
After the sudden death of your mentor, you'll have to return to his estate and find out what happened to him. You'll soon discover that forces from another dimension are at play here...


5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway! ^_^

5 years ago

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Or Or Or I could just continue our conversation in one of your GAs. That I actually entered, lol.

So I have no idea what's up with the point distribution, it screwed up my calculations. Like if I got to 100 with 5 attempts I'd think 15 attempts means 300, but it may end up 229, or it may end up 402, you just never know lol. And I don't think you suck at arena, it's just possible that there's too many meta units countering your shiz. I mean I have always at least 2 Edelgards because there's occasionally a unit or two in a team that will wreck her, so the second one can clean up lol. I doubt you'll ever run across my team though if our scoring is that different (and I don't mean that as belittling or what, I know different units give different score and matches are based on that. but that's also all I know).

However what I did notice is that my LH Leif got double the SP in Forging bonds. I am guessing, and probably feeling dumb about not thinking of this sooner, that this is because Water blessing is in season. Everyone else has no blessings attached. Also speaking of said Leif, remember how I said I'd make him my freebie since he was the only one I was missing from the banner? And usually, if I can afford to, after hitting the freebie summon, I keep summoning until I reset the rate. Guess who reset my rate? Leif. It's like, if you could save the freebie till later, I might've used it for another Caeda to merge or inherit skills. But this is also definitely not the first time I get something shortly after making them my freebie pic. I think last LH that happened with was M!Byleth? Not that I am complaining in the grand scheme of things. I got the new bunny duo on my third summon in the first pool. When I went to add it on the keeper, it turns out they hadn't added the banner yet so I could only add the other 4 units. I hope they'll still do that, even if they do shut down this month... they already stopped adding images for newer heroes, but I wanna at least be able to add the new units so when I export the CSV everyone is there XD

Notice how Delthea's bunny is also a brat? And Luthier's is so smug, lol.

2 years ago

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Hmmm... How unnusual.. but if it works, then sure! ^ -^

Points are just very weird and unreliable.. Oh well, I have plenty of Stamina Potions, so it's not too bad to have to do another round..
I also try to fill my Arena team with heroes that have the focus thing going on. I do have a Lysithea/Lute in there now though, or a Brave Eirika, just to deal with those annoying Edelgards.. Why does everyone have one of those?

Yep, I noticed that while training him in the Tower too. I never really pay attention to that, to be honest. It can also screw up things. Like when I lok up a solution for an Infernal battle and end up not winning because it's no longer Light season so Eir does less damage than she should according to the video. Eh, just find another :P
Oh sure, you already have the bunny duo. Three summons was enough for you to get a focus hero huh? You still think FEH Pass has nothing to do with your added luck? Because I'm four summons in (spending more orbs than you because I toss out a pool when there's no orbs to my liking) and I don't have anything yet.

She's still cute though, as she always is ^ -^ Lu is a jerk :P

2 years ago

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This is only the second time we've moved our conversation haha. But might as well!

As for why everyone has Edelgards, her banner was featured two or three times now (including the 40-Summon freebie) and iirc she was also a colourless option on one or two legend banners. I mean if you recall, I got one of them solely to be able to counter everyone else having one (since it took a bit for powercreep to catch up on her in form of the byleths and other units). They're also great for farming chain-challenge maps! Even if everyone else fails, they're usually left standing in the end, at least until you hit the book chapters and paralogues that feature anti-Edel units XD

And yes, I find scoring in general very unreliable but it's not like I have a thorough understanding. For the most part I'm just trying to have fun without being competitive. I've already accepted I'm unlikely to ever get one of them throne decorations lmao. Would be nice but don't see it happening. For the time being I'm glad FEH is still going strong because obviously it all could go away once it stops being a cash cow, and then my FE-quasi-NFTs and their use poof XD

2 years ago

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Just means we have been talking for too long ;)

Yeah okay okay. Maybe I should rephrase my question then: If everyone has one, why don't I have one? But then again, asking the question is probably answering it too. Because it's me. And I don't particularly deserve to have all heroes.. Maybe my Barracks are too full.. I have only 4 empty spots left after all... shrugs

Oh, I'm not even really trying to score points on the Aerher Raids. And I'm perfectly content with the bi-weekly swap from level 17 to 18 and back on the Arena. Seven orbs in two weeks is not terrible, I guess. Never will my Feh wear a crown!
Feh thinks the game will be here for years to come. And it might be.. although I do wonder how far they can stretch our interest when it comes to special heroes banners. This bunny year marks the sixth bunny banner after all. Maybe something needs to be done about that. Like.. combining older banners with higher summon rates or something. AND A FLIPPING RE-ROLL FUNCTION! >: |

EDIT: E-Eep! Please don't hurt me.. b-but I ehm.. I may or may not.. have gotten SprInigo... >///>

2 years ago*

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I'm not gonna hurt you, I got him myself as the random anniversary freebie, remember? Glad you can appreciate his greatness too. But, perhaps it means we're back to "let's pretend we want what the other person wants most so they get it because we said we wanted it"? XD Come here Bunny Delthea, come here...

Aether raids are relatively fun, although there are occasions where I still get decimated. I sometimes ponder just surrendering when I only have one unit left since you get less lift per dead unit and as long as my escape ladder has uses I might as well, but in the end I could never be bothered lol.

2 years ago

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Oh, right. Of course. Because you always get all the heroes you do want ;) And the ones you don't particularly want too, of course.. And I wouldn't be surprised you'll get that Delthea soon. I tried getting Legendary Caeda today instead (gotta be picky if you don't buy orbs), but instead walked away with three bronze heroes and a pool without a blue orb. Oh well, that's my luck.

I don't really see why people enjoy AR so much. You don't get orbs from it and most of the time it's more frustrating than enjoyable. To me anyway. But since I don't get orbs from it, I don't care enough to let that frustration get to me.

2 years ago

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So, this has nothing to do with our friendly convo/rivalry per se but my uncle apparently died and while I do not feel affected, if I do be acting weird let me know haha.

Also if it's any consolation, (odd phrasing after dropping a bomb like this lol), my Book V revival spread is currently 65% bronze and 35% silver heroes XD In 20 summons. Like, isn't silver the one that should be on the higher scale normally XD

2 years ago

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What? A fudge.. My condolences, Kijame.. Even if it doesn't particularly affects you, it can always be tough when you lose someone somewhat close to you.
Wait.. we have a rivalry? I thought you just have all the heroes and I'll have to accept that? :P

That's not good at all! You need better luck! I'm sure you'll be lucky again soon. On my end on the other hand I'll have to wait another year for Valentine's Soren to come back.. And it didn't go really well so now I'm back to 70 orbs again.. So low!

EDIT: What? Wow.. I actually got the bunny duo.. Like.. what? That took me only 9 summons! Y-Yay ^^ I like Tharja's voice ^^

Btw, totally random question.. How far along did you get with TMS?

2 years ago*

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I don't think I played TMS since the last time we talked. So many games, so little time!

Also gratz on the double-buns, I knew you could do it!

And yes we have a friendly rivalry, you're like the only person I talk to on the regular that actually plays this game XD So I always look forward to continuing this conversation because I currently don't know anyone else who I can get excited and/or disappointed with about this game XD

2 years ago

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...well that is unfortunate :P It's such a good game, you should pick it up again! Much better than those other random games you have a few hours of play-time in XD

No you didn't. There was no reason for you to think that, seeing how I didn't get any of the new special heroes in the other two banners this year..
On that note! New heroes are a-coming! Who are you aiming for? Is iiiit.. that fancy tactician dude? He seems cool.. Who would I aim for? ;)

Well, chatting with you is fun for that reason, true. And I can get super jealous because of your insane (FEH-pass induced) luck levels :P And the only other person I know that knows plenty about Fire Emblem absolutely hates Heroes (and any kind of mobile game with gacha mechanics)..

2 years ago

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I see you been playing a lot of TMS lately, is that why XD And those random games are usually when I'm on a demo-binge and then delete, I guess? Not sure when you stalk my playtimes. I am in the quadruple digits for my fav game!

Also uuuugh less than a week till FEH keeper shuts down. Guess it shouldn't surprise me they didn't add the Mareeta banner and those that followed. Why bother. XD so I guuuuess... I better download those files before it all goes baibai. before my hard work of almost 6k manuals and whathaveyou is wasted XD

You're obviously gonna aim for... hm... Salem! Oh wait that's GHB so you're gonna get him anyways XD And sorry, August is a classical name for a clown so I can't take Mr. Tactician serious with a name like that XD

2 years ago

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Hehe, I don't really stalk you. Just check your play-behaviour from time to time ^^ And yes, I'm trying to speed through TMS once before Kirtby comes out. Don't think I can make it, so I'll have to leave the marshmallow on the shelf for a bit. I wanted to also beat the game on Lunatic... but apparently that mode requires an almost hard-reset, unlike the other difficulties. That is unfortunate..

I'm sorry for your loss of the website. I hope you'll be alright? Maybe you can still keep track of all your summoning stats, even if you'll have to do it by yourself in a spreadsheet?

August seems like a swell person though! He seems a little sinister, but he seems to be well-meaning. But nope, I would be very happy if I would get an ascended Mareeta. Her and a bunny Delthea would make a good start of a new Forging Bonds team. It's about time I retire my current team, they (Mareeta, PuppetDelthea, PicnicFelicia and Norne) have been my go to for a long while. Oh well, we'll see ^^

Oh! I just have to tell you something funny that happened to me while playing FEH a few days ago. At least, I thought it was funny. For that returning bunny banner with the dragon bunnies I tried a free summon on blue, for Narshen and Est. Aaaand I got a golden Narshen! That in itself is not that funny.. but he turned out to be flawless. Because of course he'd be flawless XD

2 years ago

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cue music Absolutely Flawless. Is he called Narshen for you? Not Narcian? Or is an autocorrect thing?

So I learned Mareeta's special is inheritable which makes her more popular as a fodder unit than, you know, being viable on her own. lol.

I downloaded the CVS file for my heroes but I am still devastated I tell ya XD But what can ya do. I'm gonna miss this. Especially since it is visually more appealing than a spreadsheet.

As for TMS I'm half tempted to reboot. Which is my go-to strategy when it's been ages since I played a game and I need to refamiliarize myself with what I've been doing. lol. Still a long ways from NG+ I think so maybe... plus all the cheevos have timestamps, bleh.

I'll just leave these here for your enjoyment. Or not XD
Playing FEH when you're not into women, unused unit pool, Lissa pranking Golden Deer with Claude

2 years ago

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No, that's my stupid tendency to stubbornly call heroes from FE6 by the names the original fan translation used :P So while everyone else would now call him Narcian, I'm sticking to Narshen~!

I don't really use heroes as fodder.. It's rude! Heroes are important by themselves. Plus, it's not like I would ever get more than one Mareeta. I doubt I'll ever get her anyway :P Like how they teased me with a green orb on that "everyone wants green" banner, only to give me a bronze Basillio :P

hugs There there. It is okay to mourn the loss of something like this, no matter how silly that may sound. I wasn't very happy when I had to say goodbye to my PC monitor.
Spreadsheets can be as visually appealing as you make them. So many colour options. You should see my Yu-Gi-Oh! Excel sheets XD (Only bringing this up because I saw you played a YGO game. Didn't know you were a Duelist! :P)

Noo, the game is so long already! It would be a shame to reboot. It's easy enough to pick up and play!

Ugh, that first one.. It's a bit too true. I mean.. what are those things on summer Rhea? Those aren't breasts... And I'm not not into women.. but I'm not THAT into women either...
That second one was kinda funny. And I'm inclined to agree on a bunch of those. Especially the Cipher ones and Warrior ones. And as much as I like Tiki=Waifu's laptop decal, I wouldn't need her in my game. Now Riku on the other hand... (spoooilers :P)
N-Not that fond of the third one. I feel bad for those heroes that I barely even know.. Why would Lissa do that? She's a fine young lady!

2 years ago

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I'm still internally screaming about FEH Keeper, don't mind me though. I am also having surprisingly rotten luck on the AHR and Mareeta banners so far. My fault for using any orbs tho XD

Ah yes, name translation shenanigans. I was mildly bothered that they translated basically all the human names in Pokemon (games and anime). So Gym Leader Whitney is Arenaleiter Bianka in the German game. So when people were talking about Whitney's Miltank I was like "who?" initially. At least until I started playing everything in English lol.

I was gonna write so much but holy hell I am exhausted from cleaning the house all day lol. Also I've been binging SMT V since I couldn't decide whether or not I'd restart TMS or not. The vibe is similar for obvious reasons, lol.

Yeah don't mind me I am so pooped lol.

2 years ago

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You're sounding rather distraught still.. Is there anything I can offer as a condolence? I can understand how you must feel actually and it's not a pleasant feeling. Maybe you can take solace from the idea that I don't have a lot of luck pulling the heroes I would like most either?

How can you not know Whitney? She's the cutest Gym Leader! cough Ehm. I mean.. She is the worst! Her Miltank is sooo overpowered! I can totally understand your distaste for translation by the way. We didn't get translated names in the anime, but moves were translated. At least you Germans got versions in your own language! I had to make due with English :P

Don't restart TMS, just continue playing! A-After you're done cleaning the house.
I am curious though as to what you were going to write if you weren't so tired...

Ewwww! :P

2 years ago

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Aaaaah it's goooone.

And it's not that I didn't know her, I was just initially confused because it never occurred to me human names get translated too. As for how we get so much dubbed/translated, I reckon it has something to do with how large our population is. I remember at one point we had triple the amount of Canada when our actual land area fits snuggly into all of Canada's provinces (minus PEI, that doesn't count lol).

I had a bombass nap that made me wanna keep sleeping but here I am lol.

2 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss. Are you doing alright?

Well it just meant I had to learn English even faster if I wanted to (roughly) understand and enjoy videogames when I was a kid. Heck, the emulated Pokémon Gold I played as a child wasn't even translated properly and had a lot of text left out ^^
Plus, we don't have a lot of shows for adults that get dubbed, all of them have subtitles. Unlike what seems to still happen on large scales for Germany. So strange!

You should always choose sleep over replying to me.. Priorities!

2 years ago

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Honestly I can't deny that I seem to have taken both the level of education and the whole translating/dubbing thing for granted for a good while. I used to think every country meets our level of acadamics and having stuff in their own language. Or, you know, at least every first world country with a bit of say in one of them large world organizations. Alas! I was proven wrong on both accounts, though at least it had the benefit of making me appreciate said things more. Granted, I don't care muuuch about buying stuff in German, but even now I seem to reap the benefits of merely being educated on German niveau. I was immediately placed in a more advanced language course, so let's hope they weren't wrong about me lmao. It flatters but it also makes me nervous. XD

And well, priorities shmiorities.

I'm doing okay with my loss for now, I have no idea what the most efficient way to store and manage my info is, short of coding my own FEH keeper lol. Not that I'd know shit about that.

But hey, another Special banner with a Special Heroes special rate! I might actually use some orbs. For most of the rabbit banners I just used the freebie. But ngl every summon without the keeper hurts a little lmao.

2 years ago

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You are quite fluent in English too, so you're very multi-lingual! That's pretty awesome. Very much a feather in your cap! You can do it!

You can say it like that, but you know very well sleep is more important.

I bet that if you were able to do that, you'd make a lot of people happy.. You're not the only nut interested in neatly organising her stuff! I bet those FEH YouTubers like FreshPhants and PheonixMaster would appreciate it too ^^

Meanwhile I still don't have the precious bunny girl.. Just a silver Henry and the duo. The universe has decided I'm not good enough for summons again. Too much bronze these last few days.

2 years ago

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So I've been catching up on the hero thingies where you get dragonflowers. I have a bunch I currently can't do cause they're neutral Grail/GHB units in my barracks, lol. Obvs not gonna tackle those till I have the time and energy to proper train those. Also have some regular untrained silver and bronze summons, those aren't gonna be able to complete the challenge either. But I'm down to like 2 pages of Lunatic challenges (the ones that give 40 flowers). Still need to fine tune how to get those done, especially for staff units lol. They just suck with damage. Time to refine some weapons where I did not, I guess.

Eeeh I'm not much of a coder though, no idea if I even can do it lol. I'd love to, though. Very much so.

Also whooooa Nanna. I wanted to spend me orbs on the bunnies with the special hero 4*special rate, since it even has some new year's heroes in that pool and such. Wat doooo.

2 years ago

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Took me a moment to realise what you were talking about. Heroic Ordeals, right? I tend to do one of those whenever I level a golden hero up to 40, but not necessarily their Ordeal. Just go by title :3 I currently have only two golden heroes left to train though (and a bronze Colm and Cath, but I don't train bronze heroes. Too much effort :P), which are Salem and.. and.. I keep forgetting his name. Is it Osian? checks No, it's that other guy.. Dang, why can't I ever remember his name? Ronan! That guy. Sorry Ronan!
Always give Staff Users Wrathful Staff if they don't have it already. It's total bs that staff users don't deal normal damage to begin with..

I'm sure that you'd be able to learn it. Maybe you should've contacted the person behind the previous site and asked for their coding?

You got Nanna today? Congrats! I got a silver Ares and Sophia, so back home they went. It is what it is.. And what you do is summon the heroes you need! That's what you always do, is it not? ^^

2 years ago

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No I didn't get Nanna, her banner just caught me by surprise, since the only thing I spoil myself for is upcoming resplendents lol.

I still don't have Ronan yet, he keeps eluding me lmao. And yes, Wrathful Staff is hella useful. My staffies usually don't have a lot of SP to spare though so they tend to be on the bottom of my refine list. I didn't know about the usefulness of Wrath initially so a few of my healers have both refines now lmao. Since I needed to wrath them to correct my mistake.

