What's your favorite sports-based novel? Short story? Anything in the written format for fiction that involves sports!
And if not sports, then what about something you read involving the moon or low gravity?
And, uh... if none of that, well, what's your favorite book? :P
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Sports... based... novel. Books with... low gravity or involving the moon..
I am barely a reader. The closest to the moon is me having read most of Dune. I still have a few books my grandma gave me but I only want to read King Solomon's Mines of the two that I remember. The book isn't even that long. I could probably read it in a day since I'll read slow, but a few hours if my life depended on it, I think.
I actually enjoy when there are enough details to drag you in that it's captivating and a breeze to read, but it's not an activity I bother with much. I read The Count of Monte Cristo, the unabridged version: 1,200 pages that took me a long time to actually finish. I think I read it over 8 months? I used to remember the date because it was like the day before or after a specific date mentioned at the end of the book, but I forgot that too.
The book was around 1100 pages actually, and I guess the date was either October 5th or October 6th when I finished it.
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Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite books. Probably read it for the first time almost 20 years ago, and I still revisit it!
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To be fair, some silly (not actually silly) anime show inspired me to read it.
(real spoilers if you haven't or plan to actually watch the anime adaption of it)
The major difference that really stood out to me was the duel between Albert's friend with the Count.Anime has some absurd additions, so I think it was like some fight in a giant "robot" or something and he was killed in the duel because he let his friend sleep and went off to duel him so he didn't have to, I think. I was reading and wondering when this cruel fate was going to happen, but it did not happen like that in the novel.
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oksy for the third I haven't read much recently but I used to love the discworld novels and I really like brandon sandersons stuff like mistborn and the way of kings
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Same here!
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Tough question, there's some, but I can't remember their names for the hell of it... the one about Muhammad Ali, it's pretty famous too... but that one's pretty non-fictional ;D. There were some by John Grisham, if I remember correctly, and in my opinion you can never go wrong with Grisham :>.
Bleachers. Definitely a good read.Comment has been collapsed.
Oh, thanks for that rec. Whitelisted.
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Casey at the Bat by Ernest Lawrence Thayer, 1888
"There is no joy in Mudville"
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The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game
I don't really understand american football, but still get it..
Well just like they said, book is the window of the world ^^
Maybee.. not actually about sports,, but...
Forrest Gump yeah i know, but it's a novel
Don't know both rating tho, just read books in front of me, but love them :)
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Iron War by Matt Fitzgerald.
Not a novel per se, rather a sort of documentary with a lot of dramatic fictionalization. Either way a good read.
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The one that doesn't have any sports in them.
Euhm... does "The Raven" by Poe count?
I'm drawing a blank. I did really enjoy "The Long Walk" by Stephen King, not really sport related, but it has running in it.
I should probably mention I hardly read any books.
I'm going through the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series by R.R. Martin, which I really enjoy.
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Can't think of anything sport, moon or gravity related, so I'm going for Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. Anything by Hardy even :)
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"Who moved my cheese?"
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Thank you!
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Sports based? um... no...
Low gravity? damn - there was this book... goddamn it - I remember the plot but not the name... young adults book - real old... not Doc E E Smith or Hienlien but similar style - Adams? no... arrgh now you're gunna make me go crazy... I'll have to look in my shed with all my old stuff...
Kid wins a quiz contest to go anywhere on earth, chooses the inner space centre because it classified as being a part of earth being in the 100 mile zone, goes to the pace station and has some adventures etc - they offer him a place for real in their program but he turns them down at the end because now he's hooked on space travel and wants to go further...
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That sounds really interesting, actually. Thanks - poke me if you figure out the name.
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Thanks! =]
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