do. That's just life you can't win them all and it's easier to either not engage if you can avoid it, or better do not somehow escalate that situation which would make it more difficult in the future . If someone already upset is talking to you, and you, the employee, in a position that is there to interact positively with that customer and build a connection responds to them in a way that makes you look hostile, then how can you expect that they wont get even more mad at the situation? Anyone working customer service knows how often the customer is wrong, for whatever reason. Unless you're the boss it isn't your duty to take it upon yourself to put that customer down. You should always be able to rely on a boss to step in between and end your interaction with a customer that is disrespecting you heavily by at least taking over for you. We all react differently to how we are treated by others and how we perceive said intensity and I can see how it affects others differently so it definitely isn't a job for everyone.
Looking at this situation, it's not okay for any employee to act attacked when a customer had a valid reason to be upset. Prices went higher for a digital game while others didn't across the industry, basically irrelevant pre order bonuses on top of an already higher price. The company claiming what the users wanted to see was gameplay footage, ignoring the many threads from the forum itself or other concerns(I visited the steam discussions forum for this before it was out, it was full of complains, I don't think I saw a single post that asked to see more gameplay.
"Do they just accept that when they get a job they will be harassed and abused by random customers who feel like it?"
This will vary by situation, but keep in mind in this situation, the nfs employee didn't have to engage at all, it's twitter he could've just ignored the comment, he engaged because he was being petty and tried to act smart like he knew everything, like he understood why the customer was upset, they just want it cheap. Didn't consider that nfs is basically selling this game at $80 for the palace edition, a 30% increase over their previous game, all for a 3 day early pass to play. Or maybe the employee thought this was somehow justified and it made much sense?
As for why are they getting such messages daily, that's pretty obvious. The company chose to make the bad decision of raising the price of their game from $60 to $70, and then offer the extra 3 day pass for $80 total. Rather than explain to customers these costs and why this is a necessary change and how their costs have somehow expanded, they kept them in the dark, so no wonder the customers are upset and confused, when this doesn't make sense, especially if you consider nfs is a game that basically has an already set formula with 20 games in a series, it would make sense if it was cheaper after each release, because you already know to some degree what the next one is like, and you've developed tools and code you should be able to reuse to make your games feel great so these tools can be reused to some degree. It's not like you're reinventing the wheel every time. Rather than going downwards in price tho, it's going upwards. Like it's harder to make a new nfs game now than it was to make the previous one, even though they already have code written for things like car controllers and similar things for the previous 25 games. Rather than copy cut paste and then spend part of that time to optimize a formula that worked for them for 20 years, they're probably reinventing the wheel every single year, and that's a customers fault or that should come at the expense of the customer. Like damn I wonder what the next nfs is going to be after unbound. I think it's gonna be a mmo like world of warcraft. You know what I mean. What do you think the new nfs will be like? I'd guess it has some cars. If they want to reinvent this formula so bad every year, surprise me, make a nfs food delivery game or some garbage, but you can't make another car game that's following 90% the formula of previous games, raise it's prices, not justify the price increase, and expect the customer to understand or see it as justifiable even tho your efforts don't show. Even more so when there's hundreds of threads already just on steam complaining about certain features they already saw in previous gameplay videos that people didn't want.
You do realize this guy wasn't actually rude to the nfs employee at any point and at all times this customer referred to NFS as a group. He said "hold on-what did we ask for and what did you listen to? to pay more to get 3 days early access?". He pointed out something that's actually right. Who asked for more gameplay video rather than answers? Why is nfs claiming this is what was asked for by it's users? Why is nfs charging an early access fee when their game has already been increased over the standard by $10, making it $20 extra on top of what it would normally be. He genuinely wanted to know, because it made no sense, and yeah of course nfs had no way to back out of it because they are wrong. They could of course say it's our game we can charge what we want for it to make as much profit as we want, which is the most honest answer. The customer said that's not cool and they should listen to their fans more, so the PR employees idea is to refer to the customer as a milkshake brain. Of course the customer replies milkshake company, still not attacking the PR guy, which replies by telling him to keep crying about the concerns he has, and buy the game at retail cause he doesn't care. Was the customer that rude in this instance?