And yeah I been farming HOs to actually get around and use some Dragonflowers. I wonder what determines how many flowers you can use? with some only having 5 and some up to 20 (and some I'm sure I maxed out that were available to flower again later). I'm guessing it's got something to do with their stats/score in the grand scheme of things? the more powercreep happened, the more older-ish units need to improve? XD

2 years ago

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Ah! Sorry about that then. I always keep my eye out, trying to watch reveal videos on the Nintendo Mobile channel before I boot up Heroes and see it there. Just more fun than be spoiled, in my opinion :3

He decided to pop up in place of Delthea, back when I had luck. Of course it's always nice to get heroes I don't have yet ^^
Hmm. Do I have Staff Valor..? Right, Maribelle. Yeah, if necessary I can always count on her to help out Staff users ^^ Then again, most Staff users pop in as silver heroes, so by the time they're golden they have plenty of SP to get a Wrathful Staff. Unless they're Genny, she has the skill without the refinement. She was the first wasn't she?

I think it might have to do with what year they were released in, just like the difficulty of the Heroic Ordeal? Don't really know, I don't use Dragonflowers either. I really don't play this game the way I'm supposed to, do I? XD

2 years ago

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I don't think there's a wrong way to play, solong as you have fun! Valor was the one that gave extra SP then? Cause if it was the extra XP one, don't need that XD

Also, I got a Surtr today. My first one. He was my 666th unique hero, according to my hero catalogue. Lmao.

2 years ago

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Of course Valor is for SP. The Experience skill wold be Staff EXP(erience). Silque (the real one) is currently the only hero with that skill.. and I don't have her, sadly. Who I also didn't get was the new Mareeta. Used my last ticket today.. Aww!

Ooh, neat! Congrats! After all these years he is still a very powerful hero. Unless he is facing off against a hero who ignores his Wary Fighter..

Still no Delthea..

2 years ago

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Seiros pity broke me. So rude. XD

And another bunny banner with a 4-Star Special Hero Special rate. Oh no. I need orbs. I don't think I have any of those bunnies. But I also think I have bunny Lucina. I am too lazy too check XD

2 years ago

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You're saying that wrong. You should've said that you were blessed with another Mythic hero. So.. congrats! :D

I only lack the bunny Xander in that banner. And the bunny Kagero in the year two banner. And the bunny Palla in the year three banner.. AND BUNNY DELTHEA IN THIS YEAR'S BANNER! Well.. and bunny Maria.. but come on! 40 summons! >: |

EDIT: Alert alert alert! New tiny heroes are incoming! Who oh who am I hoping to add to my barracks? If I am allowed anyway... Two more bronze Fates heroes today.

2 years ago*

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so someone compiled a list of Fire Emblem HAIRoes and a few nitpicks aside I found this more useful than I should lol.

So guess who got Xander bunny today. And I checked, I do have Lucina. Still need the other two. From the previous bunny banners I only lack one each so I don't plan on sinking more orbs in but dang if that chance to get off-season special heroes isn't tempting lol.

And yes I stumbled over some memes so now I know that TT is tiny heroes. Maybe I'll finally get to own a Mist? Any Mist? (In German her name is Alja cause Mist is German for crap. More in the sense of animal than people poo but you get the joke lol.)

Also. I am surprised Arden didn't make it to the finals, I was so sure people would meme him like Wrys lol. I've been with Team Amelia since day one. Don't ask me why. Maybe cause she likes to pitybreak me a lot lol.

And here's a bonus meme for the normie.

2 years ago

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How is that useful exactly? What are you planning to do with these?

Of course you get the one I lack :P I haven't tried my free summon on that one. Might do so tomorrow.. Best of luck on your summons~!

Hmm. Nope, I'm going to stick to Mist's normal name as it means mist. So. Eh. I do have a Valentine's Mist, but getting the tiny duo would be nice too.. Not the one I'm aiming for though (you need to guess!). I'm guessing you're going for the duo then?
By the way, how can you not have a Mist? You have almost 100 more heroes than I have!

I will ask you why! I've been her supporter from the beginning too! And not because of the memes, naturally, but I've always had a soft spot for Amelia. Plus her resplendent costume is A-MAZE-ING! Almost makes me want to get a subscription. Almost.

Two questions:
One.. what is powercreeped? do I want to know?
Two.. WHAT THE HECK?! HOW DARE THEY?!! How DARE they call TMS a 'cringe idols spin-off'?! HOW THE ACTUAL FUDGE DO THEY DARE?!

I didn't get the Bruce Banner parts. I'm not a Marvel enthusiast. Plus that previous bit made me green. Need a new shirt now..

EDIT: Nothing :( Perceval decided to pity break me. And when I started up a new pool there were four reds and a colourless. I just wasn't allowed to get Maria or Delthea today it seems.. sigh You must tell me how many tries it took you to get your first young Tellius hero.

EDIT 2: So many things happening in these days you don't respond it seems :P The Tellius banner is teasing me today. Instead of granting me the tiny heroes I'm looking for, they give me other tiny heroes, in the form of Ray and Lysithea. At least I didn't have her yet. Oh and I didn't get a Xander for my free summon, of course. Another Tate...

2 years ago*

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Oh so you wonder what I am doing with the Order of Hairoes? That secret is mine and mine alone!

And yes, how can I not have a Mist, such insolence! But it is what it is. And no I don't remember why I supported Amelia. It was either her or Dedu(d)e. Powercreep, iirc, refers to how IS keeps shoveling out broken heroes, and instead of balancing, they shovel out even more broken heroes as counter units. Older units just don't stand a chance against what's up next. (Generally speaking, since this is still a strategy game, there is probably still a way to make your day 1s feasible, but most of the broken abilities are not inheritable.) I mean just look at all the abilities that LH Nanna casually throws by the wayside lol. Makes you aware of just how many Damage Reduction skills there've been.

I GOT BABY SOREN! That's the one I wanted most. Granted I obligatory want the duo, but baby Soren!!! Without FEH keeper it's a bit more complicated but let me check my notes... Soren was my 7th. I thought I got pity-broken by Shamir as 6th summon but boom there he was right after. I also got a LH Celica on the Nanna banner, still needed that one! I don't think I'll keep spending there but I still need Thrasir and Wolf lol. If time and orbs allow I'll go back for Spring Chrom/Camilla, but for now I shall attempt to max out the Tellius kiddos. Now go get your Tiny Ilyana and your Tiny Mist (TM)

Also go figure, the one time I actually create seals from scratch instead of just waiting till all of them are released via events eventually, one of them is part of the next event lol. I don't think the duplicate feathers are worth it, I want my coins back instead XD

2 years ago

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Veeery suspicious..

Is it weird that I don't agree with the way they pronounce Dedue? That's clearly meant to be three syllables..
Ah, I see. Eh, I don't really care. As long as I can still use my team of Laevateinn, Legendary Azura, Surtr and bunny Marisa for more difficult things that are not too difficult, I'm fine with it. Don't really care too much. There are so many powerful heroes and each hero is important in their own right ^^
What I don't quite understand though is why battle predictions are incorrect. I mean, I understand that buffs and de-buffs alter the outcome, but why don't they show the outcome properly? If the prediction is that I'll deal 40 damage, yet I do only 23.. why didn't the prediction warn me?

Oooh, congrats! I'm at my 6th summon, but alas it was a bronze... something. Can't even remember. Oops ^^; And you're silly, I'm not mainly after Mist or Ilyana! I'd like to recruit mini Mia ^^ Of course the other ones would be nice too (I really do want them all, I love collecting those tiny hero banners ^^), but Mia is my focus.

Nope, no givebacks :P Because in that case I want all the orbs back I've spent over the years, only to find a pool without the colour I'm aiming for in it.

EDIT: Nope. No special heroes for me on the 7th or 8th summon.. Of course :P
EDIT2: 12 summons in, still no tiny heroes. Lots of bronze lately too. As if it's not clear yet that I suck as a person. Heroes doesn't need to keep rubbing it in...
EDIT3: Also, I want to say it here now so that you can let the world know I said it: If Heroes adds Shez to their line-up (the new Three Houses Warriors exclusive mercenary) I'm going to be raging. Where's Liana?

2 years ago*

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So I think you cursed yourself, because guess what, I got tiny Mia today. If only you'd agreed with my predictions!
But before that, I had an entire bronze pool, lol.

So the new dude is called Shez? I did not know. Curious indeed. Very curious. But I agree, they better not cuck old FE Warriors like that lol. That'd be like a Zelda Gacha without Cia and Lana! XD

2 years ago

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Of course you got Mia. Oh well, such is life. So you have all four now, right? Congrats! On to the next tiny banner~!
I was blessed today however with a tiny bit of luck. The single red orb in my Legendary banner pool contained the beautiful Legendary Lilina. So I at least have someone non-bronze to train now ^^

That's what the trailer says. He/She apparently never should have existed, according to the same trailer? Quite peculiar.
Don't give Nintendo any ideas. Before you know it we're discussing our odds at summoning the Poe Merchant and Legendary Sidon (or a summer version :P).

2 years ago

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What, no, I still need the duo and Ilyana XD

And yeah I've watched a few trailer analysis, that battle of Holst vs. Count Bergliez (assuming that's who they were) looked so epic. Also Byleth is an enemy? We can pick B's and Shez' gender? It's still a route split? Mercie kept her long hair this time? Dedue has a beard? :D (and omg actually playable armor unit?)

I'm so hyped for this.

I would also be hyped for Legendary or Summer Sidon.

2 years ago

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Really? Huh. I happened to got the silver hungry mage today ^^ Better than nothing, not better than Mia.. I'll keep trying! They didn't even give me a chance for a free Eirika Ephraim duo..

You do indeed seem to be very hyped up for it. I do hope it can live up to your hype. And it would make sense that Byleth would be an enemy, wouldn't it? If I am not mistaken, but I didn't play the game so what do I know, they do not appear after the time game, right? At least.. not normally? This would explain why, they were killed off by the non-existent mercenary! Shez it up, Shez it up, Shez it up!

Put it back in your pants, we really don't need more fanservice games :P

Edit: Woot woot! I was granted a bronze Seth. Wait.. A bronze Hana.. Ehm this is not woot woot worthy... Ah, right.. I got mini Mia~! :D

2 years ago*

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Since you're rolling in feathers, getting a bronze anything shouldn't stop you from celebrating. But goooo tiny Mia :D

Also put what back into my pants, there is nothing there XD

By the way, do you play on android or iOS? and what currency? euro, usd, something else?

2 years ago

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I don't promote Bronze. Too much of a hassle. I don't want to promote unless they reach level 40 and I'd be training a hero three times that way! But indeed, go Mia :D She's so cute ^^

There is always something there, even if it's not protruding :P But you know what i mean!

I play on a SIM-card-less android device in the currency of the country of my residence, the Euro. Which is why everything is hella expensive. Which is also why I don't really buy orbs or get a Feh Pass subscription. Too expensive!

2 years ago

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I have too many of the first half crystals, so I usually make them hit level 20 with those before they promote, the SP carries over and I can get some free abilities in before the real training begins lol.

And well see I was thinking of maybe seeing if I can organize you a playstore card for our FEH/SG versary. Maybe. lol. IF I can figure it out and you're not uncomfortable with the idea.

2 years ago

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Before I properly reply I want to say something and then duck for cover. Just like last year.. I have now collected all tiny heroes but the duo >///> hides

peeks out What? No shoes being thrown? Alright then.. Ehm.. Ah, training bronze heroes with crystals. I literally almost never ever use crystals to train my heroes. The only time I do is when I'm training a staff hero that needs some SP so they can actually fight. But only when they're silver (or golden, but golden-exclusive staff heroes rarely need to get a weapon).
And I don't really have the SP and skill problem, seeing how I have most of the Valor skills. Sometimes heroes need more SP than I get from leveling (mini Mia has that problem for example, especially since I also gave her Reposition). Those heroes I either save for the weekends (double SP!) or toss at that other training mode (with the many waves of enemies). My training team is pretty much always a trainee, two dancers (Ninian and LegendaryAzura) and a hero with a Experience or Valor skill. Goes fast enough ^^

Sorry for that wall of text. As for that offer of sending me a playstore card.. D-Don't. I do not deserve your money. It's not that I couldn't pay for orbs, it's just that I choose not to (how tough that can be). Please don't spend your money on me, you really don't need to do that. stops himself from saying more true things about himself
T-Thank you for the consideration though.

2 years ago

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I'm happy for ya, good thing you got the ones you wanted most! And well I might as well use those crystals since there's a limit of 999999. No point holding on to them, yeah? You are also right in that many basic heroes get all the SP they need to max out their skills, especially since most of them only have two of the ABCs taken to begin with. Never hurts to have a little extra!

I also started giving out some blessings this week... I wanted to be mostly lore appropriate, so Surtr got Fire, Ascended Fjorm got water (for lack of ice)... I'm struggling the most with whom I'd give Earth but Earth was also the one I had the most naturally blessed ones in. As for Light and Dark, there's too many candidates lmao. For Astra and Anima I'm undecided. I guess it mostly depends on whether I want people in offense or defense for AR whether I go one way or other... but I also don't care about that so much. I made some dragons anima, following the example of Seiros. Maybe Fairies too, going by Mirabilis... Astra seems prime for anyone that can use Astra, but then what lmao. Also there's some anima mages but I don't think I have any.

I'm not gonna force any orbs on ya if you don't want any. Figures that now we got Golden Week coming up though, lol. I think I actually own every Brave/CYL hero now so part of me is like nah. But the Celestial stones and the fact that it's 15 Orbs per pool is tempting. And who knows what if I can actually +10 a hero for once haha. We'll see. First I need to finish the Ishtar banner methinks.

2 years ago

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No use in holding on to them, no use in spending them.. No point in them existing :P And yeah, I'm happy with those little ones. Sure, it would be neat to get the Duo, but we'll see. Or the duo of last year, the tiny twins.. shrugs Oh well!

That's tough. I rarely give out blessings myself, unless it's really helpful. I have enough Mythic and Legendary heroes for the Aether Raids at least. Not that I increase my rank. I'm stuck around 18 or 19 and I'm fine there. Got a battle against a single evil-female-Morgan today. So weird how that can happen.

It's not that I don't want orbs (they are so important after all), I just don't want you to spend money on me. I really appreciate the offer, but I am not worth anything like that. Spend the money on yourself and let me know what I could have had :)
You have all Brave heroes? Really? Funny. I completed the third year today (woop woop Eliwood), which means I have all braves from the first three years. Who knows who else might come my way!

EDIT: Predictable. Two silver Corrins and ending with a bronze, but no twins. No, a four-star-special Sigurd is all I could get. Siiiigh..

2 years ago*

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Eyyyy the shadow dragon himself, let's goooo. Incidentally I finally got Flavia from that banner. Figures I get a non-special eh XD

Also the newest comic had me chuckle a bit.

Also also, despite the temptation of 40 summon freebie, I decided not to sink orbs into the CYL banners since I didn't need the heroes. I did use up the tickets though, cause might as well right? Currently trying to remember, for the heroes I do not own currently, which one I pine the most for. Maybe Ótr, that bastard, not coming to me on his banner nor the repeat occasions.

2 years ago

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Of course you already got something from that banner. My free summon went to an Emmeryn. Silver, but still.

I don't know Seteth well enough to know how much of a Frederick clone he is.. But Frederick is funny.

I'm aiming for Colorless on the new Mythic hero banner. That's three I don't have and they're all specials. In other summoning news. I have run out of heroes to train again. Still trying to get the small Ike and Mist duo, but instead was granted not one but TWO silver Corrins and a Mareeta. Not an evil one, nor the ascended one, but the one I already had.. sigh Luck..

2 years ago

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So got any favourite for the upcoming gauntlet or naw? I can't really decide on fav cav cause I got a few. What to do XD

Also good luck on them duo/mythic summons! I still hold out hope that one legend or mythic banner I'll get Thrasir and Lif, rip. Even if they are just byproducts at the time, me wants.

2 years ago

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Hmm.. I think I'm going to support Perceval. I don't recall what other heroes will join them, the two that don't appear in the current banners, but I think I'll stick with the one I remember as cool from the 6th Fire Emblem game.
Then again.. Frederick is there too.. Oh well ^^;

Still nothing for me. Fire Emblem is boring now, without heroes to train. Almost 40 summons done for the tiny heroes, but still no Ike / Mist. Again, oh well. Surely things are going better for you. And you're mundo busy! That's good maybe. Who knows..

EDIT: My apologies, but I decided to switch to Conrad instead. Sorry ^^;

EDIT2: What. The. Fuck, game... Final day of the small heroes. I try to get Ike, of course. First pool, no red. Second pool, no red. Third pool, a red orb! And it is... Lysithea. Again. Resetting my chances with a hero I already got from this banner. Why?
EDIT3: Okay fine, this game is pay to win. I decided to buy a Golden Week orb pack because eh, why not. It's only 4 euros for two summons. First pool, one red orb.. bronze Palla. Second pool, one red orb.. and FINALLY an Ike and Mist. Still, I don't really plan on spending more money on this game, at least not too often...

2 years ago*

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I was torn between Seth and Frederick, and I went with Seth, which went swimmingly. When he lost against Frederick, I went with Frederick. And he won. So all is well.

Also I can't believe I forgot to check back, but see, this is why I usually don't mark my messages as read until I replied to you, lest I forget. Failure! So here I am, like a week later oez.

I only used the Golden Week tickets and didn't spend any orbs on those banners. I don't remember if I got anything good. Gotta admit though, the increase in % made it tempting to summon. Usually it's 25% and there it was 33,3% with increased starting odds... but I resisted. After all, I had those heroes already, and while the pity or 4-Star special pool might've held something new, might as well get those while trying on a banner where I still need stuff, right? Like the new Fallen banner. Finally got me a Bernadetta XD Not what I was going for with the colourless, but hey, they're from the same game at least. I wonder if they'll ever bring back the multi-freebie banners where you can choose every 40 summons... I didn't max that out for CYL 5 but I did appreciate it.

Sooooo for the Fallen banner, are ya gonna try for Ninian? (Her brother still eludes me ;w; )

2 years ago

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Yeah, I swapped to Frederick once your Seth punted my Conrad out of the competition. So I had my revenge and all is well ;)

Oh, that happens. I just write it off as me saying something stupid that upsets someone and then they just stop replying. It happens, don't worry about it ^^

I only went for tickets on those banners too. Just have one left, for the final year. Gonna use that tomorrow ^ -^ Prooobably not going to be anything good there though. Like on the Mythic banner. They just didn't want me to get something Colorless there today. So I ended up with nothing and too many orbs spent on it..
I did get a Picnic Flora the other day, completing that banner ^^ And speaking of strange things happening.. So there was this Bound Hero Battle vs Leif and Altena, right? It was new, so a new banner. I was hoping to get Leif there.. but nope. Buuut this weekend they added a weekly banner with Leif, so I hoped to get him there. But nope. Then, on the other weekly banner... I got a four-star-special Leif. Like.. what? :P

Since I only spend the four tickets and the first free summon on new banners, I doubt I'll get her, but yes! She's so pretty and she's a lot like me, in a way. Plus Ninian was always my go-to dancer in this game. You're going for little miss perfect, right? The one that has three forms in FEH already, but none of them are a regular one?

