
"We seem to believe that we constantly have to work on ourselves to improve ourselves and become "better". But the question is, "better by whose standards?". I spent a lifetime trying to live up to other people's unrealistic standards of how I "should" be - and all it did was cause me cancer, because I constantly believed that I wasn't good enough. In truth, all we have to do is be ourselves."
-Anita Moorjani

Thank you

4 years ago

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Wow! Thank you!

4 years ago

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Hvala puno! (x4)

4 years ago

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Thx! Nice quotes btw

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Obrigado, não ganhei nenhum jogo ainda espero ter sorte desta vez.

4 years ago

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Regarding the quote - I have to disagree. This just sounds as an axcuse for someone who does not want or is not able to improve.
What does the person mean by asking what standards she has to become better by ? It's not some arbitrary standards or what others think of you. you become better relative to yourself. If you are happy with who you are and what you have achieved - it's awesome. BUT you can always be kinder, more skilled, friendlier and a million other characteristics a lot of people lack.

So again - you become better then yourself before. Not better on some scale society has set. Thats a lot healthier attidue then saying "I'm perfect as I am, no need to improve". That is egoistic and kind of makes life boring. Yes -you should definitely stop living up to other people expectations and trying to become what others want of you. That is unhealthy and I agree with that. But self improvement is important.

PS, thanks for the GA :) I love racing games

4 years ago

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Considering the context that she is making those quotes, you wouldn't be surprised. She is a believer in Self Love curing Cancer and all the bad things in life.

I read her book and by God, it is a steaming pile of shit.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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If you are happy with who you are and what you have achieved - it's awesome.

I'm not saying it's bad if someone doesn't want to improve. The quote just strikes a bad cord in my opinion. Wanting to improve is how we achieve more and that shouldn't be discouraged.
I suppose it comes down to psychology - how we think and perceive ourselves and others.
This quote is something similar to "money doesn't make you happy, pursuit of it ruins your life, rich people are more miserable, I better be poor etc etc ".. It's only purpose is to make poor people content so society doesn't collapse. Same with these stupid quotes with self improvement (and how it's bad)- they are mostly targeted at those who can't improve themselves so they wouldn't feel bad about themselves.

I remember hearing a song "I much rather be poor" and some random shit about how rich people are evil and how money ruins them..... That's such a stunning hypocrisy when it's sang by a singer whos on the radio with her own singers carreer. Singing to actual poor people who then "relate" to that hypocrisy. While the singer probably lives in some good neighberhood, in expensive house and has a chauffeur driving them around in an SUV while fans of "being poor" are struggling to put food on the table.. but hey - money makes you evil

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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I just stated that improving is not bad. That doesnt mean I look down upon those who dont want to self improve or earn money for instance.

It's good to encourage people to be themselves and be happy with what they are. But not at an expense of something. We discredit improving and make it sound so bad. Why say that money is the root of all evil ? Those things aren't bad and if you choose to improve yourself - you are not going down the road to getting a cancer ...... or by trying to earn a lot of money you are not automatically becoming evil.

But these things try to motivate people by belittling normal human behaviour. It's good for someone to keep on going down the road of self improvement and they shouldn't be discouraged by such dense opinions as owner of this quote. And it's good if you don't want to do that as well. And Neither should expect special treatment.

As I stated in my first comment - we shouldn't live up to others peoples expectations and we shouldn't be pressured by others into doing something we don't want to. We have gotten to the point where you are interpreting my words and starting to go "so you are saying...." and adding something I have not said. I am not "expecting" people to improve in my writing. I said it shouldn't be discouraged like this.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I brought up that example about money only so I could show an example how I see the self improvement argument. Regarding the line about egoism - Well, I do stand by it. As for example - I'm fine that I'm not very good at sports. I don't feel bad and I don't care that more sporty people consider that I should move more. I'm not trying to live up to their standards - but I'm not saying I'm perfect the way I am. I know that I would feel better if I did sports more. If I would say that everyones perfect the way they are and I don't need to do sports due to that, I'd have to be egoist - I wont take up sports and I will sit on my ass playing games and I'll be happy - but this doesn't make the fact I need to move to be healthier obsolete. Also someone not wanting to go to University because they don't plan on going into management or office work is fine. And just because some graduates say that you need University no matter what doesn't mean you should go and study. But you can't really go and say that it's completely useless and people shouldn't do it because it wasn't for you. As in - just because Moorjani has lived her life by trying to be liked by others, doesn't mean "becoming better" is some kind of horrible thing that destroys our personalities - it's personal journey and maturity of some kind - understanding you are not perfect, but you are good as long as you feel like you are good.