I might tell a coworker I'm friendly with about this weird/surreal/stupid interaction I might have have with some lizard/android being so we can laugh/cry about it, but with a customer I'd rather just help them with what they need so they can vanish faster, have the interaction end and I don't have to dedicate any second I don't want to them.
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All I'm reading is you defending the actions of a person who is just a random Twitter user, not a customer, who went out of his way to try and act smart and funny with his lame insult but wasn't expecting the Twitter admin to clap back. So, when he did, he got offended and wasn't the bigger man. He went right back at him, and, since you say the admin insulted him, he insulted him back. In the end, this is a mountain out of a molehill situation. And it's not ok to send abusive messages or insults at a person just because they work for a certain company. That is beyond idiotic and I don't know why you even attempted to defend that by bringing it what the company did. Imagine abusing the grill master in a fast food restaurant for something he doesn't even have control over. That's just insane. And I'm glad to see many sharing my view on this beneath the apology tweet, deeming it completely unnecessary and viewing it as nothing more than light banter. People are so easily offended nowadays and waive that "cancel" wand like a superpower that gives them the right to act all high and mighty and treat others like shit because if you don't like how they act, you can cancel them as you are part of the group that has more sway in this current PC culture.
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Except he still didn't insult him back personally. He threw back the same insult AT THE COMPANY he represented. There were no personal insults thrown at the Twitter manager at all. He was the only one insulting the customer personally due to reacting very thin-skinned to the jab against his employers business practices. The only one being easily offended in this situation is that very Twitter manager. And you seem to like his insult so much that you keep insisting on thinking like one.
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Him saying "customer relations is fundamental" is a direct jab at the admin. And him saying "milkshake company" was directed at the admin as people equate the admin to the company they represent. Also, love his milkshake brain "insult".
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Oh, so now they DO equate him to the company. So what is the problem then with said company probably getting rid of him if they don't want to be equated with him and his behaviour anymore? And what is the problem then with people equating the companies' business practices with him as the representative? Your thought train is a wreck, sir. You probably really are what you "love" so much. Too bad your brain also seems to be lactose-intolerant.
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Tf you on about? I said cancelling people is idiotic, and it is. I never said anything about EA firing him. If they want to fire him they are free to do so, but not because some angry Twitter mob yelled for it because they disliked his attitude, but because EA disapproves of his behaviour. And the problem with equating someone to a company is that your behaviour towards them is influenced by something they don't control. What the hell does this twitter admin have to do with the price or even the game in general? He simply manages their Twitter page. And the idiot who wanted to bash EA and then cried wolf was wrong and didn't acknowledge his mistake. He wanted to be smort by acting like you pay more for 3 days early access when that is simply a bonus for those that pre-order. He was made to look the fool and didn't like it so he sought to use the same lame jab as the admin dude who pointed out his lack of reading skills. Then the admin used the so hurtful insult, "milkshake brain", which prompted the dude to copy the same hurtful insult and throw it back at the admin.
Also, why are you so mean? Why aren't you polite? I didn't insult you? Why are you insulting me? Aren't you the one defending this poor "customer" who was brutally insulted by the big mean PR Twitter dude? So, why are you acting like the mean Twitter dude and doing the opposite of what you seem to be against? Should you be cancelled now for insulting me? By your logic, you should. Huh, life sure is weird, innit?
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He seems to be yours tho given you act like him and go around insulting others unprovoked. That's not very cash money of you
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To me, the first one (reading is fundamental) isn't. It simply pointed out the idiot didn't even read the store page of the game before posting his snarky comment. The second one isn't to me as well, but seems it is an insult to others. I know I wouldn't really care about some random idiot online calling me Milkshake brain, but looks like there are those that do care.
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I don't care about anyone calling me anything. Doesn't change the definition of an insult though and "milkshake brain" is simply a euphemism for "idiot", "dumbass", "retard" and any other insult that implies low intelligence of the target.
"Reading is fundamental" is the same as "customer relations are fundamental". Both not an insult per se but in this case both were used with the intent to sting the opponent at least a little bit.
