(っ^▿^)っ Hi all!

I want to mix myself more into the community. And I like to start by sharing something with you guys that really made gaming so beautiful and awesome for me!
After following this guide you will be able to play almost every game in (Real) Stereoscopic 3D! Even old gamecube games and stuff :O!
If you already have a 3dtv, but you don't have a Nvidia card, its worth it to sell your current and buy a Nvidia imho.
When you are going to buy a new monitor / tv, if I were you, I would make sure its a passive 3d one. Thats how much I love it and don't wanna go back.

I am just here for the giveaway

Okay, here is your ticket, please bump tho :)!

What is gaming in stereoscopic 3D?

Well, you know 3D movies in the cinema? Well, that, but then for games. And with games it is way more awesome, since you are in control of the depth and such. It really makes games come alive! Also, many 3D movies are just 2D conversions, which gives 3D a bad name :'(.

What do we need?

This guide is mostly targeted to people owning the same sort of hardware as me. But this doesn't mean that if you have other hardware it will not work. Active 3dtvs will probably work to! You can just skip the EDID override and my example images wont work for you.

  1. A passive 3dtv ✔ (passive is the same technique used in the cinema)
  2. A Nvidia GPU with support for Nvidia 3d vision (almost every GTX card) ✔

To peak ahead at the endresult, I've created this image. Just download (important, or it will look like garbage) the image and put it in full-screen on your passive (1080p) 3dtv. And put your glasses on (probably glasses upside down!!)

My own setup for those that are curious, consists of:

  1. LG 42LM3450 Passive 3Dtv (I bought it new some years ago for 450 euro)
  2. A Pc running windows 10 with: (but this worked on my old pc with a gtx460 & older hardware to)
    • AMD FX-8350
    • MSI Geforce GTX 960 4GB Gaming Edition
    • 16GB DDR3
    • Asus Sabertooth 990fx r2.0

Step 1 - Install the EDID override

First we need to trick the videocard in accepting your passive 3d monitor / tv as if its one of the only two supported passive 3d monitors by nvidia 3d vision.
To do this, follow this guide to install the EDID override that will trick the Nvidia GPU.
Install the Acer INF if you care about audio over HDMI. Otherwhise I reccomend the Zalmann one.
You probably need to disable driver signature enforcement, see here how to do this
When you are done installing the driver, reboot!

Step 2 - Test

The Nvidia 3Dvision drivers should now work already on your passive 3D screen. To test this, you can run the Stereoscopic 3D test in the Nvidia control panel.
¡¡¡¡ You probably need to turn your glasses upside down to see the normal 3D effect. The image will probably be reversed (R-L instead of L-R) TO FIX THIS: download 3DVisionEyeSwapper.exe ¡¡¡¡
I've made some screenshots on how this looks.
If you wanna check if your test is right, be sure to download the screenshot of the test and view it in full screen! Otherwhise it will look screwed up, and def not 3D!
This is also the place where you can set your shortkeys. This will enable you to adjust the depth and convergence in-game.
You can also view some screenshots already in your Nvidia 3D photo viewer. Like the ones from this thread.

If you wanna test out a game in 3D, Pinball FX2 is free on steam and works in 3D right out of the box ❤.
Pinball Fx2 is one of the most beautiful examples I know. But everybody is also really amazed when I show them Overlord, so I'm giving this away for you 3D lovers.

You now have the same support as normal Nvidia 3Dvision users, but we are going to take this even further :).

Step 3 - Adjust tv settings

This really cleared a lot of the ghosting / crosstalk (seeing lines or bleeding threw of left eye <> right eye) for me. So, on your tv you probably have a lot of color profiles like 'cinema, sport, user'. Choose one to alter just for 3D.
Now run something in 3D where you probably see a lot of ghosting. Now play with the color settings until you see as little as you're gonna get.
Especially turning down sharpness in your tv helps a lot.
There is a great testing video to test for crosstalk.

Step 4 - Installing Nvidia Inspector

Many games wont start in Nvidia 3Dvision mode. To fix this we download Nvidia Inspector.
With this tool you can add games to different profiles, many times allowing 3D to work.
The Max Payne 3 Profile works a lot of times for me.
You can also add emulators to game profiles. Which allowed me to run some emulators in stereoscopic 3D. Its really funny & awesome to play old retro games in Full HD & stereoscopic sweetness. Like Virtual Boy, PSP, Gamecube and Wii games.

Step 5 - Look for 3D fixes for the game you love

Helixmod is awesome. They bring out a lot of fixes for games that make them more playable or awesome in 3D! See if your game is in the gamelist and follow those instructions to make your game more beautiful in 3D!
Ofcourse some games are made for Nvidia 3D vision, but even some of those games have recieved fixes.

