sry, no f1 2015 giveaway here... i wanted to use the key by my own^^
this is my 11th giveaway of fallaout 4 and i still have to play the fallout series...^^ dont know why i give exactly this game away and not some other game.
how ever: started finaly my first fallout game few days ago and it was fallout new vegas (i also own fallout 4, but i thought it would be cool to start earlier). but to be honest: new vegas seems not to be beginner friendly? i played the card game and there was no explanation :/
i also helped the one guy in the beginning -> almost everybody is now shooting at me??? so it feels like a shooter and not an rpg right now :/ probably i´m playing it wrong.
did you ever played any fallout game? what are your experiances with this game? and do you have any advice for me?^^
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Fallout: New Vegas is the best one imo. Fallout 3 second and then Fallout 4. Havent tried the other games.
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Fallout 3 > NV
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NV > 3. This is really a personal preference thing, though.
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NV > F4 > F3
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fallout tactics
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no F1 2015 :( ?
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It's free on Humble right now.
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There was some explanation at first for the Caravan, but it's a mix of Solitaire and Black Jack - your goal is to get more points in each caravan, but not more than 26, while having more points then enemy, while cards you add must be added either to be always bigger or always smaller (so, 2-3-5-10 or 10-7-4, but no 2-10-6). The Jack, Queen and King have special powers (delete card, change order so you can make 2-10-6 and double the card value).
Probably easiest way is to make deck of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10s with some Jacks and Kings :D
As for everyone shooting - the Bad Guys are hunting some Good Guy, you can help Good Guy to kill Bad Guys or help Bad Guys to kill the city. .I guess you helped the Good Guy, so now all Bad Guys hate you and want to kill you, like they should in good RPG :D
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thank you^^ in the meantime i even managed to win some carvan games^^
with the good guy: you might be right, its obvious, that they would like to kill me^^ i just thought it wouldnt be a too big difference if i help him or not. its like one choice in the beginning decides if you are fighting forever with them or working with them together and you cant do nothing against it :(
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That's how you know it's an RPG :D
But really, you killed the leader of some-mafia, you shouldn't be surprised they want to avenge his death. And the deaths of millions other avengers who you killed :)
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Played almost all of them. The newer ones (since F3) are a lot more action based than they are RPGs.
New Vegas assumes you played F3 so I think that may be the cause. Try using VATS for a slower pace and building your character around perks that expand its functionality.
As for caravan, it's an interesting minigame that is in no way balanced - you can win 99.9% of your games against the AI after you assemble the perfect deck (there are a few that can be called that).
Hvala puno!
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maybe thats the problem... i hoped more for an rpg than for a shooting game^^
but thanks for the hint with the VATS^^ i was fighting against a group and couldnt win it but maybe with the VATS i might win.
probably i also builded my char wrong^^ probably i will start a new char soon.
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Compared to the old Black Isle Fallouts (which were real RPGs) all the Bethesda Fallouts (3, NV and 4) are nearer to being a shooter with RPG-elements.
As for caravan I think PsyKo gave a nice explanation. :)
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NV is made by Obsidian, which pretty much is Black Isle reborn
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I knowObsidian made it, but it's still published by Bethesda and nevertheless was NV made with the skeleton of Fallout 3 which was way more FPS/Shooter than Fallout 1+2. Yes New Vegas is the one closest to the originals from Black Isle, but it's still not even close.^^
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thanks for your comment. probably i should try the old games^^
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They are pretty awesome, but keep in mind: They are now nearly 21 and 20 years old :D
Damn, hard to believe it's been this long...
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Fallout 2 is da best!
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this would be the first one I play, if I win this. so no experience.
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My first was NV, and that was my favorite since.
Not played the 4 however
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Thanks for f1 2015Whitelisted 'cause i love you and fallout so much<3Comment has been collapsed.
Damn, I wanted F1 2015 and instead we got this trash.
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New Vegas got that western theme going for it. I'd say I like that one the best. Haven't played much of any Fallout tho, really.
There's this function (can't remember the name atm, some abbreviation?) where you freeze the game and can spend your action points on (for example) shooting specific areas of the monsters where you're shown a percentage chance to hit - this function makes it a bit more RPG in my mind, but other than that it's mainly a shooter with RPG elements, yeah.
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Vault Assisted Targeting System, VATS :3
I would add that there are perks that improve the real-time shooting (with damage buffs), VATS (with better % to hit / damage bonus applies too) or both ways, they are both viable from the gameplay perspective - I guess that made the game a lot more viable to be played with a controller, and opened up to people who are less FPS-oriented.
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Thank you 🙂
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thanks^^ as i´m a big noob in fps, i probably should realy try the vats^^
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thanks, i will give it a try. i was stuck in a fight wich i allways lost and didnt rememberd that there is the vats^^
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I played F3 and NV. I'd suggest starting with F3, it's really good game but has less weapons and stuff than NV, not to mention NV had some small improvements in various areas so if you were to go from NV to 3 you probably wouldn't enjoy it as much. But yeah, F3 is definitely a game I wouldn't skip, I enjoyed it (perhaps even more so than NV).
Don't have F4 but I heard it's more of a shooter than it is RPG, unless you heavily mod it. Which might not be a bad thing if it's done well, albeit I don't think it could be a more fun shooter than Borderlands games.