And in both cases, the one being offended easily and resorting to using these first was the company representative. The customer simply reacted by mirroring their behaviour.
And just to make it clear because I am not sure if you're aware:
The quote "Iām not reading all that, sorry that happened to you or congratulations" wasn't from the customer originally, so with "you act like him and go around insulting others unprovoked." you are referring to the company representative, not the customer.
We can completely agree on the "insulting others unprovoked" part when it comes to him. And that's what he rightfully got flack for. Especially because he did it while being the (multi-billion dollar) companies' representative where dealing professionally with customers' questions, concerns and critiques is literally part of his job and he clearly showed he isn't qualified for that.
He wasn't attacked personally in this situation, he wasn't abused in this situation, just the business practices of his employer were being questioned. And he was too thin-skinned to deal with that like the professional he was supposed and paid to be.
I hope by now you understand that I am not going "around insulting others unprovoked". I am rather mirroring/copying behaviour to get a point across to you.
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Saying customer relations is fundamental is literally saying "people are asking questions and no one is answering them and you are the public relations guy and instead you are here on twitter posting videos claiming this is what people asked for, when instead you've been ignoring your customers` questions. and even now you're dodging it"
That's not an insult, that's just a fact.
Also, you seem to ignore the order of the chat, so look at the messages again please, the employee literally a line above told him "reading is fundamental". That is an insult, because obviously the guy could read, and he asked "what does this have to do with what people have been asking about, and why are you claiming this is what people wanted so much, another gameplay video?". To have the employee respond with learn to read, when he literally just did and it doesn't answer anything. That is an insult.
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Saying "reading is fundamental" is literally saying "please read our store page info before spouting misinformation just because you want to bash our company for easy internet points." Not an insult. Just a reminder that before saying something, check to see if your information is actually valid. And no, the guy clearly can't read, otherwise, he would have known that you get 3 days of early access for just preordering the game (any edition). He didn't even bother to acknowledge his mistake, and instead went into arguing mode. He was wrong, got called out, and then didn't like that he looked like an idiot so started arguing. And you also seem to have taken a page out of his book, given that you also didn't care or bother to read the store page before trying to spin a narrative about how EA charge 10$ for 3 days early access in your comment below.
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Yeah, about that "reading is fundamental" part...
If you pre-order the Palace edition or you have an EA Play Pro membership, youāll be able to play the game three days early, starting November 29, 2022.
If you opt for the Palace edition, youāll get your pre-order rewards on November 29, 2022.Ā
For the Standard edition, youāll get your pre-order rewards on December 2, 2022.Ā
Pre-order* Need for Speedā¢ Unbound Palace Edition and get 3 days early access plus exclusive Palace branded content
So yeah, if you want to play 3 days early, you DO have to pay $10 more. Pre-ordering the Standard Edition does give you the other pre-order benefits but NOT the 3 days early access. (EA Play Pro also costs $11 dollars more than EA play, just in case you were thinking about using that as an out.)
And: yes, the Palace Edition comes with some other mostly cosmetic stuff. We all know how it works. But the statements "pay more to get 3 days early access" and "charging extra to your loyal fan base to play 3 days early" were and are correct. It's not "just pre-ordering any edition" like you and others argued.
So: yes, reading indeed IS fundamental. Who'd have thought.
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I wanted to assume you can deduce his intent from a mile away. Of course he's aware of all this, he was pointing out how ea instead of addressing their concerns about price raises and unrewarding editions is a crappy thing when they claim the people wanted some gameplay trailer so much, but get ignored on the more pressing issues. It's ea's game so they can price it for $500 a copy if they want(probably not really due to certain regulations), he was pointing out how they didn't ever explain themselves as to why there are prices raises like this, compared to the competitions, and why would anyone want to pay $10 just for 3 days early basically. I don't think his inquiry had no validity.
