I've always wondered since I first joined the site years ago, do most people enjoy getting lots of "thank you"s on public giveaways? The main drawbacks I've found have always been bots/autojoiners copypasting the same thank you comment in all the giveaways they join and the fact that on a more popular giveaway you might have 10-15-20 comments thanking you for the giveaway leading to a full inbox of "thankyou"s. While I love when people show gratitude for giveaways here (and deservedly so) I feel as though people are way less genuine in public giveaways with thousands of participants than say a small group giveaway (Again, understandable). My question is, would you rather there be more comments, less of them, have them gone entirely by commenting restriction or do you not really mind it? I personally would rather have less of it but actually don't mind that much. Would love to hear your thoughts!


but that would also exclude other maybe helpful comments like when you made a mistake setting up the giveaway.
here is also the problem that SG doesnt have a PM system, so ppl use old GAs to communicate.

More food for thought from @AiKirika, thanks!

Edit 2: I posted a suggestion for a possible solution on the "Suggestions" sections, check it out!

1 month ago*

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Would you rather more of them or less?

View Results
More! I enjoy seeing them :)
Meh, I'm fine with it either way.
Less. So many spam messages ; _ ;
Gone! I'd rather only the winners be able to comment "thank you".

I don't mind thank you-messages if they are not from a script/bot. Problem is I can't differentiate who uses a script/bot and who not. And it's a bit boring to see always the same copy/paste message from a user. Like a lifeless robot that has only one comment pre-assigned.

1 month ago*

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Don't mind, but prefer the winner to say thank you if not more.

1 month ago

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I like messages when they are clearly "personalized", where you can see it's linked to that specific game or giveaway.

What I can't stand is the same message repeated ad nauseam .

The worse I saw is something like "hope to win this wthog" , which cumulates 2 things irritating me.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Clearly, thinking about it like a war hog calms the mood ! :D

1 month ago*

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1 month ago

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That person always writes that.
It means "with the help of god"
I remember there was a discussion about it many years ago.

1 month ago*

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This is the 2nd reason why it irritates me , to be honest :)

1 month ago

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"The almighty has blessed me with Hatred on Steam. Thank the lord !!!"

1 month ago

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Yep, same for me! If I thank/comment something under a giveaway it's usually something along the lines of "Looks cool! Will definitely be keeping an eye on this" or "I've wanted to play this for so long! Thanks for the chance"

1 month ago

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oh my god I hate that message so much, I totally see where you're coming from lol

1 month ago*

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4 weeks ago

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I feel for you !

4 weeks ago

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I don't control the number and genuineness of the thank you messages, so I'm neutral on it.
I prefer a bit more varied comments - maybe I just got "immune" to the thank you messages - but somebody mentioning a similar game they played and loved, or being happy to see a giveaway of it because reason X... these comments have a lot more value and "reason" to them than the thanks messages :)

1 month ago

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I'm exactly the same!

1 month ago

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Wew, I seem to be in the minority. I enjoy seeing them, as long as they're not from an auto-joiner.

1 month ago

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As a few others have already said, I'm in the camp that doesn't mind thank you messages for ongoing GAs as long as they aren't generic.

1 month ago

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I prefer just the winner. Maybe a in a public giveaway a personalized message, not just a Thank you

1 month ago

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Sometimes I wonder what is so especially worthy of thank you message for 1 in thousands opportunity to win something.

Sure, I do get personalized replies if there is some text or creator ask for it. That is reasonable engagement out of free will. But just "Thank you for chance" on public giveaway with lot of other people? Maybe not needed for most of the time.

1 month ago

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I'd prefer complete silence. And from winners I'd much more appreciate a little feedback after they might have finished the game, instead of a thank you.

1 month ago

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Good answer! Agree

1 month ago

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A "Thank You" from the winner would be nice. But I'd prefer it if people commented on the game, at least for the non-trash ones.

1 month ago

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i think a lot of ppl would want the "only the winner can comment" option. dont know it is possible to "let through" comments that are more than just "tthank you".
but that would also exclude other maybe helpful comments like when you made a mistake setting up the giveaway. i once mistook the game as it had the same name and was made aware of it through some ppl commenting
there is also the problem that SG doesnt have a PM system, so ppl use old GAs to communicate.

but as long as this is an option i can opt in and out as i please then i guess its all good

1 month ago*

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Also true! Thanks for the input :D

1 month ago

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A "Thank you" after a win should be basic manners.
A thank you spam from assholes that use autojoiners with activated thanks script, should lead to suspensions.

do most people enjoy getting lots of "thank you"s on public giveaways?

On sg, no.
Because the most of this thank yous are from autojoiners with activated thanks script.

1 month ago

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Was about to write a comment and saw this one, pretty much this.

I don't care about thank you messages when entering. I would care about comments if they end up being funny or out of context/weird.

I do care that winners say something when they win, even a "middle finger attitude" reply goes better than not saying anything at all in my book. But i can't be arsed with it aswell, got more important things to worry about in the end of the day.

1 month ago

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True! Can't let it bum us out :)

1 month ago

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re: your second point, I've seen comments here in the past about people blacklisting winners that left a thank you message... So nowadays I see it as a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" and idk whether the giveaway creator in question would even appreciate a thank you message :')

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Agreed 👍
Also newbies may say thanks to much.lol🤗

1 month ago

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Going by the poll I'm in the minority but I don't mind them at all and even find some of them to be really nice and enjoyable. I find it much more annoying when it's a group/private or even worse whitelist giveaway and people still don't bother saying anything but it is what it is, not gonna get upset about it.