Extra tricks

  • Funny thing is, if you make 2 glasses, one with L-L and one with R-R, you can play both play split-screen games full-screen on the same screen!
    Just open up any splitscreen game, put the tv in 3D mode (top-bottom) and put the glasses on. Magic!
  • If you use Stereoscopic Player you can play videos in 3D without touching the 3D button on your remote!
  • Every image that will have its lines in turns of ...L-R-L-R-... can be viewed in 3D on your tv without turning on the 3D button.


If you run into any problems, you have my permission to add me on steam. (>‿◠)✌


٩(˘◡˘)۶ So there you go! We did it! Have much fun with gaming in stereoscopic 3D!
Don't miss the giveaway hidden in this guide for Overlord, which lookes beautiful in 3D!
Some games will have more success then others. If you find one that looks gourgious, please share!

(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ Love

Lets all be nice to each other and create a better world :).

If you found my guide useful, please show me some love.

8 years ago*

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Was this helpful? Are you gonna use it?

View Results
OMG, this is amazing. Thank you!
I have the required hardware, but I don't wanna use it
I will look at 3d functions with the purchase of my next tv / monitor, sounds great!
Don't care
No, but thnx for the giveaways!
I don't understand what this is all about \(`0´)/

Old games were in 2D, 2.5D at best :p
Cool guide, I don't have a 3D TV though, but awesome idea.

8 years ago

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Yeah, thats the biggest problem with this guide, it will be a small percentage who does. But 3D is pretty standard nowadays, so when you go shopping for a new tv it might be something to look out for ;). Thnx for the kind words tho.

Btw, you can make your current tv a 3dtv by placing it in a bathtub filled with water ;P (disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any damage)

8 years ago

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My tv is already in 3d it just can't display 3d content :p Also I don't have a bathtub. Why are you reminding me of all the things I don't have? ;_; Just kidding. I would never use a bathtub anyway ^^ But I think it would be cool to game in 3d, so if I ever buy a new tv I will consider it. Your guide is well made and written, 9 thumbs up!

8 years ago

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Looks very interesting but I think I'll skip 3D till we get a version that doesn't need glasses.

Though having said, I do want to try the Vive...

8 years ago

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Idk, glasses have their advantages I must say. You can make 2D glasses for your mates who don't wanna watch in 3D to ;).

Also, have you tried Active glasses (they have shutters, that blink before the eyes real fast, with a heavy battery pack), or passive glasses (just like normal sunglasses I guess). It makes a huge difference ;), I despise active glasses to. Passive glasses are not bad at all I must say =). And they only cost like a dollar a piece.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaways, Sleuteltje.

8 years ago

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Bump, thanks.

8 years ago

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2D bump!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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its worth it to sell your current and buy a Nvidia imho.

I stopped reading there...

Jokes aside, it's a great guide, but you forgot to mention another requisite, and possibly the most important one: good eyesight.
I don't have it, so 3D gives me motion sickness after a while...

Thanks for the giveaways!

8 years ago

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Haha, why the hate for Nvidia? ATI is definitly not bad, but with drivers, support etc. I always found that Nvidia is just a tiny bit better and a tiny bit more expensive. And I'm really not a fanboy, believe me. I always try to get the most bang for my buck, and Nvidia always delivered.
In the case of 3D tho, I'm kinda married to Nvidia, simply because ATI doesnt have a 3D mode comparable to Nvidia 3D Vision. You have to work with TriDef and stuff, and believe me, it really sucks.

Sucks you get sick with 3D, I'm glad I don't have that problem. Motion sickness is a bit weird tho, most people only get that in VR and such.
Also, btw, it really really matters much which 3D movie you are viewing. Most 3D movies are just poorly done 2D conversions, which even give me headaches :'(! It gives 3D a bad name.

But yeah, people who have poor eyesight and already have problems with 3d vision in real life, won't have 3D vision with 3Dtv's, good point ;)!

8 years ago

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looks interesnting! bump btw!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump for interesting information :D

8 years ago

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Bump 1

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump-i-ty-bump-bump ^_^

8 years ago

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Have a bump for a well written guide. 3D unfortunately just gives me headaches.

8 years ago

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Thnx for the compliment =D. Sorry to hear 3D gives you headaches :(. Just out of curiousity, which 3D movies have you viewed to come to that conclusion? And did you wear glasses that had battery packs and blinked real fast before your eyes? Or was it the passive kind, like normal sunglasses?