The employee replied to him with "learn 2 read", when the customer knew at all points the situation. That was the insult. The first line isn't an insult. Asking if someone can explain these things and why they're lying about it isn't an insult in the customers case, unless of course the party who feels insulted is upset because they're got called out for screwing their customer. The customer had valid points. What changed at EA. or what makes this game so special that it has a $10 price increase, and another $10 just to play 3 days early? Are they paying more for AC? Is the outsourced work being paid a living wage and they can go to the bathroom? Like what changed or whos being greedy and why don't those costs fit already in the price when they made the same game for like 25 years now with slight improvements. Do they hire too much of the wrong staff? No matter how you put it, the customer called them out and he was right, there's no valid reason why NFS unbound costs $70, even more $80 to get some very insignificant extra cosmetics and a 3 day early pass.
Lastly as waxworm points underneath, that isn't the case for both editions, because then there'd be no point to release the game 3 days later if everyone would by default get 3 days early access. It's like saying yeah, everyone can play on the 29th, but we're releasing the game on dec 2 for anyone else that isn't everyone. The editions listed are different. The customer complained they're unrewarding for the price, it makes sense.
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Yeah, saw my mistake. The early access is only offered to the Palace Edition pre-order owners. I can go on I think forever about why I don't see this as an insult, at least to me, as people are nowadays offended by almost anything, so I stopped really trying to guess what offends someone or is an insult to them. To me, this person was just looking to be sassy with his tweet about the most expensive edition of a game having early access (something very common in the industry, but whatever). The price increase is across the industry, EA aren't the only publisher to increase the price of their games. And I'll stand by this ā this person did not go into this conversation without ill intent. He was clearly looking to get one up on the NfS Twitter account with his tweet. He didn't ask for clarification like a normal person. He wanted to be funny and smart. Don't really get your other points about developers going to the bathroom or all that, as EA is generally considered the best place to work at, when talking about working conditions. So, dunno where you got that "paying them a living wage" and other mumbo jumbos from.
Also, nobody from the NfS team was lying about anything. Also, don't get what you are on about with that. As the admin said, the 3 days early access was always there, from the moment you could pre-order the game. So, I dunno what lie you are talking about or referring to.
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I think we can agree to disagree on whoever we think was or not insulting first. In my opinion it's definitely the employee by answering smartly to an inquiry, when he could've just shut up. He didn't shut up, he chose to respond smartly to that customers inquiry and so I believe he was the one to first insult someone. He had the opportunity to not answer his inquiry like they have been ignoring all other users all along. He chose the argument and he knew it and he was rude. It's completely fine for us to disagree on this though because in either situation it wouldn't have been okay for the employee to be rude to the customer. No where in his position is it listed he has the ability to be rude to customers. I haven't even seen his contract but I know that much. He wasn't personally attacked before he insulted that customer, so he had no excuse.
Again, I don't necessarily disagree that his first post was formatted in a way that displays an upset customer. He said "Hold on- what did we ask for and what did you listen to exactly? To pay more to get 3 days early access?". NFS's claim was that "you asked for it" and that's why they got the gameplay video. But why can't they get answers as to why the game is so expensive? If they can get what they asked for, they can't get answers to that, but instead pretend it doesn't exist and tell the customers what they asked for? It made no sense. So as a customer, he had every right to be upset. I think he was pretty polite in how he formatted it despite something pretty upsetting. What did you expect him to say? NFS's been ignoring everyone else's inquiries and still does. As a long time fan it's just expect of him to not notice these changes and point them out, or not be upset others pointed them out and no one cares? I think he was well within his reason to say much worse things. Still, he didn't refer specifically to the employee which he doesn't know, he went after NFS, the company. Even at the end, he called them a milkshake company, after 1 nfs employee called him a milkshake brain. They're different things, the guy is still referring to nfs as a company, not as one individual, that nfs themselves said doesn't represent them. Even then they still haven't answered people's questions.
As for the price increase across the industry, who else sorry? I'm looking at and the only other game I see listed at $70 is forspoken, which was the first one to be listed at this price even if it's not releasing till next year, and it comes from square enix. We all know SE is greedy. Ea just followed suit and they're basically trying to get other big publishers to do the same but it doesn't make sense for most publishers, because it's a greedy move right now, so whoever does it will have to be greedy, otherwise it doesn't make sense.
