
steam key


12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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ty! :D

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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You can delete it now, thanks!

9 years ago

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Maybe move this reply to one of his old giveaways? SG support may consider this as calling out...

9 years ago*

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Yes, maybe that's a better option since Support can get offended, even if it's not something that directly involves steamgifts.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Hi ritiro,

You were banned from sgtools because you entered a protected giveaway without getting the url from sgtools.
That means you bypassed the tools asking someone else to give you the url, defeating the purpose of sgtools, even though it's useless because a reroll will always be granted for people who enter a protected giveaway without using sgtools system to get the url.

Bans for bypassing the system and entering protected giveaways are permanent, since giveaway creators needs a way to filter people who use leaked giveaways that is one of the worse thing you can do to a private giveaway (to leak or use a leaked url).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Right now is not possible to use the giveaway section at all once banned, but maybe in the future you'll be able to use it just to create and manage giveaways, but that is on low priority.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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The three of them are now banned from sgtools, thanks for the report!

You can now delete your comment :)

9 years ago

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They don't have exactly 1 sent game....

9 years ago

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Good point! Stupid of me to miss this... thanks for pointing this out! :-)

And sorry for wasting your time..

9 years ago*

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Don't worry! Complex rules can be tricky sometimes :p

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the report!

Csspro was already banned long ago. Banned Gladiadorpt, Poler and Aurelik.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Banned them all, thanks for the report :)

8 years ago

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Yey! Thanks.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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He is banned for misuse of ga feedback since first days of february

8 years ago

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Thank you! :)

8 years ago

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I need to talk to you regarding an invalid entry in my SGTools protected giveaway.
I sent you a friend request on Steam to discuss privately.

8 years ago

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Can you please delete all(!) data that your side stored about my account?
I loged out and don't want to have any data left on your service as long as you don't have any ToS and privacy police.

This is an absolut nogo and this: is the point where I don't want to have some data left on your page.

8 years ago

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That is quite an uncommon request.

There is no ToS and/or Privacy police because there are not many reasons to do them, apart that those two documents are completely useless and means nothing in UE (where we are both from).

If you feel that this is something you can't stand, then I'm afraid you'll have to stop using the website until I have the time to do them both in the future.

Your interaction on the website can't be deleted without altering giveaways you have entered. Removing your entries from them would cause a storm of invalid entries to appear on old giveaways, so that is not an option.

There is no real "information" about you stored on sgtools, if you want to disappear just change steamgifts username and never log back to sgtools.

8 years ago

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Well, even if it dosn't mean anything for UE it is then clear who you are and what you from your side do or not do with the data.
I loged out from the tools page and will not use it anymore. That is not a big deal for me. Maybe you should at least post an info on the page that you storage data on the page, that are visable for you and they don't get deleted automaticly nor can be deleted without any problems.

Also I think as an Admin you should be a bit more respectful with the data of the users. Postlings like the link above are strange even if they meant as a joke.
In the end you collect a lot of data wich can be usefull because you can more or less check
a) Steamname
b) Connections between SG-users (more or less)
c) What games are specific people are into
d) "how", how many and what GAs an user is entering

8 years ago

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That info is one of the things on the todo list, it's just at the bottom of it as it's the lowest priority.

That the data is stored and doesn't get automatically deleted it's quite obvious, without that data it would be impossible to check for valid/invalid entries making the whole system completely useless. I'll add that bit of info when I write the ToS/Privacy stuff.

SGTools handles a tiny subset of SteamGifts data, in fact all the data it has is publicly available for the majority of the users on SteamGifts . If you get the url to a private giveaway on SteamGifts , you are free to look who entered and when.

a) I store only last name, and it gets updated when you do a login.
b) That info is not really there, SGTools only know if you tried to get the url, not even if you join. Information is too vague and useless, not even SteamGifts itself with full information would be able to make connections between users with only giveaway entries.
c) Majority are trains, so people don't need to like the game it's displayed as main SGTools giveaway. Apart from that, people tends to qualify for every giveaway they see, just to see if they pass the rules (and then don't enter, or just comment on giveaway). So that info is not in SGTools possession (but it's extremely easy to gather parsing SteamGifts , and open to everyone).
d) Refer to point C, SGTools doesn't know what do you enter or not, just what you try to qualify for.

In overall, I think you overestimate what info does SGTools handle.

8 years ago

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had 10 sgtools-protected giveaways end yesterday, but one of the winners isn't on the sgtools entry list. i put in a request for a new winner but thought you'd want to know as well. anything else i should do?

edit: just tried out the rules checker and this person hasn't activated a single steamgifts win

7 years ago*

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I applied the infraction to the invalid entry, thanks for the report!

