I was minding my business
Lifting some lead off
The roof of the Holy Name church
Oh, no, never mind. I was looking for a cheap boobie game to give away, but couldn't find anything. :( Aren't we past due for another Winged Cloud crapfest? Imagine the misery of seeing "This bundle is not available for purchase on your account since you already have all included items." :( Maybe next month? Keep hope alive!
So you don't get any boobie garbage this time, sorry... :)
But I did find this game. Checking wikipedia, it looks like I haven't played any "Suda51" games, unless idling "Killer is Dead" for trading cards counts, so I don't know if it's any good. Heck, this might even be boobie garbage. Maybe the winner will tell us?
Oh, hey, a question for the 10% (or will it be 5%?) of description-reading humans out there: did you ever find yourself remembering a poem for no reason? Here I was, trying to decide what game to play, when by the livin' Gawd that made you, you're a better man than I am ...
Good luck!
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Thanks. I am no poet, but I do spout words of love to the ladies.
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Seems all I spout are crappy giveaways... :) Unless this is a good one, of course... Guess I wouldn't want to bet on it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Not really a poetic man, guess there's a little about the 'then my son, you'll be a man' as I had it on a poster once.
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Aha, that sounds like "If" by Kipling, which is unexpectedly appropriate, somehow... :)
Good luck! :)
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I'll just leave this here
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Aha, I remember that poem from Borderlands, don't remember the details though. :( Some quest or other...
Good luck! :)
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I've found that poetry relies really heavily on visualization to have any impact or worth and I'm not a visual reader (is that a thing that makes sense?) so it doesn't really work for me...
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I guess that would take the fun out of it... :( Oh well... :) Does that happen for songs too? Just curious...
Good luck! :)
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Not with songs so much, though I generally don't pay much attention to the words and more to the vocal delivery and song as a whole. I usually have to read the words along if I want to learn them and that gives me a lot more context to work with in trying to figure out what they're on about, haha.
My ear-worms are just as often a guitar line or breakdown or whatever as a few sung verses...
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Yeah, I assume people leave their giveaway-entering scripts running overnight, and will write a comment once they notice what they are trying to win... Or maybe expecting people to read words is a bridge too far... Not sure...
Oho, looks like I have Sine Mora also. Wonder if I'd learn anything by installing it... Probably never going to happen, though... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Not poems but often song lyrics, which are almost like poems :p
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Yeah, guess it's almost the same thing, but somehow it's easier to remember when there's music too... :)
Good luck! :)
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Nop, never. Well I must confess that I don't read poetry, so maybe that is the reason? :))
Thank you for the chance fiftykyu
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Aha, in that case have an old song instead... :) But maybe it's turned into a poem now, since there's no music on steamgifts... :)
He's so unhip when you say Dylan, he thinks you're talking about Dylan Thomas
Whoever he was
Not a very big chance, but you never know... :) Good luck! :)
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The poems that I rememeber are the ones that I learned in school especially the ones from Guido Gezelle.
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Hmmm, doesn't sound familiar at all... :( But now I have something to look up tomorrow, so thank you! :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the nice giveaway! =) Yes, poems do come to mind for me. I've written a fair amount and I enjoy a lot of them. Robert Frost is my favorite poet~
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Hope it's nice, but there's not much chance I'll find out until it's bundled or something... :) Of course, even if I did buy it I'd still have to remember to play it... :)
Hmm, don't seem to have a favourite, once upon a time I would have said T. S. Eliot, but today... Guess I will have to think about it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Rose are red violets are blue
I came for boobs and so do you
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Aha, wasn't expecting anyone poeming at me, thank you... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well, so far yes, I only idled Killer is Dead, but heard quite some about the dev regarding No More Heroes and Killer 7, and while his games are usually weird (looking at Lollipop Chainsaw) they are considered good ones, so jumping into the GA kind of knowing what to expect :D Thanks for the GA!
About poems... I had periods when a poem stuck with me like an earbug of a music, but nothing more complex as far as I remember.