Regarding the company outsourcing work, this is common in the industry with any triple A title and this video should help you. It basically points out that while stuff might look shiny in the Electronic Arts Headquarters, they pay outside companies to produce and test their work for them. Employees which are not treated well by those outsourcing companies, schedules that have never worked for either the on site team or the outsourcing team, and overtime, sometimes even unpaid as is common in japan. Can't say whether any or all these things apply to ea, but I've never heard positive things regarding employees of outsourcing companies. Less pay, more work, less direction, etc. The video is better.
I said they're lying because the guy made the post and called it "because you asked for it". Yeah sure maybe an insignificant amount of people really wanted more gameplay footage. At the same time, if they saw so many of these people asking for gameplay footage but somehow, somehow didn't see all the other complaints, I think it's a bit of a lie to say "because you asked for it. " Like yeah, "we also asked about the other things like 10 times more and no one seems to care, is there a video coming out about that? Silence? Oh ok?" They played the selective listening role as I said multiple times but then claimed this was what the fans really wanted so bad. The guy said "honestly who cares that much about this over the other more imporatnt issues we're asking about for months now and no one cares?"
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I mean the customer wasn't the first to insult the employee. The employee insulted the customer first, so yeah, unacceptable no matter how you look at it. The customer voiced his concerns on things that made sense, but the employee chose to make a fight out of it when he could've stayed silent.
A. " Imagine abusing the grill master in a fast food restaurant for something he doesn't even have control over. "
This makes no sense. The customer voiced his concern with the post being a lie of what people asked for when clearly what the people asked for was what the customer proceeded to ask him literally in the same message afterwards. The employee represents the company and he has some say in the titles and posts he makes, especially if he can reply with dumb stupid comments to the fan base, so that same employee could have chosen to not lie in the title, post something else, or dodge that customers question, but he didn't want to, he wanted to argue with the customer. That employee chose to argue with the customer, why? Because that employee is an asshole, not the customer. The customer pointed out valid things. If you disagree check nfs unbounds forums.
That customer didn't insult the employee at all actually, as I said like what 3 times already, but he insulted the company. So no, that employee wasn't harassed and whatever, and regardless was in no position to claim he's being harassed after he started harassing someone else first. So even if that customer would've called him a dumbo, that customer would've still been in the right at the end of the day, because that employee still had no argument to make proper sense of the guys inquiries, and that employee was the first to insult the customer when he could've avoided the whole thing. That customer is right.
B. "People are so easily offended nowadays and waive that "cancel" wand like a superpower that gives them the right to act all high and mighty and treat others like shit"
That's literally what that employee did to that customer when the customer asked "why are not listening to us, we didn't ask for this"
C. "if you don't like how they act, you can cancel them as you are part of the group that has more sway in this current PC culture."
Coincidentally ,if the group that happens to have more sway in his current pc culture happens to be your customers, maybe you should listen to their concerns, rather than go out of your way to try to piss them off. That applies for both nfs and for that employee too. I keep having to repeat myself, but there's 0 need for nfs if there's no customers to buy it. That majority of people that have the sway happen to be buyers, people who aren't necessarily just looking at this game, but paid for multiple of their products. Yeah, they deserve a sway in the company. NFS themselves recognize that, which is why they're willing to cancel their own employee, because they don't hire people to reply with dumb smart ass remarks to customers.
NFS has more than 2.7 billion in revenue. They can afford people that have enough decency for even when a customer is rude(not in this case because it wasn't the customer that started it) to either forward that to a higher up and ignore, not reply if they get "triggered" from fans asking the same thing(suggesting it's probably important), and most importantly not to call their fans names and shit. We're not talking about an indie game made by 1 person that launched 3 days ago. They have years of experience and should know how to deal with a situation. This wasn't it, hence why they themselves agreed to apologize, even if their apology was shitty.
It should've been self explanatory for that employee if he keeps seeing these same messages and he can't reply to them with the real answers that these customers are already pissed because they can't get in contact with no one that can give them answers, and even tho he's the public relations guy for twitter, having him post irrelevant content claiming it's what they wanted will just make them more upset. If he wanted to blame someone, he should've blamed nfs for keeping it's fans in the shadows. It's maybe a shitty job, but he took it. No need for him to take it out on his customers. Not in the job description.
