
Thank you!

8 years ago

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Hey Sooth
I left Positive Thoughts because I wont be able to meet the new requirements for real CV but I just wanted to thank you directly for having let me be part of your group :)

8 years ago

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Unfortunately, the rules have to be impartial in a way that protects the group as a whole from exploitation as much as possible- which means we did lose some good-natured individuals with this last pass. :/ Of course, you can always rejoin the group at any time if you left it on good terms, so if your ratio ever changes back within group guidelines, do give the group a poke. :)

And, y'know, you've been on my whitelist since about 4-5 months before the group was founded, and I almost always include my WL on PosTho giveaways- so at least you can still participate through my end of it.. ^.^

(I do expect whitelistees to comment on giveaways they enter, but going off the tags I have on you [and the fact that you're still on my WL after so long to begin with] that's not at all a concern for you. ♡)

Technically we do allow users to remain in-group if they don't enter any giveaways, but the only user we currently have in the group under that leniency has avoided the complications of micromanging giveaways to check for group involvement by simply not entering any giveaways at all for the past half year. :P

I've toyed around with the idea of having a core group with no giveaways, and then a subgroup just for giveaways, but so far the logistics and member interest hasn't really favored that direction for the group. :X
Well, we spent a year deliberating over this last change, so I don't imagine we'll be rushing into any other overhauls too soon. :P

8 years ago

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I had been having a bit of a rough week and I hope I didnt sound sour about it. I completely understand that the guidelines arent anything personal. I really dont think I will manage to get my ratio back up so high however, as I do tend to have fairly decent luck on here winning games :P

Your nice words about me mean a lot and made me feel pretty good ^_^

8 years ago

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