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9,871 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by CultofPersonalitea
Hi, first of all, thanks for the giveaway.
I've noticed you haven't set a level restriction on your giveaways, may i suggest, that you do so in your future ones?
The reason is simple, there are a lot of bad accounts on this site, like autojoiners, multis, bots, win resellers and other rule breakers or just leechers, who doesn't contribute to the site at all, and most of them are found on level 0.
I even suggest to set a higher level than 1, because it will cost like 10 Cent to reach that level, even level 3 is pretty cheap to reach and will cost like 10 to 20 bucks, also being poor isn't an excuse for me, because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months.
Another advantage of setting the bar higher is, that you won't get bothered by all the annoying thank you messages from autojoiners with thank you script, that's why i set my bar even higher to at least level 4 and level 3 being the real exception.
You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly.
I'm a person, who checks his winners, about ratio and also rule breaks and if you like to do so:
If you see red marks there, you can request a reroll for a new winner, just put the link into your support ticket
If you want to know how many users are on each level:
with 980k users on level zero 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway or made only ones with Freebies and are just here for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction, not to mention that some have already shown their true colours having all sorts of excuses for their egoistic behaviour and instead harrass me, insult me, defame me, draw the discussion to a personal level, doubt facts and evidences not having ones themselves, draw illlogical conclusions out of it and make false claims in the process
If you got more questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day
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And here we have another asshole who thinks everyone can donate enough games to reach higher levels, but wait, I can't call him an asshole because he already put a shield on himself saying that people at lower levels just swear, right? So I'll just say that he's very stuck up and doesn't know the world of people who don't use bots or anything like that and enter every day to try to win free games in a reality where games are getting more and more expensive. In short: don't listen to him, friend, you did well to put such a good game at such a low level, I sincerely thank you.
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thanks for proving my points right, you have a Steam account worth more than 100$ and a PC, you pay your monthly costs, like food, rent, energy, insurances and whatnot and can't spare a buck to buy a key on Fanatical once in a while? highly doubtable
not to mention everyone would profit from it, you gaining a higher level with access to more giveaways and better chances and the site from additional giveaways, but instead you're here trying to justify your leeching and put insults on top
And when you're trying to adress the gifter, reply to him, just a small hint
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Dude, you're German, I'm Brazilian, do you really want to compare our fucking realities? If you play spammer, it pisses everyone off here still trying to be right when you simply want to close the site only for people who give expensive games to those who CAN ALREADY buy expensive games, that makes no sense! Apart from the fact that several of the games I have on my account, I bought them in promotions of 80% or 90% off or I just won, and you are judging these things by winning in euros, congratulations for being so stupid! And don't be a hypocrite because even here in this post you cursed other people, so don't even dare to use "ah, I was cursed, you're the one who's wrong".
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I received a lot of positive feedback from gifters, which were very thanful for my advice and that's all that matters to me, i don't care about offended level zeroes, who are too stingy for 10 Cents and rather argue about it.
Let's compare realities, what does 10 Cent buy you in Brazil? What do you get for one buck?
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Don't bother replying to this **** my friend, I already saw him copy-paste his shit elsewhere. :)
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Friend, if this site had a little better moderation, a guy like that would already be banned by IP and another 500 ways making it impossible for him to enter here again. :D
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Dude acts like the real world operates in the same economy as his. Completely forgot about the retirement plan. Methinks he's not as poor as he claims.
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good we have defamation also covered now
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Cool thing is this doesn't even come close to defamation. Your profile is public.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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Your lack of reading comprehension is noted.
Your lack of self-awareness is noted.
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Well, gee, as predictable, he did it again!
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This imbecile is a cancer here on the site, is there any way to report him in a way that he never returns?
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Remains to be seen.
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you can report him by filing a ticket, i did so like 4 weeks ago but it's still "pending"
so probably no one will ever see it
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Yeah I have a question. Why do you insist on continuing to copy/paste the same spam encouraging long-time users to treat newcomers with skepticism and distrust until they effectively buy their way into using the site? In addition to refusing to acknowledge evidence (and mods!) suggesting your crusade is both misguided and misinformed.