2 years ago

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Actually Ninian was the one I wanted most, but I only got her as the 40-Summon freebie. Got Lilith on her own though. Dunno if I'd call Rhea lil'Miss Perfect though. Wouldn't that title go towards Lute and the other try-hards XD Rhea is just an old dragon with mommy issues. Well, maybe not old, since 1000 years was merely enough to move Tiki from Child to teenager (or early 20s maybe?), but I stand by the mommy issue part lol.

Also I'm so happy we finally get the enemy-only Exsanguinator Gustav. Albeit with a different title. Now where's the OG Veronica and Bruno lmao. By the time they would come out, I imagine their current 'canon' skills might not be enough XD

And I finally got a chance to add Duma to my roster. Had everything else on that banner. Wonder how long it'll take me to get Líf and Thrásir considering they're 'old' by now, but so far I've had no luck at the legends and mythic banners they stuck around for, lol. I'm glad I didn't blow my orbs on the CYL banners though, or I might've struggled getting in on the Duma banner in time. At least his art looks better than his sister. But every time I see him I have to think about the hot springs banner... you've see the comic, right XD Dragon-killing wash buckets, lmao.

You know, I never bothered looking up all the 4-star special demotes but it still surprises me every single time when it happens. On the other hand, getting a non-focus 5-star almost makes me rage cause aaaargh pity breaker. Demotes were a good idea indeed. ALSO I FINALLY GOT BERNADETTA. I think that was the last 3H missing from my roster, not counting Fallen Rhea but she new. The golden manuals always taunt me with getting someone I don't have as actual unit, and Bernie was one of them XD

EDIT: Oh yeah I forgot, but this got a chuckle out of me also.

2 years ago*

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Ah, nice nice. Many heroes for you. That is good. I have one ticket left for that banner so who knows! I did also get a Legendary Ryoma out of that returning Duma banner, which is my first ever Ryoma ^^
I thought Rhea's title was the perfect one though? As for AwakeningTiki.. no way that bosom matches teen :P

I think people won't even mind their skills wouldn't be enough. The whole reason Veronica won first year's Choose Your Legends was because people assumed that would mean we could get her. Boy were we wrong :P

I have to agree that Mila's art is rather unfortunate. Especially in the face area. Buuut having both would be quite nice :) I have seen the comic, probably, but I don't quite remember that.. Was that a long time ago?

You didn't have a Bernadetta yet? Huh. She's great ^^ I don't really care for non focus golden heroes popping up as more often than not I don't have them yet.. Your roster is so much more filled out than mine!

What? Why play as Rowan? Never play as Rowan!
I have to admit that the Is This Okay? Success! was pretty tedious.. Better play Hyrule Warriors. More sounds, less talk.
Even I have to admit that Niles' way of expressing his sexuality is funny, albeit a bit over the top.
And Tiki is British because she can be. And she's adorable. But not as adorable as little sister Tiki in Tokyo Mirage Sessions :P

EDIT: No bloody way.. I actually got Ninian! Not for the last ticket, but for four orbs in the same pool as that last ticket ^^ Fun~!
EDIT2: What.. the heck? Wow.. This was a lucky day apparently ^^ I also got a Legendary Marth today :D

2 years ago*

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Look at you getting some cool stuff! I knew you could do it!

And yes, nobody plays as Rowan, lol. His sister is definitely not annoying by any comparison XD Addition to FEH when, it's almost criminal.

Also ooooh bridal banner. Feels like half a repeat of the valentines banner, lol. Not complaining though. The paralogue was adorbs. Also holy crap how is this year almost half over already? I feel like I've completely lost any sense of time I had left lol.

2 years ago

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You knew nothing! You can't predict my luck :P

And she's decently cute. Always a plus in my book. And I wouldn't be surprised they add them when the new Warriors game drops. We'll be getting the OCs from that game along with Rowan and his sister. We just must! :P

Shh, I haven't played the Paralogue yet! Tomorrow maybe. Have to spread out the orbs after all. But Lalum manages to pull off a wedding dress quite well, wouldn't you say? But since she is our free hero, she's not my aim. I wonder if you can guess which one I would like most. I bet you're hunting for the red-headed totally-not-really-bachelors? Or.. you already have them, of course.. Hmmm.. Well, that was my guess :P

Meanwhile I've started playing the first Fire Emblem on Switch ^ -^

EDIT: Alright, it was decently cute, although I'm not sure why they added the dialogue between Thany and Sue at the start. Didn't add too much. And why not end with Ninian in her bridal garb? I mean, she IS Roy's mom, no?

2 years ago*

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So yesterday I got dragged into a convo that lasted longer than I cared to stand and when I got back I wanted to do Arena and Aether Raid but it was already past 1am so the seasons were closed... sob Why can't they close with Reset like everything else. And then maybe just start a bit later like GC etc do.

I'm always hunting for duos but Sophia was actually my top pick, cause she's decimating any Fallen Edelgard with her setup lmao. Very useful. The first time I was on that map I was totally taken aback by how she disposed of mine XD

As for Sue I think that's cause she's technically able to have an ending with Roy but people tend to forget about her? I mean she is the only bachelorette for him without bridal garb now, I think. Maybe? It's been a while lol.

Tell me more about your FE Experience then XD

2 years ago

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Oh, how unfortunate... I was relatively late with it too, wrapping up my Arena battles of the week, but I didn't miss the play window, otherwise I'd have missed a whole orb! B-Better luck next time?

Is she really that good? Neat. I wouldn't have thought you were after her. You didn't guess my pick though ;) But does this mean you got your Sophia?

That's all nonsense, there is only one girl for him and that's Lilina, because Hector would definitely not approve of that so that's totally what a teen girl wants :P

The classic experience? I'm actually very happy I get to experience this ancient game (it's older than me even! Not older than you of course :P) that started it all.. but dang is it primitive. No battle previews, no visible path your units can take, Curates being pretty worthless.. I'm about half-way done with the game now though ^ -^ It's definitely fun. Too many units to use, of course. So many heroes I barely even remembered from playing Shadow Dragon on DS..

EDIT: Wow! Today was a mighty lucky day! After a couple of days with mostly bronze and a chance-ruining Dedue on this year's bridal banner, my free summon on the returning CYL heroes was Kiria Kurono ^ -^ But wait.. there's more!! I GOT HER! I GOT HEEEER!! The wonderfully beautiful Lilina has joined my ranks O UO

2 years ago*

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Ah yes I forgot you prefer younger ladies snort But congratz on your blushing bride. Just watch out for Hector's axe swinging your way randomly. Totally by accident.

Also RE: classic experiences, it's like... I can still appreciate the classics today but sometimes it's very hard to go back and enjoy something as I used to when there's been so many quality of life improvement in following titles. Sometimes it's as simple as a sequel having double jumps and a prequel not having them and you mess up and die cause you forget about it XD (this is not part of an FE game, granted, but it seemed a simple enough example)

Also congratz on Kiria! I'm still missing Miss Microwavin' Mamorin to complete that set XD Speaking of completion though, we can finally buy forma packs twice and here we go with a Hall of Forms that I have everyone from, lol. Maybe if I can make one of them epic I'll get them but I'll probably just save the formas for a banner that has two or more units I want then. Which is a shame because there were some banners in the past where I wanted two but I only ever had one soul available. And that's not counting for banners before the forma soul became a thing XD

I ran into an AR team made almost exclusively of healers and they were surprisingly good for being from the silver and bronze pools. Having some non-counter staves plus savage blow etc, they actually put enough of a fixed damage dent into some units to finish them off. I was totally caught off guard because I didn't check what they had lmao.

2 years ago

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Suuure, twist my words :P Come on, she looks stunning in that wedding dress! And Lilina has a bit of a special place for me as she was one of the first golden heroes I summoned in this game. And fiiine, yes, if there's a cuter looking girl in the banner, I do like them more easily. I love cute things ^^
Plus, I thought you were under the assumption I was into older ladies, obaa-san ;)

I know what you mean. It's really strange to see something so bare-bones when you're used to the fancy experience of today. Playing Heroes every day surely doesn't help :P Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Fire Emblem SDatBoL! I'm just spoiled :P

I lack the girl who can warm up your heart with the push of a button too, but sadly I'm also lacking the main idol. Speaking off, why isn't she in the game in a costume yet? She has a Christmas outfit, a wedding dress, two bikinis (even though only one is in the western release)..
Ehm.. Good luck on figuring out what to do with your Forma Souls! I'm tempted to buy that building thing that's currently on offer. Were they getting desperate for our money or something?

Oh, that's interesting! More interesting than just a single Soleil for some reason :P

EDIT: Hmm.. Ascended Fjorm joined my ranks. Fascinating..

2 years ago*

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Luck seems to find you when I leave you hanging for a few days, huh. Look at you getting A-Fjorm! Nice job!

But hey at least we do agree that you're in(to) ladies then, yes? :P

I did buy that building because I'm a completionist. I need all the things. All the decor, all the backgrounds. Knowing something is inattainable fills me with fomo-rage lol.

2 years ago

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I guess so! But that doesn't mean you have to leave me alone :P On the other hand I'm getting so tired of opening pools without the colour I'm looking for. Wasted 10 orbs in hopes of getting a Saul, but there weren't even Colorless orbs in both pools. This game needs a re-roll system!

I never said I'm not into ladies, despite thinking I might be asexual. And I'm not 'in' ladies, whatever that means exactly.

Yeah, I should've bought it too, probably. Of course I want it too, but I know that after this they'll add another building and another and another... The game is so unfair :P

2 years ago

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Hey, no comment on the Lunatic vid yet? XD

Also yay, I got the new Myrrh on my third pool! I think she was the 11th or 12th summon on that banner. Now I can use my freebie for LH!Eliwood, as it turns out I do not own him yet. I double-checked so I don't have another Bridal Tharja moment. And if he comes to me before the freebie choice... maybe another Myrrh to remove the bane? We shall see. Gotta scrounge for orbs until some bank stuff gets settled lol.

2 years ago

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Sorry.. Lunatic video? I'm afraid I don't know what you mean > -<

Ah, congratulations! I'm still trying to get more bridal heroes, but yesterday I didn't get an Oboro, so there's still holes in those collections.. Back to trying for Roy and Eliwood I guess ^ -^
Still nothing.. but I did get a sudden Mamori Minamoto. Curious!

How's your Voting Gauntlet going? I'm supporting Ninian of course. She's doing well. Are you on team Rhea?

2 years ago

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I'm on Team Ninian myself! And oh no you didn't watch my video ;w;

I also realized that Eliwood isn't the only LH I'm missing... can you guess whom else I don't have from there?

Also I completely finished off all Blessed Gardens maps. Some time ago I went ahead and distributed some blessings here and there where I thought it fit, so I had enough to get three teams on every map. Except earth, I had finished that some time before already.

2 years ago

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I'm dreadfully sorry, but I'm afraid I don't see a video anywhere.. D-Did you link me to it?

Go team Ninian!

Well surely you don't have Caeda, because then I'd have to be jealous! :P Nah, my guess is that you're lacking a Legendary female Byleth.

Right! That is a mode I should someday complete too, when I feel like it and have nothing better to do :P I did give my Ascended Fjorm a water blessing and bride Lilina a fire blessing. Easy enough ^^

Today I got the four star Cecilia from the bridal banner. Sadly no Edelgard slayer.. We'll just have to wait and see, although I'd sooner expect another Cecilia in her place :P

EDIT: Did you check the FEH Channel update? New heroes! And ehm.. Veronica is still being evil.. And super important: Updates to Aether Raids!

2 years ago*

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I didn't check the update but I -did- notice the new app art.

Also yay another voting gauntlet that gives me purdy images.

Also I have quite the dilemma about changing my app store region right now. Since I didn't know when my new bank account would open, I added some store credit because I didn't want to run into payment issues for FEH Pass. So I can't change regions until that credit is used up. However, as you know, none of the FEH in-app purchases are an even amount like those cards are. So I'd have to attach a card to pay any amount that goes over store credit when I try to use it up. But I can't add my new card because it's not the same region as my store currently is. I tried setting up paypal but since I've been locked out of my old one (don't have the phone number anymore for the verification, so even though my login data is fine, no logging int) I made a new one with my Swedish card. And they complain about regions too! For freaking Paypal! Which is used for international payments normally? I'm so frustrated right now. ;w;

2 years ago

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Purdy images? Does that have anything to do with the boob-lady winning?

Oh my, that sounds very annoying. I can understand the frustration and I wish I had some proper advice for you. How about adding some more credit? Two unevens make an even after all. Would that help?
Waaaaiiiiit, I don't think you ever straight-up told me where you moved off to! Am I to assume you moved off to Sweden? Interesting :)

2 years ago

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Well I can't add more credit lol. The new Paypal won't let me, the store won't let me, and my previous card/account from back then expired and was not to be renewed. But so much for international payment methods eh.

Though I can't deny I played with the idea of just adding new credit indefinitely, but I wouldn't know how to pay for it, at least not for the time being. Steam wasn't half as much a pain in the ass. As a matter of fact they let me switch regions even with still having wallet credit.

2 years ago

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I told you I wouldn't have good advice. I'm afraid there's nothing more I can say.. Have you tried contacting support? Surely someone must be able to help you, right?

Steam is very consumer friendly. It's no real surprise that Google isn't quite as friendly to its consumers. It's a much larger company after all. Not to mention, I doubt FEH thinks much of their playerbase either.

2 years ago

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To be fair it's the Apple Appstore I have this problem with right now. No idea if Google is de facto the same. But see, I am so distraught I accidentally doxxed myself lmao.

I'm sure you guessed it before and I just never replied, though. Or something. And next reply I shall point out that video that you been skipping XD

I did just submit a ticket to change my region on SG though, let's see how fast that'll go.

2 years ago

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See even THAT I don't get right :P Well then substitute Apple where I said Google and the rest of the thing is the same.. maybe.. No idea how Apple actually works..

Maybe.. but I think I had settled on Denmark for myself. Either that or I did know it was Sweden and then moved it to Denmark regardless.. No clue, I'm pretty clueless sometimes.
I don't do it intentionally! How far back do I need to go to see that video? I'm sorry :(

I predict you'll get a response iiiiin.. 3 days.

2 years ago

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Just for you I'll move this here from like, idk, 6 or so days ago.

EDIT: So I just sunk some Orbs into the Bridal Banner with the Special Hero special rate, thinking that I still need Bridal Ninian and Tharja. Actually got Tharja, was happy, started leveling her... and then realized I already have a Bridal Tharja. orz. All I remembered before that point was that she was a Forma unit at one point that I didn't get with a Forma Soul. lol.

And since we're speaking of Awakening, Lunatic style... XD

2 years ago

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Six days ago? But scrolling up to that timestamp doesn't show me a video at all, honest! There is a comment from you from a week ago saying how I'm into ladies and you buying the Library, then my reply to that and then your reply a few days later asking why I didn't check our your video! I-It simply doesn't seem to show on my page.. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience..

That's a decently accurate video as to how the hardest difficulties work on FEH too. Why is Frederick the only viable character, alongside Chrom and Robin?

2 years ago

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So my region was updated 51 minutes ago (after the previously asked me to provide screenie proof for the change). Looks like your guess is off!

Jagen-types and Lunatic go hand in hand, I say. Normally you wouldn't want to feed him any XP but without him, survival is not an option anymore in that mode eh. Then the lord type is the lord, and the self-insert is, uh, that. XD

I need to buy orbs, I neeeeed them. But still no resolution on the payments. noooo.

2 years ago

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Aww, my guess was off :( But! Nice that your region got changed already :3

Hmm. How unique. I guess I have a lot to learn about how to actually play Fire Emblem games, huh? :P I'm very worried about Lunatic mode on Tokyo Mirage Sessions too. Especially the extra boss on the second playthrough, who is nigh impossible to beat on Lunatic I hear..

I still could use that library.. Maybe in a few days, when there's no somewhat big pay-out in a day.. I sadly didn't get bridal Ninian this year either. Too bad, it would have been nice to complete the set of Ninians...

2 years ago

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I feel like TMS doesn't really have a Jagen character so all bets are off. At least I don't remember a powerful pre-promote from the start. Maybe if the lovely lady that only works as an assist but was originally planned to be a character... if she had been one, she might've been a Jagen. First female Jagen even? XD

Also I guess I should be happy that FEH is boosting for Three Hopes but for some reason all I can think about is where are my FEW 1 characters XD

2 years ago

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Seeing how Tokyo Mirage Session plays very differently from normal Fire Emblem games (I mean, it's really barely worth the FE branding), I don't think there should or would be a pre-promoted character, even if Maiko Shimazaki was a playable character as originally intended.

Right? At least Shez is not in yet. That would just be unfair to... ehm... Rowan.. and Leanne? I'm bad with names.. And with the A Hero Rises event I.. ran out of what I want to vote for now that I've voted for both Bernadettas...

EDIT: Oh wow, I actually summoned the totally-not-bachelors Roy and Eliwood. And they're flawless too! How wonderful ^^ Now if only I had a bride Ninian so both boys had their brides...

2 years ago*

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Cue music Absolutely flawless

Also ngl, the slew of 3H banners to celebrate 3H Warriors is just a reminder of how much 3H content there is lmao. Also I still have a tiny nitpick about 3 Hopes most likely not including Ike (unless DLC, seeing how the story is 3H related) since they left the Tellius games out of the first Warriors to put him in a sequel. I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN THIS, KOEI TECMO.

In other news, I somehow ended up with Galzus on the Letitia banner, lolwut.

