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What's this?

I have to say I'm completely Puzzled...

Access Code: SGPuzzle2024!


Let me know if you encounter any bugs, but no spoilers for others please.
You can add me on Steam if you can't explain the bug without spoilers.
Just post a comment here or on my Steam profile if you add me for that.

Click on the "?" button for some more information.

Some of my previous puzzles with solutions
Welcome to cyberspace, citizen!
Now what is this exactly???

I will add a solution for this one as well, once it has ended.

2 months ago*

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2 months ago

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Bump for solved!

2 months ago

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Bump! Hands down the best puzzle i've seen here so far and awesome rewards.

2 months ago

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This is not just a puzzle but a work of art, props!
In a certain area (or rather, both of them) the clickable areas of everything are about 50 pixels further down than they should be. That makes some stuff more difficult (like understanding that something is a label for something, or exiting something). But as far as I know it still works. (I'm using the latest version of Firefox on Windows 10).

2 months ago

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I did test on Firefox and it was fine for me, but it's very possible that there might be some bugs. (I did find out today that resizing the browser window after loading the page can cause some issues with the areas.) I'll go through it again after the weekend. You're the first one mentioning this though, so it might still be something on your end like some extension or just some general weirdness. At least it still somewhat worked for you.

2 months ago

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Do you have any extensions that add some elements onto the page? Like bars or something. They could mess with a markup sometimes.

2 months ago

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Maybe a bit late, but I think increasing the height of the browser window should fix it.

2 months ago

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Bump for the first two giveaways, I'm too dumb to find the other three

2 months ago

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Bump for great fun puzzle

2 months ago

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Another wonderful and delightful puzzle! Much better than jigidis :)
Although I was missing a commands history in the terminal...

2 months ago

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bump for 5/5, thanks for great puzzles and GAs

2 months ago

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Bump! I solved 4 so far, will try the 5th later

2 months ago

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Bump :)

2 months ago

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Another amazing puzzle! Lots of fun! Thank you!

Have a bump!

2 months ago

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I love you.

2 months ago

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Thanks for the mini-game! :)

2 months ago

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Loved going through these, I use linux btw, so it was ez

2 months ago

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stuck on the encrypted part atm, everything tried is invalid so far.
4/5 found.

2 months ago

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Same for me. I have several finding that are not used in the 4 other puzzles that make me confused.

And thanks Snake994 for these fun puzzles! :)

2 months ago

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I truly am, as the title suggests, puzzled. And so many people have solved it too! A meager 2/5 :( ah well. This was super cool though.

2 months ago

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This puzzle town reminds me of the GeoCity level in Broken Reality, maybe a little bit of Virtuaverse as well. Thanks for the giveaways!

PS: I am on a verge of solving my third GA in this puzzle 'fetching' a file on one of the computers, but I am not sure where to find the text of this file. If you can offer an explanation, then you can chat with me privately via SteamChat.

2 months ago

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Bump and cool game ;)

2 months ago

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As someone already said before, the clickable areas are sometimes further down.
I think it happens when you have a screen zoom higher than '100%'. I had to click way lower than where the images actually were and I realised it was because I had a screen zoom of '110%' in Chrome. When I changed it to '100%' it worked just fine. Wasn't much of deal except in those with small areas like the posit in the wall, which you may not realise it is clickable.
I believe this can be fixed just by making the CSS responsive.

Anyways really cool puzzle

2 months ago

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Sorry in advance for going full gamedev/playtester/review mode on feedback >->

Reminds me of the Escape Room games (the old Flash ones), but with the type of puzzles I enjoy far more. I know they take much more effort (even without the graphics, there's all the coding), but I love puzzles like these. The graphics are nice and give it a more polished feel. Loved both the variety in types of puzzles and the varying difficulty. I look forward to trying out your older puzzles! (Assuming they're all still accessible/solvable ofc ^^")


All bugs can be easily fixed by user (#1 being fixed just by increasing vertical size of browser window), and none are game-breaking, so just small things.

#1: Like others have said, resizing shifts the hitboxes. If the browser window is vertically too small, the image changes dynamically (vertically only), but the hitboxes themselves are consistent, causing a mismatch. For example, the very top button in the PC is the same width from the top of the container no matter what. The fix would be to either have the container and image stay a consistent height (probably the easier way), or to have the container, image, and hitboxes/buttons resize together.

#2: You can open multiple "pop-up windows." For example, open the ramen stand, and then click on something else without closing the ramen stand window. Fix would be to either close current window upon opening another, or prevent another from being opened if one is already open. Even something like a transparent layer to come up underneath the window would stop the mouse from interacting with other buttons on the screen.

#3: Highlighting sticks. On the PC, if you hover over the third button, then quickly hover over "Leave" (or vice versa), both stay highlighted. If you click the one you're currently hovering on, the other highlight remains and won't go away until you go back into that screen to unhighlight it.

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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Thanks! Really enjoyed it so far! Appreciate the work you put into this.

Solved 4/5 so far.

Update: Solved 5/5

2 months ago*

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Solved 5/5

2 months ago

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Originally I thought I couldn't solve it, but after trying a few times, I found a way and solved it.
Looking forward to the next puzzle.

2 months ago

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Solved 3/5

2 months ago

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