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you still didn't got it the last six times? I told you that the offer was addressed to the gifter
I didn't addressed you in any way, but thanks for proving my point of harassment right
oh wait, you clearly expected my copy&paste answer to your copy&paste post:
this offer wasn't adressed to you and you still take the audacitiy to bother me once again, when i already told you that i don't care about your bullshit
not to mention spreading lies about evidence, which you don't even have and mods, when just ONE mod told BOTH OF US to stop our discussion, but you're always twisting the truth, so that it suits your opinion
your points are purely emotional, while mine are fact-based
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Is the white knight cursing someone? Is he the one who uses an anti-cursing shield because he is already cursed a lot by all the people who are in levels below?
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Oh wait - so he says:
So he actually admits he's been spamming. He's so deluded.
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i didn't addressed these gifters multiple times, contradictory to your admired wiksolop, who at least spammed me 7 times now
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Nope, you've spammed. You replied to their accusation by referring to the "last six times" you answered them in each of those times your copypasta was noted. We all see it. You were called out months ago for doing the same thing, where you did it at least a dozen times then, and you're adding tot he count.
We're not playing games here. Stop lying.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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You're flailing at a defense of deflecting the fact that conclusively his replies were directly at the source of the fact you've spammed the same message several times.
Lemme simplify it for you: You spammed, he replies in each of those times why you're spamming. Your acknowledgement that it was happening several times is an admission of the explicit evidence that you've been spamming.
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What's your point? You're posting a link without a point.
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it's having a point, that you don't understand, obviously
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No, you really do not understand the issue here, let alone the context. You replied admitting that you answered him several times in the past when he questioned your motives. If oene were to investigate that and find the posts of what he replied to, one would find the context of his questionw as in reply to every one of those posts being your copypasta.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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No, it doesn't make a difference. You do it on Facebook, for example, the fact you could post the same message to other people is still the definition of spamming. Spamming doesn't take exception to the parties you post. Spamming is simply the act of repeating the same message over and over - like a bot.
You were addressed, and you argue every time you're addressed. You're deflecting once again.
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Must've been like 3 or 4 different edits to that message. Last time I saw it, they were claiming I was spreading lies about evidence and mods. And then even after all the backpedaling...he ends up ADMITTING a mod has told him to stop 🤣
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There weren't as many changes as there were amendments for the rest of the conversation. He would add something, and I would still quote him on the record, so there is no way he could Streisand the context here. That is essentially the content of the now-deleted comments.
Even with the fact he admitted by claiming the mods actually allowed him to spam is quite a self-own on his part, every time he attempts to dismiss it like he wasn't doing what he's being called out for doing. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Busted.
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If you don't want to be addressed, maybe stop addressing me?
I just want to get something right, MODS DON'T SEE IT AS SPAM.
and i already showed you in an earlier discussion, that my suggestion isn't meeting 3 out of 5 points you brought up, how spam is defined. Calling it spam over an over again, doesn't make your claims anymore true.
thanks for your attention
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I was not addressing you Leave me ALONE!
I don't care!
I don't care, you were still wrong, and you're still an ignoramus.
In fact, between you saying "spam is allowed" and you also saying "it's not spam!", these are very contradictory, and one is an admission you were spamming.
It took long enough for people to call you out on it. Spamming is very simply repeating the same message over and over on the same platform. It does not matter if you post it to different people at different times. What matters is you copypasta the same message to the point it annoyed people even for those who do not care for your BS. In fact, even when I called you out the first time, I was not even the first one to do so.
I have told you repeatedly telling you to stop harassing me, and you're breaking the rules because of that.
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you didn't talked about me? let me tell you something, icebrick, you can even address people indirectly, talking about them, but as you seem to not care, what should i tell you, it's like playing chess with a pigeon
man, that's arguing of a kid in denial, just stomp your foot on the ground to make it perfect, oh well, after mentioning it, i can read this in your posts, too
more false claims? trying to fabricate something out of lies?
Let me tell you something, if it doesn't matter to YOU, it's not automatically valid for anyone else around, your thinking is very centered about yourself, not to call it egoistic, but it suits you perfectly as a leech and i can see where your annoyance towards me came from, me urging arguments against leeches
Let me tell you another thing, i don't care about your false claims of harassment and spam either
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To "address" someone means to "talk to them". Talking about someone is an indirect conversation that is not a response seeking your reply. You're not good at this, and once again you're distorting a literal definition to suit your delusions.