2 years ago

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Sorry, what music was that? :P

chuckles Oh right, your Ike-gripe. Yeah, it's sad they didn't go for an actual Fire Emblem Warriors for a change. At least Hyrule Warriors (with all its DLC) touched on almost all games in the entire series.. It would have been nice if you could play with your Ike there, yeah.
I do agree, there are too many 3H heroes XD

Congratulations! Too bad it wasn't sir Kent..
Speaking of knights.. did you hear the sad news of Ferdinand's passing? I wish I had another day left to vote for A Hero Rises, I'd have given it to him.

Sadly, no Caeda for me. Did get a bronze Ferdinand however :P

EDIT: Wow, a hero won that I don't have? What are those odds? I was sure they'd do something Sothis related. But nope, Yuri. How peculiar..

EDIT 2: Just when you think there has been plenty of 3H heroes in Heroes, they add some more! And super original too! It's those unknown characters of Dimitri, Claude and ehm.. what's her name again.. Edelgard? I wonder if you can guess my aim :P

EDIT 3: I don't want to complain about luck and stuff.. but could the game please stop giving me bridal Cecilias instead of Sophia? > -<

EDIT 4 (seriously, reply someday will ya? :P): Over the course of one month I got FIVE bridal Cecilias and NOT ONE Sophia... Four silver, one golden. Like.. what?! One more today, on the final day.

2 years ago*

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Not sure how I feel about 5-Star SummerClaude swooping in and resetting my % when he's also available as 4-Star. So rude. and in a pool where there were 4 greens. Was hoping for best boi Dimitri ;w;

You're obviously going for Altina even if means having to get Edelgard too! Purple hair supremacy.

I'm sad I didn't get my Xmas Bernie or my Summer Ashe, but what can ya do. Yuri got turned into Fodder, lol. And yes, RIP Ferdie. You will be sorely missed.

And the game clearly tells you to go for the OLDER woman lmao.

But yeah work and family kept me busy and exhausted, sorry about that. It's not you, it's me! /shot

2 years ago

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At least you already summoned a new summer hero. I'm still summer hero-less. And from all those free Three Houses summons I only got a Bernadetta. Who I already had. Why was it not the Frosty Shut-in? :P

Wrong! I'm going for the pretty silver haired maiden, naturally! I really don't understand the Edelgard and Altina pair-up.Even the Paralogue makes it rather clear that the pair-up of 3H and RD is weird.and random.

Same. Nothing good for me so far. I only do one summon per banner though. Not going to waste orbs on that :P

Never! I refuse to acknowledge that I'm 30 and therefor no longer allowed to hope for dates in the 18-25 pool and would have to shift my aim to 30-45 instead! > -<

chuckles It's okay madam. Real life is always more important~! Hope there's noting bad going on?

2 years ago

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Sorry I left you waiting, hope you didn't grow anxious or anything. I ended up with a 4-Star Summer Claude that had better IVs so I promoted him and used the other one as merge to get rid of the bane. I picked Summer Duo for the freebie because they were such a nuisance, but if I have the orbs to spare I'll keep trying for my boi Dimi.

A similar thing on the repeat special hero banner, got a 5-Star Xane, then a 4-Star with better IVs, so rinse and repeat.

Work aside, I've also decided to 'finish' Pokemon Legends Arceus. They had an update some time ago that really added fun so I got around and finally completed my dex to challenge Arceus. And I found out that PLA Pokemon are quite popular over on the GTS for the mobile version of Pokemon Home, so trading things has been very addicting to say the least, lol. Just gotta be careful not to accidentally trade away my living dex XD There's just one finicky thing bothering me but I shan't bore you.

Also I finally got my copy of Three Hopes! I was playing the Demo a bit before but now I got the real thing :D Was a bit disappointed that Amiibo-compatibility is just standard drops and nothing unlockable via FE Amiibos (so far).

Very curious if they'll add Arval and Shez to FEH now, since they've been promoting the new game so heavily there XD

2 years ago

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Oh no don't worry about it, madam. It is alright. I'm happy to hear that you're doing better on the summer banner than me. I haven't been able to summon any summer heroes yet, spread out over several banners. Game also stole 10-15 orbs from me by not giving me a green option on last year's first summer banner. Dame Selena is the only one I lack from there after all..

Oooh, going for a living Pokédex? That's pretty cool ^ -^ I don't think I did that for the last Pokémon game I actually played (HeartGold, which i also the best Pokémon game ever, naturally), but I did try it for Ni no Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch and I got an 'as living as possible' creature compendium :D

Yeah, that is pretty lame. Amiibo are but a relic of the past. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 gets you a Monado if you're using Shulk, but they didn't mention if and when the Pyra/Mythra amiibo would be coming out and what they could do for the game. Such a pity.

It wouldn't surprise me, but then I bet there will be riots for Rowan and Lianna. I wouldn't object to them Shezzing up the game if it means I could play with Lianna. As if I'd summon her XD They should make it possible to link FEW with FEH so that you can get one of the lords for free :P

Nothing further to report. If anything changes, I'll probably let you know if you reply. Xander is coming as Legendary though, so that is pretty nice. It's about time honestly.

EDIT: Got my first golden from this year's summer hero banner! A four-star-special Brave Ike! That's at least my fifth! > U<

2 years ago*

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Hehe, nothing to report you say... I knew Gatekeeper-kun would win you over one day!

And yeah I've always gone for living dexes on my Pokemon games, and, maybe due to playing GPX for a while, that includes having a pair of the final evo where applicable. I always use ditto for breeding but it did seem appropriate to have a "family", so to speak XD
For better or worse, I can only go for a regular living dex in FEH /shot

And I do like amiibos because they have functionality but you can still have something physical at the end of the day. :D

2 years ago

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I don't really care for a random NPC I don't really know. I do like his catchphrase (and voice actor). Tiki=Waifu when?

So you're saying you wouldn't breed a Wailord with a Skitty? Food for plenty of memes and art of questionable safe-for-work status. And it's cute you have a mommy and daddy of final evolutions! There's so many Pokémon though. Maybe it's for the best there's only a regional dex. Are you going to get Violet and/or Scarlet?
Heh, I wish that was an option for me. I have 618/821 heroes. I really doubt I'll ever cloe that gap without spending a fortune.

Indeed! And something physical of things that otherwise might never have gotten something affordable and physical, like Ness and Lucas :D

EDIT: Almost 40 summons in, and tomorrow the new heroes will be introduced, and now I just got my second golden hero from the banner: Apotheosis (Secret Seller) Anna. Knocking a percent off of my 4.50% I didn't have her yet, so that's something... but still. Luck is so ridiculous in this game.

EDIT 2: After a month of summer, I finally got my first summer hero! And it is... Summer Frederick. One of the two from that banner I already had. Siiiiigh. I hate summer.

2 years ago*

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Brooooo I coulda sworn I typed out an answer and then I kept waiting for a reply and nothing. But I guess I didn't? Forgot to hit send? Lost internet? Who knows.

I'll be getting Violet AND Scarlet. And I'll probably regret getting both when I never even finished the Galar games lol.

I GOT XANDER YASSSSSS. Without using a freebie summon. On the other hand, Summer's Arrival was trolling me. 5-Star Forsyth in the first pool, 5-Star Valentian Catria in the second pool. I had both, both of them insta-reset my odds, so I decided not to dip in that pool a third time. Got me a Summer Tiki on the Ylissean banner though! Still need that Frederick, send him here! And female Robin too if you're at it.
I also got Bridal Cordelia as one of the 4*SHSRs on that banner, still needed her! (Honestly the chance to get other seasonal heroes is the only reason I dip into low% special banners more than once lol.)

I guess it's been pretty lucky? I still gotta try my hand at Summer Dimitri, mah boi, but since the other banners expire faster I went with those. Also lol, at this rate Eirika will completely knock Lyn and Marth off their alt thrones huh.

2 years ago

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I like to believe your previous reply has been swallowed up by the void that's hidden somewhere between the realities of the internet :3

Hmm. That's not a great strategy.. but if it makes you happy, who am I to judge?

That's a lot of luck. As you have been able to read in my previous reply, there's no such thing as luck on my side. So far the only summer hero I've gotten over numerous summons spread out over all the summer banners have been that one Frederick. And the Anna and 4-star-special Brave Ike were the only other golden heroes I've seen. I've passed the 40 summons on that banner too. I've decided to give up on that and focus on the new banner instead. Maybe the Eirika odds are in my favour. I doubt it.
Congraulations on your summons. I'll be over here.. doing chain challenges for lack of other things to do...

EDIT: Dumdeedum.. Still no good summons on my end. Not for lack of trying, just for lack of "luck". Not that luck is a factor in this game, there's clearly a rhythm to it. That bridal banner the other month kept giving and giving good hero after good hero. Not this summer, nuh-uh. SO! While I'm still waiting for something interesting to talk about, I was wondering.. What is up with FEH lore? They keep stressing the point that heroes in different costumes are not the same hero in different costumes, but rather different heroes altogether, right? I find that to be a bullshit thought but eh. But now with this tacked on summer story of Nifl, Gunnthra and Ylgr, it appears the summer Nifl IS the same one as Fjorm met. Am I looking into things too much?

2 years ago*

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Oh no time is really flying this month, what the heeeeell.

So there's the Roy remix banner and I almost went and dumped my orbs into it but I think I have everyone so it'd be a waste right? the only new stuff I'd get would be pity breakers in the first place.

I still want my Summer Dimitri but I also want Summer Nifl so I dunno how to prioritize dumping my orbs, send help! Still no Summer Freyja for me but I wasn't gonna leave any orbs there since I have the rest of that gang. Only dumped tickets into the Abyss repeat since I got that gang also. I guess I should be glad that I can hang on to orbs to dump in those two summer banners because that saves me from buying some but... eeep.

Also I feel like duo Thórr's ability is way too op lmao. Especially for first turns since your team or the enemy team is always bunched together initially. So many people affected right away, rip. That's why I picked her as my freebie on that banner despite wanting Nifl more. But speaking of the summer banners and TT, I thought when Gunnthrá chooses to speak to someone she can only speak to that person anymore? Wasn't there something like that when she chose to speak to the summoner that her voice couldn't be heard by anyone else anymore? Yet Nifl and Ylgr seemed to understand. Or maybe those were some mandela effect memories on my part lol. Or maybe her Summer version wasn't in that state yet.

Btw I'm still not over Summer Eirika. Does Eirika have more alts than Lyn now? I could probably look it up buuut.

2 years ago

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Before I forget the stats and need to count again, I'll report my findings on amounts of Eirikas. Both Eirika and Lyn have seven forms. However, there is one with more forms. And that, of course, is Camilla. "But AnotherMemory," I hear you say, "Camilla only has seven forms!" And to that I say: Yes, but she's also a duo with lady Hinoka, as a pirate. So that counts.

I have given up hope on getting any new (for me) summer hero. Still absolutely nothing. I did get a Nagi and silver Karin, so my barracks was in need of another expansion still, but no summer heroes. These heroes did come from summer banners too. I guess the game just knows I don't care for those balloons in small layers of fabric. It is what it is. You'll get your Dimitri soon, trust me :3

All these summer heroes seem to be rather overpowered. Or at least the Three Houses ones are. Let's be real, it's quite evident that FEH favours 3H. All 3H are far more powerful than others. And some are even more powerful than that.
Hmm, I'm afraid I don't quite remember that Gunnthrá bit. I thought she had died anyway? Let's just agree that anything that is not the main story is just.. weird and non-canon. So, where's the ascended Eir? And who is that purple ghost?

Take your time, madam. It's not like I have anything to report anyway. - -7

EDIT: Okay, what was that ending to the Tempest Trials? It rather feels like they originally wanted to do this in the regular story but ran out of time or something. Oh no, Eir died. Poof. This is Ymir (in myth known as the FATHER of all frost giants) who knows everything of Eir's original life. Oh and she is dead now, sorry. Like.. What? She does have pretty eyes though.

2 years ago*

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I completely forgot about Camilla. Her getting alts was definitely being memed on as well XD Guess it just feels like it's been a while even though maybe it hasn't, lol.

And yeah, we all remembered something about Eir and the Dragon of Life, but Ymir? Oh boy. Although given the rest of the norse saga, someone being unexpectedly female is certainly not new lol. Although I can appreciate the random shadow more than just "???" as a name and no image, lol. Still...It does feel very disjointed, a major story update tacked onto a seasonal TT. You'd think that any IMPORTANT story stuff would be reserved for the Books so everyone gets to enjoy them without sifting through dialogue from old events lol.

Also dunno if I mentioned my nephew was born, but there's that. Third-time-aunt I am.

2 years ago

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Maybe everyone's favourite big sister has fallen from grace now that they got Rhea to ogle over? I mean, Rhea is going strong with three appearances in Heroes already, while from a game that's what.. three years old?

Yeah, what happened to Xenologues? And if you decide to tack this onto a Tempest Trial, why bother also adding a seasonal story? Did we really need that conversation between Nifl and the others? They could have released that as a video instead. I wonder if the mysterious entity that now rules Helheim actually looks like that for real, or that their appearance is still hidden. Maybe we need Gen I Pokémon's Sylph Scope? :P

Oooh, congratulations madam! Many babies for you to be a mom too without the hassle of actually being their mom~!

Also also also.. You may not know this yet because at the time of writing the new heroes haven't launched yet but.. WHAT THE F IS BRIGAND BOSS DOING HERE? Why not a Valentian evildoer with an actual name? Nuibaba? Grieth? Jedah? Desaix? A proper Rudolph? Noo, we totally need this random Brigand Boss whose only character trait is 'He kidnapped Silque'...

2 years ago

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Yeah why can't we just ogle over Darios instead

Also, you know by now IS is a troll. Sometimes they feed into the memes but most of the times they make the unexpected moves instead. And perhaps at times unappreciated ones XD

And yes being auntie > being mommy. That's about all the effort I can put into a child without wearing myself out right now lol.

2 years ago

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Darios? Of all men you ogle over one of those misguided dummies? How.. fascinating.

This move was very unexpected indeed, but it's no Wii Fit Trainer in Sm4sh levels of appreciated unexpectedness. This is just.. weird weird.
What actually had me chuckling though was how Anna instructed the new Celica not to smash any crates or urns. That was clever. Dumb-clever, but funny.

And with those kids running around you don't even need ones of your own~! I'd say that's perfect. Well, for you anyway. I wouldn't even want to look after my brothers kids, if and when they have them :P

EDIT: Time to vent. I hate this game sometimes. Last day of summer Caeda, right? Tried a pool.. no green (no Freyr either). Second pool, two green. A bronze Reyson and a... silver Reyson. Sometimes I just want to delete this game and never think of it again...

2 years ago*

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What's wrong with ogling misguided dummies? They're my weakness! Well, some of them.

Haven't had much luck on the new Echoes banner... Not even a single Atlas despite him being only 3-4 Stars. but of course a pity-break 5-Star Kamui when I already had a good IV 4-Star lol. Time to save up orbs to wrap up some summer banners I guess.

In irl I just can't wait to have the house to myself again, lol. It's just better that way. Better for work and for my nerves lol

2 years ago

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We all have our types I guess, even the asexual elderly :P But no, I'm not going to shame you for your Darios attraction :3

At least you get good things. I've run out of things to train again. I still haven't gotten any summer heroes aside from the Frederick I didn't need. None. Not one. Not from old banners, not from new banners. Not from free summons, not from paid ones. Not a thing.
Whatever. I'm not caring anymore. Why should I?

Hehe, yeah, having a whole home to oneself is quite liberating ^^

2 years ago

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Sooooo.... I sunk a bunch of orbs again but no Summer Dimitri. Sob. And no Summer Nifl. I got Summer Micaiah so that banner wasn't a total waste to throw orbs at, and the other one... Brave Marth pitybroke me, the bastard.

I wonder if my summons were so bad to counteract the fact that I pulled Arthur (the new one, purple hair mage) and Askr in the first summon pool on Askr's banner. So I was able to use my Freebie to get the ever so elusive Ótr lol.

Also I got Atlas on some other banner, I think Norian Summer? 4-Star Atlas from there while his banner is still running, lol. On that note, I was not aware that Celica was Ascendant. Nothing about her seemed particularly special or fancy like with the other Ascendants? Although I don't regret getting Ymir as the freebie, she's cute and a powerhouse. Will new Veronica be Ascended also? like Fire and Ice get longer hair but hers is shorter, lol. Askr is such a lovable himbo though lmao. At least he doesn't strike me as the tactical type, but his genuine feelings are cute too. I'm usually not one for himbos but as a fellow taurus I guess I fancy him a little more than I would.
On that note it wasn't sexual attraction with Darios, my weakness are "he's just lonely and misunderstood" type villains. Especially those that are denied a redemption arc. I used to have a thing for Broly (before he became a recurring nuisance, and before the reimagining of him in DB Super XD) Though I really try not to get any "I can fix him" type feelings involved. tl;dr, I know.

I got Nah on first pull for Nohrian Summer, and I did still need her. Kept pulling because I only have Corrin from the bunch. I saw that Valentines Alfonse is a possible pull so I was hoping for him. Green Alfie... but I got the other one, Spring Alfie. Already got dat boi. Although I absolutely love the 4* SH demote option. I will not confess how many orbs I spent/purchased today. But, I got me Summer Leo, so yay! Tomatome go!

Relatives are fiiiinally leaving tomorrow. I can't wait to have my peace and quiet back lol

2 years ago

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Hmm. I see. That's unfortunate. Good thing you still have a week to get what you want. Meanwhile the Voting Gauntlet for the summer heroes have started and I naturally went with... Seth. Not because I liked him best, but simply because HE'S THE ONLY ONE I HAVE.

Do not confuse Arthur with Artur ;)
But yeah, that's probably the reason. Congrats on pulling that gigantic bull. Because daaang he's huuuuge!! And he's not even dead yet. So why so early?

I think this Celica was more Mila-focused than the others. But I'm not too sure about it. It's not like I can check. Hah, as if free summons would get me anything.
That new Veronica is obviously an ascended one. She got the power of a goddess after all. I think that's key?
I'm not even sure I want to know what a himbo is...
Nah, not tl;dr. It's not like I never ramble on about things. I don't think I recall who Broly is.. You are at least right in saying that Darios, like Berkut, was a character of unfortunate choices. Of the two I prefer Berkut though.