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I'm all against "cancel culture" (what a horrible name, by the way).
But still, it's not the same thing to fire an employee for donating to some "pro life" (horrible name again, on a side note) organization as to fire an employee for insulting a consumer like that - even more so when said employee's job is basically to talk to customers all day. In the latter case, they're just unfit.
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If EA wants to fire him, they should. It shouldn't have anything to do with what the cancel culture mob wants. They shouldn't hold any power, but they do, which is sad to see. And this person wasn't looking to talk, he was looking to shit on the game because EA is an easy target for online points. He was called out for his misinformation and got a slight jab directed at his reading skills since he clearly didn't even read that you get 3-day early access because of pre-ordering (something many games do nowadays anyway). But, he didn't like that they responded to him and didn't take his shit mute, nor that he was made to look stupid, so he clapped back. And then the admin acted unprofessionally with that milkshake high school insult. Which, to me, is still blowing it way out of proportion. Literally, it was an interaction between a random moron and a Twitter admin for a game. So, yeah, cancelling a person for something as minor as calling someone a milkshake brain is insanely idiotic.
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EA is an easy target for online points
Maybe, but then when you take a job at EA that consists in replying to people's online posts about the company, it shouldn't come to you as a surprise if it gets a little rough.
Particularly if you are the one escalating, as in this screenshot I see a customer that first complains about the price premium of 3-day early access and who then immediately gets insulted as a result (yes, claiming that they didn't read was inappropriate, the original tweet nowhere mentioned what it was that "people asked and we listened", and the only other text in said tweet was about the early access). He then merely mirrors the rude behavior of the EA employee back to them and the employee keeps pushing it farther.
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The random dude clearly didn't read. He could have taken 5 seconds to look at the Steam store page and see 3 days early access is for preordering any edition. He clearly isn't a fan of the game as well, otherwise, he would have known this. And I disagree that "reading is fundamental" is an insult. You can't take it as an insult when you clearly demonstrated that you didn't read and spouted misinformation to get easy internet points. And to me, this person was looking for conflict. He wasn't asking in a non-argumentative way. He was looking to be sassy with his comment and bash the company by calling out their greed for asking more money for early access to the game (which isn't true). But sadly, it backfired on him, given that he spouted misinformation and was called out on it in a pretty normal way. And, instead of acknowledging his mistake, he went into argument mode. The milkshake brain line is also not an insult in my books, but nowadays, people get insulted and offended by literally anything, so I stopped trying to understand what is and isn't an insult to others anymore. He could have literally admitted his mistake after the "reading is fundamental" tweet from the admin and turned it all into a joke, the whole convo with a simple de-escalating comment. That's what I would have done at least. But, this person didn't do that, even tho he was in the wrong, spouting misinformation to fit his narrative and was clearly just looking to argue. People can't even take a joke nowadays, let alone being called out for being wrong.
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You can't take it as an insult when you clearly demonstrated that you didn't read
He read the tweet he responded to. That all he was supposed to read before responding, you can't expect people to know more context than what you provided, particularly if you don't even bother to provide links to that context you expect people to know. Hell that tweet wasn't even a reply to a previous tweet, there was no way to know what it is that "people asked for and EA listened to".
I used to write scientific papers, and the introduction was always a concentrated reminder of the field's knowledge related to the article's topic, even though we knew perfectly well that the reader was supposed to either know it already or, of course, be able to look for it.
It's not the reader's job to go fetch data the writer should have provided, if only because this is totally inefficient: the laziness of one content writer to provide more context will cause hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people to each spend the same amount of time to look for that information. It seems fair that people who waste humanity's time like that get negative feedback.
People can't even take a joke nowadays
That CM wasn't joking and was the one who couldn't take the taunt in the first place. And who then did the whole escalation.
he spouted misinformation
That wasn't "misinformation", that was using sarcasm to complain about EA's pricing policy.
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3 days early access is for preordering any edition
Not true. Refer to
If you pre-order the Palace edition or you have an EA Play Pro membership, youāll be able to play the game three days early, starting November 29, 2022.