Good for you, I don't care! You want self-affirmation, start a poll asking people the basic definition of spamming.
You literally just stated it yourself and I quoted you. That's a self-own on your part.
Your dismissive claims are bogus and invalid. Several people have already spoken up to you and against your charade.
You were told to stop spamming. You were also told to stop speaking to me several times when you kept making unwarranted and unwanted replies in a way for you to continue your abuse and gaslighting. Begone!
I was not speaking to you, and I had told you to stop speaking to me!
Leave me alone!
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now you're making up BS out of thin air, show me where i said, that spam is allowed
i'm really concerned about your mental health, are you mentally challenged or something, missing the points i'm making over and over again? Even, if "several" ( a single-digit number) spoken up against me, i received a lot of positive feedback from gifters, which outnumbers your single-digit number by far and that's everything that matters to me, because i'm adressing them and not level zeroes.
claiming it a thousand times more, doesn't make it come true, it's not spam.
And let's face the truth, who are you to tell someone else, what he should do?
then why you're even replying to me? Need to have the last word?
you can't claim, you're not allowed to speak to me, but then talk about me publicly, defame me and then expect, that i'm not defending myself against all these outrageous lies
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You literally keep claiming that the mods let you spam. In fact, you even deleted the comment that I conveniently quoted you for posterity:
We see your copypasta as spamming, period. The fact you went out to admit "mods are OK with it" when that is also an admissions of spamming is pretty much saying you spam.
"Several" does not have to be a single digit number. It is a significant number that is higher than "a few". Much higher is the number of times you post the same copypasta, which is spamming the platform.
It does not matter what bogus number of people give a "positive feedback". This does not outweigh the issue that you harassed people where it was unwanted as well as you posting the copypasta on this site across dozens of GAs. You don't even have to admit it, your copypasta is easily found on a Google search!
For you to even DARE to accuse mental illness while being a manipulative gaslighter and liar is abhorrent and abusive.
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You got some things wrong here, MODS DON'T SEE IT AS SPAM
I'm so exhausted trying to explain something to a person, who doesn't get it or doesn't want to get it and just going on and on and on and on, calling it a thousand times spam, well as i said, even a thousand times won't let your wet dreams come true
AND MODS DON'T, i'm sorry you shot your own foot
sure, but your "several" is
why do you even reply to me, when you don't want to be spoken to? Need to have the last word?
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Posting for posterity - on the record, "Prosac" writes:
I wasn't last time until you started this up again this morning thinking I was addressing you. That was even after you were told to stop arguing and harassing me, and that is the final word. You violated that request, and you've violated the rules. Which you have continued to do.
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cry me a river
why do you even reply to me, when you don't want to be spoken to? Need to have the last word?
sure mate, whatever you say, you clearly wasn't talking about me and i'm not allowed to defend myself; Kappa
And on top i'm not even following your orders to stop, i'm such a savage
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Let the record show that now has Prosac not only just did it, he's fully admitting to continue his harassment when he were asked to stop.
And this is not even a time I'm even directly answering Prosac.
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Yes, fuck the poors, they can buy their own games. I only give free games to people who could afford to buy the games in the first place. That way we can jerk in a circle and everybody gets off (except for the undesirable poors)
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you missed my point, i'm considered poor myself and it's not like these people are poor beggers from the street, who can't afford a meal and who probably have way more serious problems than free games on the internet.
Let's face the truth, the owner is doing almost nothing for the site (last time he let his script run to punish autojoiners was 3 years ago) and the mods are overworked, so nothing is done to hunt bad accounts on a large scale and it's made easy for people to abuse the system.
I claim, that these abusers want to invest as less money as possible, in the case they got caught and banned, so they stay at level zero.
Yes, some buy cheap keys for garbage games with 100 CV from ru keyshops and abuse the system this way, look how long it takes the mods to set these games to 0 CV, but i think these people are the exception and could be blacklisted easily; not every common abuser knows all tricks to cheat the system.
So in an attempt to fight all these bad accounts, we repurposed a tool which was given to us, i know it's not ideal, but the best we came up with and no, blacklisting is no option, you have only 1k slots and as a member of a black sheep hunting Discord, i already blacklisted over 700 lvl 5+ accounts, imagine how bad the situation is on the lower levels. Sometimes i check winners from members i given this advice to, last week i reported a level zero with 7 red marks, who got perma suspended then and what can i say, spotting bad accounts is quite regularly.
