
Dear Community
This is from the random indiegala giveaway ...
apologise if it seems like spam due to the massive giveaways of it.
Have a nice evening.
Best Regards.

Don't forget to mark as received ;)

Hello Pareneks,
I recently won the gift "Absconding Zatwor + Break Into Zatwor + Fiends of Imprisonment" and I have received it.
The problem is that I already had these games in my Steam account, despite the fact that I had my Steam account properly synced with at the time of your giveaway.
Now I'm not able to add the key you gave me to my Steam account and I'm afraid taht if I mark this giveaway as "received" I will be penalized because the keys I have don't match the keys you gave me.

With that said, I'm kindly asking you to revoke this giveaway, beacause I can't receive this key and I can't mark it as "received".

6 years ago

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Hi my friend! Now this is your key, you won it. Now you yourself can put a hand on these games if you already have them

6 years ago

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