Congratulations on all those summons as well. I had to resort to just using a regular team for the last stratum quests due to lack of heroes to train. It is what it is. It's fine. I probably did something to deserve it. I'm not a good person after all. The game clearly knows this. Yesterday I got a nice trio of bronze heroes.

Hehehe, I bet you'll miss them too the moment they leave :P

EDIT: Spoke too soon. Instead of granting me summer Lilina, the game gave me another middle finger by giving me two silver Hinatas from the same pool. Well f you too, game.

EDIT2: Game made up for its insolence of the last two days. Sadly not with any summer heroes, but with a free Sain? I mean.. I'll take it.

EDIT3: GASP! One might have assumed this would no longer have been possible, but with 4.50% chance, the game has finally caved and granted me a new summer hero in the form of a flawless (because of course) Michaiah ^ -^

2 years ago*

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Still going for Summer!Dimitri. Still no luck. Granted since he's the only one I am missing, I'd probably be better of summoning on the other banner, or going back to the Nohr one (since I got trolled by Summer Corrin and it does have 4-Star demotes for special heroes)... But congratz on getting Micaiah! Now watch me get Dimi after the voting battles are over lol. But just to sate your curiosity, check out my summons on the Fodlan/Tellius Banner. Numbers = Stars. Also I find it ironic how many Claudes I got along the way considering that I got 0 Atlas on his own banner and he's a 3/4 Star lol. And also, I've yet to see another banner that repeats the 40 Summon freebie. Maybe they decided it was too powerful lol. Cause I'd have Dimi then.

TT Banner Summer Vacation (Fodlan & Tellius):
4 Hinata +Spd-HP
3 Valbar +Spd-HP
4 Leon +Atk-HP
4 Marth +Spd-Atk
3 Lukas +HP-Atk
3 Gwendolyn +Spd-HP
3 Lena +Atk-Res
3 Klein neutral
4 Effie +Atk-HP
3 Cordelia +Atk-HP
4 Karin +Def-Atk
3 Virion +Def-Res
3 Leon +Res-HP
4 Reinhardt +HP-Res
3 Jeorge +HP-Spd
4 Reinhardt +HP-Atk
3 Peri +Res-Spd
3 Setsuna +HP-Atk
3 Marth +Def-HP
4 Wrys +Spd-HP
5 Summer!Claude +HP-Spd (new; why tho, I coulda just promoted a 4-Star, rip. I do have a dislike for streak breaks from units available as pre-promotes)
3 Balthus +HP-Def
3 Cherche +Atk-Res
3 Ross neutral
4 Raven +Atk-Res
4 Peri +Atk-HP
4 Special 5 Adrift!Corrin +Atk-Spd (this guy haunts me. lol.)
3 Kaze +Spd-HP
3 Mae +Atk-Def
4 Beruka +Atk-Spd
4 Lex +Res-Atk
4 Serra +Def-Res
4 Brady +Def-Res
3 Henry +Res-Spd
4 Summer!Claude +Spd-Res (made this one gold and used the other as merge to remove bane)
4 Soren +Atk-HP
4 Sophia +Spd-Res
4 Gunter +Res-HP
4 Special 5 Exalt!Chrom +HP-Spd
3 Corrin +Res-Spd
40 Summon Freebie: Duo!Edelgard/Altina neutral (she was too good to pass up, an armor unit that can move 3 spaces like hello? also a good Fallen!Edelgard killer lol)
3 Orochi +HP-Def
4 Wrys +HP-Atk
4 Ares +Def-Res
4 Effie +HP-Spd
3 Gordin +Res-Def
3 Setsuna +Res-Def
3 Boey +Def-Res (perf IV so I made him a golden boy yo)
4 Beruka +HP-Atk
4 Laslow +Def-Spd
3 Clair +HP-Res
3 Saizo +Res-Spd
3 Valbar +Atk-HP
3 Luthier +Atk-Res
4 Maria +Spd-HP
4 Sakura +Def-Res
4 Seth +Res-HP
4 Summer!Claude +Res-HP
3 M!Robin +Def-Spd
4 M!Corrin +Atk-Res
4 Summer!Claude +Atk-Spd
4 Eliwood +Def-Spd
3 Roderick +Def-Res
3 Linhardt +Atk-Def
4 Cherche neutral
4 Jakob +Atk-Def
3 Nanna +Def-Res
4 M!Corrin neutral
4 Valbar +Spd-HP
5 S!Micaiah (new, yasss) +Def-Spd (no complaints about the streak reset since I still needed her)
4 S 5 Fly!Olivia +HP-Res
3 Est +HP-Spd
3 Raven +Spd-Def
4 Bantu +HP-Spd
4 S 5 Maribelle +Atk-Def
3 Norne +Spd-Res
4 M!Corrin +Spd-Atk
3 Niles +Def-Res
3 Hawkeye +Spd-Def
3 Hawkeye +Res-HP
4 Morgan +Def-HP
3 Sakura +Res-Atk
4 Tharja +HP-Atk
4 Lilina +Atk-Spd
4 Summer!Claude +Spd-HP
4 Orochi +Def-Res
4 Lukas +HP-Def
4 Jagen +Res-Atk
4 Felicia +Res-Def
3 M!Corrin +Res-Spd
4 Silvia +HP-Res

2 years ago

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Okay okay, I admit, that's probably more summons than I did on that banner. Strange to see that even you didn't get all that many good summons from there.. How about the other summer banner? I take it you at least got two or three there too, right? You need the goddesses, if you don't have them already!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. No doubt you'll get your Dimitri. Heck, he might even win the Gauntlet! Which is surprising to me, because let's face it. There are four reasons Thor and Loki would logically win. And I really hate two of those reasons.

Oh oh oh! There are performing thieves coming to Heroes soon~! Who is going to be your aim? ^^ Is iiiiit... Hmm. Sothe?

2 years ago

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I have not yet checked out the performing thieves yo.

If by the other banner you mean the one with the Asgaard duo... I have a small army of 4-Star Summer Lyons now lol

Taken by the Tide (Summer! Thorr&Loki, Eirika, Lyon &Nifl)
4 Chrom +HP-Spd
4 Clair +Spd-Atk
4 Scathach +Res-HP
4 Summer!Lyon (NEW) +Def-Res
4 Setsuna +Atk-Def
4 Summer!Lyon +Res-HP
4 Fae +Res-Def
4 Raigh +Spd-Res
4 Tanya +Spd-Def
3 Abel +HP-Spd
4 Ross +HP-Atk
3 Reinhardt neutral
3 Camilla +Def-Res
4 Effie +Res-Atk
4 Summer!Lyon +Spd-Def
3 Merric +Res-Spd
5 Farina (NEW; pity reset) +Def-Res
3 Hinata +Res-Def
4 Est +HP-Res
3 Stahl +Spd-Atk
4 Summer!Lyon +Res-Spd
4 Shigure +HP-Atk
4Special 5 Flora +Spd-Atk
3 Virion +Atk-Spd
4 Tharja +Spd-Res
3 Gaius +Def-Atk
4 Libra +HP-Atk
4 Reinhardt +HP-Res
3 Eirika +Atk-HP
4 Altena +Res-Atk
4 Summer!Lyon +Def-HP
3 Niles +Spd-Atk
4 Lex +Spd-Atk
4 Gunter +Spd-Res
4 Boyd +Spd-Atk
4 Niles +HP-Res
3 (I forgot to write down who lol) +Res-Atk
4 Boyd +HP-Def
4 Caeda +Spd-Atk
4 Cecilia +Def-Spd
40 Summon Freebie: Summer Thorr & Loki neutral (because duh.)
5 Fallen!Gustav +Spd-Res (NEW, and... surprisingly great? also % reset)
3 Python +Res-Atk
4 Merric +Atk-Spd
4 Eirika +HP-Def
4 Seliph +Res-Atk
5 Brave!Marth +HP-Atk (they keep swarming me. go away I have enough copies. also, smol technical reset)
3 Mae +Def-Spd
3 Knoll +Def-Atk
3 Benny +Res-Def
4 Kagero +Res-Atk

So I guess I -could- try and sink orbs in there to maybe get Eirika or Nifl... maybe... It ends in 1 day so I guess they leave sooner than Fodlan. but Diiiimiiii. Who also won.

2 years ago

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For shaaame. They look so fun! A bit like as if they hopped out of Persona 5 ^^

Why not give me one of those Lyons then? I want to complete my Lyon collection~!
And what do you mean because duh? You only picked Thorr and Loki because of their... balloons, didn't you? Asexual my ass XD

Dimitri should not have won. I really don't understand why people are so swooning over that knucklehead.. Oh well.

Funny thing. For the Heroes Journey I decided to pair Legendary Eirka and Legendary Ephraim, for fun. Thanks to quintuple SP from summer event, extra boost from the library thing AND them being Legendary, they currently get 300 SP per kill XD
What I don't quite understand, related to that, is that in my all armoured team, Nagi gets 150 SP per kill, but Zephiel only 75 SP. And she doesn't have some sort of boost. So what gives?

2 years ago*

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No I picked them because of their skill affecting slow units + units close to them. That's really useful XD Also would that I could, you could have one of my now manual'd Summer Lyons lol.

As for Dimi and the swooning... as far as I'm concerned, he's actually one of the deepest characters in Three Houses with quite the character arc/growth. That's not to say Edelgard and Claude don't have interesting aspects either, but Claude in particular falls to the wayside because the parts of him that would make him more interesting are not well explored XD And Edelgard is hit or miss, her route could have been better and feels kinda rushed. If anything her route should have been the best, especially since it has a (depending on how you play not-so-)hidden branch situation. I digress though. Dimi goes beyond Cardboard with a single over-used trait and obligatory childhood trauma, which is why I like him the most of the three lords. They all have their charms but his route, dang those feels.

And holy crap yes quintuple event like whaaaat. Does your Nagi have any blessings or summoner support maybe? I know you said no boost but... XD

2 years ago

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Oooh, look who suddenly has time for me now :P
Just one more day for those summer heroes.. I doubt I'll get something tomorrow :(

Hmm. I'll take your word for it. I don't know, maybe it's all his versions in Heroes, but I just find him very bland. Could also be because Three Houses just really doesn't interest me that much. Aside from Bernadetta I don't really see any characters that would interest me... Personal preference ^^

I don't do summoner support, she holds no blessings, no dragonflowers, no nothing. It's just unfair!
Or I'm dumb. I just remembered.. She has Dragon Valor facepalm

EDIT: Six summons (super expensive, that's three pools) and two silver Pythons later I have given up. Here is another summer banner of which I lack all heroes. Funny how that's not even a first. Did I say funny? I meant pathetic honestly. But eh, you barely have this problem. Barely, not not :P
In other news, do you have a Sain? He's quite good. He's not exactly weak and he has his own build-in self-dance mechanic! Run ahead, Rally Atk, move again! :D

EDIT2: Another summer banner over, another day of tossing a lot of orbs at that banner (and Askr's banner) and another day of not getting anything. In other words, of the eight new summer heroes from this year I got one. ONE. sigh Maybe my luck will turn for the thieves...

2 years ago*

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There we go, made you wait long enough for that remark lol. How dare I be more attentive.

So the thief banner was a bust. I got one 4-Star Sothe and two 5-Star Sothe (and having a pre-promote as 5-Star always feels like a waste of pity-%). Also Yuri pitybroke me along the way. In the end I got my 40 summon freebie duo but I was absolutely hoping for Laila. I'm guessing you are gunning for Cath but who knows!

Also it took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize the Distant Counter seal was dragon exclusive. I mean I did wonder what the D stood for but initially when I saw the weapon restrictions I was like "wat, that's everything, is this a bug" until it clicked lol.

I don't remember if I have a Sain. I might not? I think? I'd have to look up who that is. Was that one of the newer lance cavaliers? The flirt who impressed everyone with his knowledge until they realized he only kept tabs on the female members of the order? I keep getting the red one instead, as 3- and 4-Star. something something similar to Kevin. If memory serves. Too lazy to look it up.

2 years ago

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I-I was kidding with that. You can wait as long or as short as you see fit..

I am still gunning for Cath. She's the best thief of course. But so far, no dice. Nothing. So be happy with your Sothes and Nina. You really can't say it's a bust when you do get golden summons, one way or the other :P
EDIT: It appears I spoke too soon. I did one pool of the thieves today after we spoke and there were three blue ones, a red one and a colorless one. I didn't want to spend orbs for three summons, two would be fine, so I went with red.. which turned out to be a bronze Soleil. But the colorless orb gave me the duo! So that's something :3

Ahh, is THAT what the D was for? I wonder why they made it a dragon exclusive thing.. I didn't actually check it extensively. I figured it was something that only worked for defending something, but that would have been a dumb guess too, probably.

You don't remember who Sain is?! Rude! I bet he would remember you. He remembers all ladies after all. And you mean Kent. Seriously, how can you not know their names by heart? :P They're classic Cavaliers, standing by lady Lyndis from the start of their game!

How are you doing, ma'am? Hope you can keep your head cool this summer!

2 years ago*

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So I was right, it was the Flirt. You know, the one that's not Inigo nor Sylvain lol. Amazing how Womanizer is its own archetype. Though Inigo has a better reason for it.

So like... new banner dropped and I was "wtf I love 3H and Awakening charas and all, but why more of them? Chrom and Tiki and Byleth have so many alts now" and only when the Push notification on my phone mentioned CYL6 I was like oooooh. I legit don't even remember it happening. Or perhaps rather I guess I never checked the results? With CYL5 I definitely remember, because Gatekeeper-kun. Also kinda funny that Brave Chrome is a cavalier/exalt. So basically Exalt Chrom was brave before brave was a thing (and he looks better than the new one, too, lol). But yee.

I'm not gonna toss more orbs at the Thief banner. I am pondering tossing more at the Remix banner since I could get Thrasir with the 40 summon freebie, but of course the CYL banner will be first pick for now. Maybe after. Surprisingly, on the Lunatic maps, Tiki was the annoying one. I mean Byleth could be, but if you stay out of range until you can attack, she is quite squishy. Tiki I had to kill everything else first. (Granted I coulda gone back and pick another team but I was stingy with my stamina lol.)

Also it appears they upped the Dragonflower thresholds again. Just two or so days ago I maxed Sothis again at 15/15, and today she was up to 15/20. So I maxed her again lol.

2 years ago

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You mean: The one that is actually fun to have on your team. I really hate Sylvain... And Inigo is a special case, I'll give you that.

Yeah, I agree, they kinda missed the ball on the new Chrom. He really is pretty much the same and the other one has a better face. Not sure why.. So so sooo! Who are you picking? I'm going with Tiki (unless I summon her with the tickets). I love what they did with her outfit. It fits her! It's not a "Adult, curvaceous woman forced her body into an outfit that she wore as a kid" situation. Love it ^ -^

I don't use Dragonflowers. I don't care for them at all. I try to avoid them on that Binding event thing as much as I can too :P

2 years ago

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I'm already done with the binding event so now I just play once a day for daily orbs. I do find it very fun though. I prefer co-op over competition lol. I also enjoy it a lot more than stuff like Loki's Pawns. I guess I still prefer tap battle over binding due to the chance to get old accessories without spending in the aether resort lol.

I haven't decided whom to pick since I do wanna run the banner first. I like that Byleth is a flying colorless tome. I like this adult Tiki's design as well, especially how they incorporated her dragonstone into her outfit like a brooch. I like the idea of having a Lance Chrom since I have a Lance Lucina too (I do lack Christmas and Spring Chrom lol). I guess Seliph means the least to me of the bunch. I haven't played his game and even then I still prefer his dad lol. Don't tell him though, he might get an inferiority complex.

I do like using dragonflowers though I can't say whether they make a lot of difference or not I guess. I don't have any unit maxed out in merges yet but I've seen they get a different border when you do. Both merges and DF's give extra stats and I guess sometimes an extra +1 or +2 etc can make a difference in survival or not getting doubled. But I'm not remotely strategizing with the DFs. I just sort my units by ratings and then prioritize heroes with blessings since they'll end up in aether raids.

Did I mention I still very much miss FEH keeper. Especially for the wishlist function. I probably tossed a few units with the IVs I wanted because I can't be bothered to keep looking it up lol. But I also loved the whole showing you how lucky you were at a banner function.

2 years ago

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Ah, you breezed through it eh? I don't quite care a lot about it. It's an interesting idea, but there's very little incentive to play. I will try to reach the end, naturally. I keep forgetting I'm not playing Hall of Fjorms :P

He already has such a complex I'm afraid. But that is also normal for the Brave heroes. "Huh? Why does everyone call me a hero? I just did xxx..." Get over it. I think that is lazy storytelling. Just like the not-really-working excuse that all heroes come from different worlds, unless they don't. Matthew clearly didn't mind the costumed Leila, as if that was his world's Leila, but it cannot be as it's not a normal one. Start making sense, game! :P
The brooch idea in Tiki's outfit is neat indeed ^^

In the long run they are unnecessary. Maybe for Aether Raids but you know how I feel about that. For Abyssal difficulty people on YouTube who make guides stick to using Reginn, Eir, Peony and Ash, most of the time. No SI ^^

It's sad that there's still nothing like your FEH Keeper.. You'll have to keep track of everything yourself now then I guess? Wish I could help you out there.

In other news, I still had tickets for that Muspell Nifl banner. Today I got the pretty ice wolf-deer lady/person ^^ But ehm.. why can you look up her dress? I had not noticed that before..

EDIT: O. M. Geezer! In even more other news... Cath! The Caper Captain one! ^ -^ Woop woop~! Probably the last I'll ever summon buuut.. Yay ^^

2 years ago*

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Congrats on getting your girl, and the ice wolf dragon girl. I grabbed myself a Hatari Karla as freebie pick on the double special banner, and Thrasir on the remix banner, but other than those that I chose myself, nothing new from those banners lol. Resplendent Lon'qu today finally made me gold-up the Lon'qu I had since now I could elimiate his -Res Bane.

Buuuut I probably shouldn't get any more orbs any time soon. Dangerous spending is dangerous. So watch whichever next banner tempt me.