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Well, I didn't play any Fallout game for now :/
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Played 3-1-2-New Vegas, in this order. 3 is good post-apocalyptic wilderness-game, but a weak RPG. New Vegas is more like tribal / wild west style, as the original 2 had, not just the post-apocalyptic, world burned and in ruins centuries later, still - style, and leagues better as an RPG. 1-2 are still very playeable, though clunky in some aspects :)
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I have all Fallout games before 4, but I only managed to have time to play Fallout 3. I prefer this rather than The Elder Scrolls, I like sci-fi way more than fantasy.
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I was a huge fallout fan way before the first person monstrosities came out. :D I think I've bought the original fallout 1, 2, Tactics and so on probably three or four times. I mean I also enjoyed the new generation of games, they've got the same sense of humor and all that, but I just love turn based tactics and the fallout world is awesome.
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Fallout 4 : 765 hours played
Fallout New Vegas: 650 hours played
Fallout 3: ~500 hours played
Yeah, i guess you could say I played Fallout for a bit. :D
In my opinion New Vegas is the best part of the 3D Fallouts. The fourth part just added so much more complexity where it was not necessary. All that base building is so time consuming, it almost feels like SIMS:Fallout. I like the weapon customization better in FO4, but the story and gameplay is the best in New Vegas. On the other hand the third part had Liberty Prime which in itself is fantastic.... :D
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Yeah the Liberty Prime questchain was awesome. :D
But NV had Dead Money and Old World Blues😁
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You're right - these are probably the best Fallout DLCs. Dead Money impressed me a lot back then because it kind of taught you an important lesson about life and letting go....
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too bad they removed SPECIAL check for dialog choices
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I also haven't played any Fallout games so far. I am planning to try New Vegas and/or 4 though. I also like the idea of having a dog companion and that's also the reason haha. And I love RPG/FPS games so I thonk it might be something for me.
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played all of them (except this one) NV is my favorite, and he is an RPG shooter :)
you actually in the tutorial part of the game, considering how you build your toon you can blast out any situation or talk some of them out :)
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thank you very much^^
one other stupid question: how can you repair a weapon? O.o i had a ncie knife, but its broken so i cant use it and i dont know how to repair it :(
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my pleasure ^_^
you have 2 option + upgrade one, option 1 through npc / companions, option 2 by yourself with repair skill/ kits
Weapons can be repaired with weapon repair kits or by using another copy of the same weapon (unique weapons use same weapon type to repair it).
Armor has no repair kit, and must be repaired using another copy of the same armor.
Jury-Rigging perk (personally i like taking it very useful) allows armor to be repaired by different armors of the same class (light, medium, and heavy). same with weapons may be repaired by other weapons in the same class
the npc who repair items:
name - location - skill lvl
Dale Barton-The Fort-58
Samuel Kerr-188 trading post-64
Old Lady Gibson-Gibson scrap yard-79
Mick-Mick & Ralph's-85
Joshua Graham-Zion Canyon-100
Paladin Sato-Brotherhood of Steel safehouse-100
Raul Tejada -Black Mountain / Raul's shack-100 (he is also a companion option)
Major Knight -Mojave Outpost-100
Sink Central Intelligence Unit-The Sink/Big MT-100
Commissary terminal-The Divide-100
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thanks a lot
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started with 2, than tactics, not sure if played 1 tho....than 3, than nv :P have mixed feeling about last two, wait last 3 :P two is for the the classics, theme and nostalgia, 3 and nv is for the walking and hoarding enthusiasts :D
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I like how easy it is to save and load on Fallout. Very useful for such a glitched game (I like it a lot btw). Heck, quick saving and quick loading multiple times in sequence is used even in speedruns, to go through solid objects.
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Played Fallout 3 and New Vegas quite a bit.
That card game? Ehh, yeah, I consider myself a fast learner, but I still don't even know what that's about. So no, it's not you. Forget about that and enjoy the rest of the game.
Seriously, just ignore it. I even forgot it was in pretty much untill you mentioned it now. :D
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probably i will do this^^ i played witcher 3 before and its card game was awesome so i thought it could be fun to play the fallout card game as well
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Thanks for this.
If you're okay with something slightly dated, you may want to start with Fallout 1. It does a great job of introducing you to the world, and setting the tone that every other game follows. Fallout 2 is even better, but has a much harder introduction (like, seriously, stupidly hard).
Fallout 3 - 4 are much more shooter-esque. New Vegas is the most RPG of them all, and arguably the best of the recent Fallout games, but kind of assumes you've played 3 (or 1 and 2), and thus may be confusing for a new player.
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i think i will try the first fallout as well^^
thank you for your comment <3
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The first two Fallout games are somewhat dated, but they're utterly fantastic. The first game is more silly and slapstick. The second game has a rougher beginning, but after the first cave it is awesome. Some of my fondest memories are from Fallout 2.
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Fallout 2 is the best of the series from the games I played. It was similar to the original game but with a larger world to explore and a better story. I've played 1&2 many times over the years.
Fallout 3 was quite interesting but felt lacking near the end and I only played it once.
I've never tried 4 and I never finished New Vegas although I played it for quite a while on my 360 (should probably give it another go).
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