Sad part is, RAGE is supposed to be a graphical wonder, the textures up close are just an eyesore, and the texture popping is unbearable
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I don't think you are talking about graphics, more like original/innovative content. Prey had areas with inverted/side gravity.
Now if you are refering to FX then Wolfenstein 2009 had the dimension swap when using the amulet, it looked pretty cool. Same with Singularity when travelling in time or using TMD abilities.
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And it did the thing that the guy mentioned... lol. Don't buy it for singleplayer please... overall, don't buy it on PC.
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Well, I liked Witcher 2. It did have good graphics, but it was pretty fun for me for the craziness of things. =/
If you mean games with actual gimmicks, I also liked Bastion's narrations, and the appearance appealed to me.
Think about things like this. There are still games that don't depend on graphics, guns, etc to be good, but instead of being made by big publisher's studios it's made by indie devs.
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Well, what do you expect, when you let the casuals in with consoles? Obviously it had to go this way - because casual players have problems seeing anything except for graphics. Duuuh. At the same time, you kind of have to make levels flat, since it's hard to aim up and down with controller. So forget about doing what Thief did.
It isn't entirely dead concept... Dark Souls (sadly badly ported) had some wonderful artistic style. With many elements that at resemble what you were talking about. Hard Reset came close to doing that near the end, but never did that.. sadly.
if only 6DOF Shooters were still as popular as they used to be.
But still... let me remind you (loving System Shock 2 to death) - that part that you mentioned was the WORST part of entire System Shock 2. No, really - the most linear part of the game, with the worst level design in the game... it looked nice, but it was plain awful to play... even worse than body of the many.
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Well... it was many time stated and supported by examples of people far smarter than I am, that, that's how vast majority of console gamers think. And while there are exceptions between them, this doesn't change the fact, that consoles in itself were designed to make playing games as easy and accessible as possible. You buy a console, you buy a game and you're locked in this wonderful, monopolistic system.
Yeah, I'm kind of douchey, but guess what? Ever since X360 got popular and publishers shifted to making games primarily for X360, we've been getting worse and worse and worse ports of games, with more and more linear levels... that were getting more and more flat. Why is that? Because it's easier to optimize such levels for 7 years old hardware... because aiming up and down with gamepad is in fact not easy... because it's so much easier to navigate flat levels... because it makes AI navigation easier (also reduces time required for path calculation, again making optimization easier).
I'm sorry, but when I see that, all this is because "we need to appeal primary to console gamers and hit primary a console market" - I'm not going to sit patiently without calling it bullshit here and there. This shit is handicapping my gaming experience as a PC gamer for over 5 years, and I have enough of that.
I'd love to see a shooter like System Shock 2 was... but no - you can't do that... not with the consoles in mind. You can make something like Bioshock, but is this really a successor to System Shock? Not really... it got dumbed down to much.
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I don't know why you seem to be coming off as douchey to some. In my opinion, you're just having a discussion.
Anyway, the problem with console ports is a) overstated as hell, especially if you go to sites like MetaCritic, and b) that developers rely on the modding community to finish their work (much the way Skyrim and other Bethesda games have done.)
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my jaw dropped back in the day...
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Only now they make games in 2D with all jagged and pixlated cause it's "nostalgic" sigh. Make up your damn minds! ALso where the hell is my modern up to date shooter with Doom2 style graphics? Screw all these platformers.
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speaking of portals... you know... Portal 2. But the most incredible thing these days for me is frostbite 2 used in battlefield 3. None of those crysis or any other things amazes me that much. I am not speaking about the details or graphical effects but this engine actually let's you think the way you would really think in war at some cases. Sound effects and destruction are jaw dropping there.
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I totally agree with you. Ive never felt such a feeling as i do when playing bf3 with friends. Joining a squad, comunicating to clarify the different tactical opportunities and in the end being successful. The moment when you drive a tank and a squad member joins you with a second tank next to you while another squad member is flying a fully loaded helicopter right over you to defeat you from enemy tanks and helicopters is stunning!!!! This always gives me a goose skin!!! Add the greatest sound effects ever added to a shooter and here we go. The most realistic war game ever!!!
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it is. example: if you use a rpg to destroy a tank there is not only a difference in where you hit the tank but also in which angle and so on. i know that its not a real scenario to fight against 16 to 32 enemies on an area that has like 2000 x 2000 feet trying to capture flags. but compare it to other wargames. the sounds and the the physic effects are indeed more realistic in BF3.
btw commenting in a forum discussion with just making ones comment kinda hilarous is absolutely mature ;)
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780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
In the past there were some really good games with for its time cool graphics which the developers used to make some really cool stuff from. I'm talking about special "wow" moments like: swimming in water floating in the air in "Thief", Walking on upside down rooms in "system shock 2" or a flying door opening and passing the whole scene in "Americans McGee's Alice". Those little tricks (which weren't even that hard to make (from an opinion of a non-developer)) were very cool, because they came there on moments you didn't always expect (besides Alice maybe)...
But now we have the technology and the power to make those little twitches in the game, only even extra cool... Now I never encounter them anymore...
It's like with the power of good graphics, the creative ideas went away, or I should miss one.
Okay they have games like inversion, but thats when whole the game is about one little tweek dragged out from beginning to end.
Can you tell me a modern game which still does graphic things like this? Please, feel free to defy my point.
PS I'd go with Psychonauts, but that game is already 7 years old... So...
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