Hi there, you won my Opus Magnum giveaway, but when I checked you account via SGTools (as I usually do with winners of my giveaways) I noticed you have 2 not activated wins.
So I submitted a reroll request for a new winner, but since it's taking a while I thought you might want to fix those non-activations yourself instead and possibly avoid a suspension before a moderator notices.

I had a look at the two giveaways in question (Almost There and Numberline 2) and it looks like both might be bad/duplicated keys, maybe you selected "received" when you shouldn't have?

3 years ago

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Hi, man!

Almost There was an issue where I broke the rules without me knowing it :( The giveaway-er could not send me the gift, and asked me if I could select another game from his list. I did so, thinking it would be fine, but months later I got suspended because of it. You could say I paid my dues haha

About the other game, I just saw this! I will get it inmediatley to avoid any problems. Thanks!

3 years ago

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OK then, I've sent the key for Opus Magnum 😎👍
(...and cancelled the support ticket as well)

3 years ago*

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Thanks, man! Sorry for the shadiness haha

3 years ago

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You're welcome! 😁
For the future, it's probably simpler to just buy both games from Steam, they're really cheap at the moment because of the summer sale and even though you've "paid your dues" 😉 for one of them already, other people will keep finding the same thing using SGTools and cause you extra hassle. Also, some people use SGTools to stop people who have broken the rules in the past from entering giveaways at all. You might prefer to have a completely "clean slate" 😎

3 years ago

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Thanks for the advice! I will do so :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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