So I'm about to finish Dragon Age Inquisition (currently in Tresspasser DLC, from what I hear this is the final post game content), and I'm wondering on which game to start next. I've been chugging slowly through my backlogs and was having a hard time to decide which game to start. Suddenly, I had a thought that maybe I could hear some of your suggestions on which game to start (and hopefully finish).

The games that I play actually vary, quite a lot. I've played football games, RPGs and ARPGs, spectacle fighters, hell, I even play the Sims and the occasional candy crush on the toilet. So feel free to suggest any games you think that you like.

That being said, I do prefer story oriented games, hence why I started DA Inquisition in the first place (heard it was good, and would've missed the game had it not came to Steam lol). I've listed a few notable once that I think I might enjoy in the poll but I would appreciate any input or suggestions from you guys.

You can check my library to see if I have any unplayed games that you think I should look into. I can always juggle a couple of games at a time if they are good enough to capture my attention.

Below would be the mandatory giveaway people usually give on these kinds of thread, except that I'm just too lazy to keep track of giveaways and don't care much about levels. So good luck ninjas. :P
I'll update some random key drops later if I find any spare bundle keys or if GMG or Gamersgate got any decent weekend promotions, no promises though.

Lethal League - H0E(7-4)H-CICP9-nineQH7K
Rebel Galaxy - JYWItwo-2ALXP-K(7-5)DZP
Grey Goo Definitive Edition - YAfour48-5BXAE-EBQ(3+3)M
Stories: The Path of Destinies - YQAQ(3.4*0)-4CF3J-CHsix4V
Zenith - ZI7Psix-XF9(3-1)0-EHPCR

Edit - Proper giveaway made to thank people for suggestions. Doing a quick 24 hours giveaway.
Sorted - Bought a new region appropriate key for the winner lol.

Status update - Currently near the end of Trespasser DLC for Inquisition, might end in a few hours. Damn DAI is such a good game, with tons of unfixed bugs >.>. Looks like Plague's Tale is running away with the vote though! So I've moved the game into my NVME drive in preparation.

Finished Trespasser DLC! WTF, now I'm more hyped for Dragon Age 4 lol.

Poll ends, winrar - A Plague's Tale, by quite the margin as well. Thanks fellas! Gonna start the game later.

4 years ago*

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What's the next game I should dive into?

View Results
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Beyond: Two Souls
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered
Pillars of Eternity
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition

Impressive game collections!
Do try A Plague Tale, if you're not musophobia.
(I mean rats, lots lots of rats.)

4 years ago

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Thanks, although you might mean impressive game list which I've bought and not had the time to play yet and Cyberpunk is coming and Winter Sale is coming ect. T_T

I don't mind rats (in games) so it is tempting. :)

4 years ago

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Assassin's Creed doesn't bring anything new in gameplay since AC3 (I think)

4 years ago

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since AC Origins it's an RPG

4 years ago

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Odyssey brings quite a lot of new gameplay compared to AC3, actually. For example, did AC3 allow you to climb the walls of a cave to sneak past the guards and to drop down onto them from behind? Or sneak up on an enemy guard and quickly dispatch them and hide them in the bushes? Or choices in the side-quests which effect how the quests play out?

4 years ago

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odyssey was really great
it has many great side quests with nice stories

4 years ago

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I heard it has that time saver stuff exp booster thingy, which puts me off a bit if I'm required to grind. Hows the situation on that front?

4 years ago

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It's a complete non-issue unless you're trying to speed run the game.

I absolutely loved Odyssey, and my issue was that I was constantly out-leveling content - I had to increase the difficulty to keep enemies within 4 levels of me just to provide a challenge. Just by doing side-quests - which are mostly really fun and interesting - you'll have more XP than you'll know what to do with.

The people complaining about XP are skipping all the side-quests and all the optional content and trying to take a linear line through a sprawling open-world game. They're missing huge chunks of the game, missing most of the best quests (honestly, most of the best quests are side-quests), and complaining because a huge, open-world game wants them to take a moment to explore and not just make a bee line for the nest main quest.

Odyssey is fantastic, one of the best games I played last year, and requires no grinding whatsoever if you're willing to actually explore the wonderful world and do a side quest or two.

4 years ago

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Ah that's good to hear! So it's just Ubi being Ubi to sell stupid XP boosters then.

4 years ago

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I would recommend skipping Odyssey, it is grindy boredom without a single original idea or mechanic.
EXp boosters are the issue, cause gameplay made to drag, with lots of walls, when you cannot continue the main quest until you grind the level. You need to levelup yourself, then a boat, then a spear, it's a lot of bs. And the process is just so uninspired. And it won't surprise anyone, but side quests are bad and highly repetitive. AC is an example of a game made without a drop of soul or creativity. It's fun for a few hours, shallow in every aspect, and felt like wasted time. Even visual design is not that good compare to RDR2 or Kingdome Come. Sound design is strong tho.

