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I'm in !
... aaaaaaand I've just wishlisted the game, so I won't forget about it. ^^

8 years ago

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Do you use Tremorgames? It's only 99 coins there.

8 years ago

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No, I don't... I've read it's better to have Sandboxie installed if you use Tremorgames and I have yet to check how to properly set up Sandboxie. :o/

8 years ago

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I've never used a sandbox thingy, but I also don't download or install stuff. I earn coins from watching videos or playing browser games. They are actually quite profitable. Currently there's a lot of Naruto Online around for example. Play till your character hits level 10 (approximately 10 minutes of playtime) and you'll earn ~200 coins. Gotta look out for those offers though, they are available all the time and change daily.

8 years ago

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Well, I've just signed into Tremorgames. :) And I've got that Sandboxie thingy running... but I'll probably stay away from tasks where you have to download or install anything on your pc anyway. I'll have to check how TM works...

Do you redeem your coins for games only or have you gotten other type of rewards too? I see 5$ Steam wallet code, csgo keys... O_o

Didn't see any Naruto Online games... and the ones I've played, my gawd, earned me like 5 coins for 5-10 minutes of play. I hope to come accross tasks that will earn more than that. ;)

Edit: have you ever traded Steam cards and emotes for coins?
Edit2: oh... found that Naruto online game task and got 201 coins, not bad. ;) but I had no idea what I was doing, just clicking, almost no reading, I admit

8 years ago*

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