Ehh, I don't have any theme music for this one. But have some random metal thing, probably blocked in your region. Random thing.
Don't tell anyone, but I never actually finished this game. Got bored with it eventually. Was wandering around some snowy dlc area and said you know what? I'm not actually enjoying this. However, since it took me 150 hours to notice I wasn't enjoying myself it's probably pretty good for a "Souls-like". Of course if you clicked on this giveaway hoping for a visual novel, umm, nope. It's not one of those.
I mean, as the title reveals there is a scholar in this game, but I don't remember his doing any reading, just a lot of talking. Oh, and jumping out of bonfires like a Jack-in-the-box. Hope I didn't spoil anything. At least I didn't tell you which bonfire is the mimic...
Hey, here's a question: What's the longest you've ever played a game before deciding you didn't actually like it? :) I suppose for most people it's going to be some MMO...
Ahh, I almost forgot, one final spoiler: when you level your character up, get more Adaptability. Lots more. Trust me.
Good luck! :)
Don't forget to bump that topic, or keep quiet so nobody else enters. Your choice.
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109 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by OneNonLy
I tend to avoid getting games that I don't think I'd like in the first place, but there are certainly games that I'd hit a road block on and decided "yea, I'll probably need to start over to get past this part". I think the longest it took me to get to that part for a game is about 10-15 hours.
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Interesting, what game was it? Something like you'd made a completely useless build and it would be faster to just start over with what you'd learned?
Good luck! :)
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The main one I can think of right now is Baldur's Gate 1. I made a wizard and I think I either may have selected my spells poorly or maybe I'm intended to have everyone be one or two levels higher at this point.
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Well, you may have noticed the fact that low-level wizards in ummmm, AD&D 2nd Edition are about as tough as tissue paper. :) You probably aren't doing anything wrong, that's just how it is.
I don't remember if Baldur's Gate lets you reroll your stats until you get something good, or if you point-buy them or what. Assuming you don't want to suffer through micro-managing and reloading until you've managed to level up more, you might consider saying screw it and edit in some better stats so you can actually enjoy the combat without everything one-shotting you. :)
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I don't know how much it took, because I played it mostly not in steam. In steam it have only 15h, that is not much. And no, it wasn't a MMO, it was FTL.
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Aha, I still haven't even tried FTL... :( It was in my list of "sounds interesting, should take a look pretty soon" which usually turns into the list of "you will soon forget even buying it." :(
Hope this one's more memorable for the winner! :)
Good luck! :)
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I have some theme music for this one :p
Speaking of not liking games... I guess there are some games that I liked in the beginning but after 100-200-700 hours I stopped to like them, and yeah they were MMO...
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Hmm, never heard that song before, let's see...
Hmmmm.... Not sure what to think of it. No, wait, I'm getting an idea here...
It was interesting, but, hmm... No, I'm not a fan of the voice. I feel like I should listen to it again, to give it a fair chance. But I'm not sure I want to.
Ok, this is as Dark Souls 2 as a thing can be. Thank you! :)
Yeah, I think when it starts to feel like a job instead of a game, that's a sign... :)
Good luck! :)
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I played a good 30–40 hours of Oblivion before finally uninstalling it – my mistake, I could probably have figured out long before then that it I wasn't going to like it much. Grindy quests, bad texture pop-ins, awful facial models... but most of all, the story was presented as epic, but even the climactic parts of the campaign were completely underwhelming.
Another major disappointment that I nonetheless played to completion is Fallout 3 – I think I may have logged 60h or so – and that I played that long was only because I loved the previous games in the series. Now, if I could only figure out what these two games have in common...
Thanks for the fun puzzle and the nice gibs!
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Aha, I thought Oblivion looked amazing, but maybe I had just upgraded my pc so whatever I played first would have looked amazing? Don't remember... Sure looks like crap today... :)
I guess Oblivion was where I got the idea not to bother with the main story in Bethesda RPGs, and just run around doing whatever, or maybe spend the afternoon trying to get 100 different mods working together... :)
I remember playing a lot of Daggerfall, but the last time I tried to load it up I didn't last an hour. :( Sometimes you can't go home again. :) Hmm, did you ever play Morrowind? Just curious... :)
Thank you too, good luck! :)
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No, I never tried Morrowind, just bought Oblivion based on the universally great reviews it got. Morrowind might actually be more up my alley – I'm not a huge fan of the "Medieval Europe" + "plentiful magic" formula. It seems to me those two components aren't quite compatible... I did enjoy riding around on horseback looking at the lovely landscape, though!
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I did enjoy riding around on horseback looking at the lovely landscape, though!
For some reason I'm remembering I still haven't finished the Witcher 3... :) So there's a great RPG to try if you haven't already... :)
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Thanks, yes, it looks interesting. I liked the first two installments, so I may pick it up sometime in the future. Gotta work on the backlog first...
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That's a great idea, actually... The Witcher 3 is great, but it's huge... Better to start playing when you have some hope of actually finishing it... :)
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💙 😃
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Hope you like Dark Souls, lot of them in here... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks! :)
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Hmm.. CS:GO, after, 2 years maybe? I've played CS 1.6 for 6-7 years before (>10k hours), and I just couldn't adjust myself to playing new one. Pubs for new one are terrible, every idiot have their fucking ctrl glued. New generation of players are pure pussies, and I simply can't cooperate with them.