4 years ago*

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It's Ubi being weird, and including micro-transactions because they're the thing du jour. I hate grinding, but I never once felt like Odyssey required grinding.

There's definitely a small subset of players who try to rush through Assassin's Creed Odyssey and become frustrated because the game doesn't allow that - If you ignore everything but the main quest, eventually you will come up a level requirement. But that requires going into a huge, sprawling, interesting, wonderful open-world game where the world is worth exploring and discovering, where the side quests are delightful and interesting and give you opportunities for role playing, and purposefully putting on blinders to ignore all of it.

If you play like a normal person, you will be swimming in XP. The world is wonderful - and I frequently found myself exploring just to explore. The side quests are some of the best I've seen in any game - many RPGs would do well to learn from Odyssey's side quests. The combat and stealth are both fun - and sneaking into a fort and quietly dispatching the guards is a blast.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is like a chef's 10 course tasting menu - if you try to eat it as fast as possible, you're not going to enjoy it and are likely to get a stomach ache. But if you take the time to savor and enjoy, you'll be delighted by what's on offer.

4 years ago

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I have not personally played it but I hear great things about A Plague Tale: Innocence.

4 years ago

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A Plague Tale: Innocence have a nice story [Albeit a little short]. It's kinda like a movie, a good one

4 years ago

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Bad Dream: Coma - a point and click game where your choices matter.
BlazBlue: Continuum shift Extend: great story and probably the best 2D fighter game i've played so far.
Dungeons 2 and 3 - good games with lots of comedy.
Life is strange 2 - loved this one. the game has 7 endings
Mafia 2 - i enjoyed this one. kinda like gta but the cops will chase you if your break the law and you can actually get a ticket as well
Star wars: Knights of the old republic - probably the best star wars game ever made
SWkotor 2 is pretty good as well but nothing beats the first one.

these are just a few i recommend. :)

i really think you will love Star Wars so if you decide on tryin one of these why not start with that :)

4 years ago

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Ah thanks for the suggestions. I've actually played Kotor 1 and 2 a long time ago, as well as Mafia 1 and 2. Great games, especially Kotor.

I've been putting off Life of Strange 1 and 2 though, the story didn't grip me as much as I would've liked. Might be time to give it a new chance.

4 years ago

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if you ever go back to playing kotor again then i would suggest you try the game with a mod called Brotherhood of Shadow - Solomons revenge unless you've played it already. it increases the campaign and you get an in depth backstory to Revan and i believe all companions and npc's is fully voice acted aswell.

4 years ago

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I don't know about LiS 2, but LiS is one of my favorite games. Each chapter is generally an improvement over the one before, and the overall game had a huge impact on me.

4 years ago

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I played both A Plague Tale: Innocence and Pillars of Eternity, and while I enjoyed my time with the Plague I still think this game is waaaayyyy overrated. I liked PoE better. It has become my most played game on Steam. It has a great story, likeable and interesting characters, a lush world to explore and on top of that real time with pause combat which I've learned to really enjoy as a means of middle ground between fast paced action and yawn inducing turn based combat.
I have not played Beyond: Two Souls yet, but I'd love to, so you might want to consider that one as well, at least from my personal point of view ;)

4 years ago

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wow, it's actually 93% of the 24500+ reviews on steam. Well, at least I'm not the only one who think it's overrated. Three of us in this thread xD

4 years ago

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I'd say, story-wise it's Beyond: Two Souls, then Pillars of Eternity, then A Plague Tale: Innocence (I agree with eeev, the latter is pretty enjoyable, but probably overrated indeed). I did enjoy Assassin's Creed a lot, but as far as quality of narrative is concerned, it's so much weaker than in the 3 games above. Haven't played the other 3, not into anime at all.

4 years ago

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Yeah I definitely didn't include AC due to the story based content lol, I just liked the RPG mechanics it took since AC Origin (story went to shit after Desmond died anyways. :P ). I put Ni No Kuni due to the nice review it had on the PS, and I was into Digimon when it came out so had an interest to check it out.

But yeah, it's interesting to see a lot of people recommending Plague and PoE.

4 years ago

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Have you played Origins and if so, how does Odyssey compare to it? I'm generally a fan of Ass Creed games, but Origins seemed to drag on longer than it should have and I'm worried it is more of the same with Odyssey. I'll still play it, I just want to know where I should put it on my priority list.

4 years ago

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Well, while I did enjoy Odyssey so much more, there were some aspects of it that I found lacking in comparison with Origins: for example, the tombs (that's partially understandable, of course Egyptian tombs are more exciting than Greek ones, and I might poorly remember Origins tombs, but this time if you've seen one tomb, you've seen them all) and animal enemies - fighting hippos and crocodiles was definitely one of the highlights of Origins for me. Also, not a fan of Odyssey naval combat. But I do think that Odyssey is definitely superior in the writing department. While the main quest is mostly as forgettable as it was in Origins, there are quite a few memorable secondary ones, there are finally some decent NPCs around (love local version of Socrates!), and Kassandra is pretty awesome - unlike that bland Egyptian guy who's bored the hell out of me. Yes, both games are way too long, but at least Odyssey has one properly made DLC (the second one, each chapter really felt like something fresh after being inevitably bored with the main game: we move from sorta real-life ancient Greece to Elysium, then to Hades (my favourite part), then to Atlantis itself). Can't really comment on changes in combat since I'm a purely casual player, it's always the lowest difficulty available for me (and I've also cheated for resources to upgrade my favourite equipment every level), but stealth skills are pretty satisfying.

