Ya7oo, can't sleep because tejano music so loud I can't think, so threw together some GAs. Understand, I can enjoy fun stuff as much as the next person, but music that loud is excessive. Unreasonable people are awful. Really can't emphasize that enough.

Fireworks are rough enough honistly, but for some reason this year a neighbor literally 3 streets away is blaring tejano muzic loud enough thOt this took me severil hours to put this toQether.

Here's Jigidi 498

Solutions as follows listed based on highest entrants to lowest entrants

Little Orpheus - Bolded text in this post
Ash of Gods: The Way - Misspelled words in the second paragraph
HyperParasite - In the image
World Turtles - In the image
Glitch Busters - In the image
Doom II - Literally the first "word" of this post
The King's Bird - Extra text in what the jigidi URL looks like on this page, actual link is different than what's written above
Hong Kong Massacre - Extra text in the URL for the jigidi
Time on Frog Island - Description on imgur (Also hidden in a comment replying to someone complaining about imgur being banned in their country)
The Entropy Centre - Jigidi completion message
Valfaris - hover text for the image attached to the post
Lawn Mowing Simulator - In the Image
Desert Child - Title of the Jigidi
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry - In the description for Through the Woods' GA
Through the Woods - In the description for The Entropy Centre's GA
Frog Detective 2 - link in Frog Detective 1's GA
Frog Detective 1 - In the drescription for Time on Frog Island's GA
Just Die Already - Comment on the leaderboard/comments for the jigidi
Toki - Here's Jigidi 498
Fallout 3 - Description for Doom II's GA leads to a comment with the code

Sending keys went quick because everyone's accounts were squeaky clean except 1 person whose account had a loose hair on it, but when I went to look, the hair had flown away. Anyway, I'll probably be back with another one before the month is over. Have fun folks.

View attached image.
3 months ago*

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found somewhere between 12-14, I think I know the pieces of another but unsure what to do with it yet.

3 months ago

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Bump for 17 18 out of 20. Time to review the findings

Edit Done
Some were really nicely hidden

Congratulations on pulling this off without enforcing any tools usage!

3 months ago*

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Bump for 10 15 out of 20!

3 months ago*

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I did not keep track and there is one more place where I'm unsure about something but have a bump for a fun mix of things!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Found many, but can't find something in second paragraph

3 months ago

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12/20 only bump.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Nice hunt :)

3 months ago

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I don't think I'll ever find every GA

3 months ago

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Oh wow. I actually found all 20.

But I have a very similar experience with tejano music and it was the first time I called the cops (non-emergency of course) for a noise complaint just from the combination of frequency and volume.

edit: oh crap it was actually only 19. I just had 2 tabs open for one of the giveaways on accident.
edit2: oh 30 seconds later I found the 20th, heh.

3 months ago*

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Yeah, unfortunately the county shuts off the non-emergency number on 4th of July and we have no noise ordinance anyway, so best they will do is ask nicely for me... which generally leads to the offender raising the volume.

3 months ago

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Found 14/20 :)

Edit 18/20

3 months ago*

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Bump 19/20. Will look at it again later or so :)

3 months ago

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12/20 and can't solve mistakes

3 months ago*

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Lost count, so I don't know if I found them all, but super fun search! Thanks!

3 months ago

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15/20 if im not mistaken, thanks! :)

3 months ago

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19/20 found
hope you'll post solutions too all of the GAs
thanks :)

3 months ago

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That's the plan. You only seem to be missing the one most are having difficulty finding. I may have to do more to emphasize its location

3 months ago

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i've been trying various stuff to find the last GA but to no avail
could you give any more hints by chance? :)

edit: this counts as bump right :D

2 months ago

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The one you are missing is in the post, i think people are overlooking it because it barely stands out

2 months ago

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lol i actually tried this one out before replying to you... but i thought the s from "here's" was part of it and removed the 9 instead...so HsJ48... but i didnt think of doing it like this
would have been interested in the game but oh well... next time :)

2 months ago

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bump for 20/20! thank you.

3 months ago

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Bump ;)

3 months ago

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I feel so great, solving it. I don't think I have ever been able to find all GAs in puzzles like this. Loved it. Thanks a lot for the wonderful puzzle. I just loved it.
Except the jigidi :(

2 months ago

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Bump for found them all, thanks!

2 months ago

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16/20 found and bump!
cuz imgur.com banned in my country :(

2 months ago*

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Yeah, sorry about imgur . But now you can find that info here now.

2 months ago

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Thanks for that! 19/20 now. Bump again for the fun puzzle!

2 months ago

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Thanks for the puzzles bump!

View attached image.
2 months ago

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Oh hey, it looks like I finished the jigidi in exactly 4:13. That's the Homestuck number.

Found 17 so far.

edit: 18. I'm stuck on the ordinary extra clue

2 months ago*

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I just now noticed this thread, managed to find 18 of them gibs, no clue about the last two ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bump for mostly solved!

Edit: make that 19, but now I'm actually out of ideas for the last one.

2 months ago*

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