You don't really need to do anything else, just wait until support rerolls your giveaway :)

7 years ago

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Hello, sorry to bother you, seems this is the popular way to ask you questions... :)

Thank you for the sgtools thing, just used it for a giveaway for the first time, seems to work well. Also thank you for the rule-checking things, use that all the time... :)

Anyway, here is a question, if you have the time:

I see someone listed in as invalid, but I can see still in my Steam chat history with them, that I did give them the url on 23 February:

2:12 PM - fiftykyu: Hello, added to give sgtools mystery url :) Hopefully this works :) :)

Not sure what it means, just a random glitch? Did they do something wrong, or did I click on the wrong thing somehow? Sorry for the dumb question. :)

Also, one other question, if it's not too much trouble... :)

I used the sgtools thing to hide a bonus private giveaway, for people who read the description in this public giveaway :) Near the end of the giveaway, I was running out of time to contact people and resorted to writing the sgtools link in a comment on their old giveaways, so they could enter the private giveaway in time. Every other time I gave the url was in a Steam chat.

Anyway, it seems someone noticed I was trying to contact certain people at the last minute, and had the clever idea to search their old giveaways for a message from me, and found the sgtools link in one of them, and used it to enter the giveaway. :(

Now, it's my fault for writing the url in a public place, where anyone could get lucky and find it, so I'm not sure what to do. Just my mistake, and I should be more careful in the future?

Thank you!

6 years ago

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If they are listed there, it means that they entered the giveaway, but didn't pass the sgtools check. In other words, they got the real giveaway url (steamgifts one) from another place that is not sgtools.

If you want, I can apply infractions to them, just tell me and I'll do it.

About the description one, it's not normal for people to check other people's old giveaways for messages. Were you saying that you were doing that in public? Because otherwise it's seems rather strange. It can be the case that someone that received the url from you pasted it in a group or passed it to some friends.

6 years ago

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Hmmm, I just looked at and hmm... :( Like you said, they required help to get the secret url. Looking at I found a person who never got a message from me about anything, never wrote a comment on my public giveaway, didn't even enter the public giveaway, but somehow got hold of the secret sgtools giveaway link, and passed the sgtools test to get the steamgifts giveaway url. :( I should mention this all took place last month, before I tried any silly stuff like writing the url on an old giveaway... :)

Checking the time on my Steam chat conversation with siwysanchezz, it looks like ba2 passed that sgtools test 2 minutes after I sent the url to siwysanchezz. :(

Now I don't know did this, it's just my best guess based on the information I am reading. Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding something.

If I'm reading correctly, at 20:12 I send the sgtools url to - who can't pass the test because of - but I don't know that at the time, and he just keeps talking to me. He sends the sgtools url to his steam friend who passes the test on 20:14, and provides the de-protected steamgifts giveaway url. At 20:17 siwysanchezz says oh i didnt thank for the link :P and at 20:32 he writes a comment in the steamgifts giveaway, which he couldn't have found without cheating. :(

Just in case there's any problem, I should mention that the other three invalid entries were all given the hidden steamgifts giveaway url directly by me, after mentioning they couldn't pass the sgtools test. If siwysanchezz had done the same thing, I would have had no problem telling him the giveaway url. But cheating to get it, I'm not happy with that. :( Sorry for the trouble, I don't know what your rules are for this sort of thing, but it is a disappointment to see stuff like this. :(

Ahh, no, I didn't mention I would be writing messages on anyone's old giveaways. But there's no other way I know to message someone on Steamgifts at least semi-privately, and looking in the comments to this giveaway it seems more than a few people are familiar with method. :)

I assume someone guessed from messages on the public ff15 giveaway that I would be trying to send certain people the giveaway link, and by saying I was leaving soon, wouldn't have time to contact them on Steam and so on, they probably checked old giveaways for a message from me, and got lucky. One other method people use is writing on screenshots, maybe they looked there first. :) Of course I don't know that's what happened, but doing it that way doesn't require anyone else's help.

It seems my mistake was writing a message on everyone's oldest giveaway. :) Something in the middle of the list would have required more work for a random person to find. Oh well. :( I assume that person didn't break any rule, just took advantage of my writing the sgtools link in a public (even if obscure) place. Maybe I should be happy only one person had the idea to look for it - just a lesson for me not to try anything dumb like that in the future. :)

Sorry for all the trouble, and thank you again!

6 years ago

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You are understanding things correctly, and finding the leaker is always a difficult task. You should take into account, the timezones of the giveaway and the entry in sgtools. To ease things, I use UTC as the timezone for the dates, since it's the base of all the others and doesn't have summer time adjustment.
People always try to cheat, but it's useless for the ones that can't pass the rules, since you'll get a reroll if they are marked as invalid entries, so at the end they can't win anything and they only get an infraction on sgtools.

Yep, a lot of people use old giveaways as a messaging system, it's quite common. But it's not common to stalk other people's giveaways for messages though.
In general, people just set the rules they find comfortable with and publish the giveaway url on the forums or do some kind of puzzle to hide it. Manually sending the sgt url is kind of rare thing :)

6 years ago

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Using UTC was a big help, because I'm very lazy... :)

Wasn't trying anything fancy, just thought if I pre-checked for rule breaking I wouldn't have to waste time requesting a reroll. :) It's a pity Steamgifts can't test that stuff automatically, but I guess there would be a lot of false positives from Steam glitches. Oh well...

6 years ago

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