4 years ago

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I haven't played Origins, but I absolutely loved Odyssey, and one of my friends struggled to finish Origins but had an absolute blast with Odyssey. I played as Kassandra, for what it's worth, and had an absolute blast.

I didn't care much for the DLC, however. It just wasn't as engaging as the main game.

4 years ago

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Didn't play Origins, but Odyssey is a fcking drag. I beat it and I regret wasting at least 80% of the time I spent.
I would never ever play a sandbox game from ubisoft, it's a pathetic experience, which was novel 10 years ago, but lost its magic quite fast, cause they didn't add anything good to it. I could swear I saw animations and AI actions from Far Cry 3.

4 years ago

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Gonna keep the poll open until I finish Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age I think. Then I'll put a random giveaway later to give some chance for forum dwellers who are not trained in the art of ninjutsu. ;-)

4 years ago

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Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a great game and you do not need to play the previous ones in order to play this one (the stories are not related). If you are a fan of SRPG/TRPGs, than this is definitely a must play.

Beyond: Two Souls is good too, though I would recommend it mostly for David Cage fans. If you didn't like Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy or his general philosophical bat shit crazy nonsense story telling, then it might not be for you. You do not play his games for gameplay, but for the weird ass stories that he probably came up with while high on acid.

4 years ago

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I have only played A Plague Tale: Innocence from the list and i very highly recommend it :)

4 years ago

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Probably not what you want to hear while working on your backlog, but you should buy Subnautica. It's one of the best and most unique games I’ve played so far - amazing story, great atmosphere and so much fun :)
Other than that, definitely give Hollow Knight a try. And of course the Mass Effect series if you haven’t played it yet.

4 years ago

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Oh I've heard good things about Subnautica and Hollow Knight. I've played the ME trilogy on Origin, great series. Wasn't thrilled about ME 3's ending, but the story was still fantastic. Still sitting on Andromeda, might give it a run some time in the future if I feel like it but I heard the new storyline post Commander Shepard is not that good.

4 years ago

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I didn't play all the games in your list, but I enjoyed playing Pillars of Eternity for a play a game you won on steamgifts event.
If you want a game to relax, you could also give a try to Heaven's Vault. I really got hooked on this one.

4 years ago

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Bump, giveaway up. People still want Borderlands 3 right?

4 years ago

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Bump this

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Just some games that I would recommend:
Sword Coast Legends
Silent Storm

If you have friends that you could play with, you could also check out Space Engineers and maybe look into picking up Stormworks.

If you have a controller and need something different to play, Rocket League is sweet. =P You can grab it for free on Epic.

I'd also suggest Dirt Rally 1/2.0, GT Legends, and Assetto Corsa (and iRacing, if you end up loving this sort of stuff). Sim racing offers quite the challenge, especially when it comes to racing real people, but it's pretty awesome. It might be worth getting into. =) A wheel and pedals is highly recommended, but not worth buying until you're sure racing sims are your thing.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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And some suggestions away from the poll: Prey, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Undertale, A Hat in Time, Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Enter the Gungeon, Hades (hard to belive you have 0h there).

4 years ago

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On Divinity, I've simply didn't have enough time to finish the first one before I start with the second. Same situation applies to Hades, and I even bought it the moment it landed on Steam! Alas, work and real life stuff takes priority. I've always imagined someday I'll retire early as a millionaire and finally have the time to play my games. T_T

4 years ago

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Definitely recommend A Plague Tale

4 years ago

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Out of your list I've only played Pillars, so this will be of little help (I loved the original Valkyria Chronicles and the 4th installment is high on my wishlist).
Pillars is a great classic RPG game, although it may feel a bit slow and outdated. It requires reading tons of text in order to properly enjoy it, so if reading a lot and constantly hampers your style- I don't think you'll get the most out of it. After recently revisitng Baldur's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale I was very appreciative of the existence of Pillars and will be ever grateful to Obsidian for it. So, if you're into min-maxing your character or just enjoy the slow-unravelling of a story (that it's too theological for my preference doesn't detract from how well it's written) - opposing digits up from me.

4 years ago

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Bump for the quality giveaway added!

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4 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

4 years ago

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Thank you. Your avatar is just on point for this particular occasion :)

4 years ago

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Pillars of Eternity is a great game, can't recommend it enough.

4 years ago

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I picked Odyssey as its the one i would most want to play next out of that list but your giveaway game would top them all :)

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Daud.