2 years ago

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Ooh, nice! I tried getting a bunny Delthea from that banner, but nope :P I have been gathering some new four star heroes in the form of Kent, Kamui and Scáthach. Other than that nothing yet. It also appears my library has run out... Maybe I should get the thieves den too :P

September.. Isn't that the month of the performing arts? Dancers, singers, etc? Good thing it can't be an Inigo then :P

Hey so.. Sothis confirmed that Smash exists.. So when will we get Pit, Kirby and Link in FEH? :D

EDIT: Woohoo. Got a free Tsubasa Oribe today ^ -^ It probably helped I mimicked her pose :P Now I have all Tokyo Mirage Sessions heroes! :D That being said.. Where are Touma Akagi, Yashiro Tsurugi and a virtual idol Tiki?

2 years ago*

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Sorry for keeping you waiting all this time, by now I probably forgot everything I was gonna say, lol. But that's alright. Currently siding with Gatekeeper-kun for the gauntlet. Did you know he's a playable character in the new Warriors game? XD Is that a spoiler, I don't know if it is. Were you planning on getting it? Argh.

2 years ago

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Greetings Kijame! I aaaaaaalmost forgot we were chatting. Ah, no, not really. Every time something FEH happens, I think "What Would Kijame Think?". I am also siding with Gatekeeper because I refused to side with the one who defeated Eirika (grrrSeliph). We'll see if he can win. And it wasn't much of a spoiler. Why would I play a game that continues another game I haven't played? :P He is also in Smash by the way, in the background of the Monastery stage :D

In other news, which is Heroes news. A new banner is comiiiing. They found another way to put Lyn in as little chest-covering as possible~! I'm honestly not sure who I'd be aiming for, but surely you want the pretty boy with the pompadour? :3

Oh oh oh! And even MORE important!! Final day of that duo special hero banner that they always make to drain even more orbs and guess who rolled out for me? THE CUTEST BUNNY! According to herself anyway. But Delthea IS a cute mage :P

2 years ago

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OMG good job getting your cutest bunny! And I'm happy you keep me in your thoughts! I also wonder what you'd think when I see the one or other FEH meme but then I remember you don't do memes XD Gonna post some anyways. Gonna skip the one about ultra edge Líf and a new Pokémon though since I am not sure how you be with spoilers haha.

So... new banner... it's September, was expecting Pirats /shot
I like it in the sense that Rinkah's background as a flame tribe member isn't really explored much (neither is the twin maid's BG as ice tribe members but at least you get some more exposure on that and their dad, with Rinkah it's really just lore dump in conversation lol). But I'm also thinking, 3H and Fates get too much attention all the time. (Maybe Awakening too but I have an extra soft spot for that lol). And don't get me wrong I do love all of those. I love more content for them. And then we have Lyn be the alt-Camilla for pre-Awakening fans lol. Also why is Peony in another duo, that's not fair is it XD Woulda loved an actual dancer, I bet they could rock a flame-themed dance outfit.
But those are just minor nitpicks I guess. Ngl when I saw the news for the TT I was thinking how progressive FEH was, putting Mordecai in a bridal outfit, but I realized my error after a second glance XD
Are you really referring to Muspell as pretty boy lmao. I mean his OG art is like... okay. Kinda Jojostyle but artwise still a step above what they did to Mila and Gatekeeper XD Though in his Fire Festival garb he does look more like a Pokemon trainer. Or gym leader. He'd totes fit into Alola trials I think. Speaking of art, they sure took some liberties with those... chest sizes, huh. Like I feel Lyn's keeps getting bigger every time XD
Looks-wise I like Rinkah best out of all of them (and it's nice that the muscle-lovers get some appreciation too. Diversity/variety is so important). But legit why couldn't the duo have been a guy and a gal XD They rare do mixed gender duos (and yes I refer to harmonized as duos too because there's two of them) huh. I can only remember Pirate Veronica (which is still sorta sibling related) and the twin siblings and tellius siblings right now, I might've missed someone though.

Huh. Yeah to be honest I have no idea whom I want personally. I want the duo for duo reasons but like, there's nobody I want more than another. Which doesn't mean they're all bad, I just don't have a favourite. Somehow I feel like Muspell is your only choice though, if you need to escape the big boobas.

In unrelated news I started playing Ni no Kuni II (with no idea what to expect) and the beginning just fucking sent me lmao. So unexpected XD But, also really fun to play so far! All I knew was Studio Ghibli + RPG.

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2 years ago*

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Oh if you really need to toss them, you can do so. Just don't expect me to find them as funny as you did. I would more likely over-analyse them ;)
And I AM happy with the bunny. She's pretty powerful! And cute. And suuuper modest :P

No silly, pirates was last month! September is the "let's drag a certain FE-culture in for its own celebration" month. Apparently. Remember Plegia and Hatari?
Lyn.. by alt-Camilla.. for pre-Awakening fans.. I know that is all English, but I can't quite make out what you are saying :P I do think it's nice we get some more Flame Tribe lore. And a new Líf apparently. About Líf, I thought the story made it clear that he WAS Alfonse of another timeline, not some ancestor?
Ohh, you're right! A flame dancer, that would have been awesome. I bet Tethys could juggle some torches!
I feel like they're just uncovering more and more of Lyn's chest each outfit. Not that she liked her swimsuit.. I can't say I've stared at Tana and Peony long enough to see if anything happened there. Has anything happened there?
You missed one! The first one! Hector and chibi-Lilina :D Oh and there's the Líf and Thrásir duo. Hmm.. But tha-- Ah, there is a Marth and Elise duo too. Anything else... Let me do a quick check!
Here goes: Alm and Celica (Valentines), Michaiah and Sothe (Bridal), Sigurd and Deirdre (Dancing) and Sothis and Male Byleth (Halloween). Funny, I have all of those that I looked up.. so why didn't I remember them? :P

Eh, why escape it? People don't call this game... waifu generator barf for nothing.. Nah, I think I'm somewhat aiming for Rinkah and try to get the duo along with it.. maybe.. We'll see!

Oh, NnK II eh? Don't know much about that one. I did play Wrath of the White Witch. It was fun.. until you try to do a 100%(ish) grind. Then it becomes SO FLIPPIN' TEDIOUS. And I really dislike Mr. Drippy, the sidekick of the game... Enjoy your game though!

Your ehm.. images failed to load for some reason. But seriously, DILFs? I thought you were supposed to be ace! :P

In unrelated news.. My barracks has expanded once more with the addition of a certain female thief that is not the greatest of all time (duh) but she is a... Keen Lookout :3

EDIT: Grrrrr.. Why are we getting both Shezes? When are we going to get Lianna and Rowan?

2 years ago*

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Dang bro it's been a while! I have not been very lucky on the Fire Tribe banner so here's hoping for Three Hopes (punintentional). I share your feelings on the OG FEW getting shafted yo. They coulda made a general Warriors banner with the twins and both Shezes (though I guess that'd make it 3 or 4 sword units... then again they gave F!Shez an axe so canon be damned lol).

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this rearmed hero business. So it's a bit like ascension meets exclusive weapon inheritance. Or something. But with this one time use I'll probably end up hoarding like me flowers... Whelp. Also while I am a fan of how the new Líf looks, Eir definitely deserves to get the spotlight. Poor gal. Peony got like two duo units she featured in and Eir is roadkill I guess XD

2 years ago

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Hey it's not my fault it has been a while :P
For the Fire Tribe banner (and the Scion banner) I don't have a lot of luck either. Aside from one silver Rinkah I got nothing yet. It is what it is!
Too bad they don't make normal heroes into duos anymore. They did that once with Ephraim and Lyon and then decided it's not for normal heroes. Otherwise Rowan and Lianna would make a fun duo (since they are the same character anyway). I guess nobody cares for them. And for a moment I thought that new Fire Emblem trailer was a Warriors sequel, seeing how it has heroes of old and a similar look. But nope..

From what I understand from the Feh Channel update it's not too difficult to understand. They just found another way to advertise heroes. They're exactly the same as Ascendant heroes (but they don't stay in the banners, so probably more Mythic-like?), but you can use them once for skill inheritance without them leaving your barracks. In the end it's just something else that is barely interesting. Also quite telling that Fjorm and Laegjarn don't get this treatment. Probably because they are 'just' Legendary and Normal respectively, as opposed to being Mythic.
We'll get a Rearmed Eir soon no doubt. Maybe with some of Ymir's power? A costume Eir would be nice though, she is quite strong after all. But Peony is a dancer, so more interesting I guess?

How is life and stuff? :)

2 years ago

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oh no and there's even more banners repeating with stuff I need, but I can't binge on orbs just yet nuuuuu.

Well I finally have a computer to try and catch up on my steam backlog haha. Wish me luck with that. And I also have a bit of backlog in FEH, jotting down what I have and have not that got newly added... I was a bit lazy there. I also have a ton of backlog on pimping and merging for better IVs, lol. But I finally traded out the 9999 SP heroes in my brigade with some others so they can earn more.

2 years ago

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Well ehm... I'm sorry for your loss of orbs? I try to use mine sparingly, but there are indeed a few banners to spend them on. I also still lack a dancing Quan... Might get my free summon from there tomorrow :3

Good luck on your backlog! I am not important, do not feel obliged to respond in a timely manner :) Speaking of pimping, I decided to give my Flame Tribe Rinkah a few more skills. I don't really understand why they made HER the four star. It's HER TRIBE! She should have been in de duo with Tana :P

2 years ago

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Oh yeah so I've been meaning to ask, have they changed something about the pity rate system? I noticed on the flame banner that I got a partial reset to 4,00%, not the initial 3,00%. That was really confusing XD

2 years ago

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Hmm. Let me think. I beliiieeeeeve they lower the chance of getting a golden hero by a third of the initial chance if you get a golden hero that's not from the focus. That usually results in 1% reduction.
But don't pin me on these details. This has been the case for the last few years though ;) It is possible you never noticed as you got a golden "pity" hero before reaching 4.25% :P Miss super lucky...

Still just a Rinkah from that banner for me...
EDIT: Okay I maaay have spent a few more orbs today than I wanted, but I'm still convinced an appearance rate doesn't reset until after you close a banner and there were a green, blue and colorless orb to try, so after getting the Tana-Peony duo on the first try I just had to see if my 4.50% would influence the other ones. Sadly, it did not :P But yay, I got the strange duo~!

2 years ago*

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To be fair I never really paid much attention to the pity before, but with FEH Keeper gone now it's always "oh no got pitybroken". Before, FEHK told me that whenever I checked my last summons. Not that I didn't know I got pity broken before but like I said I didn't really acknowledge it as much lol.

So I still am very unlucky with the Flame Banner, buuuut Summer!Ashe came home with the Rearmed Hero Celebration Banner. (And I picked Gunter as a freebie before that, it was him or Ashe and I'm glad it worked out as it did.
Only did freebie summons for the Soiree banners but ngl... Now that the Performing Arts banner is back I am pining for Shigure since I am still lacking him. And since I grabbed Inigo as a forma unit. I remember getting bombarded with 3 Azuras before lol.

Also I don't remember if I mentioned this but I had no idea Warriors!Hilda was an Ascendant. That was... a surprise. Like with Celica I was like "they don't look that ascended tho" XD

2 years ago

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Oh no, now you actually have to pay attention to the game! The horrors!! :P Well.. paying attention is not such a terrible thing... I ehm.. may or may not.. have potentially.. f-forgotten to do the entire Bound Hero Battle of Surtr and Muspell... T-That's a lot of orbs I missed! Hopefully they'll return soon...

I still have one ticket left for that banner. I'm scared.. I really really would like to have the small twins in my barracks. Then I would have all of the children heroes. And they're so cute looking and pretty strong. B-But I'm too scared to use the ticket! D-Don't worry, I won't forget!!
I do have all of those, so I don't really care. Had all of them of year two too. Other years, no luck. It is what it is. Still tossing orbs at the fire banner to see if Lyn might bite. Or Muspell. Either is fine. Tried two colorless orbs in the same pool today. Both silver Kageros. Sometimes I wonder what this game's deal is XD

The whole deal with ascendant heroes is that they have grown up from their old selves. It's a bit silly that Hilda is basically her Three Hopes form, isn't it? That would be the same as saying that FE6 Bartre is FE7 Bartre's ascendant form.. At least give them more flair or more story, like with Joshua and Idoun.

2 years ago

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I am paying attention but that doesn't guarantee anything lol XD Like when I tell the game to remind me later but I never end up on the home screen so it never reminds me later.

Tbh I am also kinda hoping for Múspell or Lyn, they seemed real pains on the Paralogue maps and it's always good having pains working for you instead of against you XD Today I actually failed in the arena of tier 3 twice in a row, that never happened before... I think. One of them had that colourless Múspell and new LH Ninian. The other one was me being an idiot lol.

But yeah, even if one could argue that timeskip Hilda has matured (in both games), it's still a far cry from ascended I think. Ascended Byleth coming up next amirite? Warriors Byleth let's goooo XD

2 years ago

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I'm not quite sure how long the period of time is that they use to remind you later. I tend to not use it anyway. Most of my home notifications are turned off.

Checking Lyn's skills she seems to be incredibly powerful. Rinkah is also nothing to scoff at, or at least in the current Arena battles. Tier 3? Why are you so low? Or is tier 3 super high? I don't know, I'm stuck between 17-19.. Not sure what I can do to do better either. Even if I sweep the floor with the enemies while taking barely any damage, I don't get more than 700 points..
I did lose one today too (thank heavens for the tactical retreat!) for they had an Askr and a Medeus. Stupid bald dragon stops my canto tactics... Speaking of that, thief Nina and Kagero are so much fun to use. Very happy to have them.

I don't know, it appears they would sooner pick normal heroes for the Ascendant spots, not the lords that also have Legendary versions.. Anyway, Halloween heroes are coming first :)

2 years ago

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I ended up getting both Flame Tribe Lyn and Perfoming Shigure :D I pushed my luck on the Ninian banner though, was hoping to get a Tine and... huh I forgot what I did get, actually. lol. Cause I manual'd it right after. Also I forgot to mention this earlier, I finally got a Lugh! Getting older units can be such a pain cause their banners are usually nothing special and even when you get them they're usually not really much in combat anymore. Especially when units like Ascendant Fjorm hit you in the training tower now XD But I'm still very happy I got him, now Raigh isn't lonely, and they both have the Etrian Odyssey art style which I adore :D

Also for Halloween heroes, the silhouette had me guessing Nils and M!Corrin, and the FEH reddit apparently thinks so as well. They also referred to it as yet another "Dragonween" lol. I mostly went there to see if there were any datamines yet or if too soon. Cause with the announcement of orb pricings changing... I need to know things XD yes I actually read the notifications for a change lol.
(I also saw a screenie of someone owning 855/855 heroes, gratz to that dude!)

RE: stupid bald dragon, I don't use Canto units much, I'm much more annoyed with Myrrh and her Warp Block, cause my Fallen Edelgard and Ash are S-ranked because warping infantry with built-in galeforce is fun! While Myrrh herself still goes down easily enough, it can hamper my strategies occasionally, since I do at times need to protect Ash (not as sturdy as her adoptive dead dad now, is she XD) and warping is good for cutting off attack range as well.

I'm currently on Team Lyn since Múspell lost, but depending on how it goes I find it rather ironic if she loses now that I have to train her for the gauntlet XD

2 years ago

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Ooh, congratulations on that, madam! Your barracks is growing swiftly! Nothing new for me today. And the Halloween heroes are in! All dragons, which is strange and unnecessary, but a duo of lord Duma and mother Mila, that's quite interesting. Going to aim for them and the silver Naga. When I saw her I thought it was another Rhea > -< She does seem to have missed the Fire Tribe festival where she obviously planned to appear :P

I never look at the silhouette if I can help it. Don't want to be spoiled :3 Good thing I didn't read your reply before I saw the video ;)
Yeah that price change sucks. Not that I buy orbs often, but when there's a background or new castle I am tempted to get it. More expensive definitely sucks.. As for that person, they really have way way WAY too much money to spend. Let's rob them!

Askr is ridiculously beefy (barely a pun intended). All heroes have Canto these days, don't they? Well it certainly is helpful for a wimp like me. Now I can actually attack to lure enemies instead of trying to bait them.

I'm still on team Tana-Peony after they beat m-- Laevatein. May the best boob-wrap win~!

2 years ago

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I didn't expect Duma and Mila at all but looks like Reddit was right on the money about Dragonween. And that I was right about Nils and M!Corrin was evident with the pre-TT banner featuring them I suppose. As for me seeing the silhouette, that was kind of a given since the notification about the price change was right there with it. Usually I don't even see silhouettes (or what will be coming up next) cause I never check there. That's why some banners are legit surprises. That's also why it took me a bit to realize CYL6 banner was CYL lol. Was internally complaining about having yet another Tiki, Chrom, and Byleth. All units I like but pls. But yeah then I saw the context lol.

I do agree Canto seems a better strategy than baiting. For some older challenges I had a tough time figuring out bait units because there'd always be that one enemy ending the run but I needed to put someone in the line of fire for them to start engaging... Rip. Usually I ended up using Hector as bait. Brave Hector that is. (Him and Brave Micaiah were the freebies I picked when I started the game, and I went in blind with 0 research cause apparently I shoulda picked Brave Veronica according to starter guides. Although it did say something about re-rolls so maybe I didn't pick them and they were 1 in 4 lotteries. I do not recall XD)

Ngl Boob wraps are awesome but I have no confidence I could pull it off. Or rather, keep it on lol.

2 years ago

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I kept my hand over the silhouette, as I knew it was going to be there. Always have to be cautious with spoilers!
Hehehehe, you really got to keep an eye on the monthly calendar, miss. It gives you pointers on everything! Of course I only check when events start (and log-in bonuses end, that is when I cash them), hence why I missed the window for the Bound Hero Battle with Surtr and Muspell. I'm just dumb.

Brave Hector is a good baiter. Brave Edelgard is even better, in my opinion. Gave her a Warding Stance seal so she can handle pretty much any mage and dragon. Even Monica with her instant Desperation. Of course it doesn't work all the time.. but she's a tank :3
Don't listen to guides, you must do what you want. Go for the heroes you like, not for the heroes people want you to get.