I've seen some 3D scenes which even gives me headaches, and I have a high tolerance for 3D.

8 years ago

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Nothing in recent years. The most recent 3d film I saw was maybe Muppets? Not sure. I remember it was with passive glasses. The biggest problem I have is that I have really bad motion sickness so 3d of any kind is just not for me. I'm stuck with a 2d world but happy enough with the limitation. The only thing I am kinda sad about missing is the chance to try Elite out with an oculous as I hear that is an awesome experience.

8 years ago

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That is sad. But VR is 90 fps+ especially to prevent motion sickness with people that are sensitive to it. But I think a lot of people will still get motion sick if they think they are moving when they are not. I've heard the organ of balance can then make you sick, since it doesnt' match with what you are experiencing.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I am your blacklist T_T
anyway... BUMP!!

8 years ago

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Yes, Appearantly you are. I don't remember why tho, and I hardly ever user that button. You seem to have a good ratio and stuff, we didnt trade, so I'm not sure. So what did you do :P?
Redeem yourself! Haha...

8 years ago

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Ha?? You have a few BL but I am a one of this list and you don't know why add me to your BL!!
It's ok but......cry. T_T

8 years ago

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Ok, tell you what, post a link to a nice song and I'll remove you from my blacklist ;).

8 years ago

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Sure, this is my favorites song


Because we can.

8 years ago

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=), thank you for the music. Removed you from my blacklist.

8 years ago

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Thank you, I am happy now. XD

8 years ago

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I already new all of this and use it in most of the games, but thanks!

8 years ago

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Nice, I never find any others who use this =D. I was starting to believe I was the only one who loves this and knew all these tricks.

Mind if I add you on steam so we can share good 3D games and tips and stuff :)?
Also, whats your setup?

8 years ago

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Yeah, sure! I use a LG DM2780D-PZ (passive monitor)

Intel i7 4790 at 3.60Ghz (up to 4.0Ghz)
Nvidia Geforce GTX 970

8 years ago

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hey hey,

interesting guide, something to test in the future. Many thanks.. and for the giveaway too ;)

Have a BUMP

8 years ago

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The future is now!

I think I saw this as a slogan somewhere :P... Thnx for the bump!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bookmarking this for when my budget allows me to try it ! Thanks a lot !

8 years ago

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Nice :). Yeah, just do this instead of buying another 50 games you know you aren't gonna play xP.

But nice to have 'reached' someone, makes creating this guide worth the trouble. Let me know how it goes.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Interesting stuff. Unfortunately I wear glasses and watching anything in 3D gives me the worst headaches imaginable. On top of not having the hardware necessary. Perhaps in the future when I've finally conquered my fear of contact lenses and have the budget to buy a new tv I'll come back to this.

8 years ago

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A moment of silence for our brothers and sisters with bad eyesight :(. Yeah, we are far away from the holodeck. Thats what I actually want since I was 4, so I'll just settle with this in the meantime. Btw, I dont know if you know this, but you can buy 'clip-ons' for your glasses for 3D movies ;).

I can imagine your fear of contact lenses, I'm really freaky about stuff touching my eyes to. Once I was on vacation and someone slapped a branch of a xmas tree in my eye. And I had to go the a really shitty hospital in a shitty country where I didnt understand a word the doctors were saying. Then I had to put my head into some really weird old device from like 1900, and the doctor shot something in my eye :S. It was like from a horror movie.

But I know you can do it my brother =D! You can conquer that fear of contact lenses. Fear only paralyses you. I'm afraid of heights, and I always go in rollercoasters and on heights just to conquer that fear! And every time I do it, I'm scared like a 8 year old, but I still do it! If I can, so can you ;)! Think about all the ladies you gonna get when you have contacts ;)!

8 years ago

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I've not heard of the clip-ons. I may give them a look.

My god. I think I would have died. Not a chance in hell I would've let that happen.

I'd get exactly 0 ladies because of it. :( I don't think my inamorata yes, I just wanted to use that word would allow me to enjoy that attention. Also I recently tried contacts for the first time. So that was a success, but it took me nearly an hour to put them in and another to take them out and I was freaking out the entire day they were in. I pretty much gave up on it.

8 years ago

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"All things worth having are worth fighting for" ;). What did you expect mate, that your first day living your fear was gonna be the best day of your live :P? I've heard from others that wear contacts that it just takes getting used to. And know the mind controls a lot about how wrong it all feels. And ultimately, you have the power to control your mind =D!

Oh, and btw, if you only tried contacts one day, you can't say you got 0 ladies because of it, you've gotta really try! :P

8 years ago

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