1 month ago

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Yep, not thanking someone for a group giveaway on purpose is even worse than bots. Hopefully they atleast play the game though as opposed to the bots XD

1 month ago

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Excessive comments have never bothered me, maybe because I haven't done enough low-level public GAs for it to get to that point. I can easily tune out the few generic ty comments that I get. So, my vote was "Meh"

I like genuine, personalized comments that refer to the game or to something in the description. I especially like to hear about the winner's experience with a game after they've played, but those types of comments are very rare.

1 month ago

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I wish I could remember to comment under people's giveaways about my experience ;-;
The games I win usually get put on my backlog which I am slowly but surely picking away at one game at a time...

1 month ago

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I always like seeing thank you messages, even generic ones, so I'm kind of surprised most don't like them.
I do get the bot/autojoin worries, though, so I'll try to leave thank yous that are a little less... dull.

1 month ago

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In my experience it's enough to add something like "I've been wanting to play this!" or "Good luck to everyone!" or maybe "Glad seeing this game getting given away, hope I win! :)" or something of the sort. I feel as though if people are genuinely thanking someone for their giveaways something, anything, will pop into their heads to spice up the comment section and give a smile or a chuckle to the generous giveaway authors and the other joiners :)

1 month ago

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I prefer more generic thank yous from the winners only.
anything personalized towards the game/GA in question is always great, and having a discussion regarding whatever is in the description is great to

1 month ago

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I wish there was just a thank you button tbh. A personalised message is nice but a message is OTT for a generic thank you.

4 weeks ago

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Very good suggestion! Mind if I post this as a discussion in the suggestions section with credits to you? :)

4 weeks ago

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Sure - doubt I'm the first person to bring it up, but it'd be lovely if someone was happy to push for it! :)

4 weeks ago

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Fewer :)
Thanks are assumed and I don't want my messages clogged up. If someone wants to say something specific about the game then great.

4 weeks ago

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I'll tell you what I actually like. I like when the winner leaves a comment later on letting me know how they liked the game.

4 weeks ago

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I am one that does that, but sometimes I take months to years by the time I get to complete the game. I am always letting the giver know in advance I will contact them to let them know my thoughts on the game.

4 weeks ago

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I do the same when i completed a game with 100% or when a game was a total fail and i stop to play it after a session.

But half of the times the gifters don't use sg anymore when i want to write them or i am on their BL or they are on my BL :-D

4 weeks ago*

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That hasn't happened for me. Most I commented to were still active. I guess I was lucky. I would probably write to them via Steam if anything.

4 weeks ago

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Very cool

4 weeks ago

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that's huge, and actually happens.
fun fact: it seems to me that the less you ask "play my games" the more the chances to have a later thank you, with thoughts on the game...

4 weeks ago

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Jah. I don't mention it to the winner(s). But I do like seeing it.

4 weeks ago

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I occasionally do that, but not often enough.
I do love it when a winner comes around and tells me their thoughts of the game after playing it.

4 weeks ago

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I don't mind them, but again, if it's a public giveaway, it feels disingenuous and I tend to think it comes from a bot than from someone looking forward to see it. I rather have people spark conversation as I tend to ask questions and such when I make GA's.

4 weeks ago

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Same! :)

4 weeks ago

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i don't like thank you messages when the giveaway is still running but for me it is considered rude to not say thanks when winning something, it is the bare minimum. noone owes you games so the least you can do is say thanks when you win.

4 weeks ago

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Ditto, though I don't mind "thank yous" as long as they're thoughtful. "Been wanting to play this game for ages! Thanks for the chance:)" is probably my standard for when I see a game I've wanted to play but haven't gotten yet or wasn't planning to but was keeping an eye on.

4 weeks ago

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Rather more real thank yous, less copy pasted bot ones.

4 weeks ago

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more thank you's, thank you.

it's technically useful. very useful, so really don't care those rare cases where you find 14 same thank you's.
even there, i do a single click on "Mark as Read". (or go find that bot and try explaining things, you kno...)

4 weeks ago

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While I respect it and see where you're coming from I feel like it's a bit more of an issue when, for example, you give away a game for a runtime of a week and every day you get people leaving generic "Thanks for the chance" every single day for a week. As a person who enjoys interacting with others on SteamGifts and generally in forums I get mildly disappointed when the 5 notifications or sometimes 10 12 notifications are mostly if not solely people "thanking me"; I feel as though even if most if them are from real people they're usually (95% of the time) are really uninspired and copy-pasted looking leading to it looking like a botted comment section. I don't exactly understand what you mean by useful but I feel it's the complete opposite, useless or of very little use. I'd love to hear you expand on it though.

4 weeks ago

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Maybe it's just me or my giveaways are so trash that bots don't even bother (insert meme of why not both) but most of my public giveaways have like 2 or 3 comments at best. Last one didn't even get a single one except for the winner afterwards but even if I was getting 10 or 20 of them, like icaio wrote, it's so easy to just click "Mark as Read" that I don't see it as a problem at all. Sure, generic or copy paste thank you's don't mean much but the few genuine and truly thankful ones make it worth for all the others imo. I'm with icaio, I'd rather see more than less, not because I want a sense of superiority or something silly like that as in oh I'm giving you something, bow down to me and be grateful but just because I simply find them nice and enjoyable to read, even if it is a copy paste. Otherwhise with no communication at all, at some point it starts to feel like I'm not even interacting with humans anymore and it's all just bots. Just my 2 cents.

4 weeks ago

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I can respect it!

4 weeks ago

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I think the winner should thank the gifter, but for someone just entering I don't see it as being that meaningful.
That said I do think those who enter a giveaway should at least read the giveaway description (if there is one).

4 weeks ago

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Absolutely! Also yes, a lot of times there's vital information in those descriptions.

4 weeks ago

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Thank you for the GA!

4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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