So i think for the cause it's reasonable to set a level restriction at least at 1, which doesn't help very much tbh, but better than nothing, and it's very easy for people to reach that, as i said for less than 10 Cents you can get to 1, but instead people arguing about that little money, it's hilarious.
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I agree with checking winners on and reporting rule breakers. You can make giveaways for whatever level you want. Lower levels do have more bad actors, but new users and the most needy people are there as well. If people stop giving to lower levels, new users will be less likely to stick around and become veteran gifters. That's why I don't appreciate seeing people discouraging others from gifting to low level users.
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Also LOL:
Being impoverished (aka poor) is literally the definition of someone who cannot afford a meal. Prosac isn't poor. The $3,627.49 in prizes in the 150+ GAs provided contradicts this.
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lol, you know nothing, let's start with your lack of knowledge about real CV, how much a real CV really costs and additional stuff, then we can work towards poor and poverty line maybe.
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I really don't care about contributor value anymore. It's cringe. I have played more games than you, in spite of not being on Steam for as long as you. Congrats, you've spent more money to contribute to GAs than your own account is worth. Not to mention, half the time you don't even stick to the principle you've been spamming about, posting multiple GAs of the same games without level restrictions. You're a clown. A fraud.
I've even asked you NOT to respond to me, and you did so anyway, escalating it to harrassment. I, like everyone else, have been sick and tired of your spamming. We've asked you to stop. You even admit to posting it multiple times, fitting the definition of spamming.
Begone, spammer.
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who cares about games played and time on Steam? it's a bit off-topic, don't you think?
and then like a baby, who was corrected about misspelling you keep repeating your misspelling, let me get some popcorn
no level restriction, what are you talking about, maybe you missed the group sign? Good you're showing us, who the real clown is
I asked you this before, who are you, that i have to follow your desires?
Maybe i have my own opinion and if it doesn't fits your own, you don't have to come where i post and harrass me there, you're stalking me, not the other way round.
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It matters that I actually spend time playing games. Not wasting hours spamming GAs. Congratualions for missing the point.
TF are you blabbering about? You're a clown.
You dense MF. Here's the 2 recent, for starters:
Your opinion does not outweigh the number of pissed off people before you every time you spam your attempt to dictate how others' SG GAs should be run. I was last not speaking to your directly, and you keep replying to me. It's not "the other way around". You're literally harassing me right now.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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My point was that it wasn't level restricted. Group restrictions are even more accessible than level restrictions. The entire premise of your spam only concerned the issue of the lack of level restrictions because level 0 people can access it. Despite the group "restrictions", your GAs do not limit the level 0 people, which was my point.
You really fail to understand the repercussions of what you're even talking about.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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Cry me a river! A private group isn't necessarily a level restriction. You have GAs that use both restrictions. They are not analogous to one or the other. This whole point was your concern about low level (e.g. Level 0) accounts supposedly being a bunch of bots and scammers, while totally ignoring the existence of legitimate accounts.
I could tell you I've seen the same bots and scammers infiltrating these kinds of systems even in high levels. So, not only is the point moot, but damaging to the entire site for doing so. Not to mention, I don't know if you have noticed lately, but if you're so concerned about your CV, please note that over time by now the CV has lowered drastically. That puts many accounts at risk of Level 0, or even lose their higher level status. This is foolishness.
Your suggestion is so flawed, a high level account can take advantage of us. When that happens, your "suggestion" is ultimately useless. But you didn't think this through while badmouthing us.
You're doing no one any favors. The problem with your idealism is that it is a philosophically flawed premise. Your spamming it isn't helping either, and every time everyone else calls you out for it, you keep arguing. This convinces people less and less.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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You have GAs that don't use both. One or the other. A bunch of them do not have the level restriction layer. That was my point, and you completely missed it.
Well, you sure refuse to take accountability every time you're called out for spamming. Once again, you're deflecting and acting like you've got the high ground. Those are red flags of someone arguing in bad faith.
