Wow, why does my supermarket don´t have them :C that sounds tasty!
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Does this mean you won't be streaming gameplay anymore and moving on to food reviews?
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Far from it, I have been hyped about the chicken & waffles chips for over 3~ months. However when I finally get my youtube going (I swear I'll finish my reviews I have started one day) I would like to do all kinds of reviews, maybe even food.
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Next time I go to the market, I'm definitely going to check out the chip aisle. Chicken and waffles on a chip? mind blown
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Whatever you do, don't do 24 hours stream of yourself eating chips.
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Why not? It'll likely get some weird attention, and publicity=publicity!
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Note this is probably the first time in a long time I have even bought chips. I don't really care for salty things I'm more of a sweets guy and in general I much rather just be drinking sprite. As Yokuo said, whats wrong with being excited about something? It's the small things in life that count. Also, I have been investing serious hours into my stream and my youtube recently so most def wasn't the only thing on my mind
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Competing with Walmart on prices sounds like a tough job. But packaged chips, here, they're all around the same price, if you go to Coles, go to your local 7-11, or that fuel station. That's why I usually pay around $2 more to get red rock deli instead of Smiths or Lays.
Hell, Sydney airport can compete in chip prices with our supermarkets. It's a ripoff, I tell ya.
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Not that hard, that was probably the 2nd easiest to due (add garlic and cheese seasoning), sriracha being the easiest, and I don't even want to know how the fuck they managed to do chicken and waffles even after looking at the ingredients multiple times I'm like how do these random things much this delicious god tier chip.
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For magic I always play green white, or blue white, in the most recent set I am building a blue black deck ( I do participate in some magic tournaments and techincally have a offical ranking.) Chicken and waffle taste liek chicken and waffle. Sriracha taste like ketchup followed by hot sauce less like ketchup and more like tomato. cheesy garlic bread taste like a generic cheesy chip and has the least amount of flavor. also as i stated chicken and waffles is number 1 I am going to be voting on it and hope it becomes a real product. sriracha is good and they said if sales of it are good enough they will keep more than one product. I hate cheese and dairy, but the fact is that the cheesy garlic bread had a very low unintense flavor which is why I buy chips so I must say it was a great disappointment not like I had high expectations for it in the first place
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You can get Lays Chips (also the new flavours) in almost every polish food shop in UK :)
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Oh i wouldn't be so sure about that, coz i used to know that poland has started some Lays competition about guessing new 3 Lays's flavours but i could be wrong.
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They might be having the same competition but It's probably not the same flavors.
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Okay lets just say Ure right :) Anyways U can get some 3 new flavours of Lays in polish food shops in UK even if not the same flavours as America sells but still :D
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What does that have to do with magic? It's the drake/bat looking thing on the very top of the deck in the picture that I can't recall the name for.
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Just checked it was kingspins pet, its from the newest set gatecrashers we bought multiple fat packs as we only play type 2 tournaments we only really pat attention to the newest cards, however when I get my webcam tomorrow everyone can see how many magic cards are sitting around in my computer room. (a fuck ton)
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Oh nevermind. I most definitely do not know that card lol. I mainly played Mirage to Invasion block. Started again Ravnica to Alara, but stopped after Conflux. I still have about 100,000 cards sitting around in boxes though >_>
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Which was the one that you hoped to be awesome, and it turned out to be as awesome as you thought? You never say or include it. :O
I think my favorite would be the cheesy garlic bread; I hope that's that's the one that tasted how it should? :D
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Nope I hate cheese and dairy. It was chicken and waffles. Also as previously stated the cheesy garlic bread had the least amount of flavor of any of them big disappointment, not like I had high hopes in the first place but considering the other two were so awesome it just seems to meh.
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Do the crisps come with DRM and can you activ... uh, never mind. Best crisps I ever had were beef steak and mustard flavoured ones. Yummy. I'm really hungry now.
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soo few cards right there man: heres an actual decent pile of cards
I sorted all that for a deck of cards :P
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I really wanna try those now. They sound amazing.
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73 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
I spent $10 dollars to try all 3 of the new lays chips that came out today and I must say the one I hoped would be awesome taste exactly like I thought it would and it is awesome to say the least. Here is a picture from left to right in order of best to worst.
Chip flavors are "chicken and waffles" followed by "sriracha" lastly "cheesy garlic bread"
Feel free to ask me anything about them.
ignore the fuck ton of magic cards on my kitchen table and sorry for bad quality, I have a shitty cell phone
Also vote chicken and waffle
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