If you opt for the Palace edition, youāll get your pre-order rewards on November 29, 2022.Ā
For the Standard edition, youāll get your pre-order rewards on December 2, 2022.Ā
And on the Steam page it also clearly says
Pre-order* Need for Speedā¢ Unbound Palace Edition and get 3 days early access plus exclusive Palace branded content
The 3 days early access is NOT part of pre-ordering the Standard Edition!
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I see. Well, guess I was wrong about both editions offering early access. Guess I should learn to read as well :)
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Good on you admitting to that. You are still wrong about most of the rest as well and I am not sure if all of that is also due to not reading correctly or if it's rather not wanting to interpret it correctly. But since I am not really expecting you to admit to that as well, I will leave you to the others who also repeatedly proved you wrong so far. Have a nice day.
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I still stand by this being overblown and the person just looking to one-up the NFS Twitter acc with his tweet. And to me, I don't consider anything the admin said as an insult, but can see why someone would as people get offended by different things nowadays. Still, saw people on the apology support the Twitter admin and echoing what I said ā this was basically nothing but lame banter at best. So, despite others saying I'm wrong, I'm not. Just like I can say you are wrong, but you aren't. We just disagree on this being an insult and this somehow being worthy of cancelling a person over.
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I'm having a difficult time actually believing you don't realize what he was rather pointing out is that a 3 day early pass for the $10 extra is literally a pointless reward for long time fans and is rather a cash grab for those who have too much money to spend and instead it hurts their long time fans since not all long time fans feel comfortable with the $70 new price of the game, or worse the 3 day early access price $80, hence why EA themselves already had it on sale for 10% off making the pass pretty much irrelevant.
That's part of why the employee at the end was like "idc about your situation just buy it at retail then."
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Did you even read the store page of the game? You said you went to the Steam forums, but looks like you didn't take 5 seconds to look at the store page, otherwise, you would have seen the game doesn't charge an extra 10$ for 3 days early access. It's literally given to those who pre-order the game, any edition. You're just trying to spin this so your argument makes sense, just like that Twitter dude.
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the game doesn't charge an extra 10$ for 3 days early access. It's literally given to those who pre-order the game, any edition
Not true. Refer to
If you pre-order the Palace edition or you have an EA Play Pro membership, youāll be able to play the game three days early, starting November 29, 2022.
If you opt for the Palace edition, youāll get your pre-order rewards on November 29, 2022.Ā
For the Standard edition, youāll get your pre-order rewards on December 2, 2022.Ā
And on the Steam page it also clearly says
Pre-order* Need for Speedā¢ Unbound Palace Edition and get 3 days early access plus exclusive Palace branded content
The 3 days early access is NOT part of pre-ordering the Standard Edition!
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You said basically exactly what I was going to say, so +1.
Not sure why anyone would think the palace edition and the standard edition both would give you 3 days early access. In that case buying any release version would give you early playing access, moving the release date by 3 days early. It just wouldn't make sense, they could just remove it from all editions if that was the case and move the release date back.
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I think it's just that if all versions of pre orders were given 3 days early access, then every version can be played 3 days earlier and thus the release date is 3 days earlier. If it's 1 day away from the 'release date' and you pre-order, you would instantly be able to play. Unless they stop pre-orders like a week before release, which would be an even weirder move. Otherwise, everyone could play 3 days before the release date if they buy the game, which really makes the release date 3 days earlier. At least Prolivije was right about one thing, it took me 5 seconds on the store page to see that he was wrong and it was only the palace edition that gave 3 days early access.
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Yeah, I've never heard of a company allowing pre-orders like a few months early, but stopping within a few days. Maybe it's happened, but I've never seen it.
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"Did you even read?!?!?" "Did you?"
Man really asked you if you read the store page and says it would take 5 seconds, but doesn't do it himself.
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I understand it upsets him this argument is not going the way he thought it would but I can't help that. customer is not at fault for this one.
I could anticipate his next reply to say something along the lines of "if he didn't like the price or the rewards he didn't have to buy it" which is true, but that wasn't his complaint, his complaint was that these things changed for no reason this year and the company is being silent about it.