It really shouldn't matter what game it is. CV is subjective upon a lot of factors, even abuse. For someone accusing me of not knowing the basic things, you have no idea I actually already know all about that, and do lurk the forums every once in a while. I'm not the only one who has also noticed what I just said, but apparently, you don't care:
"philosophics" is not a word. You express philosophy in everything you've posted. You're just unaware that you're doing so.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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Oh, and LOL, you even missed one without either:
Another, not even a year ago:
You have no consistency. This is totally exposed, visible to all. I'm already aware of when you use both restrictions. But not all at the same time, as some have only 1. Not all of them are level restricted, which is the big issue here.
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congratulations, you found the one GA which was done for proving something, i won't tell you what, find out yourself
congratulations, you found a Freebie, which i've done unrestricted, mentioning the source, so everyone could take advantage of the deal
i told you before, when i do unrestricted group GAs:
and when i do restricted group GAs for other groups, who are public and don't check for bad users
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I DO NOT CARE!!!! It doesn't matter what you told me. You post multiple GAs of the same game with different restrictions. Even ones without restrictions at all, despite your agenda. Zero consistency. That was my point!
You're failing your position every time you try to argue "I told you..." when you're missing the point the entire time!
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I dO nOt CaRe, It DoEsN't MaTtEr WhAt YoU tOlD mE...
good we have "draw the discussion to a personal level" also covered now
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Take the L. You keep posting the same message. You've been called out for it. It doesn't matter that you post it "tO dIfFeReNt PeOpLe". What matters is that you keep posting the same message every time, that many people, (even Level 0 people) are trying to enter unrestricted GAs and keep seeing you posting a message that is discouraging their participation by you telling the GA creator to make GAs with restrictions. You're the one giving the middle finger to the rest of us and you're too full of yourself to recognize YTA here.
It's personal because it's affecting all of us. That's the problem - you don't think because you don't care about the repercussions of how you're treating other people because of how you made a point of discriminating against legitimate Level 0 people you haven't even met.
Stop responding to me when I don't address you.
End of.
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He is deleting all the messages again. He did to me the other week. Later he showed up saying that he outsmarted me by deleting his messages . :D :D he might do the same thing to you.
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Oh, I'm aware. he has done so to me. He only thinks he's outsmarting people in the room by attempting to Streisand what he's been doing. The irony of the fact that he's admitting to deleting the messages about it which still is further proof of his involvement, not to mention the original posts are always still there and easily googlable. That's why I've also made a habit of mostly quoting on his exact words because that can't get erased unless I or a mod decides to do so.
This is especially cool because knowing defamation law as he is so fond of threatening a suit, discovery will require those messages. He could try claiming he didn't do it, but that would never help his case. With the lawyers who taught me a thing or two, high chance he'll owe me money.
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Nah. I don't think that he'd do that. He's all talk. There is nothing to sue here. The only thing is his spamming people giving games with high points so that he can change people's minds to put some level restriction to get more chances of getting free games. And he does that under the noble impression that he is doing something for the goodness of SG.
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That I agree.
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ahahahahaha, high chance you're gone full retard
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I think the point with new users is a bit flawed, since their chances are so low to win, it's most likely they'll never win before giving up and leaving the site, at least when they stay at level zero. It depends, if they take the effort to look more into the site and see, that the best thing they can do is to invest some Cents or they don't.
It's like the same with gifters, some take the effort to check their winners and some think setting a level restriction to 1 or 2 is sufficient and they don't want to be bothered with additional work like filing a ticket, i had a winner once, who was suspended for a red mark from 2019, because no one reported him earlier not to mention not checking winners just grows the cancer of bad accounts.
Look here, i stumbled over this, how bad the situation on the internet really is:
and i doubt SG would be an exception
I also highly doubt that the most needy people are the common level zeroes here, and again, their chance to win something is so low, it doesn't matter, if there are some less unrestricted GAs.
I think having a bad account as winner is more likely than having a real needy person.
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you got the point
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Wow Prosac. You have outdone yourself :D look at all these people who are standing against you and your quest :D and they are mostly right, you know. You are getting on people's nerves with your hypocrisy in every manner. If you post this on all GAs, maybe people would be more tolerant but only choose GAs with high points and that makes whatever you say null.
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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ty <3
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Thank you bud!
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thank you
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OBRIGADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pela chance
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thanks :)
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Ty for the GA. Happy holiday
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thank you :)
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Thank you!
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Can't wait to play!
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Merry Christmas in advance
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Thank you bud!
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