I suppose I might be interpreting the quote a bit different then you as well.

We seem to believe that we constantly have to work on ourselves to improve ourselves and become "better". But the question is, "better by whose standards?"

This line already does it for me - it seems like she already associates improving with conforming to societies norms. And it ends with negative and tragic example how she gets cancer from this "process" of improving. And that's what I said in the beginning - self improvement is becoming a better version of yourself - be yourself if you want to be, but improvement isn't only by some external factors that ruin your life. It's within yourself. I'm not really against the quote with all fours as it might seem from lengthy discussion - I just think it leaves out an important part about self improvement that people should take into consideration (not just the negative stuff about how society deems you to be different and "better"). It kind of boils down to being very shallow phrase in my opinion and it's easy to find things to disagree with it.

And I really want to bring up the money argument again - "money doesn't bring you happiness" - it situates pursuit of money to be something you shouldn't do. As in her quote - improvement is made into something bad (as in that's something society is pressuring on you, you shouldn't do it). I understand I'm probably seeing more into the quote as I should - but isn't these "motivational"
quotes exactly meant to be like that - it's supposed to be something that makes us think more about life.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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I love how this not in anyways related to a racing game giveway !

So please let me add my grain of salt. Perfection is not of this world so by anybody's standards including your own, there is room to improve yourself. So if "other people's unrealistic standards" expectations for you is to be perfect then yes, it's a waste of time trying to reach that. But becoming "better", just by the slightest margin is always possible.

All you have to do is to take the effort to try. Therefore, not trying is lazy.

Now, is laziness so bad ? I don't know about you but me, I always despese my own laziness so I guess it is bad.

4 years ago

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I love to have such discussions - makes you think about stuff. You can see what other people think and I see such moments as little self improvement episodes where I can be either convinced by someone else to perceive something differently or I can be that someone
So I hope OP doesn't mind us having a little discussion about quote he posted with the GA

But becoming "better", just by the slightest margin is always possible.

And this is basically what I meant - there's always something to improve within yourself. it's enough for you to realize that - you don't need to do something just because others say you need to. Introverts don't need to ruin their mood just to be a better speaker because extroverts say everyone has to speak good publicly. But is it really that bad for and introvert to improve his public speech skills and have a great skill (despite it probably being difficult to achieve).

Laziness as such is very bad characteristic in my opinion. In the end there are things you must do - you have to work, you have to eat, you have to take care of yourself. You can't just be lazy POS and sleep in bed all they and think you are perfect.
Then again - if you for example spend a weekend playing games because you love to do that - is it or is it not laziness ? It is by other standards but it is not for you because it's a hobby of yours - you enjoy "throwing that time away". So there is a fine line I think. Still - I know that I must work harder. I have my masters thesis to write, I have a start up I'm trying to build and I have a decent job where I get great experience. My laziness (which I enjoy participating in) is really intervening with my professional life - so where is that line of me trying to better by societies standards and me wanting to improve myself because I want to (as I know I can do better in all the activities I take up)..

In the end - I think I just find the quote to be shallow and unprofessional. It throws some easy phrases for people to feel better about themselves but it doesn't touch upon what it should actually give the people.

4 years ago

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Thank you! ;)

4 years ago

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Thank you!

4 years ago

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Hey, entering for the DLC's as i have the base game, if this is not ok with you i will remove my entry. thanks!

4 years ago

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It's perfectly fine to enter just for the DLCs :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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tnx) gl hf all)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thank you

4 years ago

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Thanks a lot man looks good

4 years ago

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thks for giveaway

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thank you for the opportunity! Very appreciated.

4 years ago

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Thank you

4 years ago

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Thank you

4 years ago

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Thank you

4 years ago

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Thank you

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Thank you

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Thank you

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