I ehm... I feel like I shouldn't inquire further... but your statement did make me curious.... How comfortable are boob wraps?

Aaaaand Heroes did exactly what I expected it to do. Yaaay, it gave me... LIF AND THRASIR. THAT WAS THE WRONG DUO! And the rest of the pulls I tried today either gave me bronze red heroes or no red options at all. Seriously, fudge this game sometimes... I know it's karma, but still it sucks.

2 years ago

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I legit forgot what I was gonna say originally but... Male Halloween Corrin came home on the first batch, so I can't complain. Also I found a lot of interesting or funny reddit threads for FEH but I know you're not much of a memer... imma link them anyways since I have nobody else to nerd over the game with (short of actually joining reddit I guess lol). Enjoy. If you can.
this might only make sense if you play Pokémon, this is dumb and that's what makes it funny, and this belongs to the previous one, this isn't a meme but a resplendent statistic, Orb Discourse, Orb Discourse part 2: Electric Boogaloo, admit it I found your reddit account and you wrote this

So anyways. Hall of Forms revival. So I can finally get Mamori? XD Also apparently you can merge formas with the same forma (which makes sense) so I wonder if I'll get doubles... kinda depends on my luck with the skills but also I'll probs wanna keep any forma souls for units I don't own. hard to say. my summer helbindi was pretty good but I used the soul for a character I wanted more at the time, so if he comes back, maybe... Ah decisions.

Also someone somewhere suggested the G-man that's after Eir might be using Sharena's body from that timeline where she died which would actually be kinda badass? They suggested her look from that third book graphic though tbf you don't see much of her look there what with her bro and her dead bro fighting in the foreground lol.

As for boob wraps can't tell how comfy they are. I struggle to see how they'd hold better than bras and I break plenty of those. Would be up for trying it out if the opportunity arose, alas with clothes on top first to see if they actually hold lol.

2 years ago

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I would be jealous of you summoning Corrin on the first try, if I didn't get Naga in the first pool. Silver, but that's good enough for me. Oh and I got the dragon duo yesterday! :D I am not complaining at this moment :3
I played Pokémon the same way I play FEH: Use the ones I like, not the ones that are strongest :P
Poor Sumia. She's not THAT clumsy. Felicia is probably worse :P That's pretty art for Annette though..
Not sure what I am looking at there.. but that's pretty stuffs!
That might not be wrong. Not to mention that FEHPass is less expensive there than it is here. We are just screwed..
Nyahaha, now I have lore to my "blue stars don't matter" rhetoric~!
Thank you for nerding out with me :D

I really don't care for the revival. Not only do I already have those heroes, I don't have that many souls, I don't care for Formas and you don't even get any orbs for playing! Boooring!! :P But yes, you can get miss Mamorin.

But if we drag up old book lore, then would that be Sharena or Peony as one might be the other or not or whatever?

Don't worry, I won't be coming over to check their hold :PI can only imagine that they'd be restrictive.. I'm just happy I only have moobs :P

EDIT: Game is back to normal. Plenty of bronze (three today, two? yesterday). I deserve no more though, so that checks out.

2 years ago*

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So I'm an idiot. I got so excited about the new Eir and the Rearmed Grima that I went and sparked. Then I realized I actually should have waited to earn those freebie tickets from forging bonds lol.

Although my pulls were nothing to write home about. Brave Eirika pity-killed me and she was the only regular 5-Star in 40 pulls. I went with Grima because I have a feeling Rearmed heroes are gonna be rarer than ascended. After all ascended can still show up in regular pools. But since I will be earning those tickets I'll orb my way for at least 4 more pools I guess, and hope Eir comes way too. I did get one Ricken along the way too.

Yep that was a waste of orbs lol. Nothing from the banner, not even a second Ricken. Rip.

2 years ago*

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Haha, well that is unfortunate. I'm not going to buy orbs just yet, maybe in a month or so. I'm just hunting for Halloween heroes now. Perhaps a male werewolf dragon. Would be nice. Or a witchy Corrin... She's the last one I don't have of that banner.
--While writing this reply I actually summoned the male werewolf dragon. Nice ^ -^ Now I only lack the new re-armed Grima :P

Ehm.. What was I talking about.. Right. Congrats on getting fun things on your many many summons? Many summons usually lead to many good things? Or at least.. a few good summons? Don't forget to pick up the new customisation goodie! Even though it is now expensive than last time... I guess it's not too terrible....

By the way.. Why Phila? Where's Vaike?! And are they actually forgetting about Kellam? Very funny... At least we have the mustache. He was so important that he even appeared in TMS
^ -^

Oh! And I thought it was funny that in Gregor's first conversation thing he was immediately greeted by Nowi. I paired the two together in my playthrough of Awakening :3

2 years ago*

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Everyone knows that you start a fresh game of FEH with a Kellam in the barracks ever since that feature was introduced. How dare you not notice him.

Man I want Halloween Jakob but I dun wanna sink orbs into it since he's the only one missing from that banner. I still need the Niles and Kagero though. And both banners have a 4S5 rate on seasonal heroes. So for now I'm going for the latter in the hopes of getting Niles from it. But it sure is cruel that they never allow sparks on old banners. Not like old heroes hold up much with all the power creep. If I had a guarantee I could get that +1 I probably would go for a spark, but who wants to risk getting pitybroken for naught XD

Also yeah I think on my first run I paired Nowi and Gregor also. Good stuff. Though kinda funny how they made Gregor russian in the English when there's no such base (or even remotely different speech) in the Japanese original. Or so I was told.

2 years ago

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Why would anyone start fresh with FEH? It's impossible to catch up with anything at that point!

Oh Halloween Niles.. When I tried getting him earlier, last week, the game gave me a silver Tate (Thea)... and a golden Tate. So fun. Pretty sure that's not even the first time that happened. On the other hand I did get the Tiki Ninian duo ^^ No Ilyana again this year however..
What this game really needs, with its million different heroes, are a free boost of the barracks and a re-roll feature on the summoning pools. There's nothing worse than aiming for a hero only to not find their colour in the pool. That's five orbs wasted!

Hmmm. Well I don't know, I liked the way he spoke. Reminded me of Minsc, famous hero of the Forgotten Realms, voiced by legendary Jim Cummings (who also did Disney's Winnie the Pooh in many appearances :3).

So! Ehm. Nothing very interesting to report. Spent too many orbs today, dipped below 100 orbs in reserves again and that might be a while before they're replenished :P Siiiigh. Still no Ilyana. Halloween one of course. No Dozla either. Did get another Lalum, 4 star special..

2 years ago

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So nothing to write home about. XD Same as you. But also I was so busy with work. Where even did my time go. Hope you've been fairing well.

2 years ago

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Hey hey.

So important! You must be a very important employee to be so busy! I have nothing to report either. Three more bronze summons today. So generous. Due to lack of heroes to train I finally picked up the free Brave Tiki. Never got that Niles either.

EDIT: Nope. No (ooh ohh) Witchy Corrin. Spend 19 orbs, 10 of those were wasted on opening a pool without a blue option. Sometimes....

2 years ago*

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Yeah I didn't go about wasting more orbs on Asc!Eir banner... or the double special one, because I kept getting pity hit with stuff I didn't want lol. Meanwhile, and this may surprise you, 35 summons on the Arval banner so far and not a single 5-Star, not even a 4-Star special one, haha. So I'm very curious if I'm gonna hit a reset and summon a banner unit before sparking.

And since the Gauntlet is on again... who ya sidin with? I've been with Finn, who is, ironically, the only loyal retainer I do in fact not own from the bunch. XD He was doing so good in Round 1 I struggled to get any good multiplier sessions, but it's a close call for Round 2 it would seem.

2 years ago

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Nothing for me on the Arval banner either. Not that I really tried. Nothing on the double heroes banner either. Not for lack of trying mind you. That's just how life is, huh? This is my down-time... But Christmas season is usually not too bad. New Year is the bad one. Ups and downs. Percentage has nothing to do with anything.

Unfortunately for you, I am on dame Selena's team. I don't have her (either forms), but I've always admired her and regretted that she is not a hero you can recruit in her game. So, I apologise that we are up against one another already. No hard feelings on either side when one wins, I hope?

2 years ago

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Well, as you know, Finn lost, and I actually joined Selena's team before reading this lol. Not that I hate Hubert but I preferred her XD

So, Eitri stole the thunder on the final summon pool for the Arval banner, and I used my spark on him. What a waste of 11,50% chance accumulated eh?

Also, I admit I groaned a bit when I saw Camilla on a pre-TT banner (her having alts is a meme alright) but I am nonetheless intrigued by the theme. Wyvern ninjas XD Not that we haven't had any before, but now all the TT units are, apparently XD Pairing Fjorm and Laegjarn was a nice touch, too.

2 years ago

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Death to the dark mage!! Hehe, we'll see we'll see. Strange how he was more popular than Wolf..

Wait, Arval is male? How strange. Or did you mean Eitri? I thought Eitri was female in this game (something that doesn't stroke with mythology..). I decided to spend four orbs extra to check a second blue orb on the double heroes banner and was rewarded an Owain that I didn't have yet. Fun fun.

I too groaned when I watched the video (which I always do before playing the game, or try to do anyway) and saw Camilla pop up in yet another outfit that she forgot to complete. Is it so hard to find an outfit that covers her chest? I mean.. Lyn can do it. Heck, Sharena can do it (and something is definitely wrong with her bunny outfit :P).
The Laegjarn and Fjorm duo is definitely my aim. Gotta catch all the Fjorms after all! Cherche looks cute too though. Let's see how this goes. You'll get them before me, no doubt.

2 years ago

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I mean Hubert was rocking the Emo look in the warriors spinoff so maybe that got him some more fans XD Or simply the fact that he's from (two) newer games than Wolf.

Well Arval could pass as genderless I suppose, he sounds like a boy so in my head he's a boi. Could go either way. What I meant was I had high hopes after 35 summons with not a single 5-Star and then Eitri (yes, her) went and stole that 11,50%. So I was back to starting odds when I hit the spark and got Arval.

No guarantee I'll get anything before you do on the wyvern ninjas though, just look at how crappy my luck was on Arval's banner. And mythic banners always have a pretty high chance to get anything remotely good XD

2 years ago

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But Wolf is much cooler.. I do hope Engage won't be as overhyped as the 3Hs were.. So that we don't have to vote for the very meme-able granddaughter of the opposing king's neighbour..

Well ehm.. Congratulations on getting those mythic heroes at least? At least you can plow through the Arena with your Arval. Of all the bonus heroes I only have Anna and Cervantes, so both aren't great. There go my chances of reaching rank 19 again. Was nice to get there with the Shezes season and Halloween heroes. Back to 17 for me...

We could make a bet out of this. Of course a four-star Heath doesn't count, he's easier, but five-star does. What do you want to wager? :P

2 years ago

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Remember kids, gambling is good for you! I don't do bets though XD I did however get Heath! And Ascended Ishtar for some reason. Gotta gather more orbs before I keep going.

Also I never use bonus heroes in Arena, I always use the same team. I have pondered switching it up but we shall see. I mean the Power Creep assures that the old eventually has to go, but for now I win most of my bouts with them. Certain units are troublesome but unless the enemy has several of them or I play like an idiot, I manage XD

2 years ago

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Of course. Of course you get a ninja on your first-ish try. Meanwhile I only got three bronze and a silver hero today. Super lucky. And that is not counting the bronze Sedgar from that GHB quest. Oh well, this is life. Too bad we didn't place a bet on this because I knew I'd win :P

So you're saying my heroes aren't good enough, eh? What tier are you then? 47?

And I like your new Switch icon. I figured YOU would go for the shark prince :P

EDIT: What the f is that second storyline in the Tempest Trials? This is a ninja festival! Why are we looking to get wyvern Minerva knocked up?

2 years ago*

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But didn't you know, trying to get a mate for Minerva is a very important part of Cherche's support conversations! XD

Also I never said your heroes were bad. If anything I'm pretty sure you rank higher than me in most seasons. I usually go up and down the 17-18 threshold. I mostly care about not losing my arena duels but that doesn't mean I rank high lol. Same for Aether Raids.

And yes of course I had to go shark prince. I was shark princess before. Shame that they took the pic from the first encounter though, the rain makes the scene look very washed out. He doesn't get to fully shine!

2 years ago

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I may have overlooked that. I don't need sex in my Fire Emblem.

Hmm. So we both swing between 17 and 18? Then how do people get higher ranks? One can only get so many points per battle after all! As for Aether Raids I think I'm at 19, but I care too little about that mode to remember.

I agree! He looks fine and all, but it would have been better if we had seen him grin in the sunlight. And what do you mean you were a shark princess? As your icon, you mean? I forgot XD Were you Mipha? She's not a shark. Only Sidon has those teeth! :P

No summons for me yet. So far I haven't even had the opportunity to get the ninja duo.. Come on, game, Laevatein wants to be with her sister!

EDIT: Still no ninja. An Erinys tossed my percentage back to 3% the other day and I've got my second wrong Cherche today. Nice.... At least I didn't have Erinys yet.

EDIT2: About 30 summons in, still no ninja. No, a Gatekeeper is what they give me, but no new ninjas.. Let's hope my luck turns for Christmas...

2 years ago*

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Sorry to leave you hanging for so long, work appears to be moving from figuratively to literally killing me. We'll see what comes first, burnout, breakdown, or the classic cold.

I've not been lucky with ninjas, I mean my Heath was the 4-Star kind so the spark was my only salvation.

Did you get the new background or were you like nah?

RE: Sidon, considering he is a shark, he's double the fun in R34 art, lol. So no surprise he's popular. I just said Shark princess to Mipha for fun though. Could you imagine if she had those shiny teeth? :D

2 years ago

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No need to apologise, madam. It is fine :) You take care of your own health in the meantime. We don't want to lose you due to work!

At least you have that Heath. Still nothing for me at the moment. It is what it is. So weird that some periods I have many heroes to train and others, like now, I barely have anything. Matthis is almost done and then.. I got nothing again...

I'm a sucker for cosmetics like that. I may not use them, but yes I too fork over 11 EUROS to have them..

Ehm.. How exactly would it make him more fun in R34 art because he's a shark? And why would YOU know about that, miss zero sexual interest? :P
I think that if Mipha had such teeth she wouldn't have ben Link's girlfriend :P That Link.. always falling for the fish ladies..

2 years ago

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You misunderstand. I am interested in sex. Very much so. But not in having it myself. It is a fascinating topic indeed for me, with zero libido.
(And sharks have dual penises, now you know. You're welcome.)

And if Link can fall for toothy prince then surely toothy princess would work too! She just has to be real careful... XD

But yeah, I have periods with lots of peeps to train and then droughts because nobody new coming home XD occasionally I get a better IV unit so I can train them, but putting them in a team with like a 2018 unit or something stacks odds that they will get all the XP and SP on any map, so I try to balance teams in that sense. Alas XD
But also they had us do 3 stamina-using events at once wtf FEH. TT, FB and HJ. I mean I have my share of potions but honestly that always sucks. They could have run PoL then and HJ now, or something.

2 years ago

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I'm sorry for misunderstanding. So you would enjoy watching Sidon in action, but wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his passion? XD
That does sound a little like you're more of a gray ace than a plain one. Nothing wrong with that. I'm wondering if I should inquire further, for it might help me affirm my own place on the rainbow, but at the same time I wouldn't want to intrude on your private matters..

He'd only fall for a toothy prince in your dirty fanfics! And how can she be a kind healer when she can't even kiss her boyfriend without risking a bloody lip on his end?

See? This game works with waves. It has nothing to do with luck or percentages. And normally the focus ones have a higher chance of appearing too, when compared to getting non-focus goldens. And I usually get a lot of bronze on Legendary/Mythic banners, where golden heroes have the highest chance of appearing.. Still nothing to train on my end...
Well TT only cost me 30-45 stamina per day so that wasn't too bad. And I have over 1400 potions, sooooo.. I'm good XD

2 years ago

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I don't know if enjoy is the right word. I mean I get no sexual gratification either way, neither in watching nor partaking. I am just as fascinated by sex as a microbiologist is by the life-cycle of a cell or bacteria. (Not to say there aren't kinky MBs but you see what I mean.)

Granted there is always the question whether one day I would find something, or someone, that tickles my fancy enough to have me go through libido, but such a thing has not occurred. And yes there are nuances, it's not like being ace doesn't mean you can't find anyone sexy. But the act itself frankly grosses me the fuck out. It's tolerable when drawn or animated because it meets a certain aesthetic, but you wouldn't catch me watching regular porn on the daily. Sometimes I look at still frames because I'm curious about how well the anatomy in the art matches up, but no, real people are still hella disgusting down there lol.

I don't know if that helps you any though lol. I'm curious about sex, just not about having it. I'm not turned on by anything (thus far, but the search continues). I like listening to a particularly sexually active friend about their adventures because it is a world so foreign to me, and they like telling me because I don't judge or lech over what they have to say.

I don't read fanfics, takes too long, that's what smut pics are for! Also of course she can be a kind healer with sharkteeth, even if most of her heals are for wounds she inflicted lmao. I imagine someone could be into that.


Nothing spent yet because I am awaiting a paycheck but alas.

2 years ago

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First off, I want to thank you for writing out your view on sexuality. Actually, it does help. You do point out that it might happen for you someday that you might change your opinion, but you still stick to the asexual moniker.

Since you were so open and honest with me, I feel it's only fair I do the same. I think the biggest reason for me that I worry about labeling myself as gray ace (definitely less asexual than you are, but maybe not even by much, reading your story) is that I don't have the experience to base a judgement on. Yes, you are talking to a 30 year-old virgin. They exist.

