Hello, thank you for the giveaway but I'm having a problem with the key.
It says that I already own the game and using F12 on browser it shows that is a key for "Norega for Beta Testing" but not the Norega full expansion dlc that it is shown here. Maybe you mixed the keys?

3 years ago

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Bought a gift for the Norega game this is the key I was givevn :S

3 years ago

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You bought a key for the full expansion dlc but they gave you a key for the base game? Meh.. It's also the giveaway version that's active now (from where my copy of the game is)
Can't you contact the seller? If they try the key with F12 on on the browser it says exactly what the key is for..

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't saw a notification as you only get one if it's a reply :P I saw this by accident because I opened the ga for another reason

3 years ago

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I added you on steam as it is easier to speak there

3 years ago

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I was working, sorry

3 years ago

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I marked this as not received. If something changes let me know as a reply bellow my message to get a notification or on steam

Have a nice week!

3 years ago

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