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I remember reading something about Lollipop Chainsaw, but with no console I don't pay very close attention to reviews or whatever and eventually it all blurs together... Sounds like you know more about it than I do... :)
Sounds like music sticks in the head easier for most people... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Suda51 does like boobies, going by the games I've played, but at least his games were not all about them, and they were quite self aware.
No, poems rarely seem to want to stay in my head.
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Aha, maybe I need to go back and install Killer is Dead and umm, Sine Mora then? Wouldn't want to run out of boobie games... Although there's not much chance of that happening...
Seems it's easier to remember the words to a song, or at least to remember some of the words... :) Not sure why...
Good luck! :)
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I should warn you that some of his games can make you look a bit awkward... They often have what you would call "strong sexual themes", and at least No More Heroes 2 had a mechanic where you basically had to make a masturbation motion to refill your energy (this was a Wii game, by the way).
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That's pretty funny, sounds like he has a sense of humour, not taking this video game stuff too seriously... :)
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Yeah. The fact that he really ran with it in those games, rather than just going half-way made it seem a lot less crass than it easily could have been.
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The lack of boobies attracts me the most in this game.
This can already be the start of a poem.
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Well, I didn't check the community pages, so maybe this thing is secretly full of boobies like all the Sakura crap... :) Didn't want to spoil anything in case I end up buying one for myself later... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks and nope, I don't even like poetry :P
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Aha, I should have saved that Simon & Garfunkel lyric for down here, but I already used it up there... :( So I'll cheat and put the video instead... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOvs3rCFI2A :)
Good luck! :)
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May the werewolves protect you.
Once upon a midnight dreary ...
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That works... :) Funny how much you can remember without intending to... :)
Good luck! :)
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I can't say that I read a lot of poetry but I have randomly thought of lines from Shel Silverstein's poems. I loved his poems when I was a kid so sometimes when I think back to an old memory, I associate a poem with that memory and it just springs back up in my head.
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Interesting, sometimes I smell some kind of food and remember back to whenever I smelled it before, guess there's a lot of old stuff that reappears from time to time, long after you think you forgot all about it... :)
Good luck! :)
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i never liked poetry, sorry!
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Oh well. :) Let's hope there's no poetry in this game, then... :) But you won't escape that easily!
Let us go then, you and I... :)
Good luck! :)
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Cool, wishlisted game that I never tought I would see here! :D Thank you so much for the chance!
Suda51 likes boobies and crazy things a lot, but since this was one of his first games (if not the first) it's really experimental (more than the usual in his work), what I know is that it's a detective story with a twist.
About the poems things... it's weird but it happens to me more than it should, I often find myself remembering The Raven by Poe or La Cancion del Pirata (The Song of the Pirate) by Espronceda.
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A 30% discount is pretty mediocre, so it will be stuck in my wishlist a while longer... Think I'll wait for 50% at least... :)
Hmm, think there was a raven around here somewhere, aha, up there... :) So I guess that's a popular one. :)
Sometimes I remember a piece of something but can't remember what it is... :( Thankfully it's all on the internet somewhere, so unless you get all the words wrong you'll be able to find it. :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks, I have it on my wishlist:)
And no, I sometimes remember some random song, but no poems.
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It's on mine too, but that's just so I don't forget it exists, probably won't remember to play when I do end up buying it...
Yeah, seems like everyone remembers songs easier... :)
Good luck! :)
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Is "Roses are red, violets are blue" considered a poem? If not, then no Dx
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Oh well... :) I'm not the poem police, so why not... :)
Good luck! :)
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Sad to say I haven't had much poem reading...
