Please check out all of my giveaways and enter as many as you'd like! ^_^
146 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by trenggono
113 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Adamdoodles
105 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Smectik
255 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by ThePaladin
1,209 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by MeguminShiro
47 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by yush88
288 Comments - Last post 14 hours ago by devonrv
69 Comments - Last post 24 seconds ago by Shanti
8 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by RePlayBe
70 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Shanti
17,421 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Agaster
258 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Keepitup
49 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Kingsajz
820 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by afa1425
Thanks, GL all
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the giveaway <3
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Thank you!
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thank uu my good sir
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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^
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Thank you:)
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thanks for creating GAs.
I seen you long description in this GA:
Because you do your GAs with level 0 a lot of autojoiners joins in (sg is, sadly, infested with them) of course without to read the description (only around 10 - 15% of the sg accounts read descriptions -a bunch of people, i am too, made multple tests with all around the same percentage results-).
Because of this it will be "luck" to get a winner that accept your friend request and don't own the games.
Maybe think about a min. level requirement for your public GAs, it would be sad to feed the autojoiners with your games.
The majority of the active level 0 and 1 accounts are, sadly, autojoiners, multiaccounters and accounts with unactivated wins.
You can check accounts/your winners with:
If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.
Infos and tests, made from other users: (The interesting stats) (public GA, Entries: 2,038) (invite only GA that was posted in the description of the public one, Entries: 63) (public GA, lvl 4, Entries: 167) (invite only GA that was posted in the description of the public one, lvl 4, Entries: 6) (public GA, lvl 0, 9338) (invite only GA that was posted, as link, in the description of the public one, lvl 0, Entries: 1338)
Have a great week
Ps.: Nearly all comments above are from autojoiners that activated the, integrated, thanks script (They write a thanks message and the script copy it in all GAs that the autojoiner enter).
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You're very sweet, looking out for me. I'm not sure why you chose this particular giveaway to leave a comment on instead of any of my active ones, but thank you for the resources. I'm still very firm in my decision not to restrict my giveaways, but it is always interesting to see statistics and whatnot. Since you seem so interested in statistics, here are a few of mine:
As of this comment, I have 168 "received" gifts and only one "not received." Of those received gifts, I have checked the winners afterwards and the games are almost always shown as activated on their accounts (a handful, maybe five or six, have had private profiles so I couldn't verify, and I don't know of any way to verify what DLC's are owned). Two of those "received" gifts were initially marked as "not received" and I was successfully able to contact the winners and help them troubleshoot so that they could update to "received." I've recently started doing more bundle giveaways, and of the ones that have ended, all of the winners have accepted my friend request in order to receive their additional content. I've had at least three people add me as friends thanks to my giveaways, and at least one of them is a friend I talk to almost every day now.
I've also had at least two other people tell me I should restrict my giveaways. I'm still not going to, and my reasons make sense to me. Maybe this doesn't mean a lot to you, being as you've been here much longer and participated in far more giveaways than I have, but your way works for you, my way works for me.
Thank you again for the information. Good luck to you in your future entries!
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I try to help and inform a few people.
What you do with the information and after it with your GAs, is of course your decission and must fit for you. Because of this fact i used "Maybe think about.." and not "do XYZ" :-D.
In general i am happy that you made mostly good experiences, this is far from common lately.
If a winner have a private profile you could demand that he accept your friend request to check if he owns the game.
The ones that want to hide that they already owned the game BEFORE they won it will come along with sentences like "i don't like your attitude, you can reroll the win" or "i seen now that i already own the game, sorry, you can reroll" (both cases are 1:1 examples that 2 other gifters that i know had in the last week and in both cases got the winner suspended after a report because they had unactivated wins).
I instead recommend to send a reroll ticket in the case of a winner with a private profile, because the private profile is a very known and often used trick to hide that they already own the games they enter/win and without a high risk for them because not much let the support check them. The sg support can check if they have not activated wins (i assume from the backup of each week when a private profile must be set to public for synching). This way the bad guys get a suspension and the nice ones get their wins fast + you don't have the work with writing "please add me to your friendlist/accept my friend request" and checking it by yourself (if the owned game stats are visible -some hide them for friends too-).
You can only check this when you are a steam friend of the winner.
In that case you can o to the steam store page of the DLC and see there which friend owns it (or you try to gift it to this friend and see than a note if he own/don't own it).
As far as i know it give no other way to check it.
It isn't important what your "handling" mean for me, in the end, do what feels right and good for you.
And as a addition, i prefer honest people that think, have own opinions (if that are different ones as my own or not), be direct (prefered in a friendly way). All in all "be themself".
So i have absolutely no problem/negative thing with your sentences or your handling.
Have a great week.
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Ah, that's a good point about being able to see DLC's on the store page for friends. I don't think I'll be going through the work to send friend requests to every giveaway winner, but I do already for the ones that make sense.
Have a great week yourself! ^_^
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