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I'm glad he at least admitted his mistake about the version early access
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Yes but you decide in the early phases if the guy is fit or not to talk to customers. If he breaks that policy he should be up for termination. Regardless I don't think he lost his job, nor would I care if he did or not, but I believe it is important he's not allowed to represent the company anymore be it when producing or when addressing customers, because neither of those jobs can be good for him by default.
You don't just take onto the public relations job of a 2.7 billion dollar company and merry go about your day to proceed to call a customer that tells you he's been playing for a long time and expresses his concern about the silence on the state of things a "milkshake brain" because you just couldn't ignore his question or send it to upper management. It doesn't happen, right? Right?
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I'm not sure I got everything because your last sentence was quite long, but I think we agree.
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There was a tweet back in July by EA account mocking single-player gamers
So yeah like Lynxie said, "EA at its best"
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Far too many social media companies are trying to be sassy, 'cause they think it's cute and will get them good publicity. They're not @Wendys.
This shit's really sad.
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We admit we got a bit caught up in the hype for launch and some of our recent social media replies crossed the line. To those fans we upset, we apologize. We will do better. See you here next week.
Their apology sucks. lmao
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The standards for hiring people were lowered immensely in the past decade...
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Damn how do I apply for EA's twitter public relations idiot guy, since a spot just opened I can already tell, I also can type like a douchebag for $30k a month EA, slide in my dm's you hoes I got you.
Regardless lets be honest, unbound is going to be a mediocre game, if you get it for $70 you've ripped yourself off. Anime effects in a game with realistic graphics and cartoonish characters. It's all over the place and has no direction visually. They just slapped whatever they got around on it. Just play heat if you really need a nfs game.
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The company reflects its customers' state of mind. Just go through the recent replies and related threads to find out how many people (?) fully support the representative's responses.
What I've come to think is that Gen Z (who are probably the majority of the audience online now) shows up at its worst. So it's only expected that employees show off the same levels of illiteracy, rudeness and apathy.
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50 years from now:
"Ai, ya ba r gae ai?
Translation: Alright, you buy our game, alright? Bye
The pinnacle of advertising.
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Love this. I hate this notion that just because you work for a company you have to take shit from customers and act professionally all the time. No. I'm all for giving back what is thrown at you. The NfS twitter admin didn't say anything crude, nor really that offensive. It was literally a lame-ass jab that the person didn't read the tweet correctly. And "milkshake brain". Really? That is so bad? And it caused a storm because why? We are allowed to shit on these people constantly and they have to take it because of a paycheck. Lol. Glad to see there are also people who support the admin and aren't out for "cancellation" for something as mild as this exchange.
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Also... They aren't charging extra for 3 days early access. It's a preorder bonus. If you aren't going to preorder then 3 days early access wouldn't benefit you anyway lol. Also i love the term "milkshake brain" and will be using it
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Is it fitting that a terrible company posted the screenshot showing 666 yards to the destination?
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It was fun for about a week when Wendy did it.
Then every company tried to be "cool" by trying to sound casual against customers. Even going to lengths of being rude.
For me that is just pathetic and usually positions me even further from the company and it's products. Be professional but stay casual without crossing the line of being responsive. No one wants to see copy paste default answers. But why in hell do they instantly think that the only alternative is hiring some "alternative" style marketer to mimic years old fad which simply caught people by surprise even back then?
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Need For Overpriced games.
How many NFS games did they do anyway? A hundred? Feels like one same game that is being sold over and over again, full price every time mind you... and yet they have the nerve to say that, on top of it :s
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I dont think it's a good idea to make choices based off of hype and herd mentality.
Dude running the twitter account is just one person. Any one person is likely to F up if given enough time.
It's easier to label the world black and white, but the truth is much more nuanced.
Cancel culture is an unhealthy side effect of this new social media thing our species is trying out.
All that said, i wouldnt buy the game, because it's EA, and thus will be full of cash grabs, tha will likely make the experience annoying at regular intervals.
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Someone just linked me this moments ago
Was mildly interested in the game, but thanks to that social media manager/intern I'll take my money elsewhere
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