Kiss Land was a huge disappointment. It's mediocre at its best. I was listening to the Trilogy mixtapes almost every day after they were released up to this day. I'm still not bored with them. But I'm bored with Kiss Land already. There are like 3-4 songs which are good there. The rest is just mediocre. It doesn't even come near Trilogy, sadly. I hope his next album will be better.
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Weeeell I cant deny the fact that Trilogy was way better. I also listened to the first 3 mixtapes 24/7, and still do. I kinda disliked the remastered versions on Trilogy though. I preferred the original ones. But Kiss Land is a really good debut album tbh and the reviews were very positive, there are some amazing songs on there, like 'Wanderlust' and 'Professional'. I'm not dissapointed, but it couldve been better maybe. I will always stan for him though, started with House of Balloons back in 2011, and will never stop listening to his music. He's still so underrated and deserves so much more fame. But oh well, guess we'll have to wait for his next album to smash. :>
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Yeah, remastered Trilogy is worse than the original mixtapes. They changed some notes and pitch in some fragments and I didn't like it.
Kiss Land would be good if he hadn't released masterpieces as House of Balloons, Thursday and Echoes of Silence before. After that Kiss Land is a let down. Still not bad but... way worse than the "mixtapes". I am disappointed. I was expecting the album to be like Kiss Land song which he released as a first single. I got some songs about "love in the sky". I know it stands for doing drugs and so on but it's just... so pop-ish. It doesn't stand out. Live For has a terrible chorus, just terrible. And the song itself is one of his worst ones. Belong to the World reminds me of r'n'b, something with which I never associated The Weeknd. For me he was always the dark side of r'n'b, something that wasn't out there before. Not to mention his change of heart. Or "change of heart". I was listening to three albums about one night stands, fucking "bitches", taking drugs and now he records some emotional love song in which he basically says that he thanks women for breaking his heart. Meh. It's just totally not what I expected. Bring back the Trilogy flavor damn it! ;)
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Well I loved this album and never never song was "made" to the original and ex drummer of korn telling him that he would never never going to re join the band
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They never did pretend to be Hardcore, neither was their music.
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They absolutely pretended to be hardcore metal with their first couple albums. But that was a long, long time ago. And, granted, they were a lot heavier than a lot of stuff on the radio at the time, but that's like saying that Avril Lavigne is more punk than Katy Perry.
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Hardcore Metal is not even a genre what are you even saying.
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No they are not Hardcore. Black Flag or Madball are good examples of Hardcore bands.
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"What I can't understand is "Never Never" song. It doesn't fit into the album at all and is terrible. The opposite of the rest of the songs. And why would they even put it out as a single promoting the album is beyond my understanding."
I like the album, it's really good. It's also really noticable Head is back. Favorites are Love & Meth, Mass Hysteria and It's All Wrong. Definitely not even close to the top spots of my best album 2013 list though.
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Wow, struck a nerve, did I?
Maybe you just see connections where there are none.
And looking at how many people didn't like "Never Never" I would reconsider if it's "just me" or not.
Piss off? Because of a song? Only kids get pissed off because of such stuff.
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Again wrong terminology dude. Of course some people don't like it. Even if a billion people don't like it that still doesn't make it a "terrible song". But if you're not a musician yourself you might never understand why I have a problem with the way you use those words.
" Only kids get pissed off because of such stuff." So you are a kid by that logic then? "It doesn't fit the album, it's terrible, why even put it on the album"
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If I had a dollar for everytime I wanted to smack an idiot who uses wrong terminology, I would be rich.
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I tried to listen to it right now... I didn't listen last 3-4 albums because they're pure trash imo...
It's kinda weird , seems mediocre. Feels like it's lacking something. It's probably me because I usually listen thrash/death/black.
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I've been listening to it for the past 2 days...IT'S AWESOME!... Even "Never Never", I think it's pretty good song, even thou everyone hates it... :P (BTW I've been listening to KoЯn for a very long time, and I still think it's a great album)
But still, "Port Noir - Puls" is the Album of the Year for me.