and not sure if it can be considered "poetry," but I've always wanted to read Hemingway's A Moveable Feast after hearing some of the lines in A City of Angels
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Oh well... At least there's still video games... :)
Yeah, that's a good book, you should be able to find a copy somewhere, never seen that movie though... :)
Good luck! :)
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Leaving comments is like the road less traveled by.... it's a rare stop on a snowy evening for GA makers... and yes, I never metaphor -er mixed metaphor or mixed poem, I didn't like :-p
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Nice... :) But I think you're having too much fun for a Steamgifts giveaway comment... :) Aren't you supposed to say "umm, thanks for whatever this is!" and paste a random jpeg or something? That's what all the cool kids do... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well I do enjoy it when GA creators post something other than GL/HF :-p Plus I am so far from a "cool kid" as to be almost invisible. Instead I revel in my forum den-mother denizen role :-D
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Ahh, ok, I don't actually know what all the cool kids do, since I'm not one either... :)
Maybe I should say it's what the automatically-entering-your-giveaway-with-a-script clowns do. :) Hopefully they remember not to say "Thanks for this game" since sometimes people give away apps or dlc... :)
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Woot! Suda51! Thank you so much for the Level 4+ fiftykyu, hope you have a great day!
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Ouch, looks like I'm already a day behind in replying, so I'll have to remember if I had a great day yesterday... Hmm...
I don't suppose I would call it great but it was pretty good. :) And I found a stash of someone's forgotten books that I'll probably soon forget myself, which would be a pity, unless I've already read them but forgot... :)
Had that happen with The Gulag Archipelago, one day I decided hmm, I really should read that book, got it from the library and hmmmm, wait a minute... :)
Hope you have/had a great day too! :) Good luck! :)
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Oh very cool! Although I've heard of Solzhenitsyn before, I must confess I've never read any of his books. In fact I must confess that the only Russian author I've read was Dostoevsky and it was a short book at that called the Gambler (I'm not very well read).
I'd like to get back into reading more though. The last book I read is called Sacred Marriage (I'm getting married next month!) and the next book I'd like to pick up is a cyberpunk book, perhaps Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.
Anyway, thanks for sharing about your day! Mine was pretty good as well :)
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Oho, congratulations!
I've read a good number of Neal Stephenson's books, think it's good stuff, a lot of fun. :) The latest one I've read was Reamde, so I'm probably missing a few by now... :)
I'm no expert on literature, but I think Dostoevsky is a lot more "important" and that people will still be reading his books centuries from now... :) I'd have to guess in 100 years Neal Stephenson will be forgotten, not that it matters of course. :) Have you ever heard of Hall Caine or Winston Churchill (no, not that one...)? :)
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! :)
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Thank god for no boobies... ;P
Yes, there was a time when I repeatedly had "The panther" by Rilke popping up in my head, causing me to shed a tear or two. No idea why, but this peom haunted me, and still, I love it.
~Der Panther
Im Jardin des Plantes, Paris
Sein Blick ist vom Vorübergehn der Stäbe
so müd geworden, dass er nichts mehr hält.
Ihm ist, als ob es tausend Stäbe gäbe
und hinter tausend Stäben keine Welt.
Der weiche Gang geschmeidig starker Schritte,
der sich im allerkleinsten Kreise dreht,
ist wie ein Tanz von Kraft um eine Mitte,
in der betäubt ein großer Wille steht.
Nur manchmal schiebt der Vorhang der Pupille
sich lautlos auf -. Dann geht ein Bild hinein,
geht durch der Glieder angespannte Stille -
und hört im Herzen auf zu sein.
Rainer Maria Rilke, 6.11.1902, Paris ~
There are a few English translations for it, but none of them sound as fluid, elegant and touching as the original I'm afraid.
Thanks for your giveaway, kyu! One of the few VNs that look appealing to me.
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I was into Rilke for a while there - one little phrase "your hand is always raised in away" or something like that from one of Duino Elegies.... I am happier now :-p
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There's a "boobie" thing around somewhere, but I think you're safe in this game... :)
Thank you too! :) Feels like I read that a long time ago, in English, alas... :)
Hmm, thinking about it, I don't suppose it's really possible to translate a poem. If the translator does a good job, they have created a new poem, which has as inspiration the original poem, but is really its own thing. And if they do a bad job, well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the giveaway! I never liked poetry, so the answer is no :P
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Oh well, everyone likes different things... :)
Maybe I should try to convince you blah blah go read this poem blah, but I'm sure you already had enough of that in a school some time or other... :)
Good luck! :)
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