
Today is my birthday and I'm definitely not happy about that.
Like every year, I turned off my phone and I'll try to be as quiet as a dead mouse, but like every year, I smell a trap and I'm sure someone will come and drag me at the restaurant, even if it's well-known that I hate restaurants. "Hey, today is your day, let's do something you don't want to do, it will be fun, for me/us at least !". Yeyyy.
Please, if you are merciful, finish me.

It's a bad day for me, so here are meh-to-bad games for you ! :3

I wish you success in your endeavor to avoid it :)

hint: next year be out of town

6 years ago

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Or next year I'll be brave enough to say "No, leave me alooone".
Is it weird to dislike to eat in public ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks for the wishlisted game :)

6 years ago

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You are welcome Twice as much of good luck for you !

6 years ago

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I like HOGs so it's not a meh game for me ;) I hope your day will pass pleasantly enough for YOU. I had a rather heated discussion about similar situation for my birthday so I know a little bit how you feel hug

6 years ago

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Awww, hug to you too :3
It's all good, I successfully avoided everyone and it's almost midnight now. Peace at last this year. I wish I was able to say "No" like you did. I'm such a pushover...

I tried a couple of HOG, I still don't get the point :/ But hey, to each his own, even his very mysterious and confusing own. Good luck !

6 years ago

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Yay to you!

I said no but it helped me little... Just aggravated the situation xD Now, I just try to look at the good side of it so I'm only a little stressed but not unhappy or unfriendly and for me, it helped me deal with it. After all, I know they wanted to show they cared for me...

And the point of HOGs? To relax and get sharper sight ;) You might try Adam Wolfe one, it's not a typical HOG (not many scenes for it) but it might get you into the genre ;)

6 years ago

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Family and friends, yey...

It's bundled a lot, I might try one day. I don't mind the gameplay (find some items in a shitload of things). The thing is the HOG games I played (I can't remember which ones) were sooo stupid. Little to no scenario, and WTF scenes with things like oversized digital prints next to a bat with a clover tattoo in a violin. With a decent scenario and better scenes, I think I could really like these games.

6 years ago

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My favourite dev is Artifex Mundi. They make mostly candy sweet graphics HOGs (which I like, and for me, the 'fairytales' style is one of the best suiting for HOGs) but might not be your thing. That's why I suggested Adam Wolfe, that I won here and play right now.

But I played some HOGs that were mostly just scenes with little connection between them and the story (or dialogues) were sometimes facepalm worthy. Still, I enjoyed them as not-entirely-mindless entertainment :D

6 years ago

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No fairytale for the ones I played. I remember a murder in a castle for one, a treasure quest for another (the one given for free on Origin), and something underwater (might be the Origin game or a third one, I don't remember). They were meh to very bad :(

6 years ago

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Heh, I've never seen free Origin HOGs xD Unfortunately or not ;) those stories don't ring any bells for me. You might want to try some of the HOGs from the current Fanatical bundle Dollar Viva. I won HOGs from it but I'm too busy playing AW hehe. But I've heard a lot of them are rather good (I played one that had mixed reviews but it was 'not bad' for me, been a while since I played it so I don't remember my impression much).

6 years ago

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Alright, I checked, and indeed Adam Wolfe looks WAY better than the pieces of garbage I played.
It's pretty beautiful, it has a story, and the scenes makes sense.
For now my backlog is more than full, but I saw on SteamTrades an offer for Adam Wolfe 1-4 + the other games (all garbage, all GA then) for a previous IndieGala bundle, for 1 CS:GO key, which is alright. I might take it soon or later.

I played Amazing Adventures: The Caribbean Secret (it was free on Origin), and it has scenes like this, which are still alright (the size of this raspberry though...), but definitely not beautiful.
And I also played a couple of BigFish HOG, and they are awful, with a new one probably each day. The quality is really, really low.

6 years ago*

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Good luck with Adam Wolfe! :)

6 years ago

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