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Nu-metal died few years back. End of story.
Alt rock is also dead.
Almost all i hear in rock radio station is garbage, or not worth listening more then couple of times.
I switched to post rock now. And stick too old great songs. Tool for example, i can listen this all day long.
These days artists has a contract, and must publish exact number of albums within a contract. Thats wrong. U publish when u has sth.
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Tool are one of my favourite bands, and I agree that I could listen to them over & over again and still love the music, but I wouldn't ever write off an entire genre like you have. If its good, you'll listen to it, regardless of whether it is "Nu metal" or whatever category people want to dump stuff into.
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Never was Korn's biggest fan, but I own the first album from waaaaaaaaaay back. Seeing as so many here are recommending this album though, I'll definitely give it a go rather than just writing it off instantly.
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I quite like Never Never. I appreciate the fact that it is far more mainstream than most of their stuff.
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I liked the first album—except the last song. WTF? Second album was good, except for a couple of songs. Same with Follow the Leader. After that, mostly crap. The dubstep was just an epic facepalm.
It's on Google Music as well, so I'm listening to it there. I keep forgetting that Spotify is now available in the US. I got in Google Music at $8/month, so it's cheaper than Spotify (I would need the $10/month plan to use it on my smartphone). Plus, Google lets you store 20,000 of your songs for free whether you pay or not...
Sounds okay so far. I started with the first song... "I'm just a shell of what I used to be." I bet that sums up the album.
edit: Listened to the whole thing. There were no stand-out tracks up there. I'm so glad we live in an age where I can listen to an album, legally, for free, without having to A) pirate it and delete it or B) buy a crappy album and try to get something decent for it in trade, both of which aren't good for anyone. Now I pay a little bit of money to Google, and they give a little to the music industry and I can listen to pretty much whatever, whenever I want. Just can't keep it. And that's fine.
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Wow, Never Never sounds way to mixed and clean. I really liked Korn III, I felt it really went back to their roots and was nice to listen to.
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Just like rock, eletronica or R&B, metal is an "umbrella term" that sums up all it's sub-genres. Whether you like Korn are not doesn't make any difference. In the end they are alternative metal, heck even call it that stupid nu metal term.
I notice many (elitist) black and death metal fans who for some reason get super upset about bands they don't like being declared es metal just because they aren't trve and all that crap. But at the end of the day such people just need to chill, get their elitist heads out of their asses and simply live and let live.
Not saying you are one of those people of course, just trying to clarify that whether you like a band or not doesn't make any difference as to what genre they belong to.
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Honestly alternative metal or Nu Metal seems more appropriate.
I am not against it, just kinda hate Korn to be honest, not all alternative metal or Nu Metal is bad, I rather like bands like System of a down once in a while. Not an elitist really but when someone says it just straight out metal it seems almost laughable to the point of them trying to seem tougher or harder...idk doesn't matter in the end since its all music.
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Well imagine this: Someone hasn't hear of them before and asks you what kind of music they play. If you were to say alternative metal / nu metal there would instantly be more questions. That's what umbrella terms are for.
A good example for something like this is when someone once asked me about one of my favorite bands, The Contortionist. When I told him "yeah well it's basically progressive metal with some ambient vibe in it and some influences from deathcore" he looked at me like I just invented a new language. Saying metal is just a lot easier here.
So when someone says Korn are metal, he doesn't mean they do they exactly the same kind of stuff as your favorite bands. It's just the appropriate umbrella term. And unless we are in a music community where people argue about instrumental progressive blackned death metal it's save like this. xD
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"I'm old school" lol xD You don't act older than 12 man.
By the way: *their
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Haha wow that summed up my thoughts exactly! Kudos for adding in a pic so I didn't have to :)
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It's amazing. One of the best albums of 2013 for sure.
What I can't understand is "Never Never" song. It doesn't fit into the album at all and is terrible. The opposite of the rest of the songs. And why would they even put it out as a single promoting the album is beyond my understanding.
Give this album a listen on Spotify. It's worth it.
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