
this game can't be redeemed on these countries AM AZ BY GE JP KG KZ MD RU TJ TM UA UZ

Ok this is the situation, i won your GA but it say "NOT AVAILABLE on my country" meaning this copy is restricted, according to your description this game CAN'T be redeemed on these countries AM AZ BY GE JP KG KZ MD RU TJ TM UA UZ
I'm not from any of those countries i'm from Argentina (AR) and you clearly didn't state it was restricted to my country too as well, otherwise i wouldn't have joined the GA knowing i wouldn't be able to activate it.
Since because of winning this GA all the other GA i've joined for this game were automatically cancelled.
i'll wait for a reply so u can tell me how are we going to solve this problem.
I leave u a screenshot of the message i got on Steam when i tried to activate it.
I'm not saying you are not going to solve this problem but just in case not delivering a copy of this game that i can activate can end in me marking it as not received, creating a ticket to support with proof (screenshot of this GA that it clearly not state is not for AR too) and most likely you get a 7 days ban for not sent the game plus a permanent sign that u didn't delivered a game leaving you without the possibility of join certain GA with the corresponding filter.
I tell you all this because maybe you didn't knew so to prevent happening is why i'm telling you this.
The most important thing is that you reply to me so we can work how to solve this.
i'll be waiting ur reply have a nice day.
And again sorry if it sounds harsh but that's how rules work.

7 years ago

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Hello and thank you for your reply. Man, i can't really do anything. I bought it on humblebundle and they didn't say anything about reg restrictions. The thing "this game can't be redeemed on these countries AM AZ BY GE JP KG KZ MD RU TJ TM UA UZ" i got from the guy of similar giveaway and i thought it was right. The thing that i didn't mention that the gift is restricted i thought i could replace with this so users won't enter the giveaway if they are from those countries. But the thing was not right so now we have troubles with it. The only thing i can do is delete this giveaway or request a new winner. But the second choice might be not right bcuz the next winner will probably have the same problem.

7 years ago

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I think you are new in here but is not my problem that you didn't make a restricted GA or stated was restricted to my country, is entirely your problem, all i want to know is if i should mark as not received the key or u going to give me a key that actually i can activate. Guess u don't read steamgifts rules or maybe u just don't want to honor the giveaway u made. Either way for ask a reroll you need me to agree to do that otherwise it won't be rerolled, not trying to be a pain in ur ass but sadly i'm because i want that game and i joined 20 GA for it and all of them where cancelled in the exact minute i won yours according to the new feature cg implemented, so because of this GA i wasn't able to get it from any of those other GA and one of those GA was for a whitelist that ended with 8 entries, but also i can't join any GA for that game either till i mark as received or not received, so i'm giving u a chance to solve this.
So you can make a ticket and see were it takes you but i'll give u another 24hs for a solution otherwise i'll mark it as not received same as ppl has marked mines when i had the same problem u have now and my solution was buy the game from other place and give it to the winner and then he mark as received, so no harm done. I'm doing exactly the same contacting you instead of automatic marking as not received. So i'll be waiting ur response.
Have a good day.

7 years ago

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Can do nothing about myself. I wanted to send you this game via steam with a little bonus for this awkward situation i've made but you're too nasty for me and i don't wanna talk to you anymore. So please mark the gift as "not recieved". Hope you have a great day in a great life. God BLESS.
P.S.: if you'd like to communicate with other people properly you should not use sentences like " i'll give you another 24hs for making a solution".

7 years ago

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my "i'll give u another 24hs...:" was for tell u that i wanted a clear answer not to intimidate or anything like that. Maybe the words i used are not the proper ones and i do apologize for that, in my defense i'm just gonna say that english is not my native language so i used the words i thought were right.
I really don't want to mark as not received that's the reason i contact u in the first place, but when i asked u how we were going to solve this problem u responded me and i quote " The only thing i can do is delete this giveaway or request a new winner. But the second choice might be not right bcuz the next winner will probably have the same problem." And dunno what u were trying to say but for me that sounded more like "too bad key didn't work for u but someone else can activate it and i still have the received check on it" and to be honest that didn't sound like u were trying to send me this game or anything just waiting for me to say re roll it.
But if that is what u want ill mark as not received but i rather would like to speak with u. If u want to talk about it, feel free to add me on steam, just leave me a response here saying u did so i can accept u there.
Again sorry if u thought i was being rude was not my intention but again i thought u were being rude to me too.
God Bless u too and hope i get a response from u.
Take care

7 years ago

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I added you on steam man.

7 years ago

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accepted u and talked u on steam.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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What? Why would i agree to have a giveaway deleted when i was insulted. I don't agree on the giveaway being deleted and if this continue i'll create a ticket with my proof of chat with this person giving him choices and options to deliver a game that i won. Is not my problem if he didn't realize was restricted according to SG rules if you don't know if a key is restricted then don't do it GLOBAL like he did and in description MY COUNTRY is not there otherwise we would not be having this conversation because i wouldn't joined this GA in the 1st place.
Just in case i will take screenshot of this conversation too, since apparently it looks like i'm the one not following rules or something.
I get you are doing ur job answering a ticket but i don't accept the giveaway being deleted because i do respect SG rules and if this was something happening to me i would be taking responsability of what i did and buying the game or trying to work things out with the winner.
So have a nice day and great weekend Pete.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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I really appreciate your concern but as GA creator stated he won't provide me a solution so i can't mark as not received till 7 days have pass, so just waiting to do that, and i really hope next time he make a GA make sure is a ROW key or make a restricted GA instead of a Global Public one that after that he gonna claim he can't do anything. I even told him to buy a copy of the same game on another reseller, there a plenty of places G2A, Kinguin to name a few and they all have the game for 2-3 dollars but he said he only have money on steam so i told him that for me (Argentina) that game cost 16 USD he told me since he is from Russia that for him cost 399 rubles (6-7USD) so giving me that kind of money was insane, because i offer him to put a chrome for sale so he can buy it and with that money i could buy Strider the game i won and mark as received but he say NO, so i told him to then give me less but all i was going to do was create a ticket so he can reroll the game or delete if he wanted and he start insulting me like i was the one not following SG rules lol.

Either way thx again for responding me and i was not accusing u of anything like i told to GA creator english is not my native language so i sometimes don't use the right words to express myself so i apologize for that, what i was trying to say was that i though u response was because he did a ticket asking for delete this GA but as far i'm aware of SG rules that is up to me right?

Have a great weekend Pete

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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there's nothing going further if i press "continue"

7 years ago

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