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Aha, I'm completely useless at online shooty games, I'd definitely be one of the people you'd hate to be stuck playing with... :) Actually, even something like Dark Souls where I've played thousands of hours, I never got better than mediocre at the multiplayer stuff. It was still fun, but there was never any question about the outcome... :)
Good luck! :)
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\m/ Dio - great voice. If only you had more skilled artists (yeah, as a musician I am extremely picky about complexity - a "musician's ear" perhaps, or maybe my autism stuff...) around you for most of those years! \m/
I think that was the only Black Sabbath albums I liked overall.... compared to a song or two from all the 50 other ones by Ozzy, and a random vocalist one or two other times.
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I thought Black Sabbath sounded cool when I'd hear them, but I never actually listened to them. Just something you might hear on the radio or whatever. Not really my sort of thing...
But then I heard some song from one of these albums where they'd temporarily dumped Ozzy and wow, what the heck is this? So that's what they sound like with an actual singer... :)
So I wonder how far Black Sabbath would have gone with someone like Dio or Bruce Dickinson or Rob Halford or oh, I dunno, not Ozzy... :)
Good luck, if you don't already own it, that is! :)
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Yeah... was funny that one of my giveaways ended with only 2 entries for this + Scholar. Everyone in the (kinda non-bundle group) wanted to pass on losing their points because they owned base game. I let it ride, since I am not really too big on the CV thing. Started not caring around level 7 or so. It just got too tough to even keep up with by that time! I figured it would happen anyway if I stuck around for a while, and gave away some nice "bundle trash".
Hah! I like it! Ozzy has his charm for certain people, and I can get that... but only on an "abstract" sort of level...
Not black sabbath, but good Ozzy tune, I thought... Mr. Crowley. I liked maybe 4 total Ozzy songs, this being my favorite.
Favorite Mr. Crowley cover with the singer being the lead guitarist also
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Does it counts if I liked it but I don't like it anymore ? I assume it does, because if it doesn't I'd say none, and it wouldn't be funny :P
So I guess it'd be League of Legends, I used to like this game, but I've switched to steam games several month ago, after spending more than 5 years and +5000 hours on it. Kinda feel bad for myself, though :p
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Aha, I've never played one of those things, not a big fan of playing online with a group of people... :) Figure everything would go wrong and somehow it would all be my fault... :)
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Probably Sims 4. After many hours just ended up going back to Sims 3. I'm glad there are no playtime indicators on any games in that franchise ;)
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Aha, I tried watching my niece play the Sims years ago, guess it's not the same as playing yourself since I got bored with it... :)
Oh, I was going to mention how much time she spent on the creating a character part, but I've done that with all sorts of rpgs so never mind... :)
Good luck! :)
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very nice
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Hope it's nice anyway... :) Good luck! :)
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i'm late to the party. but cool kids are always late to the party right? am i cool yet?
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Cool enough for this giveaway, but I guess that's not saying much... :) It is Dark Souls 2, after all... :)
Good luck! :)
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Clicker Heroes. I was in a clan and contributed some "numbers" that should be increased within. I spent 1,000 hours on it and can't remember the actual gameplay. Hmm.
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Hmm, after 1000 hours I'd hope for something to stick in the memory, so yeah that sounds like a big sign... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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That's hard to decide. I have a couple of dropped long-played games, but no one of them are really bad for me.
I dropped all TES that I played (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) after months of playing, but still want to beat them sometime. I haven't faced same problem in other RPG's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also lost interest in the couple of MOBA's after spending in them tons of hours... however, I play them about once a year :-D
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Hmm... I like to imagine I'll go back and finish all the RPGs I've started, but even when I can find a save to load I'm never able to remember how to play... So I have to start over, and hope to finish it this time, before I stop and the whole process repeats... :)
I think Oblivion is the only Elder Scrolls game I've finished, or at least the only one I can remember finishing. Didn't have much better luck with the old stuff like Wizardry or Ultima or whatever else I forgot... :)
Good luck! :)
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I'm thinking about speedrunning bethesda titles someday... It's hard for me, because regullary I look in every bush)
Oh, and yes, I forgot that I dropped Fallout 3 too. I started it for the second time on PS3, but did not last even for two weeks.
That's fun, because New Vegas kept me very well till the end credits. Yeah, I think Obsidian much better know how to do RPGs.
It is a pity that bethesda does not allow them to make a new part :-(
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You are correct. It was an MMO. It was a game called Maplestory. I played it for an uncountable amount of time. Literal years... I realized I wasn't playing it because I found it fun. I played it because of the people I met in it. They made the game fun. But like all mmo's the people move on. I was just playing as a zombie. Capping levels on character after character... For no reason. Then I finally quit.
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Hmm, heard the name but never played it... :) It's a familiar MMO story, though... :) Like Paul Simon said, I’ve seen them all and, man, They’re all the same. :)
Glad to hear you got out! :) And fortunately, ain't nobody going to play this game for years... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks a lot for the game and the puzzle!
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No problem, hope the puzzle was fun even if the game is debatable... :)
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