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If you've got a minute, consider this:

Everything around you is a an aspect of the universe, and there is no need to have resistances against anything or anyone, because you are, too. Created by a god or by the rules of nature, whatever angle you want to see it from, the conclusion is the same. You are part of it like everything and everyone else in existence. Nothing to be afraid of, nothing to hate, nothing to get unhappy about, or jealous, or greedy. See the connection between yourself and everything and everyone around you. It's there like an open secret.

Hey, I'm here. Not anymore (ಥ﹏ಥ)

7 years ago

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Or maybe:
You are part of everything else in existence, so be very afraid, hate with passion, get depressingly unhappy, viciously jealous, and unsatiably greedy. Everything about you is an aspect of the universe, including your actions, so a decision to violently resist anything in it is also part of that universe.

Just being argumentative. Please don't blacklist

7 years ago

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Blacklists are part of this universe and connect us in some special way. So do hugs. :)
Anyway, a simple navigational tool about all of these things is, a decision to violently resist anything in the universe is ofcourse part of the universe, but the resistance is based on an abstraction, an illusion, an unneccessary filter that restricts the one who chooses to use it. Or if it is not out of choice but habit, there is some level of unawareness that is basically a restriction, too.
Everything is part of the universe, even abstract self-referential stuff that makes it possible to go into the illusion of the opposite (disconnectedness within the universe), but the higher the level of self-referency in a statement (or attitude based on an unspoken statement), the greater the illusion. And illusion is non-freedom. So if you for example have a feeling of hate, and you justify it and try to think it's ok, you're in an illusion that restricts you.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 years ago

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This is a very nice read for valentines.

7 years ago

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Wishlist says TY ❤

7 years ago

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Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

7 years ago

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thx GA :)

(Comment read) ((´Θ`*)ooO(Alan watts?)

7 years ago

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Awesome, thanks!

7 years ago

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Woa very nice

7 years ago

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