So while our situations might not be exactly the same, I feel they are similar enough. I too don't care too much about actual sex (though probably more than you, because I do get turned on) and have always liked drawn art more. Because come on.. The Japanese manga art-style is SO much prettier than the real thing :P

So yeah.. maybe I really am a gray ace ^ -^ Thank you again, Kijame. Of course this doesn't remove all my doubts, but it at least helped put things a little bit into a perspective. One thing doesn't exclude the other, right? :)

Okay I don't know how I managed to move this conversation from a FEH-centered talk to Sex Ed 101 so let's change the topic (although you are free to ask me anything if you had any questions.)!
I actually got my first ninja wyvern today (from this year)~! Cherche! And the game had only given me two regular ones before dropping the ninja variety (three, but the third one was on a different banner, so that didn't count). Woop!
Don't overspend! Black Friday deals are usually not all that great, plus you got five first free summon tickets for free already! :D

RE: Mipha. You totally made me picture a cute image where shark-teeth Mipha had to heal Link, all blushing and apologetic, for accidentally biting him in the shoulder again. I guess it does make for a cute image ^^

2 years ago

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Well. If you wanna get real technical. I don't have any experience that I would remember, so I consider myself part of the V-Club, but allegedly (I say allegedly because there is a strong case for it but I have aforementioned 0 memory) I did have my first sexual experience when I was younger than 6.

I get the True Ace Erasure (TM) experience of people telling me I just haven't found the right guy yet etc. Then when they find out about that latter part, they reckon that must be the reason so I'm not really ace, I'm 'just' traumatized. Either case usually involves the implication that I can be 'fixed' or 'cured' from this oh so unnatural aceness. It's like, people more or less accept homosexuality is a thing (sin or not), but the concept of ace eludes their brains.

So idek what to tell you lol. I'm not denying that such potential happenstance could be in part to 'blame' for my fond dislike for personal involvement, but if it was that alone I reckon I would also not really be talking about this stuff as much? My mum always says me talking about it means I'm not ace. But I think it makes even more sense that I talk about it being ace. XD We will probs never see eye to eye on that, but at least, regardless of how much she wants me to give her grandkids, she doesn't add any additional pressures.

I suppose I digress though. I don't mind your curiosities, I welcome them. And I always find it easier to discuss stuff that's deeply personal with random strangers, where if it turns out wrong I can block and move on, as opposed to irl that I am bound to cross paths with again whether I want to or not. Because... people change when you tell them certain things. They may not notice it, it may be very subtle, but it's always there. Some truths just do affect the listener. And I don't hate them for it, but one thing I will not stand for is pity or being considered a victim or anything like that. So I avoid getting too detailed with people whom I know irl unless I really, really, really, really feel like they can properly deal with that information. And even then it's a gamble.

And hey it's okay to branch out. It doesn't always have to be FEH lmao. Or we might run out of stuff to talk again sometime XD

Mipha is cute, sharkteeth or not. I can imagine her accidentally biting her own tongue over getting shy too, heh.

EDIT: I was told that if you hit 30 being a virgin you earn wizard status. Any cool powers yet?

2 years ago

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I don't.. know how to respond to this. I don't want to show any change, but I think such a change is inevitable when you care about someone. And while I may just be some stranger on the internet as you somewhat put it (though that may not have applied to me per se), that doesn't mean I don't care.

That.. happenstance as you call it, it may have influenced how you think of these things or it may not have. It might even be the cause of your interest in the subject as is, but it also might not. It's just impossible to say how a life would have been with or without certain things happening (I mean in general). So I guess, in the end.. we shouldn't worry about it too much? You are who you are and that's Kijame, the Sidon-doting asexual. No need to be cured, even if that were possible :)

I'm very sorry if I gave you the feeling that I pitied you or said something in a rude way. Those were not my intentions. You are definitely free to block me (don't forget to unfriend me on Switch in that case!) if if I displayed behaviour you don't like. Though if you do not block me, I do hope you still feel free enough to discuss whatever comes to mind. I tend to try my best to not judge.

Regarding our branching topics, you are right about that. Just having a chat about other things can be fun too! I'm not a great conversationalist and I don't have great social skills, but if the topics are interesting I do try to join in. And if I'm really into something, I ramble. A lot >///>

Hehe, yeah I guess you are right. Mipha IS cute. I do think Medli is a cuter Zora(-evolved) though :P

snickers Was that a serious edit? One: No. Two: That would be cruel of nature. No "normal" person could reach that. Three: One can only get wizard status after being invited to Hogwarts when they're 11. Four: Wouldn't that mean you have wizard powers too? pokepoke

2 years ago

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No need to pretend or respond or acknowledge, all good, lol. I don't really have any emotional attachment either way for lack of memory. Though it explains a lot which is why I am inclined to believe the theories are canon.

But no you didn't make me feel pitied, I just wanted to explain that that's the kind of stuff that will annoy me even if it can't be helped sometimes lol. Sidon-sexual Kija forgives you if you need forgiveness, and if not then I won't kinkshame you either :D

Also holy crap I dunno if I should be happy or sad that I don't need anything from the ascendant banner? Was hoping Celica would be on there but she's with Embla and Vero instead XD

And how would it be cruel, normal people can't be wizards. (un)natural selection? XD And maybe, maybe I would even be a saaage.

2 years ago

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I am glad that I didn't upset you or annoy you. I am a social moron at times, especially while writing as it's easier to express myself than it would be while actually talking. So I could easily have said something that would not have sat well with you.

There may be something to it or there may not be. It's not like one needs to have a psychological trauma in order to become asexual. Because then it could be cured, maybe. In any case, I tend not to shame people for their kinks, even if they're not things I could get behind (seriously, what well-thinking adult would want to walk around in a diaper all day? But.. good for them, I guess?). And if you were referring to the Medli thing, that wasn't a kink you dolt :P

You don't need anything from that banner? I think I have only three things from there. Sometimes life is just not fair :P Oh I do have a (silver) Heath now by the way. Still no Laegjarn / Fjorm though... Only a week left > -<

Well, you are quite wise, madam. So yeah, maybe you ARE a sage. I'm just me. Nothing special. And I think it would be cruel of nature that people who do have sex can't be wizards. I bet there are a ton that would love to be one!

EDIT: Seriously... Now I have everyone from the new ninja banner.. EXCEPT Laegjarn and Fjorm! Yay Camilla though?
EDIT2: Still no duo.. but I did get one of the few heroes I didn't have from that double hero banner: SummerEirika. Fun! Still betting on either of the summer duos to be our free Voting Gauntlet winner reward this year.
EDIT3: Sorry for editing this thing again, making it longer and longer.. But ehm.. I spent a few more orbs than I planned today (going down to 80 instead of 9X) but it was worth it. I finally got the Flame and Frost duo! Now I just hope my assumptions were correct of the free hero we'll be getting from the Voting Gauntlet. Would suck if we got another ninja duo as a reward... Didn't go for Igrene anymore though. Next year perhaps..

2 years ago*

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So the ninja banner was, personally, a bust. If it wasn't for the spark I wouldn't have a single 5-star from it. I even tossed extra orbs on it but people like Neimi kept pushing me back down in % lol. I wanted Cherche ;w;

And yes I'm the ace-sage, bow to meeeeeee. Also this week is one hell of a ride and I had like 3 hours of sleep max last night.

I got Summer!Eirika from the banner too! She was a spark but she was the last one I needed.

All my gauntlet teams lost until I got to Shamir. I couldn't allow Camilla to win. (I don't hate her but like pls.)

So, arena tickets huh? Mine got me a Reinhardt.

Also I got Veronica! And Asc!Celica! So I could use my Spark on Embla. Still need Micaiah from that banner but Embla seemed more important.

Also also holy crap Hans GHB. Even on just Hard difficulty he can 1HKO any of my Fellgards if he got the buff from not having an ally. I definitely had to strategize a bit more. Which I appreciate but it did catch me by surprise lol.

Also also also. I didn't even realize initially that the new Book started with Chapter 13 while I did the tasks for it (I totally dig it though, makes sense that a time related plot has us do stuff out of order). Once I realized Chapter 5 was the second one I was like ooooh. And I also totally dig the golden orochi look of our new 'villainess'. And Seidr has no sense of orientation and thinks she met us when she was younger huh... Getting Lyn misses Mark vibes on the latter lmao. Still I don't mind her being a goddess and a bit of a ditz. It's a bit like Ash being slow sometimes, but different. Idk. Words. I had no sleep. xD

2 years ago

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Oh noo, you got Neimi, I feel so bad for you! :P
In all fairness though, I know how it feels when you can't get that one hero you coveted, so.. I feel for you, honest. You'll get your Cherche someday! Maybe from the guaranteed golden special hero summon thing!

That.. is not a lot of sleep. I'm sorry you felt forced to respond to this message despite your lack of time for yourself.. Hope you're doing well all things considered, ma'am!

What exactly do you mean with spark by the way? Like.. the 40th free summon hero? Did you really toss 40 summons into that banner? And congrats on getting Eirika. She's not super powerful or anything, but Eirika is always pretty.

Oh, right, those are a thing now, aren't they? Sorry, I always do my battles on Monday, but I'll let you know what falls out of my ticket. I thought there was a special banner for them?

Oooh, lucky lucky! I decided to only do a free summon today, save up on orbs a little to get back toward that 100 mark. Plus with the ninja duo, little Takumi with the strange face, Scyther and Hanz I have plenty to train anyway :P

Thanks for the heads-up, I hadn't tried him yet. Wonder if he could take down my chibi Ike duo...

If you had watched the Feh Channel update, you would have known we started on Chapter 13 ;) And honestly, it sounds very samesy to the previous chapters again. There's a big evil approaching that we cannot defeat, we need to meet up with a god that is going to help us (and mark my words, subsequently die), then we fight the big evil and we're done for now. Her design is awesome though and she should indeed not be able to die.. but that would be lame for a game like this so of course we'll find a way to freeze her in time long enough to take her down. It's just going to take a Veronica to do so, I wager.
And honestly, Seidr thinking she knows Kiran is pretty much exactly the same as Peony knowing Sharena.. Is it really necessary to give us the same book over and over with a new skin? shrugs

Sleep well! Sorry for this wall of text > 3>

2 years ago

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I didn't feel forced to do anything, I just feel bad when it's been a while because before you know it, it'll be two weeks, and the more time passes the worse I get about replying lol.

With spark I mean 40 summons, yes. Apparently it's FEH reddit lingo to call it a spark when you do the 40 summons to claim a freebie.

I don't watch any FEH channel updates, the only thing I "spoiler" myself on is the previews of upcoming resplendent heroes. XD

So anyways. I was happy when I got a Seidr from the banner, even though I already have one, since the one you get as reward is always neutral. Except... the one I got from the summons was neutral too. Rude lol. I got a Sain (and holy crap he's kind of a beast even with just his basekit?) and Dwyer though. Will use my spark for Ophelia.

I haven't used any of my tickets yet, I mean I will use them when the time comes but I had been pondering whether to bother sparking or not. I reckon I won't since I won't have the money for orbs in time, probably. lol.

I also had decent luck on the Embla/Veronica banner, I actually got the princess, and I got Asc!Celica I still needed. So I used the spark for Embla. Was tempted to keep going because I still need that Micaiah, but decided to focus on the other banners first. So we shall see how that goes.

Also, how do you feel about being able to 'forma' people's units from Binding Worlds? And also I wonder what the range is for can and can't. I suppose for certain rare things it makes sense that you can't, but still XD

2 years ago

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Haha, well if you really feel too bad about replying, just toss a funny gif as a reply. I'd understand that it became too much and it's time for a reboot :3

Hmm, I see. I don't do Reddit stuff... and I don't have Feh Pass... so I'm unaware of words~! Bit strange to call it a spark, in my opinion. I don't feel it fits the meaning well enough.. And Feh Channel videos are interesting! Watch them more often ^^

Sain is a beast indeed. He basically has a built-in dance-on-himself ability. He's quite powerful ^^ And as much as I hate Camilla, I have to admit that ninja Camilla is very powerful too. Mine is flawless, because of course, but her Res is high enough that she Vantages most anyone. Congrats on your summons :3

Speaking of tickets, I used my Arena ticket that I got today and was given a female Kana for a change. Neat!

I actually got something from the MythicLegendary banner too for a change. Embla appeared to me yesterday! Now if only I could get Caeda... We shall see! Since there are no Christmas heroes yet, I don't have to toss orbs at that yet either.

I feel about that the same as I feel about Hall of Fjorms: Blue stars don't matter :P Well, they don't mater to me anyway. But go right ahead and yoink all those powerful heroes your friends have made!

2 years ago

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It's my cakeday and I only discovered a day or two ago that the next AHR is on... good thing we can still vote for past days? Yay fancy wallpapers? Though, while I think they looked okay in the Engaged previes, on the wallpaper they look kinda flat lol.

2 years ago

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Happy cakeday! I don't quite see how that is something special, but people like to make a big deal out of it for some reason..
As for the wallpapers, they're alright yes. Leif doesn't quite look like Leif in my opinion, but that is just me.

Soo.. another new Cordelia already eh? First Caeldori and now her alter ego? I wonder what's up with that. I wonder what's up with the banner anyway. It seems so random.. Pairing Cordelia and Selena up is a decent choice, but why add to that another costume Dorothea (we still don't have a regular one), an Anette (so two Three Housopes), Brunorias and... the Black Knight? Why the Black Knight? I think that literally anyone from PoR/RD would have been a better choice. Heck, Zelgius would have been a better choice, with his bright red armour! I don't get it, it's such a strange mix...

See, you don't even have to write a reply for me to ramble! :D

2 years ago

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I gotta admit, following the Black Knight's Party Prep is kinda fun. Coincidentally, I actually got him from the banner. That was a surprise and a half. But yes I am very much enjoying the holiday shenanigans.

Speaking of FEH related but not in the app stuff, that looks of the 'Emblems' featuring in Engage aside, I really look forward to the game, haha. Even if it's still a month till release. Rumour has it that this was originally intended as the anniversary game which is why it's so over the top cray cray and that would make a lot of sense. But covid and stuff, delays... Still, very very much looking forward to it. Especially the Tamer class. Riding a wolf into battle? Hell yeah! Nailah might protest though lol.

2 years ago

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Well all Feh things are not going my way at all at the moment. No wait, that's not true, I mustn't tell lies. I got a random evil Julia yesterday on the Christmas banner and a Hilda today for my Arena ticket, both heroes I didn't have. Okay, that is all. Now, everything is going all the wrong ways!
I haven't gotten a Christmas hero yet (of course you do, congratulations), I missed the last customisation orb pack thing so now I'm forever missing something and I was so distracted by all the things that I didn't play that mode I keep forgetting its name off on all its days so now I won't get the final two orbs! Bleh!
Oh and.. I don't watch those Black Knight videos.. Can't say I really care too much.. Maybe I'll do so later but.. eh. He doesn't belong there anyway. Zelgius maybe, Black Knight no.

A-And I don't keep up with Engage things to avoid spoilers, soooo.. SHUUUSH :P What is dumb though is that the Ike present in Engage is clearly RD Ike, so that's two heroes from RD and none from PoR. So rude.

EDIT: Just for fun I decided to do it your way again, the summons, getting all five orbs in a pool. Nothing though, just a 4-star special Luke (for the xxth time..). Oh wells.
EDIT2: I'm on a many-many-bronze period again...
EDIT3: 36 summons in, still no Christmas heroes (none from the other banners either). Yuri did pop up yesterday to knock my chance down a percent, because why not.

2 years ago*

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Yee so guess who accidentally used 5 orbs on a banner that they already used up the freebies on... accidentally went one more to the side than I planned and then autobot took over lol. and of course it was definitely not worth it.

I still haven't summoned on Shez nor have I finished the current Xmas banner because ugh December had a hole in my wallet lol. I should get paid this week though so I can spend more frivolously, yay?

And what do you mean, Engage spoilers. Official trailers are fine, nothing I mention is datamined XD

2 years ago

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Trailers are also bad spoilers! >: |

Oh no, you actually spent too many orbs on a banner you didn't need? That's so unfortunate! Orbs are expensive, you should be more careful. Even the manga knows how important they are!

By the way, why are Nowi and Nah bonus heroes for the upcoming TT? Luckily enough I pulled Nah from that banner for the TT. But no Shez for me either. Bit weird that those long swords are daggers and blue...

Still nothing Christmas, from any banner... I wonder if it will happen at all this year, aside from the free hero I should be able to pick at 40 summons because I think the Feh Pass restriction doesn't apply to this one Christmas banner or something. And if not.. then at all at all.

EDIT: 40 summons and not a single Christmas hero. But I did get to pick one, what you always get to do. Spark you called it? Well I got the duo, that was the most fun-looking one after all.

2 years ago*

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Trailers aren't spoilers, they're official!

And I think the two dragon girls are in TT because there's gonna be a second NY banner... maybe? I mean last year we had two sets too, right? I think? Or maybe I'm confusing repeat banners lol. I'm sure there is some reason or other. Though I was surprised too.

I got the duo with my spark also. But yay, Black Knight won the gauntlet! Did legit not expect lol.

EDIT: oh and this is just me theorizing, but I think lorewise Shez' Asura blade could count as dagger because she can summon it any time she wants outta nowhere? though technically it disappears when she lets go of it, so it wouldn't really work for distanced combat. more like touching someone's chest and then bam, blade from palms stabs them lol. so perhaps it's less about distance and more about sneak potential?

2 years ago

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No matter! I don't check the trailers and stuff, I want to go in as blind as possible... but preferably with a recruitment guide > 3>

No, I don't think we got two New Year banners last year... But maybe I am mistaken. Who knows! This year is year of the bunny, so of course we get Panne and Yarne. Last year was tiger, so we got cats? Hmm. We need more animals.

Grrr, the duo should have won the gauntlet. They're so cute together! And Cordelia is a little clueless.. I mean.. Selena looks exactly like the Severas already present, come on! Oh, but but BUT! I got my first actual Christmas hero this year! And.. last year... This season I mean. And it's... Frosty Shut-in Bernadetta~! Woop woop, one more banner cleared ^ -^

Hmmm. That is interesting thinking. But that would also mean that Heroes messed something up again.. And we all know that can't be right. Heroes does everything right! :P

EDIT: Finally. After 49 summons (if I recall the number correctly, I already closed the game) I get my first non-spark Christmas hero from the new banner: The Black Knight. So now I have that one too~! Who's your main focus for the the New Year banner?

EDIT2: Semi-lucky today it seems. Neat. Snagged up the silvers from the Christmas banner of 2022 AND of the Khadein banner today, Annette and Byleth. I can't train up the latter before the Tempest Trials.. but I might swap him in later..

2 years ago*

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